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Time for global health diplomacy.
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シロチョウザメ(Acipenser transmontanus)のアリール炭化水素受容体核内トランスロケータ(ARNT1, ARNT2, ARNT3)。その配列、組織特異的発現、β-ナフトフラボンに対する応答
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocators (ARNT1, ARNT2, and ARNT3) of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus): Sequences, tissue-specific expressions, and response to β-naphthoflavone.
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Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women Living With HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.
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亜急性甲状腺炎は、と関連付けられている , と - と - 新しい分子背景の意義
Subacute Thyroiditis is Associated with , - and --The Significance of the New Molecular Background.
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Current Treatment Strategies and Nanoparticle-Mediated Drug Delivery Systems for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
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環境に関連したベンゾアピレンへの短期の水性曝露に対する雄と雌のファットヘッドミノー(Pimephales promelas)の腸内細菌叢の応答の違い
Differential responses of gut microbiota of male and female fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) to a short-term environmentally-relevant, aqueous exposure to benzo[a]pyrene.
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Strategies to Improve Vaccination among At-Risk Adults and the Elderly in Italy.
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A Review of Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Techniques.
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ノビレチン、シネンセチン、タンゲレチンは、クレメンタインの主な原因物質であり、in vitroでの食品-薬物相互作用を誘発します
Nobiletin, sinensetin, and tangeretin are the main perpetrators in clementines provoking food-drug interactions in vitro.
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Recycling Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and the Management of Its Toxic Substances in Taiwan-A Case Study.
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Estimating population immunity to poliovirus in Lebanon: Results from a seroprevalence survey, 2016.
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The Effects of New Selective PPAR Agonist CP775146 on Systematic Lipid Metabolism in Obese Mice and Its Potential Mechanism.
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Deciphering Determinants in Ribosomal Methyltransferases That Confer Antimicrobial Resistance.
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Temporal transcriptomic analysis of human primary keratinocytes exposed to β-naphthoflavone highlights the protective efficacy of skin to environmental pollutants.
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High prevalence of AH in HIV patients on ART, in Bahia, Brazil.
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Rhodococcus opacus Strain 3Dにおけるオルソフタル酸および桂皮酸誘導体の形成を含む代替ナフタレン代謝経路
Alternative Naphthalene Metabolic Pathway Includes Formation of ortho-Phthalic Acid and Cinnamic Acid Derivatives in the Rhodococcus opacus Strain 3D.
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活性汚泥から分離したEnsifer sp.を用いたアセトアミノフェン及びその誘導体の無害化とバイオオーグメンテーションの可能性
Detoxification and bioaugmentation potential for acetaminophen and its derivatives using Ensifer sp. isolated from activated sludge.
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Simultaneous determination of seven perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids in water samples by 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl bromide derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
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A Prospective Evaluation of Point-of-Care Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Diverticulitis in the Emergency Department.
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Controlling orthogonal ribosome subunit interactions enables evolution of new function.
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肺胞動態とその先 - 肺の恒常性と線維化における界面活性剤プロテインCとコレステロールの重要性
Alveolar Dynamics and Beyond - The Importance of Surfactant Protein C and Cholesterol in Lung Homeostasis and Fibrosis.
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Recombinant protein CCN5/WISP2 promotes islet cell proliferation and survival .
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Genetic Counseling for Adult-Onset Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (Kennedy Syndrome): Multiple Cases of Prenatal Testing in a Family.
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FOXA1 誘導 LINC01207 は TNRC6B のアップレギュレーションを介して頭頸部扁平上皮癌を促進する
FOXA1-induced LINC01207 facilitates head and neck squamous cell carcinoma via up-regulation of TNRC6B.
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Acute and Persistent Withdrawal Syndromes Following Discontinuation of Psychotropic Medications.
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An Item-Based Analysis of PTSD Emotional Numbing Symptoms in Disaster-Exposed Children and Adolescents.
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HIV-1 uncoats in the nucleus near sites of integration.
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Exploring the Role of Phytochemicals as Potent Natural Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy.
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Prosocial polio vaccination in Israel.
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A comparison study of posterior cervical percutaneous endoscopic ventral bony decompression and simple dorsal decompression treatment in cervical spondylotic radiculopathy caused by cervical foraminal and/or lateral spinal stenosis: a clinical retrospective study.
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Diazepam, metformin, omeprazole and simvastatin: a full discussion of individual and mixture acute toxicity.
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Chronic serotonin reuptake inhibition uncouples brown fat mitochondria and induces beiging/browning process of white fat in overfed rats.
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Heterogeneous Pattern of Dependence on Anti-Apoptotic BCL-2 Family Proteins upon CHOP Treatment in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.
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Management of Tracheal Diseases in Children.
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Self-reported impairments among people with late effects of polio: a Mixed-methods study.
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Feedback generates a second receptive field in neurons of the visual cortex.
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Recent advances in radiotracers targeting norepinephrine transporter: structural development and radiolabeling improvements.
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Investigating the protective actions of D-pinitol against arsenic-induced toxicity in PC12 cells and the underlying mechanism.
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Effects of Intermittent Calf Muscle Electrical Stimulation on Walking Capacity in Claudicants Living with Type 2 Diabetes.
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Optimized Ellagic Acid-Ca Pectinate Floating Beads for Gastroprotection against Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Injury in Rats.
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Anserine Reverses Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress and Preserves Cellular Homeostasis in Healthy Men.
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Risk-assessment in chronic subdural hematoma evaluated in 148 patients - A score for predicting recurrence.
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Human important outcomes and EBM during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Associations of maternal arsenic exposure with adult fasting glucose and insulin resistance in the Strong Heart Study and Strong Heart Family Study.
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Single-cell RNA-seq analysis of the brainstem of mutant SOD1 mice reveals perturbed cell types and pathways of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Neuronal regulation of the blood-brain barrier and neurovascular coupling.
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The Molecular Chaperone CCT/TRiC: An Essential Component of Proteostasis and a Potential Modulator of Protein Aggregation.
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