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A new registration algorithm of electronic portal imaging devices images based on the automatic detection of bone edges during radiotherapy.
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Molecular diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis by multi-gene target sequencing in Korea: matching with osmotic fragility test and presence of spherocyte.
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Hemorrhagic pleuropericardial effusion secondary to dabigatran.
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A role for metabolomics in the antidoping toolbox?
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Extensive pneumatosis intestinalis and portal venous gas mimicking mesenteric ischaemia in a patient with SARS-CoV-2.
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Health Information Technology and Diabetes Management: A Review of Motivational and Inhibitory Factors.
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Primary Alcohol-Activated Human and Mouse Hepatic Stellate Cells Share Similarities in Gene-Expression Profiles.
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The effects of prenatal, perinatal and neonatal factors on academic performance in primary school age children.
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Pulmonary hypertension in late-onset Methylmalonic Aciduria and Homocystinemia: a case report.
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Ginseng Gintonin Contains Ligands for GPR40 and GPR55.
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Impact of Cell-free DNA Screening on Parental Knowledge of Fetal Sex and Disorders of Sex Development.
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Brief digital sleep questionnaire powered by machine learning prediction models identifies common sleep disorders.
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Multi stakeholders of health and industries perspectives on medicine price transparency initiative in private health care settings in Malaysia.
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Substrates and inhibitors of phosphate transporters: from experimental tools to pathophysiological relevance.
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TGR5-HNF4α axis contributes to bile acid-induced gastric intestinal metaplasia markers expression.
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An 8-year-old with genu valgum: Answers.
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Mutant prion proteins increase calcium permeability of AMPA receptors, exacerbating excitotoxicity.
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Predictive model of bosentan-induced liver toxicity in Japanese patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.
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Exploratory study of a screening measure for polycystic ovarian syndrome, quality of life assessment, and neuropsychological evaluation.
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Koi herpesvirus disease outbreak: Input for the implementation of a surveillance program in South Tyrol - Italy.
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Evaluation of C-C Chemokine Ligand 5 (CCL5) Chemokine, Interleukin 5 (IL-5) Cytokine, and Eosinophil Counts as Potential Biomarkers in Saudi Patients with Chronic Asthma During Sandstorms.
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Definition of functionally and structurally distinct repressive states in the nuclear receptor PPARγ.
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Two-long terminal repeat (LTR) DNA circles are a substrate for HIV-1 integrase.
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Neonatal bacterial meningitis versus ventriculitis: a cohort-based overview of clinical characteristics, microbiology and imaging.
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Invasive Plasmacytoid Urothelial Carcinoma: A Comparative Study of E-cadherin and P120 Catenin.
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A Deep Learning Framework for Prostate Localization in Cone Beam CT Guided Radiotherapy.
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Patient-reported flare frequency is associated with diminished quality of life and family role functioning in systemic lupus erythematosus.
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フコイダンの抗がん作用:in vivoおよびin vitro試験のレビュー
The anti-cancer effects of fucoidan: a review of both in vivo and in vitro investigations.
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β-Naphthoflavone and Ethanol Reverse Mitochondrial Dysfunction in A Parkinsonian Model of Neurodegeneration.
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Fragmentation of acetate-CoA ligase gives a clue to understand domain rearrangement history of NDP-forming acyl-CoA synthetase superfamily proteins.
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Dynamic simulation of continuous mixed sugar fermentation with increasing cell retention time for lactic acid production using QU 25.
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Salicylate use: a negative predictive factor for finding pathology explanatory for iron deficiency anaemia.
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Assessing national performance in response to COVID-19.
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Development of patient-specific 3D-printed breast phantom using silicone and peanut oils for magnetic resonance imaging.
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乾燥した森林のアンギオスペルマムの3つの茎における単一の導管現象によって広がるXyle embolism
Xylem embolism spreads by single-conduit events in three dry forest angiosperm stems.
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Full-term low birth weight infants have differentially hypermethylated DNA related to immune system and organ growth: a comparison with full-term normal birth weight infants.
