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Evaluation of tooth discoloration after treatment with mineral trioxide aggregate, calcium-enriched mixture, and Biodentine in the presence and absence of blood.
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[Persistent chest pain after resolution of coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19)].
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Trends in Morbidity and Mortality Following Colectomy Among Patients with Ulcerative Colitis in the Biologic Era (2002-2013): A Study Using the National Inpatient Sample.
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Characterizing the postmortem human bone microbiome from surface-decomposed remains.
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Effects of Antidiabetic Drugs on Muscle Mass in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Mechanism of the Facile Nitrous Oxide Fixation by Homogeneous Ruthenium Hydride Pincer Catalysts.
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Sacral Nerve Stimulation in Parkinson's Disease Patients with Overactive Bladder Symptoms.
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Minimal-invasive approach reduces cardiopulmonary complications in elderly after lung cancer surgery.
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Alone, together: Social isolation, quarantine, and the coronavirus pandemic.
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Differences in epidemiology and mortality between men and women with HIV infection in the CoRIS cohort from 2004 to 2014.
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lncRNA ZEB1-AS1は、糖尿病性腎症におけるmiR-216a-5p/BMP7軸を制御することにより、高グルコース誘導性EMTと線維芽細胞増殖を抑制することを明らかにした
lncRNA ZEB1-AS1 inhibits high glucose-induced EMT and fibrogenesis by regulating the miR-216a-5p/BMP7 axis in diabetic nephropathy.
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No Clinical Impact of CYP3A5 Gene Polymorphisms on the Pharmacokinetics and/or Efficacy of Maraviroc in Healthy Volunteers and HIV-1-Infected Subjects.
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The effect of calcium and vitamin D compounds on bone mineral density in patients undergoing glucocorticoid therapies: a network meta-analysis.
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Impact of COVID-19 on liver function: results from an internal medicine unit in Northern Italy.
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High dose-rate brachytherapy of localized prostate cancer converts tumors from cold to hot.
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Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase contributes to phospholipid peroxidation in ferroptosis.
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Association among cytokine profiles of innate and adaptive immune responses and clinical-virological features in untreated patients with chronic hepatitis B.
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Quantifying the Fast Dynamics of HClO in Living Cells by a Fluorescence Probe Capable of Responding to Oxidation and Reduction Events within the Timescale of Milliseconds.
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How DELLAs contribute to control potassium uptake under conditions of potassium scarcity? Hypotheses and uncertainties.
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Telomere shortening associated with increased levels of oxidative stress in sulfur mustard-exposed Iranian veterans.
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A change in the steroid metabolic pathway in human testes showing deteriorated spermatogenesis.
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The THINC-it Tool for Cognitive Assessment and Measurement in Major Depressive Disorder: Sensitivity to Change.
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Visualization of GLUT1 Trafficking in Live Cancer Cells by the Use of a Dual-Fluorescence Reporter.
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Bayesian method for inferring the impact of geographical distance on intensity of communication.
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NF-κB は、microRNA-1276 発現のダウンレギュレーションを介して MITF を過剰発現させることで破骨細胞の分化を促進することがわかった
NF-κB promotes osteoclast differentiation by overexpressing MITF via down regulating microRNA-1276 expression.
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Food-derived coagulase-negative as starter cultures for fermented foods.
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Activatable CRISPR Transcriptional Circuits Lighted up by Fluorescent RNA for mRNA Sensing and Silencing.
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The ENEIDA registry (Nationwide study on genetic and environmental determinants of inflammatory bowel disease) by GETECCU: Design, monitoring and functions.
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Physiological disturbances in juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) exposed to the water-soluble fraction of diluted bitumen.
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DNA methylation-based estimator of telomere length.
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小児脊椎手術における外用バンコマイシンの使用は、手術部位感染の予防において安全な選択肢か?A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of the Literature
Is Use of Topical Vancomycin in Pediatric Spine Surgeries a Safe Option in the Prevention of Surgical Site Infections? A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of the Literature.
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Min Gong et al: (Risk for Infections During Treatment with Denosumab for Osteoporosis: a Systematic Review and Metaanalysis)からの編集者への手紙への回答
Response to Letter to the Editor from Min Gong et al: (Risk for Infections During Treatment with Denosumab for Osteoporosis: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis).
