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Influence of Nd:YAG laser irradiation on microtensile bond strength of adhesive systems to sound or carious dentin.
- Quintessence Int.2009 Feb;40(2):145-53.
The effect of adjuvant oral irrigation on self-administered oral care in the management of peri-implant mucositis: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2020 Oct;31(10):946-958.
歯根破折とradicular dentineの機械的特性に対する非固化性水酸化カルシウムの効果:系統的レビュー
The effect of nonsetting calcium hydroxide on root fracture and mechanical properties of radicular dentine: a systematic review.
- Int Endod J.2013 Feb;46(2):112-8.
骨格性II級不正咬合の下顎後退を有する成長期の小児における上気道の3次元形態に関するツインブロックとvan Beek Headgear-Activatorの比較研究
A comparative study of Twin-Block and van Beek Headgear-Activator on the three-dimensional morphology of the upper airway in growing children with mandibular retraction in skeletal class II malocclusion.
- Clin Oral Investig.2024 Dec;29(1):31.
Comparing 3D Tooth Movement When Implementing the Same Virtual Setup on Different Software Packages.
- J Clin Med.2022 Sep;11(18).
Comparing virtual setup software programs for clear aligner treatment.
- J World Fed Orthod.2023 Apr;12(2):50-55.
Improved stability of open bite deformities: taking control of the transverse width using digital technology and robotic archwire bending.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2024 Sep;
Effects of aging on the tensile strength and surface condition of orthodontic aligners: a comparative study of five models.
- Eur J Orthod.2024 Dec;46(6).
SureSmile technology in a patient--centered orthodontic practice.
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Anatomy of the mandibular canal and surrounding structures. Part II: Cancellous pattern of the mandible.
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The Influence of Slice Thickness, Sharpness, and Contrast Adjustments on Inferior Alveolar Canal Segmentation on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Scans: A Retrospective Study.
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Three-dimensional positional relationship between impacted mandibular third molars and the mandibular canal.
- BMC Oral Health.2023 Nov;23(1):831.
Immediate implant placement combining socket seal abutment and peri-implant socket filling: A prospective case series.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2022 Jan;33(1):33-44.
Comparative analysis of different types of occlusal splints for the management of sleep bruxism: a systematic review.
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Nonsurgical management of large periapical lesions: case reports and review of the literature.
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Effect of Calcium Hydroxide on the Fracture Resistance of Dentin.
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The Calcium Hydroxide Controversy: Does Calcium Hydroxide Weaken Teeth?
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Histopathological Assessment of Tricalcium Aluminate-free Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Two Antibacterial Enhanced Mineral Trioxide Aggregates As Pulpotomy Agents in Rat Model.
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Management of paracondylar process fracture in three horses.
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Enhancing surgical precision: a novel electromyography finding for confident identification of the root exit zone during microvascular decompression surgery.
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Orofacial Migraine-A Narrative Review.
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Is There a Role for Colchicine in the Treatment of Oral Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid?
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Editorial: Mechanisms of orofacial pain.
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Effectiveness of Nonpharmacologic Treatments of Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Systematic Review.
- J Oral Facial Pain Headache.2021 Summer;35(3):175-198.
A case report of Extranodal natural killer / T-cell lymphoma presenting as extensive myiasis.
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Plastic changes in nociceptive pathways contributing to persistent orofacial pain.
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Fifty years of development of neuroscientific insights into oro-facial pain and its control.
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Efficacy/Safety of the Use of Glucocorticoids in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
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Trigeminal neuralgia and trigeminal neuropathic pain.
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Prevention of Oral Injuries during Endotracheal Intubation: Patients' and Anesthesiologists' Perspective.
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The Trigeminal Sensory System and Orofacial Pain.
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Saving a hopeless tooth with a four-wall bone defect: A case report.
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A retrospective single cohort study on the 5-13 year clinical outcomes of implant-supported cross-arch fixed dental prostheses with monolithic zirconia-based frameworks.
