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Computational design of a potential multi-epitope subunit vaccine using immunoinformatics to fight Ebola virus.
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RNAseq 解析により、NaCl ストレス下で栽培されたキャノーラ(L.)の選択的イオンの摂取量に差が生じる主要なイオントランスポーターの発現変化が明らかになった
RNAseq Analysis Reveals Altered Expression of Key Ion Transporters Causing Differential Uptake of Selective Ions in Canola ( L.) Grown under NaCl Stress.
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Detecting Progression of Melanocytic Choroidal Tumors by Sequential Imaging: Is Ultrasonography Necessary?
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エチオピアにおけるPlasmodium vivaxの共蔓性のレベルが異なる環境下でのPlasmodium falciparum PfcrtおよびPfmdr1対立遺伝子の有病率
Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum Pfcrt and Pfmdr1 alleles in settings with different levels of Plasmodium vivax co-endemicity in Ethiopia.
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Nanoparticle based estrogen delivery to spinal cord injury site reduces local parenchymal destruction and improves functional recovery.
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テストステロンはアンドロゲンおよびエストロゲン受容体の活性化を介してin vitroで線維芽細胞増殖を増加させます
Testosterone Increases Fibroblast Proliferation in vitro Through Androgen and Estrogen Receptor Activation.
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Correction: Damage-induced neuronal endopeptidase (DINE) enhances axonal regeneration potential of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve injury.
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Seasonal variability of the fatty acid composition in (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa): implications for gelativore food web studies.
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Bmal1 Deletion in Myeloid Cells Attenuates Atherosclerotic Lesion Development and Restrains Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation in Hyperlipidemic Mice.
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Radiation Induces Autophagy Histone H4 Lysine 20 Trimethylation in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells.
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Continuous monitoring of suspended sediment concentrations using image analytics and deriving inherent correlations by machine learning.
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Defect structure evolution of polyacrylonitrile and single wall carbon nanotube nanocomposites: a molecular dynamics simulation approach.
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Producing Soluble Human Programmed Cell Death Protein-1: A Natural Supporter for CD4+T Cell Cytotoxicity and Tumor Cells Apoptosis.
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Data-Driven Computational Simulation in Bone Mechanics.
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Ecuadorian mothers of preschool children with and without intellectual disabilities: Individual and family dimensions.
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Lack of evidence for associative learning in pea plants.
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Banded versus modified appliances for anchorage during maxillary protraction.
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Detection of Red complex bacteria, , and in infected root canals and their association with clinical signs and symptoms.
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Recent advances in optical aptasensor technology for amplification strategies in cancer diagnostics.
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Effectiveness of Open-Ended Psychotherapy Under Clinically Representative Conditions.
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Glycine Betaine Accumulation, Significance and Interests for Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants.
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Disease prevention not decolonization - a model for fecal microbiota transplantation in patients colonized with multidrug-resistant organisms.
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Do we need to suture the pronator quadratus muscle when we do open reduction and internal fixation for fracture of the distal radius.
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Serial protein crystallography in an electron microscope.
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Charge reactions on crystalline/amorphous lanthanum nickel oxide cocatalyst modified hematite photoanode.
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ヒト ARMT1 の構造と基質特異性は、それが DUF89 ファミリーの損傷制御ホスファターゼであることを示しています
Human ARMT1 structure and substrate specificity indicates that it is a DUF89 family damage-control phosphatase.
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Management of childhood-onset autoinflammatory diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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An evaluation of lysozyme enzyme and thermal pretreatments on dairy sludge digestion and gas production.
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Periodontal Diseases as Putative Risk Factors for Head and Neck Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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パラジウム触媒を用いたエナンチオ選択的(3 + 2)β-ケトエステルとアルキリデン2-インドールとの複合インドールベースの複素環へのシクロアナン化
Palladium-Catalyzed, Enantioselective (3 + 2)-Cycloannulation of β-Keto Esters with Alkylidene 2-Indoles toward Complex Indole-Based Heterocycles.
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刺激周波数の音響放射における短時 間成分の原因としての非線形反射を圧縮法と抑制法を用いてシミュレーションした
Nonlinear reflection as a cause of the short-latency component in stimulus-frequency otoacoustic emissions simulated by the methods of compression and suppression.
