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Association between Salivary Hormones, Dental Caries, and Cariogenic Microorganisms during Pregnancy.
- J Clin Med.2024 May;13(11).
Evaluation and classification of post-extubation dysphagia in critically ill patients.
- Rev Col Bras Cir.2018 Jul;45(3):e1687.
Role of oral melatonin in prevention of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia: A Randomized controlled trial.
- Indian J Psychiatry.2024 May;66(5):457-462.
Evaluation of fracture resistance in class II tooth cavity using different techniques.
- Bioinformation.2022;18(10):858-861.
Fracture Resistance of Direct versus Indirect Restorations on Posterior Teeth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- Bioengineering (Basel).2024 May;11(6).
Mandibular Contouring in Subjects With Class II or Class III Dentofacial Deformities and Treatment Needs.
- J Craniofac Surg.2024 Jul;
Effect of diabetes mellitus on the outcomes of total ankle arthroplasty: is controlled diabetes mellitus a risk factor?
- J Orthop Surg Res.2023 Aug;18(1):636.
Effects of menthol on thirst during surgery patients fasting: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.
- Int J Nurs Pract.2024 Jun;30(3):e13191.
Impact of fasting on the gastric volume of critically ill patients before extubation: a prospective observational study using gastric ultrasound.
- BJA Open.2022 Sep;3:100023.
Preoperative Fasting of Eight Hours Provide Better Gastric Emptying: Ultrasound Assessment of Gastric Volume.
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[Plaque control in periodontal diseases--use of plaque index].
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Improving Team Members' Attention During the OR Briefing or Time Out.
- AORN J.2024 Jun;119(6):421-427.
Effect of Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation on Extubation-Related Stress Response in Noncardiac Surgery Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
- J Perianesth Nurs.2024 Jun;
Effect of Preoperative Clear Liquid Consumption on Postoperative Recovery in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Excavatum: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study.
- J Clin Med.2024 Jun;13(12).
フルカバレージ・ジルコニア・クラウンと他のセラミック・フルカバレージ・クラウンおよび天然エナメル質との拮抗エナメル質摩耗の評価 - アンブレラ・レビュー
An evaluation of antagonist enamel wear opposing full-coverage zirconia crowns versus other ceramics full-coverage crowns and natural enamel - An umbrella review.
- J Indian Prosthodont Soc.2024 Jul;24(3):217-224.
Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells on zirconia and titanium with different surface topography.
- Dent Mater J.2015;34(6):872-80.
Retrospective, Multi-center, Cohort Study Evaluating Clinical, Technical, Biological, and Esthetic Outcomes of Implant Supported Zirconia Single Crowns Cemented on Titanium-base Abutments: 7-year Mean Follow-up.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2024 Jun;0(0):1-24.
Different surface treatments and adhesive monomers for zirconia-resin bonds: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.
- Jpn Dent Sci Rev.2024 Dec;60:175-189.
Comparing BIS Monitoring vs. Clinical Assessment for Deep Sedation in the ICU: Effects on Delirium Reduction and Sedative Drug Doses - A randomized trial.
- Chest.2024 Jun;
Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand, Osteoprotegerin, Osteopontin, Tumor Necrosis Factor Alphaの喫煙者における慢性根尖性歯周炎に対する評価
Evaluation of Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor Kappa B Ligand, Osteoprotegerin, Osteopontin, and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha on Chronic Apical Periodontitis in Smokers.
- J Endod.2023 Feb;49(2):137-143.
Tension between continuous and deep sedation and assistance in dying: a national survey of intensive care professionals' perceptions.
- Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med.2024 Feb;43(1):101317.
Clinical Outcome of Nonsurgical Root Canal Treatment Using a Matched Single-Cone Obturation Technique with a Calcium Hydroxide-based Sealer: A Retrospective Analysis.
- J Endod.2022 Dec;48(12):1486-1492.
Taper 0.06 Versus Taper 0.04: The Impact on the Danger Zone.
- J Endod.2023 May;49(5):536-543.
Interactions Between Calcium Hypochlorite and Irrigants Commonly Used in Endodontic Practice: A Chemical Analysis.
- J Endod.2023 Jul;49(7):894-900.
各種バイオセラミック根管シーラーの物理化学的特性と生体適合性:InVitro Study
Physicochemical Properties and Biocompatibility of Various Bioceramic Root Canal Sealers: In Vitro Study.
- J Endod.2023 Jul;49(7):871-879.
