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血中網膜関門における C 反応性蛋白質プロ炎症表現型の活性化:加齢黄斑変性症への示唆
Activation of C-reactive protein proinflammatory phenotype in the blood retinal barrier : implications for age-related macular degeneration.
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Trimethoprim: An Old Antibacterial Drug as a Template to Search for New Targets. Synthesis, Biological Activity and Molecular Modeling Study of Novel Trimethoprim Analogs.
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Genome-Wide Identification of Genes Involved in General Acid Stress and Fluoride Toxicity in .
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Different clinical courses of various radiologic findings in fibromuscular dysplasia during a 7-year follow-up: A case report.
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[Covid-19: health care workers between heroism and ostracism].
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Adjuvant I-metuximab in hepatocellular carcinoma: a new option for an old drug?
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Disseminated Cat Scratch Disease in Pediatric Patients in Hawai'i.
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The effectiveness of ferulic acid and microneedling in reducing signs of photoaging: a split-face comparative study.
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Effect of bacterial nanocellulose binding on the bactericidal activity of bovine lactoferrin.
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Weaning From Exogenous Sedation in the Era of COVID-19 Infection: Recommendations for Sedation and Its Discontinuation.
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Removal of antibiotics during the anaerobic digestion of pig manure.
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SyrSpend SF pH4におけるトラマドール、フルオキセチンおよびドキシサイクリンの一時経口懸濁液の安定性
Stability of Extemporaneous Oral Tramadol, Fluoxetine, and Doxycycline Suspensions in SyrSpend SF pH4.
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Mental distress and need for psychosocial support in prostate cancer patients: An observational cross-sectional study.
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Role of FIP200 in inflammatory processes beyond its canonical autophagy function.
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Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation in infants born preterm and the effect on attention at 18 months' corrected age: follow-up of a subset of the N3RO randomised controlled trial.
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SIV感染における大腸粘膜関連マイクロバイオーム:Bacteroidetesへのシフトは粘膜CD4 T細胞枯渇と腸球損傷と一致する
The colonic mucosa-associated microbiome in SIV infection: shift towards Bacteroidetes coincides with mucosal CD4 T cell depletion and enterocyte damage.
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Role of chest radiographs in early lung cancer detection.
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Green and Sustainable Manufacture of Ultrapure Engineered Nanomaterials.
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Assessment of transthyretin cut-off values for a better screening of malnutrition: Retrospective determination and prospective validation.
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Sperm antioxidant system in ocellate river stingray Potamotrygon motoro at transition from seminal vesicle to cloaca.
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A Decellularized Matrix Hydrogel Derived from Human Dental Pulp Promotes Dental Pulp Stem Cells Proliferation, Migration, and Induced Multidirectional Differentiation in vitro.
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Sustained Focal Vascular Inflammation Accelerates Atherosclerosis in Remote Arteries.
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Sustainable hybrid photocatalysts: titania immobilized on carbon materials derived from renewable and biodegradable resources.
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A retrospective case-controlled cohort study of inpatient drug induced liver injury: the RIDDLE study.
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Enriched environment improves post-stroke cognitive impairment and inhibits neuroinflammation and oxidative stress by activating Nrf2-ARE pathway.
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Evaluation and impact factors of indoor and outdoor gas-phase nitrous acid under different environmental conditions.
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Life and Death in the Age of COVID-19.
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Incidence and predictors of virological failure among adult HIV patients on first-line antiretroviral therapy in Amhara regional referral hospitals; Ethiopia: a retrospective follow-up study.
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Caregivers of adolescents with mental health issues using communication technology: a systematic review.
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Utilizing SEER Cancer Registries for Population-Based Cancer Survivor Epidemiologic Studies: A Feasibility Study.
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Nanostructured-membrane electron phase plates.
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Combined lectin- and immuno-histochemistry (CLIH) for applications in cell biology and cancer diagnosis: Analysis of human urothelial carcinomas.
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The Importance of Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase Gene Analysis Before Azathioprine Therapy.
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Spiral electrode for continuous fetal heart rate monitoring during in-utero myelomeningocele repair.
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Study on immunoregulation function of peony seed proteolysis product in mice.
