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Clinical evaluation of an ionic toothbrush in the removal of established plaque and reduction of gingivitis.
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Clinical evaluation of an ionic tooth brush on oral hygiene status, gingival status, and microbial parameter.
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Efficacy of an ionic toothbrush on gingival crevicular fluid--a pilot study.
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A clinical trial testing the efficacy of an ionic toothbrush for reducing plaque and gingivitis.
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Comparison of sonic and ionic toothbrush in reduction in plaque and gingivitis.
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イオン歯ブラシのエネルギー出力とin vitroの生物学的効果
Energy output and in vitro biologic effects of an ionic toothbrush.
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Clinical comparison of an electric-powered ionic toothbrush and a manual toothbrush in plaque reduction: A randomized clinical trial.
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Patient-Specific Implants (PSI) in Maxillary Hypoplasia Secondary to Cleft Lip and Palate Deformity.
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末梢下顎神経の損傷、介入と転帰の評価。A Systematic Review
Injuries of the Peripheral Mandibular Nerve, Evaluation of Interventions and Outcomes: A Systematic Review.
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下顎骨顆部基部骨折に対するInfinitesimal Peri-Angular Pterygomasseteric Transectioning Approach(IPPTA)。予備的研究
Infinitesimal Peri-angular Pterygomasseteric Transectioning Approach (IPPTA) for the Base Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle: A Preliminary Study.
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Fabrication of removable palatal augmentation prosthesis on a complete denture to reduce weight and maintain hygiene.
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Ortho-Perio Interrelationship. Treatment Challenges.
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Long-term effect on adenoid dimensions and craniocervical angulation after maxillary expansion with fixed or functional appliances.
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Effects of Orthodontic Functional Appliances in Relation to Skeletal Maturation of Cervical Vertebrae in Class II Malocclusion.
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Application of myofunctional therapy in cases with craniomandibular disorders.
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Orthodontic-periodontal interactions: Orthodontic extrusion in interdisciplinary regenerative treatments.
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Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics:Perio-ortho ambidextrousの視点から
Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics: A perio-ortho ambidextrous perspective.
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A randomized comparison of rescuer positions for intubation on the ground.
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Effect of preorthodontic trainer in mixed dentition.
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Evaluation of Effect of Orthodontic Pacifiers in Prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: A Finite Element Method and Questionnaire Based Study.
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Forsus™ FRDアプライアンスを用いたClassII矯正における骨格と歯槽骨の寄与 :定量的評価
Skeletal and dentoalveolar contributions during Class II correction with Forsus™ FRD appliances : Quantitative evaluation.
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二級不正咬合の機能的固定治療による外歯根吸収の評価:Cast splint Herbst applianceとForsus fatigue resistant deviceの比較
Evaluation of external apical root resorption caused by fixed functional treatment of class II malocclusion : Cast splint Herbst appliance vs. Forsus fatigue resistant device.
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Class II malocclusion treatment with a customized dual force distalizer.
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Evaluation of effects of removable functional orthodontic apparatus on the upper airway size by cephalometric films.
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A comparison of chewing rate between overweight and normal BMI individuals.
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Orthodontic Treatment of a Periodontally - Affected Adult Patient (Case Report).
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Effect of combined periodontal and orthodontic treatment of tilted molars and of teeth with intra-bony and furcation defects in stage-IV periodontitis patients: A systematic review.
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Bonding of resin cement to zirconia with high pressure primer coating.
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Effects of remaining dentin thickness, smear layer and aging on the bond strengths of self-etch adhesives to dentin.
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Monolithic zirconia crowns: effect of thickness reduction on fatigue behavior and failure load.
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Efficacy of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Biodentine as Apical Barriers in Immature Permanent Teeth: A Microbiological Study.
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Adjunctive use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the surgical treatment of periapical lesions: a case series.
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The effect of thermo-mechanical fatigue on the retentive force and dimensional changes in polyetheretherketone clasps with different thickness and undercut.
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Wear evaluation of CAD-CAM dental ceramic materials by chewing simulation.
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The effect of chewing exercise in preschool children on maximum bite force and masticatory performance.
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Association between perioral muscle pressure and masticatory performance.
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Effects of gum chewing exercise on maximum bite force according to facial morphology.
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Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC) Announce Their Latest Guidelines: "Debridement: Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for Nurses".
