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根管からのスミア層とデブリスの除去について、従来のシリンジ灌流と3D洗浄を比較した。Ex Vivo Study
Smear Layer and Debris Removal from Root Canals Comparing Traditional Syringe Irrigation and 3D Cleaning: An Ex Vivo Study.
- J Clin Med.2023 Jan;12(2).
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed®)
Effect of digital impressions and production protocols on the adaptation of zirconia copings.
- J Prosthet Dent.2017 Jan;117(1):102-108.
Marginal adaptation of zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate overlays with different preparation designs.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2020 Dec;32(8):823-830.
Development of a Subjective Symptom Rating Scale for Postoperative Oral Dysfunction in Patients with Oral Cancer: Reliability and Validity of the Postoperative Oral Dysfunction Scale-10.
- Diagnostics (Basel).2021 Nov;11(11).
進行がん患者における口腔内トラブルの管理に関する MASCC/ISOO の専門家意見書
MASCC/ISOO expert opinion on the management of oral problems in patients with advanced cancer.
- Support Care Cancer.2022 Nov;30(11):8761-8773.
Oral Care Awareness and Factors Related to the Burden of Nurses at a Community Hospital in Japan.
- Healthcare (Basel).2022 Jun;10(6).
Oral functional impairment may cause malnutrition following oral cancer treatment in a single-center cross-sectional study.
- Sci Rep.2022 Aug;12(1):14787.
Oral Dysfunction in Patients with Oral Cancer Could Occur Before Treatment and Require Early Nutritional Improvement: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- Dysphagia.2022 Oct;
A Case of Oral Health Management for a Patient with Extensive Ulceration of the Oral Mucosa Due to Herpes Zoster.
- Healthcare (Basel).2022 Nov;10(11).
Prognostic Factors Related to In-hospital Death in Children with Biliary Atresia: Analysis of a Nationwide Inpatient Database.
- J Clin Transl Hepatol.2023 Apr;11(2):416-424.
胆道閉鎖症に対する腹腔鏡下 vs 開腹の葛西式手術:無作為化臨床試験の長期成績
Laparoscopic versus open Kasai procedure for biliary atresia: long-term results of a randomized clinical trial.
- Pediatr Surg Int.2023 Feb;39(1):111.
Part II: マトリックスベースの足場凍結乾燥は、革新的なパッケージングシステムの前提条件として処理を容易にします
Part II: Matrix based scaffold lyophilization facilitates processing as a prerequisite for an innovative packaging system.
- Eur J Pharm Biopharm.2022 Dec;
Titanium Mesh Exposure After Bone Grafting: Treatment Approaches-A Systematic Review.
- Craniomaxillofac Trauma Reconstr.2022 Dec;15(4):397-405.
Minimizing risk of customized titanium mesh exposures - a retrospective analysis.
- BMC Oral Health.2020 Feb;20(1):36.
Novel method to obtain human non-separated histological samples for the assessment of peri-implant soft tissue response: A feasibility study.
- Clin Oral Implants Res.2021 Apr;32(4):401-409.
ガイド下骨再生術におけるチタンメッシュの露出。システマティックレビューとメタアナリシス(Systematic Review and Meta-analysis)
Titanium Mesh Exposure in Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2022;37(1):e29-e40.
Therapeutic Strategies in the Management of Nonresorbable Membrane and Titanium Mesh Exposures Following Alveolar Bone Augmentation: A Systematic Scoping Review.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2022;37(2):250-269.
Mesh Ridge Augmentation Using CAD/ CAM Technology for Design and Printing: Two Case Reports.
- Compend Contin Educ Dent.2022;43(10):654-663.
Fenestration and dehiscence defects in maxillary anterior teeth using two classification systems.
- Aust Dent J.2022 Dec;
Isolation of a cytolytic subpopulation of extracellular vesicles derived from NK cells containing NKG7 and cytolytic proteins.
- Front Immunol.2022;13:977353.
DSM 17938-Containing Infant Formulas and the Associations with Gastrointestinal Tolerance: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study.
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An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Evaluating the Success Rate of Prosthetic Restorations on Endodontically Treated Teeth.
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Inula viscosaがペリクルの保護特性と初期生体接着に及ぼす影響(in-situ
Effect of Inula viscosa on the pellicle's protective properties and initial bioadhesion in-situ.
- Arch Oral Biol.2016 Nov;71:87-96.
エナメル質および象牙質におけるin situバイオフィルム形成に対するポリフェノール含有溶液の影響
The effect of polyphenol-containing solutions on in situ biofilm formation on enamel and dentin.
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New insights into the protective effect of statherin-derived peptide for different acquired enamel pellicle formation times on the native human enamel surfaces.
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Effect of obturation technique using a new bioceramic sealer on the presence of voids in flattened root canals.