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Colour Changes and Surface Roughness After Air-Polishing for Tobacco Stain Removal.
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A systematic review on the effects of air polishing devices on oral tissues.
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Analysing the effect of sodium bicarbonate and glycine air polishing on tooth surfaces with two different imaging methods.
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Air powder waterjet technology using erythritol or glycine powders in periodontal or peri-implant prophylaxis and therapy: A consensus report of an expert meeting.
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Shape reproducibility of retentive devices made of cast titanium.
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Perceptions of a Digital Dental Technology Curriculum: A Qualitative Study of Dental Technology Students.
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Comparative Assessment of the Accuracy of Digital Versus Conventional Interocclusal Records in Dentulous Patients: A Systematic Review.
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Fracture strength of lithium disilicate cantilever resin bonded fixed dental prosthesis.
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The association between oral diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.
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Amitriptyline-perphenazine therapy for persistent idiopathic facial pain: translational perspectives from a retrospective study.
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Metal-Free Custom-Made Zirconia Implants-A Prospective 5-Year Follow-Up Single-Arm Clinical Trial.
- Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.2024 Nov;
Clinical Features and Prognosis of Primary Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma of Salivary Gland: A Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database-Based Study.
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The role of psychology and communication skills in orthodontic practice: a systematic review.
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Role of forensic odontology and anthropology in the identification of human remains.
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A Novel Isolation Technique Using Polytetrafluoroethylene Tape and Split Dam Isolation for Cementation in Bridge Restorations.
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Analysis of the crown fractures and factors affecting pulp survival due to dental trauma.
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Recommendations for using regenerative endodontic procedures in permanent immature traumatized teeth.
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Vascular and lymphatic heterogeneity and age-related variations of dental pulps.
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Traumatic intrusion of permanent teeth. Part 3. A clinical study of the effect of treatment variables such as treatment delay, method of repositioning, type of splint, length of splinting and antibiotics on 140 teeth.
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Advancements and challenges in stem/progenitor cell transplantation for dentin-pulp regeneration: a systematic review of animal studies (part I).
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A Pilot Study Exploring Caregivers' Experiences Related to the Use of a Smart Toothbrush by Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Cross-sectional survey and analysis of factors influencing the prevalence of dental caries among older individuals aged 65-74 in Guangdong Province in 2021.
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Comparison between manual vs electric powered toothbrush by using the PCR index in paediatric dentistry.
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Nd:YAG laser in caries prevention: a clinical trial.
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Nd:YAGレーザー照射およびAPFゲル処理後の乳歯エナメル質表面の形態と微小硬度の評価--in vitro試験
Evaluation of primary tooth enamel surface morphology and microhardness after Nd:YAG laser irradiation and APF gel treatment--an in vitro study.
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小窩裂溝に対するレーザー照射の影響:in situ研究
Influence of laser irradiation on pits and fissures: an in situ study.
- Photomed Laser Surg.2013 Feb;31(2):82-9.
Effects of pulsed Nd:YAG laser on tensile bond strength and caries resistance of human enamel.
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Nd:YAG laser in occlusal caries prevention of primary teeth: a randomized clinical trial.
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Loss of structural water and carbonate of Nd:YAG laser-irradiated human enamel.
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The efficiency of laser application on the enamel surface: a systematic review.
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エナメル質および象牙質表面への0.355, 2.94, 9.4μmの多波長レーザー照射が表面形態、透過性および耐酸性に及ぼす影響
Influence of multi-wavelength laser irradiation of enamel and dentin surfaces at 0.355, 2.94, and 9.4 μm on surface morphology, permeability, and acid resistance.
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Laser-assisted prevention of enamel caries: a 10-year review of the literature.
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Nd: YAG laser irradiation in the treatment of live pulp preservation in pediatric cariogenic pulpitis.
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Inhibition of enamel demineralisation using "Nd-YAG and diode laser assisted fluoride therapy".