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Polycythemia Vera Presenting With Normal Hemoglobin and Hematocrit: A Rare Variant.
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Use of imaging studies to predict postoperative recurrences of primary spontaneous pneumothorax.
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Characterization of macrophage stimulating compound in glycated whey protein concentrate.
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ヒト膵臓癌における細胞浸潤・遊走を制御する細胞外小胞輸送を介した長鎖ノンコーディングRNA HULCとMicroRNA-622の相互作用
The Interaction Between Long Non-coding RNA HULC and MicroRNA-622 via Transfer by Extracellular Vesicles Regulates Cell Invasion and Migration in Human Pancreatic Cancer.
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腸骨大腿部深部静脈血栓症の治療におけるAngioJet Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomyおよびカテーテル指示型血栓溶解療法とカテーテル指示型血栓溶解療法のみの比較。単一施設のレトロスペクティブコホート研究
AngioJet Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomy and Catheter Directed Thrombolysis vs. Catheter Directed Thrombolysis Alone for the Treatment of Iliofemoral Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Single Centre Retrospective Cohort Study.
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RF-induced heating in tissue near bilateral DBS implants during MRI at 1.5 T and 3T: The role of surgical lead management.
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HLA-Matched Allogeneic iPS Cells-Derived RPE Transplantation for Macular Degeneration.
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Effect of electroacupuncture versus solifenacin for moderate and severe overactive bladder: a multi-centre, randomized controlled trial study protocol.
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神経細胞の塩化物押し出しを強化することで、神経障害性疼痛におけるα2/α3 GABAを介した鎮痛効果を回復させる
Enhancing neuronal chloride extrusion rescues α2/α3 GABA-mediated analgesia in neuropathic pain.
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Multimodal Evaluation of Visual Function in Geographic Atrophy versus Normal Eyes.
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The vasodilatory effect of gemigliptin via activation of voltage-dependent K channels and SERCA pumps in aortic smooth muscle.
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The effects of chronic lead exposure on the liver of female Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica): Histopathological damages, oxidative stress and AMP-activated protein kinase based lipid metabolism disorder.
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生体適合性メラニンをベースとした生体適合性セラノーシス剤を用いた同所性微小肝細胞癌のin vivo検出およびアブレーション
Biocompatible melanin based theranostic agent for in vivo detection and ablation of orthotopic micro-hepatocellular carcinoma.
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Zwitterionic Ru(III) Complexes: Stability of Metal-Ligand Bond and Host-Guest Binding with Cucurbit[7]uril.
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Update in Laboratory Diagnosis of Thalassemia.
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Photo-Induced Ruthenium-Catalyzed C-H Arylation at Ambient Temperature.
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Immunomodulatory Effect of Lactobacillus casei in a Murine Model of Colon Carcinogenesis.
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Dissemination of Ras-transformed cells requires the mechanosensitive channel Piezo.
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Survival rates and bone level changes around porous oxide-coated implants (TiUnite™).
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Development of three-dimensional preoperative planning system for the osteosynthesis of distal humerus fractures.
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Anisotropic and nonlinear magnetodielectric effects in orthoferrite ErFeO single crystals.
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Creating misinformation: how a headline in about covid-19 spread virally.
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Sex hormone intake in female blood donors: impact on haemolysis during cold storage and regulation of erythrocyte calcium influx by progesterone.
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IL-6 induced upregulation of T-type Ca currents and sensitization of DRG nociceptors is attenuated by MNK inhibition.
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Cardiomyopathy with lethal arrhythmias associated with inactivation of KLHL24.
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PER2 inhibits proliferation and stemness of glioma stem cells via the Wnt/β‑catenin signaling pathway.
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Uranium-free X solution: a new generation contrast agent for biological samples ultrastructure.
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FcγRI-coupled signaling in peripheral nociceptors mediates joint pain in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis.
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科学における偏見 - コロナウイルスの話の教訓
Prejudice in science - Lessons from the coronavirus story.
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Is it suitable for DM diagnosis using an abnormal two-hour glucose value only after 24th gestational weeks in China.
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里芋でんぷん。里芋デンプンの単離、形態学、修飾、新規応用に関する研究 - 総説
Taro starch: Isolation, morphology, modification and novel applications concern - A review.
