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Effect of cementation and aging on the marginal fit of veneered and monolithic zirconia and metal-ceramic CAD-CAM crowns.
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無機質な牛骨を充填し,Xenogeneic Collagen Matrixで覆った抜歯後のソケットの治癒。次元的安定性を評価するためのパイロットスタディの2Dおよび3D放射線学的結果
Healing of Post-Extraction Sockets Filled with Anorganic Bovine Bone and Covered with a Xenogeneic Collagen Matrix. Radiological 2D and 3D Results of a Pilot Study to Assess Dimensional Stability.
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Utilization of biphasic calcium sulfate as socket preservation grafting as a prelude to implant placement, a case report.
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Improved access to the bone marrow space by multiple perforations of the alveolar bundle bone after tooth extraction-A case report.
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Preservation of Alveolar Ridge using Graft Material after Tooth Extraction: A Clinical Trial.
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Comparison between four different implant surface debridement methods: an in-vitro experimental study.
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Comparative analysis of preclinical dental students' working postures using dental loupes and dental operating microscope.
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熱サイクルを受けたクラスVコンポジット修復物の marginal microleakage に対する選択した脱感作剤の影響:in vitro 研究
The influence of a selected desensitizer on marginal microleakage of a class V composite restoration subjected to thermocycles: an in vitro study.
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Periapical Microsurgery with an Endoscope and Microscope of Two Upper Central Incisors Already Subjected to Periapical Surgery 25 Years Ago.
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Accuracy and efficiency of guided root-end resection using a dynamic navigation system: a human cadaver study.
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Silver diamine fluoride and cleaning methods effects on dentin bond strength.
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Impact of Different Root Conditioning Agents on Periodontally Affected Root Surface: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study.
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Intratubular viability assessment following root canal instrumentation with rotary and reciprocating systems via fluorescence microscopy.
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根面齲蝕の進行におけるヒト好中球の酵素の役割に関するin vitro研究
In vitro Study of the Role of Human Neutrophil Enzymes on Root Caries Progression.
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The advantages of the dental operative microscope in restorative dentistry.
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Obliterating potential of active products for dentin hypersensitivity treatment under an erosive challenge.
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Advanced imaging of dentin microstructure.
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Ergonomic Consideration of Sight Shifts between the Microscopic and Macroscopic Environments in Microscopic Dentistry for Inexperienced Operators.
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Influence of surface modification of titanium implants on improving osseointegration: An in vitro study.
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Evaluating the efficacy of desensitizing dentifrices on dentinal hypersensitivity management: A scanning electron microscopic analysis.
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A Comparative Evaluation of Microleakage between Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer, Flowable Composite, and Cention-N in Class V Restorations: A Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope Study.
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A laboratory study to assess the physical, mechanical, and 3-D structural properties of nano-apatite grafted glass fibre-based endodontic posts.
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A laboratory study to assess the physical, mechanical, and 3-D structural properties of nano-apatite grafted glass fibre-based endodontic posts.
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Effect of various single file systems on microcrack formation in root canals: Scanning electron microscope study.
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Effect of different laser treatments on the shear bond strength of zirconia ceramic to resin cement.
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An Alternative Prosthodontic Management of Maxillary Dentoalveolar Defect in a Patient With Cleft Palate and Lip: Case Report.
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Hard tissue volume stability of guided bone regeneration during the healing stage in the anterior maxilla: A clinical and radiographic study.
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The role of parents in motivation for orthodontic treatment for children.
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Orthodontic treatment time: can it be shortened?
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Orthodontic treatment motivation and cooperation: A cross-sectional analysis of adolescent patients' and parents' responses.
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Orthodontic treatment motivation and cooperation: A cross-sectional analysis of adolescent patients' and parents' responses.
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Efficacy of Behaviour Change Techniques to improve oral hygiene control of individuals undergoing orthodontic therapy. A systematic review.
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Efficacy of Behaviour Change Techniques to improve oral hygiene control of individuals undergoing orthodontic therapy. A systematic review.
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Enzyme replacement therapy in Fabry disease: a randomized controlled trial.
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Characteristics of the Electrocardiogram in Japanese Fabry Patients Under Long-Term Enzyme Replacement Therapy.
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A phase 1/2 clinical trial of enzyme replacement in fabry disease: pharmacokinetic, substrate clearance, and safety studies.
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Relation Between Insertion Torque and Implant Stability Quotient: A Clinical Study.
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Enzyme replacement therapy improves cardiac features and severity of Fabry disease.
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Uric acid as a prognostic factor and critical marker of COVID-19.
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Adjunctive dental therapies in caries-active children: Shifting the cariogenic salivary microbiome from dysbiosis towards non-cariogenic health.
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スクリューレストを用いた上顎骨のフルアーチリハビリテーションにおける従来の印象とデジタル印象の比較。A Randomized Clinical Trial
Conventional versus Digital Impressions for Full Arch Screw-Retained Maxillary Rehabilitations: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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The effect of supportive care in preventing peri-implant diseases and implant loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Influence of Connections and Surfaces of Dental Implants on Marginal Bone Loss: A Retrospective Study Over 7 to 19 Years.
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Dental implant survival rate in irradiated and non-radiated patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Bovine-derived xenograft in combination with autogenous bone chips versus xenograft alone for the augmentation of bony dehiscences around oral implants: A randomized, controlled, split-mouth clinical trial.
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CBCT analysis of the tissue thickness at immediate implant placement with contour augmentation in the maxillary anterior zone: a 1-year prospective clinical study.