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High-Efficiency Same-Day Approach to Breast Reconstruction During the COVID-19 Crisis.
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エストロゲン治療後の DCIS の形成と浸潤における STAT5a の必須の役割
Essential role of STAT5a in DCIS formation and invasion following estrogen treatment.
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Trimethylamine-N-oxide Specifically Impairs Endothelium-Derived Hyperpolarizing Factor-Type Relaxation in Rat Femoral Artery.
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A randomised controlled trial of a relationship-focussed mobile phone application for improving adolescents' mental health.
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Endpoints for randomized controlled clinical trials for COVID-19 treatments.
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Loss of function of the mitochondrial peptidase PITRM1 induces proteotoxic stress and Alzheimer's disease-like pathology in human cerebral organoids.
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Chemical Characterization and Antiplatelet Potential of Bioactive Extract from Tomato Pomace (Byproduct of Tomato Paste).
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Increased chemokine RANTES in synovial fluid and its role in early-stage degenerative temporomandibular joint disease.
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Clinical Significance of Segmental Chromosomal Aberrations in Patients with Neuroblastoma: First Report in Korean Population.
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High power microsecond fiber laser at 1.5 μm.
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An orally bioavailable broad-spectrum antiviral inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in human airway epithelial cell cultures and multiple coronaviruses in mice.
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Betalain exerts a protective effect against glaucoma is majorly through the association of inflammatory cytokines.
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乗員の傷害重症度に影響を与えるΔVの役割を探る - 自動車衝突事故の調停分析アプローチ
Exploring the role of delta-V in influencing occupant injury severities - A mediation analysis approach to motor vehicle collisions.
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Identification of immune-related biomarkers associated with tumorigenesis and prognosis in cutaneous melanoma patients.
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Locked down, spaced out: Dark Star.
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Multiple milia formation in blistering diseases.
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NCSTN promotes hepatocellular carcinoma cell growth and metastasis via β-catenin activation in a Notch1/AKT dependent manner.
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Molecular Analysis of the Complete Genome of a Simian Foamy Virus Infecting (pileated gibbon) Reveals Ancient Co-Evolution with Lesser Apes.
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Label-free detection microarray for novel peptide ligands screening base on MS-SPRi combination.
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Novel Use of a Closed Liposuction System: Treatment of an Acute Morel-Lavallée Lesion of the Upper Extremity.
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Ammonium is the preferred source of nitrogen for planktonic foraminifer and their dinoflagellate symbionts.
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Impact of a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor-Trichostatin A on Neurogenesis after Hypoxia-Ischemia in Immature Rats.
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中等度~高度遠視に対する無傷レーザーin situ角膜切除術後の患者年齢と残存屈折率誤差の関係
The relationship between patient age and residual refractive error after uneventful laser in situ keratomileusis for moderate-to-high hyperopia.
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免疫性血小板減少症に対するmultigly-Cosidorum TripterygiumとrhIL-11の併用療法の有効性
[Therapeutic Efficacy of Multigly-Cosidorum Tripterygium Combined with rhIL-11 for Immune Thrombocytopenia].
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A non-selective endothelin receptor antagonist bosentan modulates kinetics of bone marrow-derived cells in ameliorating pulmonary hypertension in mice.
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Characterization of Tobacco Mosaic Virus Virions and Repolymerized Coat Protein Aggregates in Solution by Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering.
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Serum Alanine Transaminase as a Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes Incidence: The Yuport Prospective Cohort Study.
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Fluconazole as a New Therapeutic Tool to Manage Patients With NPTIIc (SLC34A3) Mutation: A Case Report.
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Adipose tissue regeneration in a 3D-printed poly(lactic acid) frame-supported space at rat inguinal region.
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Age-related functional brain connectivity during audio-visual hand-held tool recognition.
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TARとの対面:創薬に関連する多様なエフェクター認識モードを持つHIV-1 RNAのポートレート
Face-time with TAR: Portraits of an HIV-1 RNA with diverse modes of effector recognition relevant for drug discovery.
