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Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism of Liposome-Encapsulated 2,4,6-Trihydroxygeranylacetophenone in Rats Using High-Resolution Orbitrap Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry.
  • Yamen Alkhateeb
  • Qais Bashir Jarrar
  • Faridah Abas
  • Yaya Rukayadi
  • Chau Ling Tham
  • Yuen Kah Hay
  • Khozirah Shaari
  • Molecules.2020 Jul;25(13). E3069. doi: 10.3390/molecules25133069.Epub 2020-07-06.


Prevalence of HIV, syphilis, and assessment of the social and structural determinants of sexual risk behaviour and health service utilisation among MSM and transgender women in Terai highway districts of Nepal: findings based on an integrated biological and behavioural surveillance survey using respondent driven sampling.
  • Margrethe Storm
  • Keshab Deuba
  • Jose Damas
  • Upendra Shrestha
  • Bir Rawal
  • Rajan Bhattarai
  • Gaetano Marrone
  • BMC Infect. Dis..2020 Jun;20(1):402. 10.1186/s12879-020-05122-3. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05122-3.Epub 2020-06-08.

Kv3.1/Kv3.2の変調は、in vitroのADマウスモデルにおいて、Aβによって誘発された高速スパイク性介在ニューロンの発火の非同期化を救済することにより、ガンマ振動を促進する

Modulation of Kv3.1/Kv3.2 promotes gamma oscillations by rescuing Aβ-induced desynchronization of fast-spiking interneuron firing in an AD mouse model in vitro.
  • Yuniesky Andrade-Talavera
  • Luis Enrique Arroyo-García
  • Gefei Chen
  • Jan Johansson
  • André Fisahn
  • J. Physiol. (Lond.).2020 Jul;doi: 10.1113/JP279718.Epub 2020-07-07.


Actinobacteria Associated with Vineyard Soils of Algeria: Classification, Antifungal Potential Against Grapevine Trunk Pathogens and Plant Growth-Promoting Features.
  • Affaf Laassami
  • Amine Yekkour
  • Atika Meklat
  • Nadjette Djemouai
  • Abdelghani Zitouni
  • Salim Mokrane
  • Pascal Lecomte
  • Patrice Rey
  • Akila Berraf-Tebbal
  • Curr. Microbiol..2020 Jun;10.1007/s00284-020-02097-x. doi: 10.1007/s00284-020-02097-x.Epub 2020-06-27.


Enhanced protection against lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by autologous transplantation of adipose-derived stromal cells combined with low tidal volume ventilation in rats.
  • Zuodi Liang
  • Xiuru Yin
  • Wenchong Sun
  • Shuo Zhang
  • Xiaohuan Chen
  • Ling Pei
  • Ning Zhao
  • J. Cell. Physiol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/jcp.29936.Epub 2020-07-13.


Consensus statement. Corticosteroid therapy in ENT in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • P Herman
  • C Vincent
  • C Parietti Winkler
  • N Loundon
  • V Couloigner
  • F Tankere
  • S Tringali
  • P Gallet
  • J-F Papon
  • M Montava
  • J-P Lavieille
  • A Charpiot
  • S Schmerber
  • Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis.2020 May;S1879-7296(20)30104-6. doi: 10.1016/j.anorl.2020.04.014.Epub 2020-05-04.

Pfr-favoured Variantsの検索におけるフィトクロム光化学の迅速なスクリーニングと特性評価のための分光学に基づく方法論

A Spectroscopy-based Methodology for Rapid Screening and Characterization of Phytochrome Photochemistry in Search of Pfr-favoured Variants.
  • Giuliano Tomás Antelo
  • Maximiliano Sánchez-Lamas
  • Fernando Alberto Goldbaum
  • Lisandro Horacio Otero
  • Hernán Ruy Bonomi
  • Jimena Rinaldi
  • Photochem. Photobiol..2020 Jul;doi: 10.1111/php.13313.Epub 2020-07-19.


Leu124Serfs*26, a novel mutation in congenital generalized lipodystrophy with early cardiovascular complications.
  • Renan Magalhães Montenegro Junior
  • Grayce Ellen da Cruz Paiva Lima
  • Virgínia Oliveira Fernandes
  • Ana Paula Dias Rangel Montenegro
  • Clarisse Mourão Melo Ponte
  • Lívia Vasconcelos Martins
  • Daniel Pascoalino Pinheiro
  • Maria Elisabete Amaral de Moraes
  • Manoel Odorico de Moraes Filho
  • Catarina Brasil d'Alva
  • Diabetol Metab Syndr.2020;12:28. 538. doi: 10.1186/s13098-020-00538-y.Epub 2020-04-06.