Incremental Application of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure for the Evaluation of Atelectasis During RP-EBUS and Bronchoscopy (I-APPEAR).
- J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol.2024 Jul;31(3).
ナノハイブリッドコンポジット、繊維強化コンポジット、水平グラスファイバーポスト、およびセラミックインレーを用いた歯内療法を行った小臼歯の耐破折性:InVitro Study
Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Premolars Using Nanohybrid Composite, Fiber-Reinforced Composite, Horizontal Glass Fiber Posts, and Ceramic Inlays: An In Vitro Study.
- J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1739-1746.
The Effects of Calcium Silicate- and Calcium Hydroxide-based Root Canal Sealers on Postoperative Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1588-1594.
TruNatomy、WaveOne Gold、ProTaper Ultimateの管腔形成能、歯頸部象牙質周囲保存能、およびスメア層除去能の比較評価-ヒト歯におけるExVivo試験-
Comparative Evaluation of the Canal Shaping Ability, Pericervical Dentin Preservation, and Smear Layer Removal of TruNatomy, WaveOne Gold, and ProTaper Ultimate-An Ex Vivo Study in Human Teeth.
- J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1733-1738.
The Effect of Using Different Kinematics Single File Systems with Coronal Preflaring Instruments on Postoperative Pain with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1625-1633.
Finite Element Analysis of Fracture Resistance of Mandibular Molars with Different Access Cavity Designs.
- J Endod.2023 Dec;49(12):1690-1697.
Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Pulp Sensitivity Testing Results Using a New Pulp Testing Device versus Some Commonly Used Methods: A Crossover Study.
- J Endod.2024 Jan;50(1):22-30.
Sodium Hypochlorite Concentration and Post-Endodontic Pain - Unveiling the Optimal Balance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
- J Endod.2024 Jun;
The influence of bioceramic cements on the activity of macrophages of different lineages: a laboratory study.
- J Endod.2024 Jun;
TNF-α-TNFR1 Signaling Mediates Inflammation and Bone Resorption in Apical Periodontitis.
- J Endod.2023 Oct;49(10):1319-1328.e2.
Canal Drying Protocols to Use with Calcium Silicate-based Sealer: Effect on Bond Strength and Adhesive Interface.
- J Endod.2023 Sep;49(9):1154-1160.
The Effect of Unintentional AH-Plus Sealer Extrusion on Resolution of Apical Periodontitis After Root Canal Treatment and Retreatment-A Retrospective Case-control Study.
- J Endod.2023 Oct;49(10):1262-1268.
Evaluation of Pain Following the Use of Different Single-file Glide Path Systems: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- J Endod.2024 Feb;50(2):120-128.
How Does Intentional Apical Foraminal Enlargement Affect the Foramen and Root Canal Morphology?
- J Endod.2024 May;50(5):651-658.
Effects of Sodium Hypochlorite Concentration and Application Time on Bacteria in an Ex Vivo Polymicrobial Biofilm Model.
- J Endod.2024 Jun;50(6):814-819.
Morphology of the Physiological Foramen: II. Maxillary and Mandibular Premolars.
- J Endod.2024 Jun;50(6):807-813.
人工歯根内補綴窩洞へのバイオセラミック材料の充填における、異なる充填方法による充填品質の3次元測定:InVitro 比較試験
Three-Dimensional Measurement of Obturation Quality of Bioceramic Materials in Filling Artificial Internal Root Resorption Cavities Using Different Obturation Techniques: An In Vitro Comparative Study.
- J Endod.2024 Jul;50(7):997-1003.
Comparison of the Outcome of Intentional Replantation in Teeth with or without Periodontal Involvement: A Retrospective Study.
- J Endod.2024 Jul;50(7):944-953.
根管長測定におけるE-Connect S+とモリタTri Auto ZX2+エンドドンティックハンドピースの精度を比較した生体外試験
An Ex-Vivo Study Comparing the Accuracy of the E-Connect S+ and Morita Tri Auto ZX2+ Endodontic Handpieces in Root Canal Length Determination.
- J Endod.2024 Jul;50(7):1004-1010.
Some risk factors for periodontal bone loss in 50-year-old individuals. A 10-year cohort study.
- J Clin Periodontol.2004 Jul;31(7):489-96.
Sports drinks effect on salivary volume and pH in children after exercise: a randomized clinical study.
- J Sports Med Phys Fitness.2023 Sep;63(9):977-981.
Healthy Behavior and Sports Drinks: A Systematic Review.