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Bio-C PulpoとMTA Repair HPとWhite MTAの比較:肝臓パラメータへの影響とラットにおける生体親和性と生理活性の評価
Comparison of Bio-C Pulpo and MTA Repair HP with White MTA: effect on liver parameters and evaluation of biocompatibility and bioactivity in rats.
- Int Endod J.2021 Sep;54(9):1597-1613.
Dentinal Tubule Penetration and Adaptation of Bio-C Sealer and AH-Plus: A Comparative SEM Evaluation.
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5種類の根管充填剤のin vitro物理化学的特性およびex vivo口腔内多種バイオフィルム群集への影響
In vitro physicochemical characterization of five root canal sealers and their influence on an ex vivo oral multi-species biofilm community.
- Int Endod J.2022 Jul;55(7):772-783.
Effect of bioceramic root canal sealers on the bond strength of fiber posts cemented with resin cements.
- Braz Dent J.2022;33(2):91-98.
Toxicity of bioceramic and resinous endodontic sealers using an alternative animal model: .
- J Conserv Dent.2022;25(2):185-188.
Comparative evaluation of push-out bond strength of bioceramic and epoxy sealers after using various final irrigants: An study.
- J Conserv Dent.2022;25(2):145-150.
Comparison of Fracture Resistance between Single-cone and Warm Vertical Compaction Technique Using Bio-C Sealer in Mandibular Incisors: An Study.
- J Contemp Dent Pract.2022 Feb;23(2):143-148.
Physicochemical and Antibacterial Properties of Conventional and Two Premixed Root Canal Filling Materials in Primary Teeth.
- J Funct Biomater.2022 Oct;13(4).
Effect of Different Root Canal Drying Protocols on the Bond Strength of Two Bioceramic Sealers.
- Eur J Dent.2022 Dec;
Comparison of obturation quality in natural and replica teeth root-filled using different sealers and techniques.
- Clin Oral Investig.2023 Feb;
修復物周囲う蝕の評価における 2 つの視覚的基準の精度:遅延型横断的研究
Accuracy of two visual criteria for the assessment of caries around restorations: a delayed-type cross-sectional study.
- Caries Res.2022 Dec;
Incidence and Risk of Anti-Resorptive Agent-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw after Tooth Extraction: A Retrospective Study.
- Healthcare (Basel).2022 Jul;10(7).
Do Temporomandibular Disorder Patients with Joint Pain Exhibit Forward Head Posture? A Cephalometric Study.
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Meta-analysis of the longevity of commonly used pit and fissure sealant materials.
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小窩裂溝う蝕予防における高粘度ガラスアイオノマーとレジンシーラントの有効性試験.2 年間の Split Mouth Randomized Controlled Trial を行った
An Efficacy Study between High Viscosity Glass Ionomers and Resin Sealants in Fissure Caries Prevention: A 2-Year Split Mouth Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Eur J Dent.2022 Feb;16(1):137-144.
Retention and caries-preventive effect of four different sealant materials: A 2-year prospective split-mouth study.
- Int J Paediatr Dent.2022 Jul;32(4):449-457.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of fissure sealants for caries prevention in children.
- J Public Health Dent.2022 Oct;
The influence of inorganic fillers on the light transmission through resin-matrix composites during the light-curing procedure: an integrative review.
- Clin Oral Investig.2022 Sep;26(9):5575-5594.
Appropriate Immediate Dentin Sealing to Improve the Bonding of CAD/CAM Ceramic Crown Restorations.
- Polymers (Basel).2022 Oct;14(21).
筋筋膜性疼痛を有する顎関節症患者における下顎運動および筋知覚の改善に対するA型ボツリヌス毒素Iの有効性.A Randomized Controlled Trial
Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin Type-A I in the Improvement of Mandibular Motion and Muscle Sensibility in Myofascial Pain TMD Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Toxins (Basel).2022 Jun;14(7).
A Comprehensive Ultrasound Evaluation Approach of Lower Facial Structure Before Masseter Muscle Botulinum Toxin Injection.
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Influence of botulinum toxin A in pain perception and condyle-fossa relationship after the management of temporomandibular dysfunction: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Gut microbiota profile in healthy Indonesians.
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Metagenomic analysis revealed beneficial effects of probiotics in improving the composition and function of the gut microbiota in dogs with diarrhoea.
- Food Funct.2019 May;10(5):2618-2629.
JMR-01 アジュバント C 照射は、マウスの腸内細菌叢を調節することにより抗大腸がん効果を発揮する
JMR-01 adjuvant C irradiation exerts anti-colon carcinoma effects by modulating the gut microbiota in mice.
- Int J Radiat Biol.2023 Feb;:1-12.
Vaginosis: Advances in new therapeutic development and microbiome restoration.
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Vaginal Impair Dimorphic Switching and Biofilm Formation.
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A Retrospective Analysis of Treatment Outcomes Following Guided Bone Regeneration at Sites Exhibiting Severe Alveolar Ridge Atrophy.
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The effect of rubber dam usage on the survival rate of teeth receiving initial root canal treatment: a nationwide population-based study.
