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PNPLA3 遺伝子多型はダウン症の小児における肝臓のステアトーシスと関連している.
PNPLA3 gene polymorphism is associated with liver steatosis in children with Down syndrome.
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Care for patients with rheumatic diseases during COVID-19 pandemic: A position statement from APLAR.
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Chance to rein in a cancer--Spontaneous regression of lung carcinoma (1988-2018): a 30-year perspective.
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A Global lmmunological Observatory to meet a time of pandemics.
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Brewing Quality of Hop Varieties Cultivated in Central Italy Based on Multivolatile Fingerprinting and Bitter Acid Content.
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Litopenaeus vannameiの血球における神経内分泌免疫制御ネットワークにおける新規プロテインキナーゼCの役割。インビトロでのアプローチ
Role of novel protein kinase C in neuroendocrine-immune regulatory network in haemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei: An in vitro approach.
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Chiral Electrochemistry: Anodic Deposition of Enantiopure Helical Molecules.
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A novel nonsense variant in SLC24A4 causing a rare form of amelogenesis imperfecta in a Pakistani family.
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Presumed Intraocular Lymphoma Masquerading as Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Case Report.
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Dosimetric benefits of gantry-static couch-motion (GsCM) technique for breast boost radiation therapy: Reduced dose to organs-at-risk and improved dosimetric indices.
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"You just need to leave the room when you breastfeed" Breastfeeding experiences among obese women in Sweden - A qualitative study.
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Nuclear factor kappa B activation appears weaker in schizophrenia patients with high brain cytokines than in non-schizophrenic controls with high brain cytokines.
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"Small" Intestinal Immunopathology Plays a "Big" Role in Lethal Cytokine Release Syndrome, and Its Modulation by Interferon-γ, IL-17A, and a Janus Kinase Inhibitor.
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Peripheral blood cell count ratios are predictive biomarkers of clinical response and prognosis for non-surgical esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy.
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Effects of continued positioning pillow use until a corrected age of six months on cranial deformation and neurodevelopment in preterm infants: A prospective case-control study.
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Coordination-driven reversible surfaces with site-specifically immobilized nanobody for dynamic cancer cell capture and release.
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Optimization of operating parameters for xylose reductase separation through ultrafiltration membrane using response surface methodology.
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Hemolytic Anemia: Sneaky Cause, Leaky Valve.
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Milk production, nitrogen utilization, and methane emission of dairy cows grazing grass, forb, and legume-based pastures.
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Short Course Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Frail or Elderly Patients With Meningioma.
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Juvenile erythrocytosis in children after liver transplantation: prevalence, risk factors and outcome.
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Laparoscopic Open Surgery for Stage II/III Colon Cancer Patients With Body Mass Index >25 kg/m.
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A single dose sub-unit vaccine protects against pneumonic plague.
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Gastroprotective effect of the alkaloid boldine: Involvement of non-protein sulfhydryl groups, prostanoids and reduction on oxidative stress.
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A bedside clinical tool using creatinine kinetics to predict worsening renal injury and early recovery.
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Lead Optimization of Phthalazinone Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors as Novel Antitrypanosomal Compounds.
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Habitat use by a primate community in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Danum Valley, Borneo.
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The role of the brain in the treatment of multiple sclerosis as a connectomopathy.
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Inhibition of HDAC6 Attenuates Diabetes-Induced Retinal Redox Imbalance and Microangiopathy.
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牡蠣 Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1789) の生体内変換系におけるピレンとフルオレンによる応答の違い。分子・生化学的・組織学的アプローチ -第II部
Differential responses in the biotransformation systems of the oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1789) elicited by pyrene and fluorene: Molecular, biochemical and histological approach - Part II.
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[Lower limb ischemia cured by stimulation electrode implantation assisted with microendoscopic discectomy system: A case report].
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Sleep Quality, Depression, and Cognitive Function in Non-Demented Older Adults.
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Comparison of Web-Based and Paper Advance Directives: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Obstetrical complications and outcome in patients with endometriosis.
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Effects of semantic plausibility, syntactic complexity and n-gram frequency on children's sentence repetition.
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Interaction between catechol-O-methyltransferase polymorphism and childhood trauma in suicidal ideation of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Retrograde recanalization of native right coronary artery chronic total occlusion (CTO) through left coronary artery CTO after bypass graft failure: A case report.
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Standardisation of lymphatic filariasis microfilaraemia prevalence estimates based on different diagnostic methods: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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H NMR技術を用いたマウスPolygonatum sibiricum由来多糖類抽出物のメタボロミクス研究
Metabolomics study of polysaccharide extracts from Polygonatum sibiricum in mice based on H NMR technology.
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Calcium isotopic ecology of Turkana Basin hominins.
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Historical trends of admitted patients by selected substances and their significant patient's level factors.
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Vav family proteins constitute disparate branching points for distinct BCR signaling pathways.
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Quantitative analysis of p16 methylation in Barrett's carcinogenesis.
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Longitudinal Transcriptomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Analysis of Response to Graft Inoculation by .
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Antioxidant nutrients and hemolysis in sickle cell disease.
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セレンの抗炎症作用は、ニワトリの NLRP3 炎症アソーム活性化を阻害することにより、鉛誘発性精巣炎に影響を与えた
Anti-inflammatory effect of selenium on lead-induced testicular inflammation by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation in chickens.
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Transcriptome analysis of the zebrafish Mutant, , highlights Atoh7-dependent genetic networks with potential implications for human eye diseases.
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雌Haemonchus contortusの生殖管と消化管における脂質組成と豊富さ
Lipid composition and abundance in the reproductive and alimentary tracts of female Haemonchus contortus.
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Comparative Efficacy of Vaginal Misoprostol vs Vaginal Dinoprostone Administered 3 Hours Prior to Copper T380A Intrauterine Device Insertion in Nulliparous Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Sodium hydrogen exchanger 9 NHE9 (SLC9A9) and its emerging roles in neuropsychiatric comorbidity.
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ABSIは死んだが、ABSIは万歳 - 修正された略式熱傷重症度指数を用いた熱傷における生存率の信頼性の高い予測
The ABSI is dead, long live the ABSI - reliable prediction of survival in burns with a modified Abbreviated Burn Severity Index.
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多剤耐性細菌感染症のin situ蛍光イメージングと局所光熱治療のための酵素応答性ターンオンナノプローブ
Enzyme-responsive turn-on nanoprobes for in situ fluorescence imaging and localized photothermal treatment of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections.
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Sense of external agency is sustained by multisensory functional integration in the somatosensory cortex.
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