PubMedの提供する医学論文データベースを日本語で検索できます。AI(Deep Learning)を活用した機械翻訳エンジンにより、精度高く日本語へ翻訳された論文をご参照いただけます。
Assessment of Clinical Predictability of Overbite Reduction and Curve of Spee Levelling in Clear Aligner Treatment.
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Volumetric and tridimensional root resorption and alveolar bone changes in Class II malocclusion extraction protocol treated with clear aligners and fixed orthodontic appliances: A comparative study.
- Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2025 Jan;
Management of impacted canines using clear aligners.
- J Clin Orthod.2024 Oct;58(10):591-606.
Long-term clinical performance of heat-cured high-viscosity glass ionomer class II restorations versus resin-based composites in primary molars: a randomized comparison trial.
- Eur Arch Paediatr Dent.2019 Oct;20(5):451-456.
A randomized controlled 10 years follow up of a glass ionomer restorative material in class I and class II cavities.
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An Assessment of Direct Restorative Material Use in Posterior Teeth by American and Canadian Pediatric Dentists: I. Material Choice.
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The importance of using interdental cleaning devices on prevention of tooth loss in an employee population: a cross-sectional study.
- BMC Oral Health.2024 Dec;24(1):1528.
DIAGNOdent Classicを用いた歯肉縁下結石のレーザー蛍光検出と歯周プロービングの比較
Laser fluorescence detection of subgingival calculus using the DIAGNOdent Classic versus periodontal probing.
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AI-Powered Identification of Osteoporosis in Dental Panoramic Radiographs: Addressing Methodological Flaws in Current Research.
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Detection of dental restorations using no-code artificial intelligence.
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A novel AI model for detecting periapical lesion on CBCT: CBCT-SAM.
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Comparative finite element analyses of stress exerted on the dentin by intraradicular posts.
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[Analysis of the effect and influencing factors of glass fiber post and zirconia all ceramic crown in repairing tooth defects].
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Fracture resistance and behavior of endodontically treated maxillary premolars with varying ferrule heights and post numbers: A laboratory study.
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[Analysis of difficulties in diagnosis and treatment of cracked tooth and research progress].
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Applications of AI-based deep learning models for detecting dental caries on intraoral images - a systematic review.
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Deep Learning Architecture to Infer Kennedy Classification of Partially Edentulous Arches Using Object Detection Techniques and Piecewise Annotations.
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Comparative analysis of deep learning algorithms for dental caries detection and prediction from radiographic images: a comprehensive umbrella review.
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Automated segmentation of dental restorations using deep learning: exploring data augmentation techniques.
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Evaluation of the mandibular canal and the third mandibular molar relationship by CBCT with a deep learning approach.
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Epidemiology of association between maternal periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes--systematic review.
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Pregnancy gingivitis and causal inference.
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Association between obesity and periodontitis in pregnant females.
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Periodontal Disease and Pregnancy Outcomes: Overview of Systematic Reviews.
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Pregnancy and Dentistry: A Literature Review on Risk Management during Dental Surgical Procedures.
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Oral microflora and pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Association between Maternal Periodontitis and Development of Systematic Diseases in Offspring.
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Prevalence of periodontal disease in pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Clinical investigation of oral malodor during long-term use of arginine-containing dentifrices.
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The Potential Association Between Periodontal Diseases and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials.
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The association between periodontal disease and risk of adverse maternal or neonatal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of analytical observational studies.
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The maternal factors associated with infant low birth weight: an umbrella review.
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Effect of Treating Periodontal Disease in Pregnant Women to Reduce the Risk of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight: An Umbrella Review.
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Relationship between periodontal disease and preterm birth. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Association between periodontal disease and gestational diabetes: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Sealing Socket Abutments (SSAs) in Molar Immediate Implants with a Digitalized CAD/CAM Protocol: Soft Tissue Contour Changes and Radiographic Outcomes After 2 Years.
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Effect of customized healing abutments on the peri-implant linear and volumetric tissue changes at maxillary immediate implant sites: A 1-year prospective randomized clinical trial.
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活性炭歯磨き粉と歯磨き粉による歯磨きが歯エナメル質に及ぼす光学的、機械的、化学的影響:In Vitro評価
Optical, Mechanical, and Chemical Impact of Brushing with Activated Charcoal Toothpowder and Toothpaste on Dental Enamel: An In Vitro Evaluation.
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The Effect of Oral Care Product Ingredients on Oral Pathogenic Bacteria Transcriptomics Through RNA-Seq.
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Deep margin elevation; Indications and periodontal considerations.
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Development of 3-dimensionally printed denture base material utilizing hybrid polymer: A preliminary investigation.
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Trueness of 3D-printed cobalt chromium versus titanium removable partial denture clasps.
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重度残存歯根吸収を有する患者におけるインプラント支 持オーバーデンチャーのための3次元プリント複製義歯を用いた新 しいインプラント埋入手法:症例報告
A novel implant placement technique using a three-dimensionally printed duplicate denture for implant-supported overdenture in patients with severe residual ridge resorption: A case report.
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The effect of pre-soaking and time in the ultrasonic cleaner on the cleanliness of sterilized endodontic files.
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Effect of prion decontamination protocols on nickel-titanium rotary surfaces.
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Comparison of an ultrasonic cleaner and a washer disinfector in the cleaning of endodontic files.