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Simple oral exercise with chewing gum for improving oral function in older adults.
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Validation of a purpose-built chewing gum and smartphone application to evaluate chewing efficiency.
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Paternal childcare in early childhood and problematic behavior in children: a population-based prospective study in Japan.
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European expert consensus statement on therapeutic goals in Fabry disease.
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3種類の歯内療法用キレート剤(17%エチレンジアミン四酢酸、1%過酢酸、0.2%キトサン)がガッタパーチャと新しいバイオセラミックシーラー(BioRoot RCS)のプッシュアウト接着強さに及ぼす影響を比較評価した
An comparative evaluation of the effect of three endodontic chelating agents (17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, 1% peracetic acid, 0.2% chitosan) on the push out bond strength of gutta percha with a new bioceramic sealer (BioRoot RCS).
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Single-Cone Techniqueで保存的に準備された曲がった根管におけるバイオセラミックシーラー、AH Plus、GuttaFlowの封鎖能力の比較。検討しました
Comparison of Sealing Ability of Bioceramic Sealer, AH Plus, and GuttaFlow in Conservatively Prepared Curved Root Canals Obturated with Single-Cone Technique: An Study.
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バイオセラミックによる根管充填と従来の充填方法との比較による術後の痛み。A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Postoperative Pain following Root Canal Filling with Bioceramic vs. Traditional Filling Techniques: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
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Influence of Topical Corticosteroids on Malignant Transformation of Oral Lichen Planus.
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Real world evidence: Patients with refractory pemphigus treated with Rituximab.
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天疱瘡と天疱瘡。From Disease Mechanisms to Druggable Pathways
Pemphigus and Pemphigoid: From Disease Mechanisms to Druggable Pathways.
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Periodontal treatment of furcation involvement at the mandibular first molar with a follow-up of 27 years.
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Results of an experimental study of subgingival cleaning effectiveness in the furcation area.
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Imaging characteristics of enamel pearls on CBCT and their co-relation with supernumerary tooth.
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Saving a Natural Tooth in the Implant Era: A Case Report on Noninvasive Surgical Root Amputation.
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Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm activities of polyphenols extracted from different Saudi Arabian date cultivars against human pathogens.
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Medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ): Factors related to recurrence after treatment with surgery and platelet rich plasma (PRP) placement.
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A retrospective study on the incidence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) associated with different preventive dental care modalities.
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Evaluation of Preventive Treatment Protocols for Patients under Antiresorptive Therapy Undergoing Tooth Extraction at a Swiss University Clinic.
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Oral mucosal pseudotumor - Novelty complication in patient undergoing bevacizumab therapy.
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Conservative Management of Severe Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw With Pathological Fracture.
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Diagnostic accuracy comparing OPT and CBCT in the detection of non-vital bone changes before tooth extractions in patients with antiresorptive intake.
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上顎骨の薬害性顎骨壊死に対する外科的治療の効果の検討。A Literature Review
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Surgical Treatment on Maxillary Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Literature Review.
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MRONJのステージIIおよびIIIにおける外科的介入と抗生物質の影響 - Retrospectiveな研究
The impact of surgical intervention and antibiotics on MRONJ stage II and III - Retrospective study.
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Is teriparatide therapy effective for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Electromagnetic Fields Modify Redox Balance in the Rat Gastrointestinal Tract.
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Dynamic Navigation Technologyを用いた下顎第三大臼歯の部分的衝撃に対するフラップレス・骨保存抜歯。3例の報告です
Flapless and bone-preserving extraction of partially impacted mandibular third molars with dynamic navigation technology. A report of three cases.
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閉経後骨粗鬆症の治療におけるロモソズマブとテリパラチドの比較。A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis through a Grade Analysis of Evidence
Romosozumab versus Teriparatide for the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis through a Grade Analysis of Evidence.
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薬剤誘発性歯肉過形成:アムロジピンとヒト歯肉線維芽細胞を用いたin vitro試験
Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia: An in vitro study using amlodipine and human gingival fibroblasts.
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Anderson-Fabry disease - no histological signs of pathological accumulation in arterial and venous endothelium during pegunigalsidase alfa therapy.
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歯周病のアタッチメントロスが歯内療法マイクロサージェリーのアウトカムに与える影響。A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Impact of Periodontal Attachment Loss on the Outcome of Endodontic Microsurgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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