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The -formyl peptide receptors: contemporary roles in neuronal function and dysfunction.
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Examining the influence of different types of dynamic change in a visual search task.
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Execution of superoxide-induced cell death by the proapoptotic Bcl-2-related proteins Bid and Bak.
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Very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency nomenclature: compound heterozygosity.
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Targeting histone acetylation/deacetylation in parasites: an update (2017-2020).
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Heterozygous missense variant in EIF6 gene: A novel form of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome?
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Sterile Basics: Intravenous Admixture Preparation Considerations, Part 5: pH Considerations.
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The p21-activated kinase 2 (PAK2), but not PAK1, regulates contraction-stimulated skeletal muscle glucose transport.
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Modification of regional bone mineral density due to femoral rasping in cementless proximally fixed total hip arthroplasty.
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Pattern-matching indexing of Laue and monochromatic serial crystallography data for applications in materials science.
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Public Priorities and Concerns Regarding COVID-19 in an Online Discussion Forum: Longitudinal Topic Modeling.
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An Interactive Model of Target and Context for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification.
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Recent advances in devices for mechanical thrombectomy.
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Function and Modulation of Type I Interferons during Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection.
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Impact of Arachidonic Acid and the Leukotriene Signaling Pathway on Vasculogenesis of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.
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Apohemoglobin-haptoglobin complex attenuates the pathobiology of circulating acellular hemoglobin and heme.
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Janus sword actions of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19.
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Use of single versus multiple vasodilator agents in the treatment of cerebral vasospasm: is more better than less?
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Strategic Outlook toward 2030: Japan's research for allergy and immunology - Secondary publication.
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X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophyにおける脳脱髄の根底にある表現型修飾因子を同定するためのマルチオーミックアプローチ
Multi-Omic Approach to Identify Phenotypic Modifiers Underlying Cerebral Demyelination in X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy.
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Bidirectional deep recurrent neural networks for process fault classification.
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Carbonic anhydrases are influenced by the size and symbiont identity of the aggregating sea anemone .
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Lower Extremity Muscle Involvement in the Intermediate and Bethlem Myopathy Forms of COL6-Related Dystrophy and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Theophylline and dexamethasone in combination reduce inflammation and prevent the decrease in HDAC2 expression seen in monocytes exposed to cigarette smoke extract.
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スネークヘッドChanna argus由来のインターフェロン調節因子1(IRF-1)、IRF-2、IRF-7の遺伝子構造とプロモーターの特徴
Gene structures and promoter characteristics of interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF-1), IRF-2 and IRF-7 from snakehead Channa argus.
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Removal of an abluminal lining improves decellularization of human umbilical arteries.
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網膜虚血誘発性アポトーシスは、Bak および Bcl-2 の発現変化よりもむしろ Bax および Bcl-x(L) の発現変化と関連していることが明らかになった
Retinal ischemia-induced apoptosis is associated with alteration in Bax and Bcl-x(L) expression rather than modifications in Bak and Bcl-2.
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Au-decorated Ce-Ti mixed oxides for efficient CO preferential photo-oxidation.
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Structure of formylpeptide receptor 2-G complex reveals insights into ligand recognition and signaling.
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Granulomatous interstitial nephritis in the setting of disseminated : a rare presentation of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.
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FeO@S-doped ZnO: A magnetic, recoverable, and reusable Fenton-like catalyst for efficient degradation of ofloxacin under alkaline conditions.
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An induced pluripotent stem cell line (SDQLCHi006-A) derived from a patient with maple syrup urine disease type Ib carrying compound heterozygous mutations of p.R168C and p.T322I in BCKDHB gene.
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リジン特異的デメチラーゼ1(LSD1)を薬理学的に阻害することで,Schistosoma mansoniの生存能力を損なう全世界的な転写調節障害と超微細構造変化が誘導される.
Pharmacological inhibition of lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) induces global transcriptional deregulation and ultrastructural alterations that impair viability in Schistosoma mansoni.
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Exploiting the dynamics of the EPR effect and strategies to improve the therapeutic effects of nanomedicines by using EPR effect enhancers.
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"Living life as if I never had cancer": A study of the meaning of living well in adolescents and young adults who have experienced cancer.
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Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on dried fruit, pistachio nuts, cornflakes and chocolate crumb using a peracetic acid-ethanol based sanitizer or Advanced Oxidation Process.
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Effect of carnosine supplementation on the plasma lipidome in overweight and obese adults: a pilot randomised controlled trial.