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The role of an antibiotic envelope in the prevention of major cardiac implantable electronic device infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Development of autoimmune thyroid disease in multiple sclerosis patients post-alemtuzumab improves treatment response.
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Five-year outcomes of endovascular repair of complicated acute type B aortic dissections.
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ドイツにおける初のCytauxzoon sp.感染症の報告:家猫における生物学的説明と分子的確認
First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat.
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Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of some new 2-Pyrazoline derivatives as potential anticancer agents.
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Molecular Evidence of Bacteria in Clothes Lice Collected from Homeless People Living in Shelters in Marseille.
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シリコンの葉面散布は、ダイズ(Glycine max (L.) Merr.)のリグニン生合成遺伝子を制御することで、低光ストレス下での茎の強度を向上させる
Foliar application of silicon improves stem strength under low light stress by regulating lignin biosynthesis genes in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.).
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Removal of Trans-2-nonenal Using Hen Egg White Lysosomal-Related Enzymes.
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Progresses toward precision medicine in RET-altered solid tumors.
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Robot-assisted real-time sentinel lymph node mapping in oral cavity cancer: preliminary experience.
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Comparative amino acid digestibility between broiler chickens and pigs fed different poultry byproducts and meat and bone meal.
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Inhibition of programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression in breast cancer cells by sesamin.
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Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
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Theoretical analysis of mode conversion by refractive-index perturbation based on a single tilted slot on a silicon waveguide.
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Analysis of Chemical Simulants in Urine: A Useful Tool for Assessing Emergency Decontamination Efficacy in Human Volunteer Studies.
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ベトナム産Apis ceranaミツバチの腸内マイクロバイオームの調査
Investigation of the gut microbiome of Apis cerana honeybees from Vietnam.
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Practical management of worsening renal function in outpatients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: Statement from a panel of multidisciplinary experts and the Heart Failure Working Group of the French Society of Cardiology.
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Individual doses for super cohort members exposed to atmospheric radioiodine from the Mayak releases with an emphasis on prenatal doses.
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フェルロイルエステラーゼ産生ラクトバチルス・プランタルムおよびセルラーゼ前処理のリグノセルロース分解およびセルロース転化に及ぼす影響の評価 コーン茎とジャガイモパルプの共繊化に及ぼすフェルロイルエステラーゼ産生ラクトバチルス・プランタルムおよびセルラーゼ前処理の影響
Evaluation of the effect of feruloyl esterase-producing Lactobacillus plantarum and cellulase pretreatments on lignocellulosic degradation and cellulose conversion of co-ensiled corn stalk and potato pulp.
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Inappropriate Antibiotic Allergy Documentation in Health Records: A Qualitative Study on Family Physicians' and Pharmacists' Experiences.
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Blood pressure postpartum (BP) RCT protocol: Follow-up and lifestyle behaviour change strategies in the first 12 months after hypertensive pregnancy.
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Prevalence and characterization ofEscherichia coli O157:H7 on pork carcasses and in swine colon content from provincially-licensed abattoirs in Alberta, Canada.
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Telemediated Training in the Home as a Part of the Everyday Life and Practice With Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
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African green monkeys avoid SIV disease progression by preventing intestinal dysfunction and maintaining mucosal barrier integrity.
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UV Irradiation-Induced SERS Enhancement in Randomly Distributed Au Nanostructures.
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Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Cellular Hierarchies and Impaired Developmental Trajectories in Pediatric Ependymoma.
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Decrease of intracellular ROS by arbutin is associated with apoptosis induction and downregulation of IL-1β and TNF-α in LNCaP; prostate cancer.
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Aortoenteric fistula secondary to an Inflammatory Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
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Neuroendocrine Tumor: A Rare, Aggressive Tumor of the Gallbladder.
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Correlation between Surgical Outcome and Stage of Acquired Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: Revalidation of the EAONO/JOS Staging System.
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Treatment of COVID-19 - Evidence-Based or Personalized Medicine?
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QbD based development of HPLC method for simultaneous quantification of Telmisartan and Hydrochlorothiazide impurities in tablets dosage form.
