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Long Non-Coding RNA (lncRNA) Small Nucleolar RNA Host Gene 15 (SNHG15) Alleviates Osteoarthritis Progression by Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Homeostasis.
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A Prospective, Randomized, Interventional Study of Oral Iron Supplementation Comparing Daily Dose with Alternate Day Regimen Using Hepcidin as a Biomarker in Iron Deficiency Anemia.
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Antidiabetes constituents, cycloartenol and 24-methylenecycloartanol, from Ficus krishnae.
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Competitive advantages of Ulva prolifera from Pyropia aquaculture rafts in Subei Shoal and its implication for the green tide in the Yellow Sea.
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Native South Americans were early inhabitants of Polynesia.
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Surgical treatment of frontal sinus osteoma.
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Postmortem investigation of a human cortical visual prosthesis that was implanted for 36 years.
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Evaluation of the Necessity for Cycloplegia During Refraction of Chinese Children Between 4 and 10 Years Old.
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Are burn centers in German-speaking countries prepared to respond to a burn disaster? Survey-based study.
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A Room-Temperature Formation Pathway for CdTeSe Alloy Magic-Size Clusters.
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Aim23p Interacts with the Yeast Mitochondrial Ribosomal Small Subunit.
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Calcineurin controls gene transcription following stimulation of a Gαq-coupled designer receptor.
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Concomitant excitation and tension development are required for myocellular gene expression and protein synthesis in rat skeletal muscle.
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Type I fatty acid synthase trapped in the octanoyl-bound state.
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Comprehensive radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurements and assessments: a city center example.
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揮発性DBPは、飲料水DBP混合物のPlatynereis dumeriliiに対する発生毒性にわずかに寄与した
Volatile DBPs contributed marginally to the developmental toxicity of drinking water DBP mixtures against Platynereis dumerilii.
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Wound-healing response and refractive regression after conductive keratoplasty.
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Revisiting Membrane Microdomains and Phase Separation: A Viral Perspective.
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Spider-Web-Inspired PM Filters Based on Self-Sustained Electrostatic Nanostructured Networks.
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Identification and characterization of extrachromosomal circular DNA in maternal plasma.
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Copper trafficking in eukaryotic systems: current knowledge from experimental and computational efforts.
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Non-operative treatment options for knee osteoarthritis.
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韓国・済州島からScott, 1892年に発見された3種の新種(Crustaceaa, Copepoda, Calanoida, Stephidae)
Three new species of the genus Scott, 1892 (Crustacea, Copepoda, Calanoida, Stephidae) from Jeju Island, Korea.
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The Use of Metformin to Increase the Human Healthspan.
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COVID-19 症例検出。キューバの積極的スクリーニングアプローチ
COVID-19 Case Detection: Cuba's Active Screening Approach.
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Respiratory Muscle and Lung Function in Lung Allograft Recipients: Association with Exercise Intolerance.
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Characterization of the melanopsin gene (Opn4x) of diurnal and nocturnal snakes.
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Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide Fluorescence as an Early Marker of Mitochondrial Impairment During Brain Hypoxia.
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Comparison of Mobile and Fixed-Site Black Carbon Measurements for High-Resolution Urban Pollution Mapping.
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Filling the gaps: ethnobotanical study of the Garrigues district, an arid zone in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula).
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マイクロRNA miR-145を条件付きで発現するトランスジェニックマウスの生成
Generation of transgenic mice that conditionally express microRNA miR-145.
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メトトレキサート後のAnagen Effluvium。特発的な反応
Anagen Effluvium after Methotrexate: An Idiosyncratic Reaction.
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Zoonotic in Wild Chimpanzees () from Senegal.
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Comparison of ATG-thymoglobulin with ATG-Fresenius for Epstein-Barr virus infections and graft-versus-host-disease in patients with hematological malignances after haploidentical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a single-center experience.
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A microscopic and biochemical study of fragmentation phenotypes in stage-appropriate human embryos.
