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Green Tea Polyphenol Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate-Stearate Inhibits the Growth of : A Promising New Approach in Caries Prevention.
- Dent J (Basel).2018 Aug;6(3).
Comparing the Effectiveness of Probiotic, Green Tea, and Chlorhexidine- and Fluoride-containing Dentifrices on Oral Microbial Flora: A Double-blind, Randomized Clinical Trial.
- Contemp Clin Dent.2018 Oct-Dec;9(4):560-569.
Comparison of the colony count changes in plaque following chlorhexidine (0.12%) mouth rinse and green tea extract (0.5%) mouth rinse in 8-12-year-old children.
- J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent.2021 Jul-Sep;39(3):310-315.
The impact of tooth loss on cognitive function.
- Clin Oral Investig.2021 Dec;
Combination of SDF-1 and bFGF promotes bone marrow stem cell-mediated periodontal ligament regeneration.
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The Regenerative Potential of bFGF in Dental Pulp Repair and Regeneration.
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Concentration of proinflammatory cytokines in patients with ulcers as a complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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Effect of topical sucralfate vs clindamycin on posttonsillectomy pain in children aged 6 to 12 years: a triple-blind randomized clinical trial.
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Comparative evaluation of microbial profiles of oral samples obtained at different collection time points and using different methods.
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SARS-CoV-2: Overview and Its Impact on Oral Health.
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How Biophotonics Can Help Dentistry to Avoid or Minimize Cross Infection by SARS-CoV-2?
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Metformin for Cardiovascular Protection, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Osteoporosis, Periodontitis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Neurodegeneration, Cancer, Inflammation and Senescence: What Is Next?
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Does motivational interviewing promote oral health in adolescents?
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Positional changes of maxillary central incisors following orthodontic treatment using single-crown implants as fixed reference markers.
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A Comparison of Esthetic Features of Pre-existing Natural Tooth Versus Post-Implant Restoration in the Esthetic Zone: A Retrospective 12-month Follow-up.
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Maxillary Incisive Canal Characteristics: A Radiographic Study Using Cone Beam Computerized Tomography.
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Effect of age on single implant submersion rate in the central maxillary incisor region: a long-term retrospective study.
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Evaluation of Alveolar Bone Quality: Correlation Between Histomorphometric Analysis and Lekholm and Zarb Classification.
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Do Morphological Changes in the Anterior Mandibular Region Interfere with Standard Implant Placement? A Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Cross-Sectional Study.
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Short-Term Evaluation of Guided Bone Reconstruction with Titanium Mesh Membranes and CGF Membranes in Immediate Implantation of Anterior Maxillary Tooth.
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Treatment outcomes of implant-assisted removable partial denture with distal extension based on the Kennedy classification and attachment type: a systematic review.
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A customized metal guide for controllable modification of anterior teeth contour prior to minimally invasive preparation.
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審美領域における外科的歯冠長延長術と術後早期のPOCR(Physiologically Oriented Crevicular Repreparation)法との併用による長期(15年以上)の修復後経過について
Long-Term (> 15 Years) Postrestorative Outcomes of Surgical Crown Lengthening Associated with Early Postsurgical Physiologically Oriented Crevicular Repreparation (POCR) Technique in Esthetic Areas.
- Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2021 Nov-Dec;41(6):845-854.
The Effects of a coffee beverage and whitening systems on surface roughness and gloss of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate glass ceramics.
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Analysis of Changes in the Tensile Bond Strenght of Soft Relining Material with Acrylic Denture Material.
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Is the application of a silane-based coupling agent necessary to stabilize the fatigue performance of bonded simplified lithium disilicate restorations?
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The effect of aortic arch replacement on pulse wave velocity after surgery.
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The occlusal precision of milled versus printed provisional crowns.
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The functions of human saliva: A review sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI
The functions of human saliva: A review sponsored by the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VI.
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The effect of sodium bicarbonate oral rinse on salivary pH and oral microflora: A prospective cohort study.
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Oral Manifestations of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients: A Systematic Review.
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The use of implants for orthodontic correction of an open bite.
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COVID-19 presents an opportunity for dental teams to become ready for person-centred care.
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Re-establishing normal diet following high fat-diet-induced obesity reverses the altered salivary composition in Wistar rats.
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カリオジェルのバイオフィルム。Development, Properties, and Biomimetic Preventive Agents
Cariogenic Biofilms: Development, Properties, and Biomimetic Preventive Agents.
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Dental public health in action: The covid-19 restrictions on dentistry in England and their impact on access to dental care for high-risk patient groups in the North-East and North Cumbria.
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A large-scale observational study to investigate the current status of diabetic complications and their prevention in Japan (JDCP study 6): baseline dental and oral findings.
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A cross-sectional study of relationships between periodontal disease and general health: The Hitachi Oral Healthcare Survey.
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Association of hyperglycaemia and periodontitis: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Finite element analysis of occlusal interferences in dental prosthetics caused by occlusal adjustment.
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Influence of zirconia implant surface topography on first bone implant contact within a prospective cohort study.
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歯科インプラント用ドリリングテンプレートのデザインの違いが骨切り時の発熱に及ぼす影響-in vitro研究
Effect of different dental implant drilling template designs on heat generation during osteotomy - an in vitro study.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2021 Sep;
Effect of 0.4% Triphala and 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash on dental plaque, gingival inflammation, and microbial growth in 14-15-year-old schoolchildren: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Assessment of the survival and success rates of lithium disilicate crowns after different surface finishing procedures: An in vitro study.
