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Level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of family planning and associated factors among disabled persons, north-shewa zone, Amhara regional state, Ethiopia.
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Relaxed predation theory: size, sex and brains matter.
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The Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: More Than Just Another Reform of Psychiatry.
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Assessing the role of dens in the spread, establishment and persistence of sarcoptic mange in an endangered canid.
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Beliefs about the body and pain: the critical role in musculoskeletal pain management.
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Effects of Royal Jelly and Tocotrienol Rich Fraction in obesity treatment of calorie-restricted obese rats: a focus on white fat browning properties and thermogenic capacity.
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Autophagic Survival Precedes Programmed Cell Death in Wheat Seedlings Exposed to Drought Stress.
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Barriers to and facilitators of communication to care for people with sensory disabilities in primary health care: a multilevel study.
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Biochemical pedomorphosis and genetic assimilation in the hypoxia adaptation of Tibetan antelope.
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ヘルシーママ II トライアルの根拠、デザイン、ベースラインデータ。産後うつの予防のための運動とウェルネス介入の有効性を検討する無作為化試験
Rationale, design, and baseline data for the Healthy Mom II Trial: A randomized trial examining the efficacy of exercise and wellness interventions for the prevention of postpartum depression.
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Does subjective health matter? Predicting overall and specific ADL disability incidence.
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種の分布モデリングと距離サンプリングを組み合わせて、野生生物の個体群サイズを評価する。キイロヒゲザル(Nomascus annamensis)を用いた事例研究
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