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Root Canal Filling Quality Comparison of a Premixed Calcium Silicate Endodontic Sealer and Different Carrier-Based Obturation Systems.
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Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Sealers: A Narrative Review and Clinical Perspectives.
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歯科用バイオフィルムに対する4種の根管充填剤の抗菌効果に関するin vitro評価
In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial effect of four root canal sealers on dental biofilms.
- Clin Oral Investig.2022 Jun;26(6):4361-4368.
Micro-CT assessment of gap-containing areas along the gutta-percha-sealer interface in oval-shaped canals.
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Influence of acidic pH on antimicrobial activity of different calcium silicate based-endodontic sealers.
- Clin Oral Investig.2022 May;
歯周病に罹患した患者における歯の喪失をレトロスペクティブに分析した。積極的歯周治療から 10 年後の長期成績-患者関連成績-.
Retrospectively analysed tooth loss in periodontally compromised patients: Long-term results 10 years after active periodontal therapy-Patient-related outcomes.
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The Influence of Hyaluronic Acid Adjunctive Therapy of Periodontitis on Salivary Markers of Oxidative Stress: Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial.
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The loss of molars in supportive periodontal care: A 10-year follow-up for tooth- and patient-related factors.
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Morse taper connection implant system のアバットメントの機械的合併症.1~9年間のレトロスペクティブスタディ
Abutment mechanical complications of a Morse taper connection implant system: A 1- to 9-year retrospective study.
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Comparison of the effects of warfarin and heparin on bleeding caused by dental extraction: a clinical study.
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Establishment and validation of a novel nomogram for survival prediction of ovarian carcinosarcoma.
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Genetic Analysis and Combined Therapy of Surgery and Chemotherapy for the Progression-Free Survival of a Patient with Ovarian Carcinosarcoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.
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Ovarian Carcinosarcoma and Its Association with Mature Cystic Teratoma and Primary Tubal Carcinoma.
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[Perioperative nutritional supplementation-what is really evidence based?]
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Comparative evaluation of the effects of bimaxillary and mandibular setback surgery on pharyngeal airway space and hyoid bone position in skeletal class III patients.
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A Multivariate Analysis of Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Facial Skeletal Morphology.
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Are there risk factors for osseous mandibular inferior border defects after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy?
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A Review of Randomized Controlled Trials in Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery.
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Cleft患者におけるLe Fort I骨切り術。上顎の前進と咬合
Le Fort I Osteotomy in Cleft Patients: Maxillary Advancement and Articulation.
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Accidental injury of the inferior alveolar nerve due to the extrusion of calcium hydroxide in endodontic treatment: a case report.
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NTN1 の Rs9891446 は漢民族の右側口唇裂と関連している
Rs9891446 in NTN1 is associated with right-side cleft lip in Han Chinese population.
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Sexual risk and STI testing behaviour among Dutch female and male self-employed sex workers; a cross-sectional study using an Internet based survey.
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Expected and perceived burdens in patients receiving mandibular overdentures retained by one or two implants.
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Correlations between implant success rate and personality types in the older people: A preliminary case control study.
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Comparison of the Treatment Efficacy of Endo-Perio Lesions Using a Standard Treatment Protocol and Extended by Using a Diode Laser (940 nm).
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Case report on combining PRF with alloplastic bone substitute in Endo-Perio lesion.
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'Combined endo-perio lesions' - what is the best treatment?
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Effects of composition on the hardness of orthodontic adhesives.
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Periodontal acidification contributes to tooth pain hypersensitivity during orthodontic tooth movement.
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Influence of pre-drilling diameter on the stability of orthodontic anchoring screws in the mid-palatal area.
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Root canal cleaning in roots with complex canals using agitated irrigation fluids.
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Effect of pH and titratable acidity on enamel and dentine erosion.
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Quantitative proteomic analysis of gingival crevicular fluids to identify novel biomarkers of gingival recession in orthodontic patients.
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Case report: Blue chromogenic dental staining in child with West syndrome.
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Bacterial biofilms and their resistance mechanisms: a brief look at treatment with natural agents.