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Evaluation of the clinical success of four different types of lithium disilicate ceramic restorations: a retrospective study.
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Effect of Li/Na exchange on mechanical behavior and biological activity of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic.
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Indirect orthodontic bonding--a modified technique for improved efficiency and precision.
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A new device (FAQ.FIX®) for orthodontic bracket placement in straight wire technique.
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Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets Using Direct and Indirect Bonding Methods and .
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A Unique Bonding Technique for Immediate Orthognathic Surgery.
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Indirect Bonding Revisited.
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Bond strength of indirect bonded brackets in orthodontic adhesives with different viscosities.
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Computer-aided indirect bonding versus traditional direct bonding of orthodontic brackets: bonding time, immediate bonding failures, and cost-minimization. A randomized controlled trial.
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矯正歯科におけるインダイレクトボンディングテクニック-Narrative Literature Review
The Indirect Bonding Technique in Orthodontics-A Narrative Literature Review.
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Accuracy of bracket position using thermoplastic and 3D-printed indirect bonding trays.
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Effect of adhesion boosters on indirect bracket bonding.
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Knowledge and Needs of Resident Physicians Regarding Osteoporosis: A Nationwide Survey of Residents.
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Serum biomarkers for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: a prospective clinical study.
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The direct way of indirect bonding--the combined effect.
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Cancer Patients at Risk for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. A Case and Control Study Analyzing Predictors of MRONJ Onset.
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Surgical vs conservative treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A complex systematic review and meta-analysis.
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訂正 薬剤関連顎骨壊死の早期発見・診断の可能性は様々な画像診断法で可能か?総説
Correction to Do various imaging modalities provide potential early detection and diagnosis of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw? A review.
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Matrix-Bound Zolzoledronate Enhances the Biofilm Colonization of Hydroxyapatite: Effects on Osteonecrosis.
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Usefulness of quantitative bone SPECT/CT for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in clinical settings.
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Bonding techniques in lingual orthodontics.
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異なる方向に印刷されたデジタルデザインの転写模型を用いた間接接着法による正確なブラケット配置-In Vitro Study
Accurate Bracket Placement with an Indirect Bonding Method Using Digitally Designed Transfer Models Printed in Different Orientations-An In Vitro Study.
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Effect of Direct versus Indirect Bonding Technique on the Failure Rate of Mandibular Fixed Retainer-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Expansion of nanotechnology for dentistry: effect of colloidal platinum nanoparticles on dentin adhesion mediated by 4-META/MMA-TBB.
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The Influencing Factors of Nutrition and Diet Health Knowledge Dissemination Using the WeChat Official Account in Health Promotion.
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Nitrogen doped titanium dioxide as an aesthetic antimicrobial filler in dental polymers.
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歯髄を直接覆うための新しい複合材のin vitroおよびin vivoでの有効性
In Vitro and In Vivo Efficacy of New Composite for Direct Pulp Capping.
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Amphiphilic quaternized chitosan: Synthesis, characterization, and anti-cariogenic biofilm property.
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Quantification of the Adhesion Strength of to Tooth Enamel.
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The Pellicle-Another Strategy of the Root Apex Protection against Mechanical Stress?
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Water-soluble factors eluated from surface pre-reacted glass-ionomer filler promote osteoblastic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.
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Integrated effects of ultrasonic scaling and subgingival irrigation with 0.12% chlorhexidine by a newly designed ultrasonic scaler tip in chronic periodontitis.
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The Effect of Ultrasonic Scaling and Air-Powder Polishing on the Roughness of the Enamel, Three Different Nanocomposites, and Composite/Enamel and Composite/Cementum Interfaces.
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Relationship between chewing rate and masticatory performance.
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Clinical Effect and Aesthetic Observation of All-on-4 Immediate Loading Implant Denture in Severe Periodontitis.
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Digital workflow for image-guided immediate implant placement by using the socket-shield technique and custom abutment in the esthetic area.
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Immediate restoration of fixed full-arch prostheses placed on implants in both fresh and healed sockets using the flat one-bridge technique: a 7-year retrospective study.
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Immediate Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: Is Socket Shield Technique a Predictable Treatment Option? A Narrative Review.
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Could the socket shield technique be better than conventional immediate implantation? A meta-analysis.
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幼少期のがん治療が歯列と口腔衛生に及ぼす長期的影響。DCCSS LATER 2研究の歯科医師調査研究
Long-Term Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment on Dentition and Oral Health: A Dentist Survey Study from the DCCSS LATER 2 Study.
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Dental caries among childhood cancer survivors.
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Chemotherapy is a risk factor for caries and gingivitis in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. A retrospective cohort study.
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JAK Inhibitors and Modulation of B Cell Immune Responses in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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Predictor of rehabilitation outcome for dysphagia.
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The effects of alternate irrigation of root canals with chelating agents and sodium hypochlorite on the effectiveness of smear layer removal.
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Sarcopenia and dysphagia: Position paper by four professional organizations.
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An study of comparative evaluation of efficacy of electrochemically activated water as a root canal irrigant in smear layer removal.
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Presence of Specific Periodontal Pathogens in Prostate Gland Diagnosed With Chronic Inflammation and Adenocarcinoma.
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Gingival inflammatory response induced by chemical retraction agents in beagle dogs.
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Periodontal treatment outcomes in smokers: A narrative review.
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