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Cleaning endodontic files in a washer disinfector.
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Quantitative evaluation of root canal surface roughness after filing with adaptive reciprocating and continuous rotary instruments.
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HyFlex CMおよびHyFlex EDMファイルの表面粗さに及ぼす次亜塩素酸ナトリウムおよびEDTAの影響
Effect of Sodium Hypochlorite and EDTA on Surface Roughness of HyFlex CM and HyFlex EDM Files.
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Cutting efficiency and corrosion resistance of heat-treated endodontic files after various disinfection protocols.
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Scanning Electron Microscopic Evaluation of Surface Defects of Remover Retreatment File After Single and Multiple Uses.
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XP-Endoファイルとシステムの特徴と効果:A Narrative Review
Characteristics and Effectiveness of XP-Endo Files and Systems: A Narrative Review.
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Assessing the usability and reliability of a web-based teledentistry tool for remote diagnosis of oral lesions: a cross-sectional study.
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Arthroscopic treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction: preliminary results from a prospective follow up of over five years.
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Simultaneous arthroscopy of upper and lower compartments of the temporomandibular joint.
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Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study of Oral Health and Hygiene Practices Among Pregnant Women.
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[Modification of neurophysiological study in peripheral facial nerve palsy located in the orbicularis oris muscle after a dental procedure].
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The use of methylprednisolone after third molar surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
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Limitations of panoramic radiographs in predicting mandibular wisdom tooth extraction and the potential of deep learning models to overcome them.
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Knowledge, attitudes and practices among patients with impacted wisdom teeth towards teeth extraction in Jinan, Shandong Province, China: a cross-sectional study.
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Resistance to fracture of roots obturated with novel canal-filling systems.
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Fracture Resistance of Roots after Application of Different Sealers.
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Immediate and delayed shear bond strength evaluation between root canal sealers and restorative materials: an experimental study.
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[Application status and prospect of single-cone obturation technique with bioceramic sealers].
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Three-year Clinical Outcome of Root Canal Treatment Using a Single-cone Technique and Ceraseal Premixed Bioceramic Sealer: A Prospective Cohort Study.
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Comparative Analysis of Fracture Resistance of Endodontic Sealer Types and Filling Methods.
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[Effect of premolars scissor bite on the sagittal position of mandible].
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Non-surgical adult orthodontic treatment of a unilateral scissor bite.
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Scissor Bite in Growing Patients: Case Report Treated with Clear Aligners.
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Uprighting a mesially impacted mandibular second molar with scissor bite using simple tubes.
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Measurement and analysis of condylar morphology and thickness of the roof of the glenoid fossa in patients with unilateral second molar scissor bite.
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History of Interdental Brushes: Origins, Developments, Perspectives.
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One of the best interdental brushes for focused cleaning.
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A comparison of various methods of soft tissue management following the immediate placement of implants into extraction sockets.
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Ridge preservation techniques to avoid invasive bone reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis: Naples Consensus Report Working Group C.
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根面被覆および歯肉増大治療における生物学的製剤の有効性:American Academy of Periodontology best evidence systematic review and network meta-analysis
Efficacy of biologics in root coverage and gingival augmentation therapy: An American Academy of Periodontology best evidence systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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Three-Dimensional Volumetric Analysis of the Palatal Donor Site Following Soft Tissue Harvesting.
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Emergence Time and Sequence of Primary Teeth in a Sample of Nepalese Children.
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Natal and neonatal teeth: early diagnosis and management.
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Early onset of enamel formation in Baka pygmy's deciduous canines.
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Unveiling an Uncommon Scenario of Co-occurrence of Multiple Odontomes With Impacted Maxillary Lateral Incisor and Canine in a 17-Year-Old Girl: A Unique and Rare Case Report.
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Assessing periodontitis risk from specific dietary patterns: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Impact of apical extent of root canal filling on vertical root fracture: a case-control study.
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Fracture resistance of roots enlarged with various rotary systems and obturated with different sealers.
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Glide Path in Endodontics: A Literature Review of Current Knowledge.
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Effects of radiotherapy dose and application time on the load-to-failure values of teeth filled with different sealers.
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Evaluation of the Accuracy of Electronic Apex Locators in Modern Endodontics: An Umbrella Review.
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Obturation quality of bioceramic sealers with different obturation techniques: a micro-CT evaluation.
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Clinical applications of calcium silicate-based materials: a narrative review.
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Enhancing oral squamous cell carcinoma prediction: the prognostic power of the worst pattern of invasion and the limited impact of molecular resection margins.
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Neoteric Predictors for Lymph Node Metastasis in Early Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Tumor Budding and Worst Pattern of Invasion.
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Correlation between radiological, macroscopic and microscopic depth of invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A prospective study using contrast-enhanced computed tomography.
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Antimicrobial Activity and Physicochemical Properties of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes Used as Intracanal Medication.
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Association of RS1126478 (LTF) with molar-incisor and generalized periodontitis.
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Impact of periodontal microRNAs associated with alveolar bone remodeling during orthodontic tooth movement: a randomized clinical trial.
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Pain Assessment and Need for Analgesics after Scaling and Root Planing in Patients with Stage II and Stage III Periodontitis.
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Comparative Evaluation of Scaling and Root Planing with and without Oxygen-releasing Gel in the Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis: A Split-mouth Study.
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Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)
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