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Plasma Lipidome, PNPLA3 polymorphism and hepatic steatosis in hereditary hemochromatosis.
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Ni(II), Cu(II), Co(II)を用いた二次元MOFの効率的な酸素発生電極触媒としての性能.触媒性能とMOFの構造とレドックスカップリングのポテンシャルの合理化
2D- MOFs with Ni(II), Cu(II) and Co(II) as Efficient Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts: Rationalization of Catalytic Performance vs Structure of the MOFs and Potential of the Redox Couples.
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Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor for Poly-ADP-Ribose.
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Characterization of Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria in Cow Milk of the Maltese Islands: A Geographical and Seasonal Assessment.
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線虫モデルを用いたCorynebacterium diphtheriaeのウイルス学的解析
Corynebacterium diphtheriae Virulence Analyses Using a Caenorhabditis elegans Model.
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The Outcome and Implications of Public Precautionary Measures in Taiwan-Declining Respiratory Disease Cases in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Microbial interspecific interaction and nitrogen metabolism pathway for the treatment of municipal wastewater by iron carbon based constructed wetland.
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Deep immune profiling of COVID-19 patients reveals distinct immunotypes with therapeutic implications.
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Antiproliferative effects of monoclonal antibodies against (pro)renin receptor in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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自己免疫CD8 T細胞の炎症性プロファイルはLDHA活性の増加と好気性解糖に依存している
Proinflammatory profile of autoimmune CD8 T cells relies on increased LDHA activity and aerobic glycolysis.
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A heterogeneous fenton-like system with green iron nanoparticles for the removal of bisphenol A:Performance, kinetics and transformation mechanism.
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Unequal impact of structural health determinants and comorbidity on COVID-19 severity and lethality in older Mexican adults: Considerations beyond chronological aging.
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トリプトファン 2,3-ジオキシゲナーゼの触媒的三元錯体の速度論的および分光学的特性
Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the catalytic ternary complex of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase.
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Evaluating the efficacy and safety of vascular IPL for treatment of acute cutaneous leishmaniasis: a randomized controlled trial.
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The self-defining period in autobiographical memory: Evidence from a long-running radio show.
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Prospective Evaluation of ISTH-BAT as a Predictor of Bleeding Disorder in Adolescents Presenting with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in a Multidisciplinary Hematology Clinic.
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Formation and enhanced photodegradation of chlorinated derivatives of bisphenol A in wastewater treatment plant effluent.
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Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease induced by a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet through modulation of different gut microbiota-dependent pathways.
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The role of staging Computed Tomography on detection of occult metastasis in asymptomatic breast cancer patients.
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Crystal structure of 2-fluoro-N-(1,3-thia-zol-2-yl)benzamide.
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The predictive applicability of liberal versus restrictive intubation criteria in adult patients with suspected inhalation injury - a retrospective cohort study.
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A study of job stress, suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in display manufacturing workers: a cross-sectional study.
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Hermetia illucens(L. 1758)の脂質代謝について:前蛹の脂肪酸の起源について
About lipid metabolism in Hermetia illucens (L. 1758): on the origin of fatty acids in prepupae.
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KD025 Shifts Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Bioenergetics and Decreases Baseline Lung Permeability.
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湿地植物であるPhalaris arundinaceaは、産卵期に窒素とリンを蓄積することが明らかになった
A wetland plant, Phalaris arundinacea, accumulates nitrogen and phosphorus during senescence.
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Ethiopia: How the Care of 100 Million People Pivots on a Single Cobalt Teletherapy Machine.
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Effects of the Sintering Process on Nacre-Derived Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Engineering.
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Simultaneous Three-Dimensional Vascular and Tubular Imaging of Whole Mouse Kidneys With X-ray μCT.
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Innovations in Practice: CUES-Ed: an in-service evaluation of a new universal cognitive behavioural early mental health intervention programme for primary school children.
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Realizing optical bistability and tristability in plasmonic coated nanoparticles with radial-anisotropy and Kerr-nonlinearity.
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Accessible Rates to Health Information on the Internet in Elderlies Increased Among Fifteen Years.
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Phase behaviour and structure of a model biomolecular condensate.
