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New lung mass in a patient with granulomatosis with polyangiitis.
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Predicting children's energy expenditure during physical activity using deep learning and wearable sensor data.
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Importance of paravascular vitreal adhesions for development of myopic macular retinoschisis detected by ultra-widefield OCT.
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Nanoparticle-based 3D membrane for impedimetric biosensor applications.
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Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Its Variants: Pearls and Perils.
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The interactions between respiratory and cardiovascular systems in systolic heart failure.
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上皮性卵巣癌における初期FDG PET CTによる腹膜癌腫の病変範囲診断の精度。FRANCOGYN研究グループの多施設共同研究
Accuracy of peritoneal carcinomatosis extent diagnosis by initial FDG PET CT in epithelial ovarian cancer: A multicentre study of the FRANCOGYN research group.
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The Effect of Anemia and the Goal of Optimal HbA1c Control in Diabetes and Non-Diabetes.
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尿中 6-スルファトキシメラトニンの質量分析による定量:年齢に依存した排泄と生物学的変化
Mass spectrometric quantification of urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin: age-dependent excretion and biological variation.
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Malaria in Sri Lanka: Investigating causes of the recent elimination and making plans to prevent reintroduction.
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Emerging pharmacotherapy for COVID-19.
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Multiclass identification of hepatitis C based on serum Raman spectroscopy.
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Shaping an Endospore: Architectural Transformations During Sporulation.
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Predictors of long-term employment among patients with cystic fibrosis undergoing lung transplantation.
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Ventricular assist device implantation in patients with a failing systemic right ventricle: a call to expand current practice.
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Microbial decomposition of biomass residues mitigated hydrogeochemical dynamics in strongly alkaline bauxite residues.
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Boosting Toluene Combustion by Engineering Co-O Strength in Cobalt Oxide Catalysts.
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Metformin Ameliorates Synaptic Defects in a Mouse Model of AD by Inhibiting Cdk5 Activity.
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Learning to Lead.
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2つの家族の物語。全ゲノム重複と分節重複が、Narrow-Leafed Lupin ( L.) のグルタミン合成酵素とホスホエノールピルビン酸カルボキシラーゼの多様性を支えていることを明らかにした
A Tale of Two Families: Whole Genome and Segmental Duplications Underlie Glutamine Synthetase and Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Diversity in Narrow-Leafed Lupin ( L.).
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Tracing the mutated HTT and haplotype of the African ancestor who spread Huntington disease into the Middle East.
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Changes in inflammatory factors in SV40MES13 mesangial cells after silencing ApoM gene.
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"The unusual suspects"-非定型乳房腫瘤のマンモグラフィ、超音波検査、および病理組織学的外観
"The unusual suspects"-Mammographic, sonographic, and histopathologic appearance of atypical breast masses.
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Parks under attack: Brazil's Iguaçu National Park illustrates a global threat to biodiversity.
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Lactose Intolerance: What Your Breath Can Tell You.
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Lean Process Improvement in the Emergency Department.
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Clarification, malocclusion classification, and comparison of two types of miniplates-request for further information.
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease: prevalence and Extraesophageal manifestations among undergraduate students in South West Nigeria.
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Making Strides Together against Tobacco Use.
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Epidemiology and short-term outcomes of acute kidney injury among patients in the intensive care unit in Laos: a nationwide multicenter, prospective, and observational study.
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Parasitism of Locally Recruited Egg Parasitoids of the Fall Armyworm in Africa.
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Developmental language disorders and risk of recidivism among young offenders.
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A Deep Learning-Based Algorithm Identifies Glaucomatous Discs Using Monoscopic Fundus Photographs.
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In Situ Synthesized Particulates on a Zirconia Ceramic Surface and Their Effect on Bonding to Porcelain.
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Substandard Quality of the Antimicrobials Sold in the Street Markets in Haiti.
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Re Ferranteら(2020年)。イタリア・バランジェロのクリソタイルアスベスト鉱山労働者における死亡率と中皮腫の発生率。コホート研究
Re Ferrante et al (2020). Mortality and mesothelioma incidence among chrysotile asbestos miners in Balangero, Italy: A cohort study.
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A Comparison of Sphenoid Sinus Osteoneogenesis in Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Disease.
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Comparative Effectiveness of Orthoses for thumb osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis.
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An evaluation of subcutaneous daratumumab for the treatment of multiple myeloma.
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Genetic analysis and long-term treatment monitoring of 11 children with glycogen storage disease type IIIa.
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Chromosome Abnormalities: New Insights into Their Clinical Significance in Cancer.
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Photoaging Protective Effects of Methanol Extract.
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Sorafenib Maintenance After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia With -Internal Tandem Duplication Mutation (SORMAIN).
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Proton beam or photon beam radiotherapy in the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer.
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Evaluation of the Aptima™ transcription-mediated amplification assay (Hologic®) for detecting SARS-CoV-2 in clinical specimens.
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Real-Space Imaging of a Single-Molecule Monoradical Reaction.
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Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of the bZIP Transcription Factors in the Mycoparasite .
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Fabrication of biodegradable poly (lactic acid)/carbon nanotube nanocomposite foams: Significant improvement on rheological property and foamability.
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Comparison of analgesic efficacy and fetal effects between transdermal administration of fentanyl and intramuscular administration of buprenorphine in pregnant sheep.
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Antiviral and virucidal effects of curcumin on transmissible gastroenteritis virus .
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Role of second-trimester uterine artery Doppler indices in the prediction of adverse pregnancy outcomes in a low-risk population.
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Post-orthodontic recontouring of anterior teeth using composite injection technique with a digital workflow.