Vimentin S-glutathionylation at Cys328 inhibits filament elongation and induces severing of mature filaments in vitro.
  • Magdalena Kaus-Drobek
  • Norbert Mücke
  • Roman H Szczepanowski
  • Tatjana Wedig
  • Mariusz Czarnocki-Cieciura
  • Magdalena Polakowska
  • Harald Herrmann
  • Aleksandra Wysłouch-Cieszyńska
  • Michał Dadlez
  • FEBS J..2020 Apr;doi: 10.1111/febs.15321.Epub 2020-04-07.


Considerations for improving quality of care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and associated comorbidities.
  • Tore K Kvien
  • Alejandro Balsa
  • Neil Betteridge
  • Maya H Buch
  • Patrick Durez
  • Ennio Giulio Favalli
  • Guillaume Favier
  • Cem Gabay
  • Rinie Geenen
  • Ioanna Gouni-Berthold
  • Frank van den Hoogen
  • Alison Kent
  • Lars Klareskog
  • Mikkel Ostergaard
  • Karel Pavelka
  • Joaquim Polido Pereira
  • Anne Grete Semb
  • Magnus Sköld
  • Maxime Dougados
  • RMD Open.2020 Jul;6(2). e001211. doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2020-001211.


Protective effect of extract on the zymosan-induced temporomandibular joint arthritis in rats.
  • Danielle Rocha do Val
  • Mirna Marques Bezerra
  • Francisco Isaac Fernandes Gomes
  • Christiane Aguiar Nobre
  • Suzana Capistrano Teixeira
  • Jonas Cavalcante Lemos
  • Karuza Maria Alves Pereira
  • Vicente de Paulo Teixeira Pinto
  • Antônio Alfredo Rodrigues E Silva
  • Eryvelton de Sousa Franco
  • Maria Bernadete de Sousa Maia
  • Hellíada Vasconcelos Chaves
  • J Oral Biol Craniofac Res.2020 Jul-Sep;10(3):276-280. S2212-4268(20)30067-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2020.05.005.Epub 2020-05-28.


Discovery and characterization of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-1 inhibitor peptides that potentiate meropenem-dependent killing of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae.
  • Misha I Kazi
  • Blair W Perry
  • Daren C Card
  • Richard D Schargel
  • Hana B Ali
  • Victor C Obuekwe
  • Madhab Sapkota
  • Katie N Kang
  • Mark W Pellegrino
  • David E Greenberg
  • Todd A Castoe
  • Joseph M Boll
  • J. Antimicrob. Chemother..2020 Jun;dkaa242. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa242.Epub 2020-06-26.


Radiological Simultaneous Portohepatic Vein Embolization (RASPE) Before Major Hepatectomy: A Better Way to Optimize Liver Hypertrophy Compared to Portal Vein Embolization.
  • Christophe Laurent
  • Benjamin Fernandez
  • Arthur Marichez
  • Jean-Philippe Adam
  • Panteleimon Papadopoulos
  • Bruno Lapuyade
  • Laurence Chiche
  • Ann. Surg..2020 Aug;272(2):199-205. 00000658-202008000-00001. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003905.


Lupus anticoagulant detection in anticoagulated patients. Guidance from the Scientific and Standardization Committee for lupus anticoagulant/antiphospholipid antibodies of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
  • Armando Tripodi
  • Hannah Cohen
  • Katrien M J Devreese
  • J. Thromb. Haemost..2020 Jul;18(7):1569-1575. doi: 10.1111/jth.14846.


Decreasing SMPD1 activity in BEAS-2B bronchial airway epithelial cells results in increased NRF2 activity, cytokine synthesis and neutrophil recruitment.
  • Elyse MacFadden-Murphy
  • Lucie Roussel
  • Guy Martel
  • Julie Bérubé
  • Simon Rousseau
  • Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun..2017 Jan;482(4):645-650. S0006-291X(16)31950-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2016.11.087.Epub 2016-11-16.