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Clinical Outcomes of Bone-Level and Tissue-Level Short Implants Placed in Posterior Maxilla: A Case-Control Study.
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[Changes of cementum endotoxin levels in different teeth with periodontitis treated with root conditioning].
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Surface modifications of human tooth using Nd:YAG laser for dental applications.
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Influence of Er, Cr: YSGG (2780 nm) and Nanosecond Nd: YAG Laser (1064 nm) Irradiation on Enamel Acid Resistance: Morphological and Elemental Analysis.
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歯のエナメル質の酸脱灰を防ぐためのサブアブレイティブレーザー照射。in vitro研究を報告した文献の系統的レビュー
Sub-ablative laser irradiation to prevent acid demineralisation of dental enamel. A systematic review of literature reporting in vitro studies.
- Eur J Paediatr Dent.2019 Dec;20(4):295-301.
Nd : YAGレーザーが歯科用エナメル質に及ぼす影響をin vitroで研究した
In vitro studies the influence of Nd: YAG laser on dental enamels.
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Tooth loss as a predictor of shortened longevity: exploring the hypothesis.
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The discriminant ability of the Eating Assessment tool-10 to detect swallowing efficiency in neurogenic dysphagia.
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Use of EAT-10 in Individuals with Alzheimer's Disease: Who Should be the Source of Information?
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Association of oral health with nutritional status of the older adults: a cross-sectional study.
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Effect of oral health status and oral function on malnutrition in community-dwelling older adult dental patients: A two-year prospective cohort study.
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Oral Diadochokinesis and Potential Associated Factors in Japanese Older Adult Outpatients.
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Wettability of Different Zirconia Implant Surfaces after Glycine and Erythritol Treatment.
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Aesthetic Clinical Case for Immediate Implant Therapy for Maxillary Central Incisor.
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Laser application in non-surgical periodontal therapy: a systematic review.
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Long-term effects of a single application of a water-cooled pulsed Nd:YAG laser in supplement to scaling and root planing in patients with periodontal inflammation.
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Insufficient evidence that pulsed Nd:YAG laser treatment is superior to conventional nonsurgical therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease.
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Significance of scaling and root planing with and without adjunctive use of a water-cooled pulsed Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of periodontal inflammation.
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Morphological alterations of periodontal pocket epithelium following Nd:YAG laser irradiation.
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[Clinical and microbiologic follow-up evaluations after non-surgical periodontal treatment with Nd: YAG laser and scaling and root planning].
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Laser reduction of specific microorganisms in the periodontal pocket using Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers: a randomized controlled clinical study.
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Efficacy of a combined Er:YAG laser and Nd:YAG laser in non-surgical treatment for severe periodontitis.
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Probing depth reduction of laser application in periodontal therapy: a network meta-analysis.
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Effect of Remimazolam vs Midazolam on Early Postoperative Cognitive Recovery in Elderly Patients Undergoing Dental Extraction: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study.
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Differences in oral hypofunction prevalence and category measures across age groups and sex in Japan: a pilot study.
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Immediate effect of Nd:YAG laser monotherapy on subgingival periodontal pathogens: a pilot clinical study.
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Effectiveness of adjunct therapy for the treatment of apical periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Adjunctive Nd:YAG laser irradiation in the treatment of stage III/IV periodontitis: a 12-month, randomized, controlled trial.
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Systemic inflammatory markers following adjunctive Nd:YAG (1064 nm) laser irradiation to step 2 of periodontal therapy: a 12-month, randomized, controlled trial.
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Low-level laser therapy on soft tissue healing after implantation: a randomized controlled trial.
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Effect of Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation on the Growth of Oral Biofilm.
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The Effect of Postural Rehabilitation on Pain, Balance, Mandibular Movement, and Posture in Temporomandibular Disorder Patients: A Comparison Between Posterior Edentulous and Dentate Groups.
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The comparative study of temperature rise, time consuming and cut quality among piezosurgery, conventional rotary instruments and Er: YAG laser in apicectomy.
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