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4-hydroxy-2-nonenal decreases coronary endothelial cell migration: Potentiation by aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 inhibition.
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Mealtime Caregiving Engagement for Residents with Advanced Dementia: Item Response Theory Analysis.
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Indoxyl sulfate induces intestinal barrier injury through IRF1-DRP1 axis-mediated mitophagy impairment.
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Significance of switching of the nucleos(t)ide analog used to treat Japanese patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection from entecavir to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate.
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Outcome of Root Canal Treatments Provided by Endodontic Postgraduate Students. A Retrospective Study.
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コメットテール、DNA損傷や修復の指標に?Liu et al. Oral Oncology 2020 Jan;100:104469を参照
Comet tail, an indicator for DNA damage or repair?: Refers to Liu et al. Oral Oncology 2020 Jan;100:104469.
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Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement.
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Cutting Edge: Role of MASP-3 in Physiological Activation of Factor D of Alternative Complement Pathway」へのコメントへの反応
Response to Comment on "Cutting Edge: Role of MASP-3 in the Physiological Activation of Factor D of the Alternative Complement Pathway".
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Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Placement Following Alcohol Septal Ablation for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in the US.
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COVID-19 手を洗っても消してはいけない私たちの職業-手技療法の過去と現在についての考察
COVID-19 wash your hands but don't erase them from our profession - considerations on manual therapy past and present.
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Dependencies of hydrogen-water on mineral-based hardness, temperatures and the container materials, and effects of the oral washing and drinking.
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Satisfaction with neighbourhood environment moderates the associations between objective neighbourhood environment and leisure-time physical activity in older adults in Beijing, China.
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Early use of an implantable diaphragm pacing stimulator for a child with severe acute flaccid myelitis-a case report.
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Vaccination Coverage of the Elderly in Greece: A Cross-Sectional Nationwide Study.
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Population-based estimates of healthy working life expectancy in England at age 50 years: analysis of data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.
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オーストラリアのST744における多剤耐性IncHI2 ST4プラスミドのゲノム解析
Genomic Characterisation of a Multiple Drug Resistant IncHI2 ST4 Plasmid in ST744 in Australia.
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Effects of Early and Current Environmental Enrichment on Behavior and Growth in Pigs.
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Initiating clozapine treatment service and characteristics of clozapine-treated patients in a general hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Earlier tachycardia for seizures originating from the right versus left hemisphere in a patient with bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Continual improvement of the pre-analytical process in a public health laboratory with quality indicators-based risk management.
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Insights into Potential Mechanisms of Injury and Treatment Targets in COVID-19, SARS-Cov-2 Infection.
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Analysis on gene modular network reveals morphogen-directed development robustness in .
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[Folate deficiency as a differential diagnosis to severe pre-eclampsia].
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Pseudotyped lentiviral vectors for tract-targeting and application for the functional control of selective neural circuits.
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Dynamic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 shedding and neutralizing antibody in children with COVID-19.
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Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder is Not Associated with High-Risk HPV.
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Dexmedetomidine and Cognitive Dysfunction after Critical Illness: What Can (and Cannot) Be Extrapolated from Rodent Models.
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Preintervention risk stratification of renal pelvic cancer and ureteral cancer should differ.
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Migration and transformation of 1,1-dimethylhydrazine in peat bog soil of rocket stage fall site in Russian North.
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オーストラリアのダーウィン地域におけるキネトプラスティダ(Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae)の媒介者と疑われる() (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)の種を、新しいサーベイランスシステムを用いて調査した
Utilising a novel surveillance system to investigate species of () (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) as the suspected vectors of (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) in the Darwin region of Australia.
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TRPC6-dependent Ca signaling mediates airway inflammation in response to oxidative stress via ERK pathway.
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In response to leung.
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Structural, spectroscopic, and photochemical study of ethyl propiolate isolated in cryogenic argon and nitrogen matrices.
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Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptance of Bread Enriched with Alternative Proteins.
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Vitamin D and the Host-Gut Microbiome: A Brief Overview.
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S-methyl-L-cysteine Protects against Antimycin A-induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neural Cells via Mimicking Endogenous Methionine-centered Redox Cycle.
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Topography of Cholinergic Changes in Dementia With Lewy Bodies and Key Neural Network Hubs.
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Acute Myopericarditis with Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade in a Patient with COVID-19.
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N-WASP Control of LPAR1 Trafficking Establishes Response to Self-Generated LPA Gradients to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Cell Metastasis.
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DNA backbone interactions impact the sequence specificity of DNA sulfur-binding domains: revelations from structural analyses.
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Activation of Mitochondrial orf355 Gene Expression by A Nuclear-Encoded DREB Transcription Factor Causes Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Maize.
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Cooling assisted headspace microextraction by packed sorbent coupled to HPLC for the determination of volatile polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil.
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Mesenchymal stromal cell-derived factors promote the colonization of collagen 3D scaffolds with human skin cells.
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Mathematical Models and Computer Simulation of Chemical Carcinogenesis Process and its Inhibition by Anticarcinogenic Substances.
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The global meningitis genome partnership.
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廃水からのリン除去を増強するための新しいろ過媒体としてのホワイトハードクラム(Meretrix lyrata)の貝殻
White hard clam (Meretrix lyrata) shells as novel filter media to augment the phosphorus removal from wastewater.
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Targeting CD70 with cusatuzumab eliminates acute myeloid leukemia stem cells in patients treated with hypomethylating agents.
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HIV-1 自然感染および RV114 ワクチン試験における Fc 媒介応答に関与する C1/C2 エピトープの認識パターン
Recognition Patterns of the C1/C2 Epitopes Involved in Fc-Mediated Response in HIV-1 Natural Infection and the RV114 Vaccine Trial.