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Mechanisms of the Impact of Hashimoto Thyroiditis on Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Progression: Relationship with the Tumor Immune Microenvironment.
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Validation of an enzyme immunoassay for the quantification of testosterone in green iguana males (Iguana iguana).
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Nephrotoxicity Associated with Novel Anticancer Agents (Aflibercept, Dasatinib, Nivolumab): Case Series and Nephrological Considerations.
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Application of "spider-web" mode in discovery and identification of Q-markers from Xuefu Zhuyu capsule.
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mTcSestamibi SPECTは副甲状腺患者の増殖指数、血管新生、血管浸潤を予測できる。レトロスペクティブ研究
[mTc]Sestamibi SPECT Can Predict Proliferation Index, Angiogenesis, and Vascular Invasion in Parathyroid Patients: A Retrospective Study.
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RNA Sequencing of Formalin-Fixed and Paraffin-Embedded Tissue as a Complementary Method in Ophthalmopathology.
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Data on the diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from raw and fermented camel milk.
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Chlorthalidone and Hydrochlorothiazide for Treatment of Patients With Hypertension-Reply.
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Blood Flow Limits Endothelial Cell Extrusion in the Zebrafish Dorsal Aorta.
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ポーランドの成人集団における高血圧および正常血圧の参加者における心血管疾患の危険因子および選択された心血管疾患の有病率。WOBASZ II研究
Prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors and selected cardiovascular diseases in hypertensive and normotensive participants in the adult Polish population: The WOBASZ II study.
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Electrocatalytic Deuteration of Halides with D2O as the Deuterium Source over a Copper Nanowire Arrays Cathode.
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Nanomechanical mapping of soft materials with the atomic force microscope: methods, theory and applications.
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The mediation role of work-life balance stress and chronic fatigue in the relationship between workaholism and depression among Chinese male workers in Hong Kong.
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Circulatory CD4-Positive T-Lymphocyte Imbalance Mediated by Homocysteine-Induced AIM2 and NLRP1 Inflammasome Upregulation and Activation Is Associated with Human Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
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Analysis of Preferences in the Use of Fixed-Doses Combinations Antihypertensive Drugs in the Regions of Far-Eastern Federal District.
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Cilostazol versus aspirin in ischemic stroke with cerebral microbleeds versus prior intracerebral hemorrhage.
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Measuring the psychological drivers of participation in collective action to address violence against women in Mumbai, India.
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Associations between resting-state functional connectivity and treatment response in a randomized clinical trial for posttraumatic stress disorder.
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The IL-1 family cytokines and receptors in autoimmune diseases.
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Neuroanatomy of the lumbosacral plexus in a highly diversified clade of South-American lizards. Evolution and phylogenetic implications.
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Methylene blue-covered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles combined with red light as a novel platform to fight non-local bacterial infections: A proof of concept study against Escherichia coli.
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ロイシン-rich repeat-containing G-protein (Lgr5)の予後評価と大腸癌の臨床病理学的特徴への影響
The prognostic value of leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein (Lgr5) and its impact on clinicopathological features of colorectal cancer.
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"It's about how we do it, not if we do it". Nurses' experiences with implicit rationing of nursing care in acute care hospitals: A descriptive qualitative study.
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Ca-アルギン酸ビーズに固定化したゼロ価鉄(ZVI)をオゾンを用いたエアリフト反応器におけるC.I.Reactive Red 195触媒分解に適用した
Application of zero valent iron (ZVI) immobilized in Ca-Alginate beads for C.I. Reactive Red 195 catalytic degradation in an air lift reactor operated with ozone.
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Safety evaluation of the food enzyme α-amylase from a genetically modified strain of (DP-Dzb25).
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Whole Genome Sequencing and Characterization of Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Bacterial Strains Isolated From a Norwegian University Campus Pond.
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臍帯の真の結び目の出生前診断 - どのように正確に我々はすることができますか?
Antenatal Detection of True Knot in the Umbilical Cord - How Accurate Can We Be?
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Radioactive feeding tube in the palliation of esophageal malignant obstruction.
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Nanozymes used for antimicrobials and their applications.
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Low Density In-Medium Effects on Light Clusters from Heavy-Ion Data.
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