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Interplay Between MicroRNAs and Oxidative Stress in Ovarian Conditions with a Focus on Ovarian Cancer and Endometriosis.
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Prevalence of equine hepacivirus infection in Mongolia.
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High-value care for senior medical students.
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DM1 マウス骨格筋における Staufen1 の過剰発現は、ジストロフィーおよび萎縮性の特徴を悪化させる
Overexpression of Staufen1 in DM1 mouse skeletal muscle exacerbates dystrophic and atrophic features.
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RAB3GAP1遺伝子の新規変異、シリアで初めて診断されたWarburg Micro症候群の症例
Novel mutation in the RAB3GAP1 gene, the first diagnosed Warburg Micro syndrome case in Syria.
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脛骨骨折治癒スコア。A Novel Tool to Predict Tibial Nonunion
Tibial Fracture Healing Score: A Novel Tool to Predict Tibial Nonunion.
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An Intelligent Non-Invasive Real-Time Human Activity Recognition System for Next-Generation Healthcare.
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Relationship between rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin and development of PTLD and its aggressive form in renal transplant population.
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ミトゲンおよびストレス活性化プロテインキナーゼ 1 は、Brf1 および tRNA 遺伝子の転写をアルコールで制御し、表現型の変化を引き起こす
Mitogen- and Stress-Activated Protein Kinase 1 Mediates Alcohol-Upregulated Transcription of Brf1 and tRNA Genes to Cause Phenotypic Alteration.
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Seven recommendations to rescue the patients and reduce the mortality from COVID-19 infection: An immunological point of view.
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Sonophotocatalytic disinfection of Shigella species under visible light irradiation: Insights into its molecular mechanism, antibacterial resistance and biofilm formation.
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Spatial analysis of syphilis in pregnancy and congenital syphilis in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, 2001-2018.
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Use of the informational spectrum methodology for rapid biological analysis of the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: prediction of potential receptor, natural reservoir, tropism and therapeutic/vaccine target.
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Utility of sonoelastography for the evaluation of rotator cuff tendon and pertinent disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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The primary care response to COVID-19 in England's National Health Service.
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Aortic root replacement with bicuspid valve reimplantation: Are outcomes and valve durability comparable to those of tricuspid valve reimplantation?
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Intra-Esophageal pH Monitoring on Two Consecutive Days in Patients With Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms.
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Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions for posttraumatic growth in patients with cancer: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
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Massive air embolism during off-pump CABG: A case report.
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Inhibition of transition metals dissolution in cobalt-free cathode with ultrathin robust interphase in concentrated electrolyte.
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Development of a sustainable photocatalytic process for air purification.
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Progression of vertebral fractures in long-term controlled acromegaly: a 9-year follow-up study.
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Expanding the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of severe serine biosynthesis disorders.
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Carbon dioxide as a drug in neonatology.
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ブラジル北東部の半乾燥地域における残留殺虫剤散布後のTriatoma brasiliensisによる家屋侵入の迅速な回復
Fast recovery of house infestation with Triatoma brasiliensis after residual insecticide spraying in a semiarid region of Northeastern Brazil.
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MnTBAPバイオミメティック触媒を用いたAGET ATRP信号増幅反応をベースとした超高感度DNA電気化学バイオセンサーの開発
Ultrasensitive DNA electrochemical biosensor based on MnTBAP biomimetic catalyzed AGET ATRP signal amplification reaction.
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Post-transplant cyclophosphamide combined with anti-thymocyte globulin for graft-vs-host disease prophylaxis improves survival and lowers non-relapse mortality in older patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.
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Deep Proteomic Deconvolution of Interferons and HBV Transfection Effects on a Hepatoblastoma Cell Line.
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Outcomes of universal pre-procedure COVID-19 testing prior to endoscopy in a tertiary care center in New York City.