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Volumetric assessment of changes in the alveolar ridge dimension following GBR using a combination FDBA with collagen membrane or novel resorbable scaffold: A prospective two-center clinical trial.
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Effects of platelet-rich fibrin combined with guided bone regeneration in the reconstruction of peri-implantitis bone defect.
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Bone Graft and Intraosseous Anchorage of Dental Implants for Reconstruction of the Residual Alveolar Ridge.
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Effects of transpalatal arch on molar movement produced by mesial force: a finite element simulation.
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Headgear-induced temporary pressure alopecia.
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PR interval and the response to enzyme-replacement therapy for Fabry's disease.
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Enzyme replacement therapy improves cardiovascular responses to orthostatic challenge in Fabry patients.
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Myocardial Storage, Inflammation, and Cardiac Phenotype in Fabry Disease After One Year of Enzyme Replacement Therapy.
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Influence of periodontal maintenance and periodontitis susceptibility on implant success: A 5-year retrospective cohort on moderately rough surfaced implants.
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Enzyme replacement therapy for Anderson-Fabry disease: A complementary overview of a Cochrane publication through a linear regression and a pooled analysis of proportions from cohort studies.
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How Can Clinicians Limit the Risk of Peri-implantitis?
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Does COVID-19 Affect Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases?
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Effect of implantoplasty on the elastic limit of dental implants of different diameters.
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An ultrasound protocol for temporomandibular joint in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a pilot study.
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Does Concentrated Growth Factor Used With Allografts in Maxillary Sinus Lifting Have Adjunctive Benefits?
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Marginal Bone Resorption Around Dental Implants Placed in Alveolar Socket Preserved Sites: A 5 Years Follow-up Study.
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Stepwise excavation may enhance pulp preservation in permanent teeth affected by dental caries.
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Stepwise excavation may enhance pulp preservation in permanent teeth affected by dental caries.
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Stepwise excavation may enhance pulp preservation in permanent teeth affected by dental caries.
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Effect of a chlorhexidine mouthrinse on plaque, gingival inflammation and staining in gingivitis patients: a systematic review.
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Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF) Induce Osteogenic Differentiation in Human Bone Marrow Stem Cells.
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萎縮した部分無歯顎の歯槽骨稜の治療において、コンピュータガイドによるインプラント埋入とコンピュータ支援による骨再生を併用した。Proof of Concept(概念実証)研究
Computer-guided implant placement associated with computer-aided bone regeneration in the treatment of atrophied partially edentulous alveolar ridges: A proof-of-concept study.
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Dentists' preferences in implant maintenance and hygiene instruction.
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Dental Implant Hygiene and Maintenance Protocols: A survey of oral health practitioners in Australia.
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Prevalence and risk indicators for peri-implant diseases: A literature review.
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Peri-implant diseases: Current understanding and management.
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Outcomes of Primary Endodontic Therapy Provided by Endodontic Specialists Compared with Other Providers.
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Outcomes of Primary Endodontic Therapy Provided by Endodontic Specialists Compared with Other Providers.
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Shape optimization of a 2-unit cantilevered posterior resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis.
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前方領域のレジンボンド固定式歯科補綴物の生存率。An Integrative Review
Survival Rates of Anterior-Region Resin-Bonded Fixed Dental Prostheses: An Integrative Review.
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Caries Preventive and Antibacterial Effects of Two Natural Mouthwashes vs Chlorhexidine in High Caries-risk Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Prioritization of predisposing factors of gingival hyperplasia during orthodontic treatment: the role of amount of biofilm.
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Accuracy of periodontal probe visibility in the assessment of gingival thickness.
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Impact of Green Tea () on periodontitis and caries. Systematic review and meta-analysis.
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多発性歯肉退縮の治療において、上皮下結合組織グラフトに加えてエナメルマトリックス誘導体を用いたModified Coronally Advanced Tunnel techniqueと結合組織グラフト単独との比較:臨床治療成績の予後因子
Modified coronally advanced tunnel technique with enamel matrix derivative in addition to subepithelial connective tissue graft compared with connective tissue graft alone for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions: prognostic parameters for clinical treatment outcomes.
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Impact of interproximal composite restorations on periodontal tissues health. Clinical and cytokine profiles from a pre-post quasi-experimental study.
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Evidence-Based Dentistry Update on Silver Diamine Fluoride
Evidence-Based Dentistry Update on Silver Diamine Fluoride.
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An in vitro evaluation of orthodontic aligner biomechanics around the maxillary arch.
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アライナーによる上顎臼歯部の遠位制御における複合材アタッチメントの形状変化の効果。A Nonlinear Finite Element Study
Effects of Variable Composite Attachment Shapes in Controlling Upper Molar Distalization with Aligners: A Nonlinear Finite Element Study.
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Premature oral pre-shaping for feeding in elderly population with risk of aspiration pneumonia.
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Three-dimensional accuracy of partially guided implant surgery based on dental magnetic resonance imaging.
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The timed water test of swallowing: Reliability, validity, and normative data from Indian population.
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入院中の嚥下障害患者における病原性口腔内細菌:The silent epidemic
Pathogenic oral bacteria in hospitalised patients with dysphagia: The silent epidemic.
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Efficacy of Sea Salt-Based Mouthwash and Xylitol in Improving Oral Hygiene among Adolescent Population: A Pilot Study.
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A systematic review and meta-analysis of the role of sugar-free chewing gum on Streptococcus mutans.
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Dental Fluoride Varnish Application During Medical Visits Among Children Who Are Privately Insured.
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