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Untargeted Metagenomic Investigation of the Airway Microbiome of Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Moderate-Severe Lung Disease.
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Determination of anandamide in cerebrospinal fluid samples by disposable pipette extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
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A unique autopsy case of ascending aortic dissection caused by giant cell arteritis without drug therapy.
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Laser treatment of synovial inflammatory process in experimentally induced microcrystalline arthritis in Wistar rats.
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Strongyloides stercoralisによる感染症過剰症候群の治療のためのイベルメクチンの皮下投与
Subcutaneous ivermectin for the treatment of the hyperinfection syndrome by Strongyloides stercoralis
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High Surface Phonon-Polariton in-Plane Thermal Conductance along Coupled Films.
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Immediate preoperative blood glucose and hemoglobin a1c levels are not predictive of postoperative infections in diabetic men undergoing penile prosthesis placement.
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Effective detection of bacteria using metal nanoclusters.
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Allopurinol reverses mercaptopurine-induced hypoglycemia in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
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カメルーン産の食用・薬用キノコPleurotus tuber-regium(Agaricomycetes)の粗抽出物の抗真菌・抗菌活性の比較評価
Comparative Assessment of Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities of Crude Extracts of the King Tuber Culinary-Medicinal Mushroom, Pleurotus tuber-regium (Agaricomycetes) from Cameroon.
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Pd- and Ni-Based Systems for the Catalytic Borylation of Aryl (Pseudo)Halides with B2(OH)4.
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Ru-Catalyzed -Selective Diborylation of 2-Arylpyridines toward the Construction of π-Conjugated Functions.
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Signal-transducing adaptor protein-2 delays recovery of B lineage lymphocytes during hematopoietic stress.
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Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular involvement in hospitalised patients with COVID-19.
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In Depth Natural Product Discovery from the Basidiomycetes Species.
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Advancing nanomedicine with cross-link functionalized nanoparticles for rapid excretion.
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Transforming Properties of Beta-3 Human Papillomavirus E6 and E7 Proteins.
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Study of bodyweight and eating attitude among female university members in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A comparison between different methods of weight assessment.
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Sixty Years (1957-2017) of Research on Toxoplasmosis in China-An Overview.
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パイロット・スタディとフィージビリティ・スタディ - 単なるメトリクスの測定だけではありません
Pilot and feasibility studies - more than just measuring metrics.
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Investigation of robust visual reaction and functional connectivity in the rat brain induced by rocuronium bromide with functional MRI.
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Publishing in the time of COVID-19.
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系統的特徴付けにより、2005年から2018年までの中国北京市で流行していたShigella flexneri ST100クローンが明らかになった
Phylogenetic Characterization Reveals Prevalent Shigella flexneri ST100 Clone in Beijing, China, 2005 to 2018.
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Adrenomedullin Is Necessary to Resolve Hyperoxia-Induced Experimental Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Pulmonary Hypertension in Mice.
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Femoral artery anatomy is a risk factor for limb ischemia in minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
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Correlation of cochlear nerve cross-sectional area and auditory performance after cochlear implantation in prelingual children with bilateral profound hearing loss.
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Visual system diversity in coral reef fishes.
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Vitamin-D dysregulation in early- and late-onset preeclampsia: a gestational-age matched study.
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Selective copper recovery by membrane distillation and adsorption system from synthetic acid mine drainage.
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光学的に純粋なL-乳酸およびD-乳酸の新規生産者としての代謝工学的に設計されたLactobacillus gasseri JCM 1131
Metabolically engineered Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1131 as a novel producer of optically pure L- and D-lactate.
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乳酸脱水素酵素D-LDH1がFructobacillus tropaeoli CRL 2034の乳酸合成に大きな役割を果たしています
Major role of lactate dehydrogenase D-LDH1 for the synthesis of lactic acid in Fructobacillus tropaeoli CRL 2034.
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Social and medical risk factors associated with supportive needs in the first year following localized prostate cancer treatment.
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Diagnostic Approaches and Established Treatments for Adult T Cell Leukemia Lymphoma.
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First Report on the Plasmidome From a High-Altitude Lake of the Andean Puna.
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