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Implant Survival in Immediately Loaded Full-Arch Rehabilitations Following an Anatomical Classification System-A Retrospective Study in 1200 Edentulous Jaws.
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Comparison of dental implant systems: quality of clinical evidence and prediction of 5-year survival.
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Implant diameter and length influence on survival: interim results during the first 2 years of function of implants by a single manufacturer.
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Is there a new learning curve with transition to a new resurfacing system?
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One-Abutment at One-TimeコンセプトとSLA、Platform SwitchおよびConical Abutmentインプラント周囲の限界骨量との関連性について
The Association of the One-Abutment at One-Time Concept with Marginal Bone Loss around the SLA and Platform Switch and Conical Abutment Implants.
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Comparison of clinical outcomes of immediate versus delayed placement of dental implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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エナメルマトリックス誘導体は血栓を安定させ、フラップレス歯周病治療後の深いポケットの臨床的治癒を改善する。A Randomized Clinical Trial
Enamel matrix derivative stabilizes blood clot and improves clinical healing in deep pockets after flapless periodontal therapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Serum anticardiolipin concentrations in patients with chronic periodontitis following scaling and root planing.
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Women and girls with haemophilia receiving care at specialized haemophilia treatment centres in the United States.
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Refractory acquired haemophilia A in a patient with HIV treated with Emicizumab.
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Quality of Life, Perception of Disease and Coping Strategies in Patients with Hemophilia in Spain and El Salvador: A Comparative Study.
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Benefits of physical therapy for people living with hemophilia.
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The cannabinoid receptor I (CB1) enhanced the osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs by rescue impaired mitochondrial metabolism function under inflammatory condition.
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Endpoints for extraintestinal manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease trials: the EXTRA consensus from the International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
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Longevity of 2328 chairside Cerec inlays and onlays.
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Long-term clinical results of chairside Cerec CAD/CAM inlays and onlays: a case series.
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All-ceramic restorations: A review of the literature.
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チェアサイドで使用したCerec 1 CAD/CAMインレーおよびオンレーの最長27年間の臨床的長期結果
Up to 27-years clinical long-term results of chairside Cerec 1 CAD/CAM inlays and onlays.
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チェアサイドでのComputer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Machiningによるナノセラミック修復の臨床評価。5年後の状況
Clinical evaluation of chairside Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted Machining nano-ceramic restorations: Five-year status.
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レジンナノセラミクスCEREC Omnicam修復物のいくつかの要因に関連した臨床評価
A clinical evaluation of resin nanoceramic CEREC Omnicam restorations associated with several factors.
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Comparison of the accuracy of optical impression systems in three different clinical situations.
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Modified Sandwich TechniqueとDahl Conceptを用いた局所的な前歯部の摩耗の管理。A case report
Management of Localized Anterior Tooth Wear Using a Modified Sandwich Technique and the Dahl Concept: A Case Report.
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Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Asymptomatic Vertical Enamel and Dentin Cracks.
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Distal shoe: a cost-effective maintainer for primary second molars.
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Clinical outcomes of dental implants placed in the same region where previous implants failed due to peri-implantitis: a retrospective study.
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Prosthetic complications with mandibular bar-retained implant overdentures having distal attachments and metal frameworks: A 2- to 12-year retrospective analysis.
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dltオペロンはStreptococcus mutansのクロルヘキシジンに対する耐性に寄与している
The dlt operon contributes to the resistance to chlorhexidine in Streptococcus mutans.
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Oral health status for primary dentition - A pilot study.
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To study problematic eating behavior and its association with early childhood caries among 36-71-month-old children using children eating behavior questionnaire.
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Social Determinants of Disease: HIV and COVID-19 Experiences.
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A bibliometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited case reports and case series in Endodontic journals.
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Disseminated infection in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus in Japan: A case report, literature review, and autopsy case.
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Common cosmetic compounds can reduce air pollution-induced oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory response in the skin.
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Clinical significance of combined assessment of the maximum standardized uptake value of F-18 FDG PET with nodal size in the diagnosis of cervical lymph node metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
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Management of subcutaneous facial emphysema secondary to a class V dental restoration.
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Growth and Development of Dentofacial Complex influenced by Genetic and Environmental Factors using Monozygotic Twins.
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Wear and fracture of curettes due to sharpening and scaling processes.
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The role of surgical flap design (minimally invasive flap vs. extended flap with papilla preservation) on the healing of intrabony defects treated with an enamel matrix derivative: a 12-month two-center randomized controlled clinical trial.
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再発・難治性B細胞リンパ腫患者における発熱性好中球減少症予防のための顆粒球コロニー刺激因子の早期投与の効果と、抗CD19 CAR-Tの毒性および有効性への影響
Effect of early granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor administration in the prevention of febrile neutropenia and impact on toxicity and efficacy of anti-CD19 CAR-T in patients with relapsed/refractory B-cell lymphoma.
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Knowledge of evidence-based research methodology amongst orthodontic postgraduate residents in four universities: An international survey.
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Molecular profiling of intrabony defects' gingival crevicular fluid.
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Analysis of the 619 Brånemark System TiUnite implants: a retrospective study.
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Useful design of custom-made mouthguard for athletes undergoing orthodontic treatment with brackets and wires.
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スマートフォンを用いたリアルタイムレポート(Ecological Momentary Assessment)の覚醒時ブラキシズムの評価およびモニタリングにおける有用性。ポルトガルの大学生を対象とした、複数週にわたるインターバル研究
Utility of Smartphone-based real-time report (Ecological Momentary Assessment) in the assessment and monitoring of awake bruxism: A multiple-week interval study in a Portuguese population of university students.
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Is bruxism associated with changes in neural pathways? A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical studies using neurophysiological techniques.
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ブラジル北東部,バイア州のリオ・パラグアス上流から産出された新種の特徴的な色彩を持つナマズ(Loricariidae: Hypoptopomatinae),Parotocinclus nandae
Parotocinclus nandae, a new distinctive colored catfish (Loricariidae: Hypoptopomatinae) from the upper Rio Paraguaçu, Bahia State, northeastern Brazil.
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Clear aligner vs fixed self-ligating appliances: Orthodontic emergency during the 2020 coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
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Should pulp chamber pulpotomy be seen as a permanent treatment? Some preliminary thoughts.
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