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[Preliminary study on the etiological characteristics and clinical treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws].
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Bedtimes, bedtime routines, and children's sleep across the first 2 years of life.
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Relationship between masticatory performance using a gummy jelly and masticatory movement.
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Masticatory performance analysis using photographic image of gummy jelly.
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The factors related to decreases in masticatory performance and masticatory function until swallowing using gummy jelly in subjects aged 20-79 years.
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Higher Masticatory Performance and Higher Number of Chewing Strokes Increase Retronasal Aroma.
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Inter-measurement variation of masticatory performance test using gummy jelly.
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Compatibility of two types of gummy jelly tests for detecting decreased masticatory function.
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Evaluation of the damping capacity of common CAD/CAM restorative materials.
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Delayed first active-phase meal, a breakfast-skipping model, led to increased body weight and shifted the circadian oscillation of the hepatic clock and lipid metabolism-related genes in rats fed a high-fat diet.
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デノスマブ治療を受けている骨粗鬆症患者のMRONJ発症リスクを最小化するための実用的な機会の窓: 仮説
A pragmatic window of opportunity to minimise the risk of MRONJ development in individuals with osteoporosis on Denosumab therapy: a hypothesis.
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脱皮したハトムギ(L. var. Stapf)のマウスにおけるアレルギー性気道炎症の抑制およびハトムギの糠からの抗脱顆粒性植物ステロール
Suppression on allergic airway inflammation of dehulled adlay ( L. var. Stapf) in mice and anti-degranulation phytosterols from adlay bran.
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Nifedipine and phenytoin induce matrix synthesis, but not proliferation, in intact human gingival connective tissue ex vivo.
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