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The search for, and chemistry and mechanism of, neurotrophic natural products.
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ウイルス感染や抗ウイルス免疫応答におけるcircular RNAの新たな役割と意義:治療薬としての可能性を示唆している
The emerging role and significance of circular RNAs in viral infections and antiviral immune responses: possible implication as theranostic agents.
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Protocol for an International, Multicenter, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Registry and Research Consortium.
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Porcine Deltacoronavirus Accessory Protein NS7a Antagonizes IFN-β Production by Competing With TRAF3 and IRF3 for Binding to IKKε.
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Prescriptive Reference Standards of Third-Trimester Cerebroplacental Ratio and Its Physiological Determinants.
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Pseudomonas syringaeにおけるアミノ酸ABCトランスポーター遺伝子座の宿主シグナル依存性病原性遺伝子制御への古代的な共同採用
Ancient co-option of an amino acid ABC transporter locus in Pseudomonas syringae for host signal-dependent virulence gene regulation.
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Evidence on the effect of uncontrolled diabetes mellitus on orthodontic tooth movement. A systematic review with meta-analyses in pre-clinical in- vivo research.
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Influenza A virus vaccine research conducted in swine from 1990 to May 2018: A scoping review.
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The immunosuppressant fingolimod ameliorates experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis by regulating T-cell balance and cytokine secretion.
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Wound Lavage in Studies on Vital Pulp Therapy of Permanent Teeth with Carious Exposures: A Qualitative Systematic Review.
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Views on Firearm Safety Among Caregivers of People With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias.
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ニューロペプチドFF受容体2はマウス三叉神経節におけるカプサイシン誘発CGRP Upregulationを阻害する
Neuropeptide FF receptor 2 inhibits capsaicin-induced CGRP Upregulation in mouse trigeminal ganglion.
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One-step nucleic acid amplification CK19 copy number for sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer: Identification of new cutoffs to predict nonsentinel axillary node involvement.
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High-quality systematic review shows that there is low-quality evidence regarding the effects of interventions to treat oral halitosis.
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Identification of liver lesions using fluorescence imaging: comparison of methods for administering indocyanine green.
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Freeze-thaw cycles have minimal effect on the mineralisation of low molecular weight, dissolved organic carbon in Arctic soils.
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Berberine-Loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carriers Enhance the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis.
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Biofilm-based fermentation: a novel immobilisation strategy for Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle progression during ethanol production.
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Extrapolation of hydroxytyrosol and its analogues as potential anti-inflammatory agents.
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Time-related metabolomics study in the rat plasma after global cerebral ischemia and reperfusion: Effect of ischemic preconditioning.
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It's Better with Salt: Aqueous Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization at Neutral pH.
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Association of neighbourhood deprivation with risks of major amputation and death following lower limb revascularisation.
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The integrin facilitated internalization of fibronectin-functionalized camptothecin-loaded DNA-nanofibers for high-efficiency anticancer effects.
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Immunoaffinity Micro-Flow Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Quantitation of PD1 and PD-L1 in Human Tumor Tissues.
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Current Status of Diagnosis and Management for Functioning Pituitary Tumors: Part I.
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Contact Lens Discomfort Management: Outcomes of Common Interventions.
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Clinical and laboratory features of female Gitelman syndrome and the pregnancy outcomes in a Chinese cohort.
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Boosting the Synthesis of Pharmaceutically Active Abietane Diterpenes in Hairy Roots by Engineering the and Genes.
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Surface Deterioration of Indirect Restorative Materials.
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Rutin Prevents LTA Induced Oxidative Changes in H9c2 Cells.
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Pediatric Chondroblastoma and the Need for Lung Staging at Presentation.
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Generation and characterization of four Chediak-Higashi Syndrome (CHS) induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines.
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Macrophage immunomodulation in chronic osteolytic diseases-the case of periodontitis.
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How Medical Studies in Poland Prepare Future Healthcare Managers for Crises and Disasters: Results of a Pilot Study.
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Robot-based assistance in middle ear surgery and cochlear implantation: first clinical report.
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Modeling and optimization of factors influencing adsorptive performance of agrowaste-derived nanocellulose/iron oxide nanobiocomposites during remediation of arsenic contaminated groundwater.
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ハンガリーの Szeged での Stenotrophomonas maltophilia レジストタイピングに関する 10 年間の単施設での経験
A 10-year single-center experience on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia resistotyping in Szeged, Hungary.
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Arthropods and climate change - arctic challenges and opportunities.
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Vital Pulp Therapy an Insight Over the Available Literature and Future Expectations.
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Nurses' behaviours towards physical restraint use in the ICU: A descriptive qualitative study.
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Buccolingual Inclination Effects of Self-Ligating and Conventional Premolar Brackets: A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Study.
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Sodium thiosulfate prevents doxorubicin-induced DNA damage and apoptosis in cardiomyocytes in mice.
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The high expression of the pain-related inflammatory factors in the eyes of cataract patients infected with hepatitis B virus.
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Sebelipase Alfa for Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency: 5-Year Treatment Experience From a Phase 2 Open-Label Extension Study.
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早期心不全を有する犬におけるCrataegus oxyacanthaの有効性の評価
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha in Dogs with Early-Stage Heart Failure.
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Cardiovascular Health Risk Behaviors by Occupation in the NYC Labor Force.
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Borane-Catalyzed Chemoselective and Enantioselective Reduction of 2-Vinyl-Substituted Pyridines.
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Effect of different debonding techniques on shear bond strength and enamel cracks in simulated clinical set-ups.
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