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非カノニカルGTC開始コドンのIF3によるリプレッションを介したSigR-Directed Oxidative Stress Responseのトランスレーショナルコントロール(英文
Translational Control of the SigR-Directed Oxidative Stress Response in via IF3-Mediated Repression of a Noncanonical GTC Start Codon.
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The Utility of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies: A Literature Review.
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Oct4は、2,3,7,8 -テトラクロロベンゾ-p-ジオキシン(TCDD)による口蓋裂の誘発と間葉系細胞の増殖抑制に関与していることが示唆された
Oct4 plays a role in 2, 3, 7, 8 - tetrachlorobenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) inducing cleft palate and inhibiting mesenchymal proliferation.
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Characterization of Geriatric Dysphagia Diagnoses in Age-Based Cohorts.
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Bioactive compounds, nutritional benefits and food applications of colored wheat: a comprehensive review.
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A proposed reverse transcription mechanism for (CAG)n and similar expandable repeats that cause neurological and other diseases.
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Targeting of proteins to the twin-arginine translocation pathway.
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The forearm and hand musculature of semi-terrestrial rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and arboreal gibbons (Fam. Hylobatidae). Part I. Description and comparison of the muscle configuration.
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In vitro digestibility of mountain-grown irrigated perennial legume, grass and forb forages is influenced by elevated non-fibrous carbohydrates and plant secondary compounds.
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Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) treatment revisited.
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Inaugural experience and early results of minimally invasive approach in cardiac surgery in Auvergne region, France
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月桂冠萎凋病病原体Raffaelea lauricolaの高効率形質転換と突然変異体スクリーニング
High efficiency transformation and mutant screening of the laurel wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola.
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アクリル化ユードラギット® E POは、鼻腔内ドラッグデリバリーへの応用を目的とした、粘膜接着性を向上させた新規高分子賦形剤です
Acrylated Eudragit® E PO as a novel polymeric excipient with enhanced mucoadhesive properties for application in nasal drug delivery.
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特発性下部尿路機能障害における心理学的病的病因の評価を日常的に行うべきか。ICI-RS 2019年版?
Should we routinely assess psychological morbidities in idiopathic lower urinary tract dysfunction: ICI-RS 2019?
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A natural occurring bifunctional CPD/(6-4)-photolyase from the Antarctic bacterium Sphingomonas sp. UV9.
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HNRNPU の新規フレームシフト変異を有する患者で観察された,二相性発作と後期拡散低下を伴う急性脳症と片麻痺および難治性てんかんのエピソード.
An episode of acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion followed by hemiplegia and intractable epilepsy observed in a patient with a novel frameshift mutation in HNRNPU.
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Predicting physiological imbalance in Holstein dairy cows by three different sets of milk biomarkers.
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Two highly related odorant receptors specifically detect α-bile acid pheromones in sea lamprey ().
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