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臼歯部根管治療における感染管理強化プロトコルが微生物群集プロファイルに与える影響。InVivo NGS 分子生物学的研究
Impact of an Enhanced Infection Control Protocol on the Microbial Community Profile in Molar Root Canal Treatment: An in Vivo NGS Molecular Study.
- J Endod.2022 Nov;48(11):1352-1360.e3.
Clinical in-situ evaluation of the effect of rubber dam isolation on bond strength to enamel.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2022 Nov;
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Does Immediate Dentine Sealing Improve Bonding Effectiveness of Glass Ceramic Restorations Compared to Delayed Dentine Sealing?
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Evaluation of Varian's SmartAdapt for clinical use in radiation therapy for patients with thoracic lesions.
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Soft tissue management at implants: Summary and consensus statements of group 2. The 6th EAO Consensus Conference 2021.
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Coronally advanced flap techniqueの再検討。インプラント周囲の軟組織剥離の治療
The coronally advanced flap technique revisited: Treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscences.
- Int J Oral Implantol (Berl).2021 Nov;14(4):351-365.
スカーフ結合組織移植を用いた上顎前歯部即時歯牙交換術後の顔面インプラント歯肉レベルおよび厚みの変化。4~13 年間のレトロスペクティブスタディ
Facial implant gingival level and thickness changes following maxillary anterior immediate tooth replacement with scarf-connective tissue graft: A 4-13-year retrospective study.
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Soft tissue related complications around anterior implants: commentary and clinical checklist.
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ヒト舌苔から分離した DM083 株の全ゲノム配列の決定
Complete Genome Sequence of Strain DM083 Isolated from Human Tongue Coating.
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The Impact of Maxillary Expansion on Adults' Nasal Breathing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Treatment alternatives for sleep-disordered breathing in the pediatric population.
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Investigation and management of childhood sleep apnoea.
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Diversity in the Australian speech-language pathology workforce: Addressing Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 8, and 10.
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Action viewing and language in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder.
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Concerted roles of LRRTM1 and SynCAM 1 in organizing prefrontal cortex synapses and cognitive functions.
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Activity in developing prefrontal cortex is shaped by sleep and sensory experience.
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Three-dimensional characteristics of temporomandibular joint morphology and condylar movement in patients with mandibular asymmetry.
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What ultimately matters in root canal treatment success and tooth preservation: A 25-year cohort study.
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Factors that affect the outcomes of root canal treatment and retreatment-A reframing of the principles.
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Comparison of the measurement error of optical impressions obtained with four intraoral and one extra-oral dental scanners of post and core preparations.
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ボディマス指数とう蝕。Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) Nationwide Big Data Studyの機械学習・統計解析
Body Mass Index and Caries: Machine Learning and Statistical Analytics of the Dental, Oral, Medical Epidemiological (DOME) Nationwide Big Data Study.
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Expression pattern of odontogenic ameloblast-associated and amelotin during formation and regeneration of the junctional epithelium.
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Velopharyngeal insufficiency and articulation impairment in velo-cardio-facial syndrome: the influence of adenoids on phonemic development.
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A Further Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine.
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A unique presentation of epignathus.
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Audio-based snore detection using deep neural networks.
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Stability of dental implants with sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) and modified (SLActive) surfaces during the osseointegration period.
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22q11.2欠失症候群の診断補助因子としてのvelopharyngeal, speech and dental characteristics
Velopharyngeal, speech and dental characteristics as diagnostic aids in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
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Accuracy of Tooth Movement with In-House Clear Aligners.
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Diagnostic imaging features of congenital nose and nasal cavity lesions.
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Maternal Folic Acid Deficiency Is Associated to Developing Nasal and Palate Malformations in Mice.
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Percutaneous Enteral Feeding in Patients With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.
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Three dimensional evaluation of the skeletal and temporomandibular joint changes following stabilization splint therapy in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders and mandibular deviation: a retrospective study.
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異なるCAD/CAMセラミック組成および厚みがセラミック修復物の機械的性質に及ぼす影響.In Vitro Study
Influences of Different CAD/CAM Ceramic Compositions and Thicknesses on the Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Restorations: An In Vitro Study.
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部分的な間接修復において、Immediate Dentin Sealingは付加価値があるのか?
[Is Immediate Dentin Sealing of added value in partial indirect restoration?].
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クラスII修復技法におけるレジンコンポジットと従来型グラスアイオノマーセメントのせん断接着強さの評価-In Vitro試験.
Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength between Resin Composites and Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement in Class II Restorative Technique-An In Vitro Study.
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The outcomes of auto-transplanted premolars into the anterior maxilla following traumatic dental injuries.
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Behavioural sleep problems in children.
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A Study of the Facial Soft Tissue Morphology in Nasal- and Mouth-Breathing Patients.
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The effect of mouth breathing on dentofacial morphology of growing child.
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