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イタリアにおける血友病A患者の実臨床成績と補充用血液凝固第VIII因子消費量。オクトコグ・アルファ(BAY 81-8973)投与前と投与後の予防の比較
Real-World Clinical Outcomes and Replacement Factor VIII Consumption in Patients with Haemophilia A in Italy: A Comparison between Prophylaxis Pre and Post Octocog Alfa (BAY 81-8973).
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進行性口腔癌に対するapatinib mesylateと化学療法との併用効果の検討
Effect of different doses of apatinib mesylate combined with chemotherapy on advanced oral cancer.
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Association Between Chronic Periodontal Disease and Erectile Dysfunction: A Case-Control Study.
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Association between the frequency of tooth brushing and esophageal carcinoma risk: an update systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Meta-analysis on the association between the frequency of tooth brushing and hypertension risk.
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Tooth brushing and oral health: how frequently and when should tooth brushing be performed?
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Infective endocarditis following invasive dental procedures: IDEA case-crossover study.
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歯ブラシ毛の摩耗とStreptococcus mutansの付着
Toothbrush bristle wear and adherence of Streptococcus mutans.
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Streptococcus mutansに汚染された歯ブラシの消毒
Disinfection of toothbrushes contaminated with Streptococcus mutans.
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Mutans streptococciは、in vivoで44時間、歯ブラシの毛の上で生存していた
Mutans streptococci remained viable on toothbrush bristles, in vivo, for 44 h.
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Streptococcus mutans および Staphylococcus aureus による歯ブラシへの細菌コロニー形成を低減するための簡便な処置の効果
Effects of easy-to-perform procedures to reduce bacterial colonization with Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus on toothbrushes.
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Does reduced chewing ability efficiency influence cognitive function? Results of a 10-year national cohort study.
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Prevalence of Tongue Cleaning Using a Toothbrush: A Questionnaire Survey in Fukui Prefecture, Japan.
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Virucidal Activity of Over-the-Counter Oral Care Products Against SARS-CoV-2.
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Chronic sinusitis and olfactory dysfunction.
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BMI as a risk factor for the development of chronic rhinosinusitis: a prospective population-based study.
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Comparison of active versus passive audiovisual distraction tools on children's behaviour, anxiety and pain in paediatric dentistry: a randomised crossover clinical trial.
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The Relation Between Body Mass Index and Nasal Airflow.
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Dispersion of Aerosols Generated during Dental Therapy.
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Characterization of silver diamine fluoride cytotoxicity using microfluidic tooth-on-a-chip and gingival equivalents.
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A mixed methods study on the readiness of dental, medical, and nursing students for interprofessional learning.
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Analysis of Factors Related to Working Status of Dental Hygienists in Japan.
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Alterations in the oral microbiome of individuals with a healthy oral environment following COVID-19 vaccination.
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The Relationship between the Sense of Coherence of Dental Hygiene Students in Their Graduation Year and Their View of the Profession and Attitude to Work: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Japan.
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Did the Tokyo Olympic Games enhance the transmission of COVID-19? An interpretation with machine learning.
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Quantifying the COVID19 infection risk due to droplet/aerosol inhalation.
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Effect of decontamination procedures on marginal and internal adaptation in saliva-contaminated composite resin restorations.
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Associations between parenting stress, parent feeding practices, and perceptions of child eating behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Associations of coprescribed medications for chronic comorbid conditions in very old adults with clinical dementia: a retrospective cohort study using insurance claims data.
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Effects of Early Postdischarge Rehabilitation Services on Care Needs-Level Deterioration in Older Adults With Functional Impairment: A Propensity Score-Matched Study.
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Association of temporomandibular disorders severity with otologic and concomitant pain symptoms in Asian youths.
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Influence of masticating cycles and chewing patterns on inadvertent enamel wear caused by zirconia brackets.
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Age dependence of the maturation of the midpalatal suture in the stability of orthodontic anchoring screws.
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Optimal concentration of potassium iodide to reduce the black staining of silver diamine fluoride.
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Bonding of Glass-Ionomer Cement and Adhesives to Silver Diamine Fluoride-treated Dentin: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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妊娠すると、Salmonella typhimurium に対する自然免疫抵抗力が低下し、急速に致死的な感染症に至る
Pregnancy impairs the innate immune resistance to Salmonella typhimurium leading to rapid fatal infection.
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MR T2 image classification in adult patients of cervical spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality: A predictor of surgical outcome.
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