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In Vivoにおけるレーザー変位計を用いた即時荷重時のインプラント安定性変化の解析と共振周波数解析との感度比較
Analysis of Implant Stability Changes in Immediate Loading Using a Laser Displacement Sensor In Vivo and Comparison of Its Sensitivity with That of Resonance Frequency Analysis.
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Autogenous Bone and Bioactive Glass around Implants Placed Simultaneously with Ridge Splitting for the Treatment of Horizontal Bony Defects: A Randomised Clinical Trial.
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Comparative Bone Graft Evaluation for Dental Implant Success: An Evidence-Based Review.
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Long-Term Outcomes of Implants Placed in Autogenous Onlay Bone Grafts Harvested from Mandibular Ramus and Risk Analysis.
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自家製Block Onlay Graftを用いた小児患者の狭い歯槽骨稜の補強術。A case report
Augmentation of Narrow Anterior Alveolar Ridge Using Autogenous Block Onlay Graft in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report.
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複数の遺伝性外骨腫を有する中年患者の前腕部変形に対する矯正手術。A case report
Corrective Surgery for a Forearm Deformity in a Middle-Aged Patient with Multiple Hereditary Exostoses: A Case Report.
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A 20-year historical prospective cohort study of root canal treatments. A Multilevel analysis.
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Effect of immediate periodontal surgical treatment on periodontal healing in combined endodontic-periodontal lesions with communication-A randomized clinical trial.
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Successful management of a tooth with endodontic-periodontal lesion: A case report.
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歯内療法と歯周病の真の複合病変の治療における再生療法モダリティ。A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Regenerative Therapy Modality for Treatment of True Combined Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
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歯内療法と歯周病の真の複合病変の治療における再生療法モダリティ。A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Regenerative Therapy Modality for Treatment of True Combined Endodontic-Periodontal Lesions: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
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HPLC-method for deliberation of drug mammary transfer-evaluation of over-the-counter drugs (Loxonin(®)-S, Bufferin(®) A) in mother mice.
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Mechanistic Insight into Orthodontic Tooth Movement Based on Animal Studies: A Critical Review.
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A Prosthodontic Approach as a Complementary Solution for a Complicated Orthodontic Treatment of a Patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia.
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