Feasibility and Acceptability of a Text Message-Based Intervention to Reduce Overuse of Alcohol in Emergency Department Patients: Controlled Proof-of-Concept Trial.
  • Elizabeth Burner
  • Mark Zhang
  • Sophie Terp
  • Kelsey Ford Bench
  • Joshua Lee
  • Chun Nok Lam
  • Jesus R Torres
  • Michael Menchine
  • Sanjay Arora
  • JMIR Mhealth Uhealth.2020 Jun;8(6):e17557. v8i6e17557. doi: 10.2196/17557.Epub 2020-06-04.

Bacillus anthracisと遺伝的に近縁なBacillus cereusを保有するBa813が院内血流感染を引き起こした。細菌の病原性因子と臨床転帰

Ba813 harboring Bacillus cereus, genetically closely related to Bacillus anthracis, causing nosocomial bloodstream infection: Bacterial virulence factors and clinical outcome.
  • Tetsuji Aoyagi
  • Kengo Oshima
  • Shiro Endo
  • Hiroaki Baba
  • Hajime Kanamori
  • Makiko Yoshida
  • Koichi Tokuda
  • Mitsuo Kaku
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(7):e0235771. PONE-D-20-02535. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235771.Epub 2020-07-13.


Computed Tomography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation of the Gasserian Ganglion Using an Alternative to Hartel Anterior Approach: A Bicentral Study.
  • Dimitrios K Filippiadis
  • Dionysios Markoutsas
  • Argyro Mazioti
  • Grigorios Tsoukalos
  • Olympia Papakonstantinou
  • Panteleimon Stamatis
  • Alexis Kelekis
  • Dimitrios Tzavoulis
  • Pain Physician.2020 06;23(3):293-298.


Novel Genetic and Biochemical Findings of DLK1 in Children with Central Precocious Puberty: A Brazilian-Spanish Study.
  • Luciana Montenegro
  • José I Labarta
  • Maira Piovesan
  • Ana P M Canton
  • Raquel Corripio
  • Leandro Soriano-Guillén
  • Lourdes Travieso-Suárez
  • Álvaro Martín-Rivada
  • Vicente Barrios
  • Carlos Seraphim
  • Vinicius N Brito
  • Ana Claudia Latronico
  • Jesús Argente
  • J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab..2020 Jul;dgaa461. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa461.Epub 2020-07-17.

Erratum.メトホルミンは、p38 MAPKの不活性化を介して卵巣肉芽細胞におけるテストステロン誘発性小胞体ストレスを抑制します

Erratum. Metformin inhibits testosterone-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress in ovarian granulosa cells via inactivation of p38 MAPK.
  • Jiamin Jin
  • Yerong Ma
  • Xiaomei Tong
  • Weijie Yang
  • Yongdong Dai
  • Yibin Pan
  • Peipei Ren
  • Liu Liu
  • Heng-Yu Fan
  • Yinli Zhang
  • Songying Zhang
  • Hum. Reprod..2020 Jul;deaa180. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deaa180.Epub 2020-07-09.


Detection of Viral RNA Fragments in Human iPSC-Cardiomyocytes following Treatment with Extracellular Vesicles from SARS-CoV-2 Coding-Sequence-Overexpressing Lung Epithelial Cells.
  • Youjeong Kwon
  • Sarath Babu Nukala
  • Shubhi Srivastava
  • Hiroe Miyamoto
  • Nur Izzah Ismail
  • Jalees Rehman
  • Sang-Bing Ong
  • Won Hee Lee
  • Sang-Ging Ong
  • bioRxiv.2020 Jul;2020.05.14.093583. doi: 10.1101/2020.05.14.093583.Epub 2020-07-01.


Effectiveness of a physiologic voice therapy program based on different semioccluded vocal tract exercises in subjects with behavioral dysphonia: A randomized controlled trial.
  • Marco Guzman
  • Teresa Bertucci
  • Constanza Pacheco
  • Fernando Leiva
  • Felipe Quintana
  • Romina Ansaldi
  • Camilo Quezada
  • Daniel Muñoz
  • J Commun Disord.2020 Jul;87:106023. S0021-9924(20)30091-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2020.106023.Epub 2020-07-07.


A concept analysis and meta-narrative review established a comprehensive theoretical definition of replication research to improve its use.
  • Brigitte Vachon
  • Janet A Curran
  • Sathya Karunananthan
  • Jamie Brehaut
  • Ian D Graham
  • David Moher
  • Anne E Sales
  • Sharon E Straus
  • Michele Fiander
  • P Alison Paprica
  • Jeremy M Grimshaw
  • J Clin Epidemiol.2020 Jul;S0895-4356(20)30210-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.07.006.Epub 2020-07-16.