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The Application of Leak Detection and Repair Program in VOCs Control in China's Petroleum Refineries.
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Is consumption of fast-food and carbonated soft drink associated with anxiety-induced sleep disturbance among adolescents? A population-based study.
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Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma: Institutional trend toward induction chemotherapy followed by definitive chemoradiation.
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Alzheimer's disease in the gut-Major changes in the gut of 5xFAD model mice with ApoA1 as potential key player.
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Ecological risks of heavy metals as influenced by water-level fluctuations in a polluted plateau wetland, southwest China.
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Seven P's of publication practices.
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Oral toxicity of titanium dioxide P25 at repeated dose 28-day and 90-day in rats.
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Sudden Onset Fluent Aphasia: Stroke or Seizure?
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Screening and structure study of active components of Astragalus polysaccharide for injection based on different molecular weights.
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Overestimation of Early Childhood Caries Using the dmfs Index.
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A randomized controlled trial of internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescent anxiety disorders in a routine clinical care setting with and without parent sessions.
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[What to do in cases of postoperative damage of the ulnar nerve after K‑wire osteosynthesis of supracondylar humeral fractures in childhood?]
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Structure of a push-pull olefin prepared by ynamine hydro-boration with a borandiol ester.
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Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria in Countries in Asia and the Pacific.
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The survey on cellular and tissue-engineered therapies in Europe in 2016 and 2017.
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Radiation-induced meningiomas.
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[C^N]-Alkenyl Gold(III) Complexes by Proximal Ring-Opening of (2-Pyridyl)alkylidenecyclopropanes: Mechanistic Insights.
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Imaging Mass Spectrometry Reveals the Changes in the Taurine Conjugates of Dihydroxycholanoic Acid During Hepatic Warm Ischemia and Reperfusion in a Rat Model.
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Predicting Early Life Stage Mortality in Birds and Fishes from Exposure to Low Potency Agonists of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: A Cross-species Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway Approach.
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Enzalutamide plus androgen-deprivation therapy in hormone-sensitive prostate cancer: new perspectives from a current Phase III clinical trial.
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Crystal structure of dimethyl 3,3'-[(4-fluoro-phen-yl)methyl-ene]bis-(1H-indole-2-carboxyl-ate).
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Rifapentine Population Pharmacokinetics and Dosing Recommendations for Latent Tuberculosis Infection.
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Tangled pasts, healthier futures: Nursing strategies to improve American Indian/Alaska Native health equity.
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インドネシアにおけるwMel Wolbachiaの規模での放流を用いたデング熱の制御の費用対効果:モデリング研究
The cost-effectiveness of controlling dengue in Indonesia using wMel Wolbachia released at scale: a modelling study.
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帯状疱疹後神経痛。実践編 漢方に戻る
Postherpetic Neuralgia: Practical Experiences Return to Traditional Chinese Medicine.
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Postoperative cognitive change after cardiac surgery predicts long-term cognitive outcome.
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Genome-wide association study of shank length and diameter at different developmental stages in chicken F2 resource population.
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Parainfluenza Virus Types 1-3 Infections Among Children and Adults Hospitalized with Community-Acquired Pneumonia.
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MASP2 levels are elevated in thrombotic microangiopathies: Association with microvascular endothelial cell injury and suppression by anti-MASP2 antibody narsoplimab.
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The Stem Cell Pluripotency Genes Klf4 and Oct4 Regulate Complex SMC Phenotypic Changes Critical in Late-Stage Atherosclerotic Lesion Pathogenesis.
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Low-dose brimonidine for relief of ocular redness: integrated analysis of four clinical trials.
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Glycoprotein VI - Novel target in antiplatelet medication.
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Increased adiposity in children with obesity is associated with low red blood cell omega-3 fatty acid status and inadequate polyunsaturated fatty acid dietary intake.
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Modelling the Transference of Trace Elements between Environmental Compartments in Abandoned Mining Areas.
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[Kawasaki disease - a new manifestation of COVID-19 in children].
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Functional characterization of wheat myo-inositol oxygenase promoter under different abiotic stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana.
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Meta-analysis of right ventricular function in patients with aortic stenosis after transfemoral aortic valve replacement or surgical aortic valve replacement.
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