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Ciliary beating amplitude controlled by intracellular Cl and a high rate of CO production in ciliated human nasal epithelial cells.
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Autologous Fat Injection for Treatment of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency.
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Ribosome profiling reveals a functional role for autophagy in mRNA translational control.
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Adsorption of amoxicillin onto high surface area-activated carbons based on olive biomass: kinetic and equilibrium studies.
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深海エビAristeus antennatusとGennadas elegansの最初の原生動物期の形態学的記述を鍵とする
Morphological description of the first protozoeal stage of the deep-sea shrimps Aristeus antennatus and Gennadas elegans, with a key.
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Bacterial diversity in Korean temple kimchi fermentation.
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Data stratification toward advanced flood waste estimation: A case study in South Korea.
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Durability of staining and glazing on a hybrid ceramics after the three-body wear.
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インドネシアの蚊から分離された蚊媒介ウイルス、昆虫特異的フラビウイルス(フラビウイルス科、フラビウイルス属)、Bannaウイルス(Reoviridae科、Seadornavirus属)、Bogorウイルス(Permutotetraviridae科の未分類メンバー)、およびalphamesoniviruses 2および3(Mesoniviridae科、Alphamesonivirus属)を用いて、蚊が媒介するウイルスを調査した
Mosquito-borne viruses, insect-specific flaviviruses (family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus), Banna virus (family Reoviridae, genus Seadornavirus), Bogor virus (unassigned member of family Permutotetraviridae), and alphamesoniviruses 2 and 3 (family Mesoniviridae, genus Alphamesonivirus) isolated from Indonesian mosquitoes.
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Pathophysiology and pathological findings of heatstroke in dogs.
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Selectively-Packaged Proteins in Breast Cancer Extracellular Vesicles Involved in Metastasis.
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Nicotine induces cardiac toxicity through blocking mitophagic clearance in young adult rat.
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Race and Genetics: Somber History, Troubled Present.
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α adrenergic receptor activation has a dynamic effect on masticatory muscle afferent fibers.
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Characterization of an immunogenic cellulase secreted by Cryptococcus pathogens.
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Effect of silver diamine fluoride on the bond durability of normal and carious dentin.
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Two Is Better Than One: デングとジカの間のT細胞交差防御の証拠とワクチン設計への示唆
Two Is Better Than One: Evidence for T-Cell Cross-Protection Between Dengue and Zika and Implications on Vaccine Design.
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RNA-DamID を用いた RNA-クロマチン相互作用の生体内マッピング
Mapping RNA-Chromatin Interactions In Vivo with RNA-DamID.
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Personality Structure and Attachment in Bipolar Disorder.
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Interfering Effects of Fertilization and Vitrification on Expression of and in Mouse Blastocysts.
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Analysis of gene expression profiling of amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light-chains on cultured rat cardiomyocytes.
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The tongue flap for large palatal fistulas, a success or a failure? Our 15-year experience.
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Establishment of the circadian metabolic phenotype strategy in spontaneously hypertensive rats: a dynamic metabolomics study.
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Antiviral activity of PLK1-targeting siRNA delivered by lipid nanoparticles in HBV-infected hepatocytes.
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Is this still just sarcoidosis, or should we a-DRESS a different diagnosis?
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Shear bond strength of zirconia ceramic to the primary tooth dentin.
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Hexokinase 2 is dispensable for photoreceptor development but is required for survival during aging and outer retinal stress.
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Unprecedented Radiation Resistant Thorium-Binaphthol MOF.
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Tools to guide the identification and implementation of care consistent with the psychosocial Standards of care.
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Current and emerging therapies for insomnia.
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One-Pot Generating Subunit Vaccine with High Encapsulating Efficiency and Fast Lysosome Escape for Potent Cellular Immune Response.
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Lactate production by Staphylococcus aureus biofilm inhibits HDAC11 to reprogramme the host immune response during persistent infection.
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MCF-7 細胞における 6-チオグアニンの DNMT1 活性のサイレンシングを介した腫瘍抑制経路のトランスクリプトーム解析
Transcriptomics Analysis of the Tumor-Inhibitory Pathways of 6-Thioguanine in MCF-7 Cells via Silencing DNMT1 Activity.
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Adhesive window technique for interventions on lip mucosa.
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Spatial distribution and incidence trend of human alveolar echinococcosis in southwest Germany: increased incidence and urbanization of the disease?
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その結果、三酸化ヒ素と BIBR1532 は、NF-κB シグナル伝達経路の減衰を介して乳がん細胞の増殖を相乗的に抑制することが確認されました
Arsenic trioxide and BIBR1532 synergistically inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation through attenuation of NF-κB signaling pathway.
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2D Saturation Transfer Difference NMR for Determination of Protein Binding Sites on RNA Guanine Quadruplexes.
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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated double knockout of SRPK1 and SRPK2 in a nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line.
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Changes in thyroid hormone levels and related gene expressions in embryo-larval zebrafish exposed to binary combinations of bifenthrin and acetochlor.
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Korean Red Ginseng alleviates neuroinflammation and promotes cell survival in the intermittent heat stress-induced rat brain by suppressing oxidative stress via estrogen receptor beta and brain-derived neurotrophic factor upregulation.
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フィンゴリモッドは、真菌Isaria sinclairiiの天然物を化学修飾して発見されました
Discovery of fingolimod based on the chemical modification of a natural product from the fungus, Isaria sinclairii.
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COVID-19 and the cancer care workforce: From doctors to ancillary staff.
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Molecular characterization and gene expression modulation of the alternative oxidase in a scuticociliate parasite by hypoxia and mitochondrial respiration inhibitors.
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Impact of anthropogenic activities on the alluvial aquifers of north-east Punjab, India.
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First Report of (Filarioidea) in Mute Swan () in Poland - the Case Report.
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