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What is the societal economic cost of poor oral health among older adults in the United States? A scoping review.
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In vitro comparison of restoration wear and tensile strength following extended brushing with Sonicare and a manual toothbrush.
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Mental distress in orthodontic patients during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
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Eating Assessment Tool(EAT-10)による嚥下障害患者の誤嚥スクリーニング能力は、患者の疾患によって異なるのでしょうか?
Is the ability of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) to screen for aspiration in patients with dysphagia depending on the patients' disease?
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Eating Assessment Tool(EAT-10)による嚥下障害患者の誤嚥スクリーニング能力は、患者の疾患によって異なるのでしょうか?
Is the ability of the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) to screen for aspiration in patients with dysphagia depending on the patients' disease?
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Quantitative evaluation of implemented interproximal enamel reduction during aligner therapy.
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Nutritional Management Enhances the Recovery of Swallowing Ability in Older Patients with Sarcopenic Dysphagia.
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カテキンは、Cek1のリン酸化およびcAMP合成を阻害することにより、Candida albicansの二型化を抑制することを明らかにした
Catechin inhibits Candida albicans dimorphism by disrupting Cek1 phosphorylation and cAMP synthesis.
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Synergistic effects of tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate and antimycotics against oral Candida species.
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Antifungal effect of tea extracts on Candida albicans.
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High-resolution mechanical mapping of the adhesive-dentin interface: The effect of co-monomers in 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate.
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Evaluation of Osseointegration and Crestal Bone Loss Associated with Implants Placed in Diabetic and Other Medically Compromised Patients.
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