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Stepwise optimization and sensitivity improvement of green micellar electrokinetic chromatography method to simultaneously determine some fluoroquinolones and glucocorticoids present in various binary ophthalmic formulations.
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Facile synthesis of Pd@graphene nanocomposites with enhanced catalytic activity towards Suzuki coupling reaction.
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Adaptive breast radiation therapy using modeling of tissue mechanics: a breast tissue segmentation study.
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Radioguided Surgery for Meckel Diverticulum: Nuclear Medicine Aspects.
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Metro Detroit における Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia Coli Infections の臨床疫学と分子疫学。ST-131クローンの初期優勢
Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia Coli Infections in Metro Detroit: Early Dominance of the ST-131 Clone.
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Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis for ICU Patients-Reply.
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肥満細胞トリプターゼの阻害は PAR-2/p38/NFκB 経路を介した神経炎症を減衰させます
Inhibition of mast cell tryptase attenuates neuroinflammation via PAR-2/p38/NFκB pathway following asphyxial cardiac arrest in rats.
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Dose-response of rPMS for upper Limb hemiparesis after stroke.
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Laminin α5 modulates fibroblast proliferation in epidural fibrosis through the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway.
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Rhizoglomus irregulareとハイパー付着リン酸塩可溶化菌との相互作用により、ソラナムリコペルシカムの植物バイオマスが増加することが明らかになった
The interaction between Rhizoglomus irregulare and hyphae attached phosphate solubilizing bacteria increases plant biomass of Solanum lycopersicum.
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Raw and salt-processed Achyranthes bidentata attenuate LPS-induced acute kidney injury by inhibiting ROS and apoptosis via an estrogen-like pathway.
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Suppressing Dazl modulates tumorigenicity and stemness in human glioblastoma cells.
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Gut bacteria of the silkworm Bombyx mori facilitate host resistance against the toxic effects of organophosphate insecticides.
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Dysplasia in the mucosal biopsy specimen is still a warning sign of cancer in ulcerative colitis.
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Severe SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans is defined by a shift in the serum lipidome resulting in dysregulation of eicosanoid immune mediators.
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Protective Efficacy of the OprF/OprI/PcrV Recombinant Chimeric Protein Against in the Burned BALB/c Mouse Model.
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Effect of industrial wastewater on wheat germination, growth, yield, nutrients and bioaccumulation of lead.
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Assessing Burnout and Associated Risk Factors in Medical Students.
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Evaluation of ASCs and HUVECs Co-cultures in 3D Biodegradable Hydrogels on Neurite Outgrowth and Vascular Organization.
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What is the impact of a novel MED12 variant on syndromic conotruncal heart defects? Analysis of case report on two male sibs.
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ヨウ素系造影剤禁忌のCOVID-19患者における肺塞栓症を除外するための肺灌流Tc-MAA SPECT/CTの役割はあるか?
Is there a role for lung perfusion [Tc]-MAA SPECT/CT to rule out pulmonary embolism in COVID-19 patients with contraindications for iodine contrast?
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Tc-99m ECD脳単光子放出コンピューター断層撮影(SPECT)は,ビデオ脳波所見とMRI所見が不一致の症例において,てんかん原性領域の局在化と術後の発作自由度の予測において増分的な価値があるか?
Does Tc-99m ECD ictal brain SPECT have incremental value in localization of epileptogenic zone and predicting postoperative seizure freedom in cases with discordant video electroencephalogram and MRI findings?
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Vittaforma Corneae角結膜炎。東南アジアから帰国した旅行者の間で出現している病態
Vittaforma Corneae keratoconjunctivitis: An emerging pathology among travelers returning from Southeast Asia.
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Tc-99m-MAA lung shunt fraction before Y-90 radioembolization is low among patients with non-hepatocellular carcinoma malignancies.
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Sinulariolide Inhibits Gastric Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion through Downregulation of the EMT Process and Suppression of FAK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR and MAPKs Signaling Pathways.
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急性神経炎症のin vitroモデルとしてのリポテコール酸の特性を明らかにする
Characterising lipoteichoic acid as an in vitro model of acute neuroinflammation.
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Regulation and Roles of Autophagy in the Brain.
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Call for Papers: Expanding the Scale and Scope of Therapeutic Gene Editing.
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Effects of butylparaben on antioxidant enzyme activities and histopathological changes in rat tissues.
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Endothelial Activation, Acute Kidney Injury, and Cognitive Impairment in Pediatric Severe Malaria.
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Plagiarism in Medical Scientific Research: Can Continuing Education and Alarming Prevent This Misconduct?
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Adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing in the immune system: friend or foe?
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Defining how multiple lipid species interact with inward rectifier potassium (Kir2) channels.
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