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Vaping Cannabis Butane Hash Oil Leads to Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom-A Case of EVALI in a Teenager With Hyptrophic Cardiomyopathy
Vaping Cannabis Butane Hash Oil Leads to Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome-A Case of EVALI in a Teenager With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
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"自分がやるとしたら、どのように体験するだろうか?" 死に方支援の領域における薬剤師の実践を探るための理論的枠組みを開発する
"If I were to do this, how would I experience it?" developing a theoretical framework for exploring pharmacists' practice in the domain of assisted dying.
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Hypofibrinogenemia Caused by Hemocoagulase Injection: A Retrospective Study on Clinical Laboratory Findings.
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Creating a COVID-resilient future for surgery.
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Manufacturer's Response to "Residual volatile anesthetics after workstation preparation and activated charcoal filtration."
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Photodecomposition of ibuprofen over g-CN/BiWO/rGO heterostructured composites under visible/solar light.
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テンジクガ(Meyrick)(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)の病害虫の状態、生物生態学、管理、および国際貿易への影響
Pest status, bio-ecology and management of the false codling moth, (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and its implication for international trade.
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Cut-off values for Gaussian first-trimester screening for early-onset preeclampsia with maternal history, biochemical markers and uterine artery Doppler.
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Formation of somatosensory detour circuits mediates functional recovery following dorsal column injury.
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Deleterious mis-splicing of STK11 caused by a novel single-nucleotide substitution in the 3' polypyrimidine tract of intron five.
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Response by the authors, reflection of volatile anesthetic by the Vapor-Clean filter.
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Oxidative Stress Induced Toxicity and DNA Stability in Some Agri-Field Based Livestock/Insect by Widely Used Pesticides.
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Dose-volume correlates of the prevalence of patient-reported trismus in long-term survivorship after oropharyngeal IMRT: A cross-sectional dosimetric analysis.
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Assessment practices in undergraduate clinical medicine training: What do we do and how we can improve?
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Loss of Stag2 cooperates with EWS-FLI1 to transform murine Mesenchymal stem cells.
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Modeling Inflammation on Neurodevelopmental Disorders Using Pluripotent Stem Cells.
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Longitudinal changes in serum vitamin D binding protein and free 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a multiracial cohort of pregnant adolescents.
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Intestinal and hepatic contributions to the pharmacokinetic interaction between gamithromycin and rifampicin after single-dose and multiple-dose administration in healthy foals.
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Exploring Balloon Sinuplasty Adverse Events With the Innovative OpenFDA Database.
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Assessing seasonal demographic covariation to understand environmental-change impacts on a hibernating mammal.
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Reactive transport modeling of produced water disposal into dolomite saline aquifers: Controls of barium transport.
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Learning Sympathy.
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H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy supports larger amplitude fast motion and interference with lipid chain ordering for membrane that contains β sheet human immunodeficiency virus gp41 fusion peptide or helical hairpin influenza virus hemagglutinin fusion peptide at fusogenic pH.
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First-in-Man Experience of Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement With LuX-Valve in High-Risk Tricuspid Regurgitation Patients.
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Arabidopsis thaliana Hcc1 is a Sco-like metallochaperone for Cu assembly in Cytochrome c Oxidase.
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Medical Encounters During the United States Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection Course.
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l-Dehydroascorbic acid recycled by thiols efficiently scavenges non-thermal plasma-induced hydroxyl radicals.
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Analysis of Acrylamide in Dried Blood Spots of Lung Cancer Patients by Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
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Thiamine Mono- and Diphosphate Phosphatases in Bovine Brain Synaptosomes.
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コウモリのミヨチス(Myotis davidii)由来インターフェロン刺激遺伝子産物15(ISG15)の構造とドメイン間のISG15相互作用がウイルスタンパク質のエンゲージメントに与える影響
Structure of interferon-stimulated gene product 15 (ISG15) from the bat species Myotis davidii and the impact of interdomain ISG15 interactions on viral protein engagement.
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A one-pot process for synthesis of mitomycin analogs catalyzed by laccase/lipase optimized by response surface methodology.
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Skin diseases in displaced populations: a review of contributing factors, challenges, and approaches to care.
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