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The BCL-2 family protein inhibitor ABT-737 as an additional tool for the treatment of EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders.
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Extremophilic microbial communities on photovoltaic panel surfaces: a two-year study.
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Structural evolution of Glycyl-tRNA synthetases alpha subunit and its implication in the initial organization of the decoding system.
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Disseminated Burkitt lymphoma presenting as massive gastrointestinal bleed.
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Separase-triggered apoptosis enforces minimal length of mitosis.
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PR1P は VEGF を安定化し、そのシグナル伝達をアップレギュレートすることで、エラスターゼ誘発マウス肺気腫を抑制する
PR1P Stabilizes VEGF and Upregulates its Signaling to Reduce Elastase Induced Murine Emphysema.
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Subcellular drug targeting illuminates local kinase action.
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Noncanonical Cell Fate Regulation by Bcl-2 Proteins.
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メキシコ、バハ・カリフォルニア州メヒカリ谷のコロラド川下流域におけるAs, Se, Hg, Pb, Cr及びトキサフェンに環境的に曝露された魚類の遺伝毒性
Genotoxicity in fishes environmentally exposed to As, Se, Hg, Pb, Cr and toxaphene in the lower Colorado River basin, at Mexicali valley, Baja California, México.
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Expression and Critical Role of Interleukin Enhancer Binding Factor 2 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
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Assessment of Static Graviceptive Perception in the Roll-Plane using the Subjective Visual Vertical Paradigm.
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Short stature and growth hormone deficiency in a subset of patients with Potocki-Lupski syndrome: Expanding the phenotype of PTLS.
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How to unleash mitochondrial apoptotic blockades to kill cancers?
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Animal-Assisted Therapy as a Non-Pharmacological Approach in Alzheimer's Disease: A Retrospective Study.
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Development and evaluation of an augmented reality education program for pediatric research.
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High incidence of unrecognized visceral/neurological late-onset Niemann-Pick disease, type C1, predicted by analysis of massively parallel sequencing data sets.
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Dietary luteolin attenuates chronic liver injury induced by mercuric chloride via the Nrf2/NF-κB/P53 signaling pathway in rats.
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Targeting GLUT1 in acute myeloid leukemia to overcome cytarabine resistance.
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Intrinsic apoptotic pathway activation increases response to anti-estrogens in luminal breast cancers.
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WHIMP links the actin nucleation machinery to Src-family kinase signaling during protrusion and motility.
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インターフェロン誘導膜貫通蛋白質(IFITM3)は SARS-CoV-2 感染肺上皮細胞で明示的に発現が亢進しています
Interferon-Induced Transmembrane Protein (IFITM3) Is Upregulated Explicitly in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Lung Epithelial Cells.
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Zika Virus: Learning from the Past as We Prepare for the Future.
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Molecular mechanism of the role of carbamyl erythropoietin in treating diabetic retinopathy rats.
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SMPD1 Mutation Update: Database and Comprehensive Analysis of Published and Novel Variants.
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乳がんにおける高カテプシン D 発現の予後的役割:システマティックレビューおよびメタアナリシス
Prognostic role of high cathepsin D expression in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Understanding the psychological appeal of populism.
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lncRNA MT1JP の過剰発現は、miR-24-3p を調節することにより、肝細胞癌細胞のアポトーシスと遊走を促進することが明らかになった
Overexpression of lncRNA MT1JP Mediates Apoptosis and Migration of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells by Regulating miR-24-3p.
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Zoledronic acid inhibits the growth of leukemic MLL-AF9 transformed hematopoietic cells.
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Diversity and distribution of fish fauna of upstream and downstream areas at Koto Panjang Reservoir, Riau Province, Indonesia.
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5-ブロモ-3,4-ジヒドロキシベンズアルデヒド(Polysiphonia morrowii由来)は、マウスのIgE/BSA刺激による肥満細胞活性化および受動的な皮膚アナフィラキシーを抑制する
5-Bromo-3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde from Polysiphonia morrowii attenuate IgE/BSA-stimulated mast cell activation and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice.
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Lateral-Expansion Pharyngoplasty: Combined Technique for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
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Activation of PPAR-β/δ Attenuates Brain Injury by Suppressing Inflammation and Apoptosis in a Collagenase-Induced Intracerebral Hemorrhage Mouse Model.
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Comparisons among vestibular examinations and symptoms of vertigo in sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients.
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Genetic counseling student demographics: an empirical comparison of two cohorts.
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Luteolin affects keloid fibroblast proliferation and apoptosis by regulating FRAT1 gene expression.
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A systematic review of p53 regulation of oxidative stress in skeletal muscle.
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Novel first-dose adverse drug reactions during a phase I trial of olipudase alfa (recombinant human acid sphingomyelinase) in adults with Niemann-Pick disease type B (acid sphingomyelinase deficiency).
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Epithelial-mesenchymal interconversions in ovarian cancer: The levels and functions of E-cadherin in intraabdominal dissemination.
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Binding of the Anti-FIV Peptide C8 to Differently Charged Membrane Models: From First Docking to Membrane Tubulation.
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The Ubiquitin System in Alzheimer's Disease.
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How Do Amphiphilic Biopolymers Gel Blood? An Investigation Using Optical Microscopy.
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State of the Art in Stratum Corneum Research. Part II: Hypothetical Stratum Corneum Lipid Matrix Models.
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Charge reversible hyaluronic acid-modified dendrimer-based nanoparticles for siMDR-1 and doxorubicin co-delivery.
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Effects of protocatechuic acid on ameliorating lipid profiles and cardio-protection against coronary artery disease in high fat and fructose diet fed in rats.
