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Practicability of a chairside approach for characterizing CAD/CAM resin-based composites.
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歯の位置と虫歯の種類に応じた口腔内デジタル印象のインレー製剤のin vitro解析
In vitro analysis of intraoral digital impression of inlay preparation according to tooth location and cavity type.
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Trueness of intraoral scanners in digitizing specific locations at the margin and intaglio surfaces of intracoronal preparations.
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Surgical Treatment of Furcation Involvement Associated with Recurrence of Aggressive Periodontitis: A Case Report.
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Root Coverage with Connective Tissue Graft in Patients with Thin Periodontal Biotype: A Case Series with 12-month Follow-up.
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Noninvasive detection of microleakage in all-ceramic crowns using quantitative light-induced fluorescence technology.
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N95 人工呼吸器は空気中のウイルスから95%の保護レベルを提供し、サージカルマスクはどの程度適切ですか?
Do N95 respirators provide 95% protection level against airborne viruses, and how adequate are surgical masks?
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Study of the fetal and maternal microbiota in pregnant women with intrauterine growth restriction and its relationship with inflammatory biomarkers: A case-control study protocol (SPIRIT compliant).
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Let's be a periodontist..for only afew minutes !
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Endodontic Periapical Lesion: An Overview on the Etiology, Diagnosis and Current Treatment Modalities.
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Endodontic Periapical Lesion: An Overview on the Etiology, Diagnosis and Current Treatment Modalities.
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A Comparison of Five Cooling Methods in Hot and Humid Environments in Thoroughbred Horses.
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Fibrogrowth factor-2 protects against acute lung injury by activating the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway.
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Significance of the Marginal Mandibular Branch in Relation to Facial Palsy Reconstruction: Assessment of Microanatomy and Macroanatomy Including Axonal Load in 96 Facial Halves.
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神経からマスメーター駆動の笑顔の再アニメーショ ンにおける患者体験
Patient experience in nerve-to-masseter-driven smile reanimation.
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Mandibular Radiomorphometric Indices and Tooth Loss as Predictors for the Risk of Osteoporosis using Panoramic Radiographs.
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Mandibular Radiomorphometric Indices and Tooth Loss as Predictors for the Risk of Osteoporosis using Panoramic Radiographs.
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A laboratory-based study examining the properties of silk fabric to evaluate its potential as a protective barrier for personal protective equipment and as a functional material for face coverings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff.
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Underwater Superoleophobic Surface Based on Silica Hierarchical Cylinder Arrays with a Low Aspect Ratio.
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Retrospective evaluation of gingival thickness and tissue stability after connective tissue grafting in Asian populations: 1 month to 3.5 years.
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The Current Trend in Management of Bruxism and Chronic Pain: An Overview of Systematic Reviews.
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歯周炎の既往歴のある被験者の歯肉の健康に及ぼす機械的プラークコントロール頻度の効果。A Randomized Clinical Trial
Effect of self-performed mechanical plaque control frequency on gingival health in subjects with a history of periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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I-III期歯周炎の治療-EFP S3レベルの臨床実践ガイドライン
Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis-The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline.
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Tooth survival and clinical outcomes up to 26 years after guided tissue regeneration therapy in deep intra-bony defects: Follow-up investigation of three randomized clinical trials.
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Differences in the periodontal microbiome of successfully treated and persistent aggressive periodontitis.
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Tooth-related factors for tooth loss 20 years after active periodontal therapy-A partially prospective study.
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Self-reported bleeding on brushing as a predictor of bleeding on probing: Early observations from the deployment of an internet of things network of intelligent power-driven toothbrushes in a supportive periodontal care population.
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Three periodontitis phenotypes: Bone loss patterns, antibiotic-surgical treatment and the new classification.
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Development of a nomogram for the prediction of periodontal tooth loss using the staging and grading system: A long-term cohort study.
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The combined use of salivary biomarkers and clinical parameters to predict the outcome of scaling and root planing: A cohort study.
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Periodontal regeneration using a xenogeneic bone substitute seeded with autologous periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stem cells: A 12-month quasi-randomized controlled pilot clinical trial.
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Incidence and progression of gingival recession over 4 years: a population-based longitudinal study.
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The "sufficient cause" model framework applied to the periodontitis-systemic diseases link.
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Accuracy of dental calculus detection using digital radiography and image manipulation.
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Effect of section thickness on cone beam computed tomography-based measurements of intrabony defects compared with clinical measurements.
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Microbiome changes in young periodontitis patients treated with adjunctive metronidazole and amoxicillin.
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Patient experience of autogenous soft tissue grafting has an implication for future treatment: A 10 to 15-year cross-sectional study.
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The treatment response of barrier membrane with amoxicillin-loaded nanofibers in experimental periodontitis.
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Application of enamel matrix derivative in conjunction with non-surgical therapy for treatment of moderate to severe periodontitis: A 12-month, randomized prospective, multicenter study.
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Twenty-year results after connective tissue grafts and guided tissue regeneration for root coverage.
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On the value of the 2017 classification of phenotype and gingival recessions.
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The Clinical Evaluation of the Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on the Donor and Recipient Sites of the Free Gingival Graft: A Case Series.
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The Clinical Evaluation of the Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on the Donor and Recipient Sites of the Free Gingival Graft: A Case Series.
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Soft-Tissue Grafting Solutions.
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Soft-Tissue Grafting Solutions.
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Interproximal attachment gain: The challenge of periodontal regeneration.
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Quorum sensing systems as a new target to prevent biofilm-related oral diseases.
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Adenovirus-Mediated LAMA3 Transduction Enhances Hemidesmosome Formation and Periodontal Reattachment during Wound Healing.
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