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Pabon Lassoモデルに基づいた軍事病院の臨床部門と準臨床部門の評価
Assessment of clinical and paraclinical departments of military hospitals based on the Pabon Lasso Model.
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Treatment of first-episode psychosis in patients with autism-spectrum disorder and intellectual deficiency
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Dexmedetomidine modulates neuroinflammation and improves outcome via alpha2-adrenergic receptor signaling after rat spinal cord injury.
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Plasma carotenoids and immunity in a despotic avian scavenger.
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また,Schistosoma haematobiumの感染は,過体重・肥満者において血清コレステロール値の低下と脂質プロファイルの改善と関連していることが示唆された.
Schistosoma haematobium infection is associated with lower serum cholesterol levels and improved lipid profile in overweight/obese individuals.
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The Hippo Signaling Pathway in Development and Disease.
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Discovery of the ARP2 protein as a determining molecule in tumor cell death.
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Microwave assisted flocculation for harvesting of Chlorella vulgaris.
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[Systemic Chemotherapy of gallbladder carcinoma - simply the same as for cholangiocarcinoma?]
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Activation and blockade of α-adrenoceptors in the prelimbic cortex regulate anxiety-like behaviors in hemiparkinsonian rats.
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[Next generation of anti-immune checkpoints antibodies].
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Validation of Brief Screening Tools to Identify Impaired Driving Among Older Adults in Australia.
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Evaluation of multiplex ARMS-PCR for detection of mutations conferring resistance to clarithromycin and levofloxacin.
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CD47 Deficiency Attenuates Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Remodeling in Mice.
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Neural Correlates of Urinary Retention in Lateral Medullary Infarction.
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Microplastics in the Environment: Much Ado about Nothing? A Debate.
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Innovative use of artificial intelligence and digital communication in acute stroke pathway in response to COVID-19.
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To Grow or Defend? More on the Plant Cornelian Dilemma.
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Diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer using a combined protein biomarker panel.
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Novel Osteogenic Behaviors around Hydrophilic and Radical-Free 4-META/MMA-TBB: Implications of an Osseointegrating Bone Cement.
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Probiotic NVP-1703 Alleviates Allergic Rhinitis by Inducing IL-10 Expression: A Four-week Clinical Trial.
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Overview of Basic Mechanisms of Notch Signaling in Development and Disease.
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Protein signatures to identify the different genera within the Xanthomonadaceae family.
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Endosulfan induces endothelial inflammation and dysfunction via IRE1α/NF-κB signaling pathway.
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Discovery of new ATP-competitive inhibitors of human DNA topoisomerase IIα through screening of bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors.
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原発性腫瘍が検出されなかった症例におけるEpstein-Barrウイルス(Herpesviridae, Lymphocryptovirus, HHV-4)の血清学的および分子マーカーを用いた上咽頭癌の診断
[Diagnostics of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with Epstein-Barr virus (Herpesviridae, Lymphocryptovirus, HHV-4) serological and molecular markers in cases of undetected primary tumor location.]
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Cardiovascular and sedation reversal effects of intramuscular administration of atipamezole in dogs treated with medetomidine hydrochloride with or without the peripheral α-adrenoceptor antagonist vatinoxan hydrochloride.
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Balancing Cancer Immunotherapy Efficacy and Toxicity.
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Case report: narcolepsy type 2 due to temporal lobe glioma.
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乳がん生存者における化学療法関連認知障害に対するManaging Cancer and Living Meaningfully(CALM)介入
Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) Intervention on Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors.
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Dopamine D2 Receptor Occupancy Estimated From Plasma Concentrations of Four Different Antipsychotics and the Subjective Experience of Physical and Mental Well-Being in Schizophrenia: Results From the Randomized NeSSy Trial.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Rare Diseases: Is the Future Brighter?
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Assembly of the threespine stickleback Y chromosome reveals convergent signatures of sex chromosome evolution.
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Comparative analysis of the biomechanics of the adjacent segments after minimally invasive cervical surgeries versus anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: A finite element study.
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Drug Dosing in Patients Undergoing Therapeutic Plasma Exchange.
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Potential role of diacylglycerol kinases in immune-mediated diseases.
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Modulation of bone formation and resorption using a novel ZOL loaded gelatin NPs integrated porous titanium scaffold: An<i> in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i> study.
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SARS-CoV-2 の理解:ヒトにおける遺伝的多様性、感染、治療法
Understanding SARS-CoV-2: Genetic Diversity, Transmission and Cure in Human.
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A framework for gene mapping in wheat demonstrated using the Yr7 yellow rust resistance gene.
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