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Carbon nanotube porin diffusion in mixed composition supported lipid bilayers.
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Cantharidic acid induces apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells through p38-mediated upregulation of caspase activation.
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Influence of external NaCl salt on membrane rigidity of neutral DOPC vesicles.
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Tailored Palladium Catalysts for Selective Synthesis of Conjugated Enynes by Monocarbonylation of 1,3-Diynes.
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Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Eu(III) and Eu(II) coordination in the 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide Ionic Liquid.
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Prognostic values of mRNA expression in human gastric cancer.
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KcsA Kチャンネルを通じたイオン透過に対するアニオン性脂質の効果
Effect of anionic lipids on ion permeation through the KcsA K-channel.
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Bacterial and fungal colonization of the respiratory tract in COVID-19 patients should not be neglected.
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ネットワーク薬理学に基づく乾癬治療におけるQubi Formulaのメカニズムの検討
Investigation on the Mechanism of Qubi Formula in Treating Psoriasis Based on Network Pharmacology.
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Model membrane systems to reconstitute immune cell signaling.
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ペパーミント(Mentha piperita L.)の生育と生化学的性質は磁化塩水の影響を受けた
Pepermint (Mentha piperita L.) growth and biochemical properties affected by magnetized saline water.
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Bedside handover at the change of nursing shift: a mixed methods study.
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Eukaryotic response to hypothermia in relation to integrated stress responses.
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VIP Induces Changes in the F-/G-Actin Ratio of Schlemm's Canal Endothelium via LRRK2 Transcriptional Regulation.
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神経変性への分子的洞察 - モデルミエリン鞘におけるオキシステロールの影響に関するLangmuir単分子膜研究
Molecular insight into neurodegeneration - Langmuir monolayer study on the influence of oxysterols on model myelin sheath.
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The switch from proteasome to immunoproteasome is increased in circulating cells of patients with fast progressive immunoglobulin A nephropathy and associated with defective CD46 expression.
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Lowered Expression of MicroRNAs 221 and 222 Mediate Apoptosis Induced by High Glucose in Human Periodontal Ligament Cells.
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In vivo evaluation of arsenic-associated behavioral and biochemical alterations in F and F mice.
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Pediococcus pentosaceus B49 from human colostrum ameliorates constipation in mice.
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Annexin A3 in sepsis: novel perspectives from an exploration of public transcriptome data.
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Arsenic health risk assessment related to rice consumption behaviors in adults living in Northern Thailand.
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Aminophylline and progesterone prevent inflammation-induced preterm parturition in the mouse†.
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エクソソソームはIL-10と抗原/MHC II複合体を運搬し、抗原特異的経口耐性を誘導する
Exosomes carry IL-10 and antigen/MHC II complexes to induce antigen-specific oral tolerance.
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Comparative and retrospective evaluation of the predictive performance of optic nerve sheath thickness and optic nerve sheath diameter for traumatic brain injury using facial computed tomography.
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Fasciola giganticaの排泄分泌産物(FgESPs)は、DNMT1とTET1が関与するメカニズムを介して、水牛樹状細胞の分化と免疫機能を調節する
Fasciola gigantica excretory-secretory products (FgESPs) modulate the differentiation and immune functions of buffalo dendritic cells through a mechanism involving DNMT1 and TET1.
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Chemical diversity of volatile compounds of mints from southern part of Pannonian plain and Balkan Peninsula - new data.
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SNTG2, TRAF3IP2, ITGA6転写産物の過剰発現は、地域の高齢女性の骨粗鬆症性椎体骨折と関連している
Overexpression of SNTG2, TRAF3IP2, and ITGA6 transcripts is associated with osteoporotic vertebral fracture in elderly women from community.
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Characterization of -Iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG) Transport by Polyspecific Organic Cation Transporters: Implication for mIBG Therapy.
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TRIM9 の過剰発現は子宮筋腫細胞の増殖を促進し、NF-κB シグナル伝達経路を介して細胞のアポトーシスを抑制する
TRIM9 overexpression promotes uterine leiomyoma cell proliferation and inhibits cell apoptosis via NF-κB signaling pathway.
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Removal of MIRAgel Scleral Buckle Implants: The Direct Aspiration Technique.
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A549 肺癌細胞のアポトーシス活性を高めるナリンゲニンナノエマルジョンの製剤設計、統計的最適化、および in vitro 評価
Formulation Design, Statistical Optimization, and In Vitro Evaluation of a Naringenin Nanoemulsion to Enhance Apoptotic Activity in A549 Lung Cancer Cells.
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An Eye Tracking Study of Anti-Smoking Messages on Toxic Chemicals in Cigarettes.
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インドのメトホルミンでコントロール不十分な2型糖尿病患者におけるエボグリプチン対シタグリプチンの追加療法としての有効性と安全性:24週間無作為化二重盲検非劣性試験、EVOLUTION INDIA試験
Efficacy and safety of evogliptin versus sitagliptin as an add-on therapy in Indian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled with metformin: A 24-week randomized, double-blind, non-inferiority, EVOLUTION INDIA study.
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Electrochemotherapy with Irreversible Electroporation and FOLFIRINOX Improves Survival in Murine Models of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
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Total glucosides of paeony (TGP) alleviates constipation and intestinal inflammation in mice induced by Sjögren's syndrome.
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A novel multiple emulsion enhanced immunity via its biomimetic delivery approach.
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Exogenous intoxication by non-prescribed use of vitamin D, a case report.
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In vivo respiratory toxicology of cooking oil fumes: Evidence, mechanisms and prevention.
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Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors can inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme.
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