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大気/液界面(ALI)曝露システムを用いた工業用VOCの触媒酸化除去による排出物のin vitro毒物学的評価
In vitro toxicological evaluation of emissions from catalytic oxidation removal of industrial VOCs by air/liquid interface (ALI) exposure system in repeated mode.
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The illustrates visual segmentation of shape by cause.
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Patients' confidence in treatment decisions for early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
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発展途上国における薬学倫理の探求: スコーピングレビュー
Exploring pharmacy ethics in developing countries: a scoping review.
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A fast and simple approach for the quantification of five anti-hypersensitivity drugs in saliva and urine by portable ion mobility spectrometry based on magnetic graphene oxide dispersive solid phase extraction.
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Intrahepatic Cholestasis Owing to a Novel Heterozygous ABCG8 Mutation and SLC4A2 Polymorphism With Favorable Outcome Under Ursodeoxycholic Acid.
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Spectroscopic techniques combined with chemometrics for fast on-site characterization of suspected illegal antimicrobials.
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建設労働者の健康リスク行動プロファイル、32 州、2013 年~2016 年
Health Risk Behavior Profile of Construction Workers, 32 States, 2013-2016.
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High dispersal capacity and biogeographic breaks shape the genetic diversity of a globally distributed reef-dwelling calcifier.
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Apoptotic colitis owing to dolutegravir.
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Dynamic Colon Model (DCM): A Cine-MRI Informed Biorelevant In Vitro Model of the Human Proximal Large Intestine Characterized by Positron Imaging Techniques.
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Ex vivoで拡張された自己脂肪組織由来の間質細胞は、豊胸手術における脂肪移植片の保持力の向上を確実にします。無作為化比較臨床試験
Ex vivo-expanded autologous adipose tissue-derived stromal cells ensure enhanced fat graft retention in breast augmentation: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Bifidobacteria shape host neural circuits during postnatal development by promoting synapse formation and microglial function.
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A comparison between pylorus-preserving and distal gastrectomy in surgical safety and functional benefit with gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Haplotypes of CYP1B1 and CCDC57 genes in an Afro-Caribbean female population with uterine leiomyoma.
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PIK3CA Mutations and Their Impact on Survival Outcomes of Patients with Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review.
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A wealth of genotype-specific proteoforms fine-tunes hemoglobin scavenging by haptoglobin.
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Identification and analysis of KLF13 variants in patients with congenital heart disease.
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Ward renovation and PPE use procedures to protect medical staff from COVID-19 infection.
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Safety evaluation of the food enzyme endo-1,4-β-xylanase and β-glucanase from strain DXL.
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Ontogenetic changes in the venom of Metlapilcoatlus nummifer, the mexican jumping viper.
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Operational Radiology Recovery in Academic Radiology Departments After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moving Toward Normalcy.
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伝統的なホメオパシー的に製造された金属(Cuprum metallicum)と植物(Gelsemium sempervirens)の医薬品とコントロールの核磁気共鳴特性の検証
Verification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Characterization of Traditional Homeopathically Manufactured Metal (Cuprum metallicum) and Plant (Gelsemium sempervirens) Medicines and Controls.
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Patient-Specific Computer Simulation in TAVR With the Self-Expanding Evolut R Valve.
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Phenolic contents, antioxidant potential and associated colour in sweet sorghum syrups compared to other commercial syrup sweeteners.
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Human BDNF/TrkB variants impair hippocampal synaptogenesis and associate with neurobehavioural abnormalities.
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Relevant pericardial effusion caused by cytomegalovirus infection in an immunocompetent patient: a case report.
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Improving the early diagnosis of suspected patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study of 106 patients.
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Biomimetic biodegradable Ag@Au nanoparticle-embedded ureteral stent with a constantly renewable contact-killing antimicrobial surface and antibiofilm and extraction-free properties.
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USP9X prevents AGEs-induced upregulation of FN and TGF-β1 through activating Nrf2-ARE pathway in rat glomerular mesangial cells.
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