- Nutrients.2023 Jun;15(13).
The Influence of the Tongue on the Development of Dental Malocclusion.
- Cureus.2024 May;16(5):e61281.
The effect of clear aligner treatment on masticatory muscles (masseter, temporalis) activity in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Eur J Orthod.2024 Aug;46(4).
Differential Utility Losses in Herpes Zoster Cases Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Subjects: A Meta-analysis of Three Clinical Trials.
- Clin Drug Investig.2024 May;44(5):293-301.
Unveiling the Uncertainties: Exploring the Utility of Herpes Zoster Vaccines.
- J Assoc Physicians India.2023 Nov;71(11):11-12.
Efficacy and safety of remimazolam versus propofol for intraoperative sedation during regional anesthesia: A phase II, multicenter, randomized, active-controlled, single-blind clinical trial.
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Researching how music affects the autonomic nervous system and influences wound healing processes in trauma patients.
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Effect of a powered and a manual toothbrush in subjects susceptible to gingival recession: A 36-month randomized controlled clinical study.
- Int J Dent Hyg.2024 Jun;
The association between dental caries, periodontal diseases, and tooth loss with diabetes mellitus among the elderly population.
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Noradrenergic tuning of arousal is coupled to coordinated movements.
- bioRxiv.2024 Jun;
根管準備中のトルク,力,および3次元ファイル変位をin vitroで解析するための新しいプラットフォーム:ProTaper回転ファイルへの応用.
A novel platform for in vitro analysis of torque, forces, and three-dimensional file displacements during root canal preparations: application to ProTaper rotary files.
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Evaluation of Two Trephine Techniques for Removal of Fractured Rotary Nickel-titanium Instruments from Root Canals.
- J Endod.2017 Jan;43(1):116-120.
実体顕微鏡による4種類の根管シーラーの封鎖能の評価:in-vitro study
Stereomicroscopic evaluation of sealing ability of four different root canal sealers: an in-vitro study.
- BMC Oral Health.2024 Feb;24(1):258.
Genotoxicity induced by endodontic sealers: A systematic review.
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A Literature Review of the Effect of Heat on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Calcium Silicate-Based Sealers.
- J Endod.2024 May;
Dimensional Evaluation of Different Ridge Preservation Techniques with a Bovine Xenograft: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
- Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.2018;38(4):549-556.
Physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity and bioactivity of a ready-to-use bioceramic repair material.
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The Retention Rate and Safety of JAK Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Real Word Data from a Monocentric Cohort.
- J Clin Med.2024 Jun;13(12).
ProRoot MTA中の酸化ビスマスの溶出と細胞毒性 - 実験室での検討-
Leaching and cytotoxicity of bismuth oxide in ProRoot MTA - A laboratory investigation.
- Int Endod J.2024 May;
Nanostructured lipid carriers promote percutaneous absorption and hair follicle targeting of tofacitinib for treating alopecia areata.
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Comparative analysis of microbial composition and functional characteristics in dental plaque and saliva of oral cancer patients.
- BMC Oral Health.2024 Apr;24(1):411.
Distinct oral DNA viral signatures in rheumatoid arthritis: a Pilot study.
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Hotspot Mutations in Saliva as a Diagnostic Marker in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients.
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Sensitive Detection of Oral Leukoplakia: Analyzing P90 Biomarkers in Saliva and Tissue.
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Effects of orthognathic surgery on respiratory function during sleep: A prospective longitudinal study.
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Standard Versus Step Burs for Implant Site Preparation: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
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Prevalence of malocclusions in the 13-20-year-old categories of football athletes.
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A preliminary analysis of patient reported outcomes following posterolateral mandible reconstruction: The role of flap type.
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Clinical and radiographic performance of late placed and early loaded dental implants with a conditioned hydrophilic surface in posterior mandible sites: A prospective case series with an 8.5- to 9.5-year follow-up.
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Evaluation of Bond Strength of Three Glass Fiber Post-systems Cemented to Large Root Canals.
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A new method of adhesive system application improves the bond strength between fiber post and root dentin.
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Influence of short-fiber composite base on fracture behavior of direct and indirect restorations.
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Three-Year Prospective Randomized Comparative Assessment of Anterior Maxillary Single Implants with Different Abutment Interfaces.
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The influence of customization of glass fiber posts on fracture strength and failure pattern: A systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical ex-vivo studies.
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象牙質知覚過敏症の管理におけるフッ素洗口液と炭酸水素ナトリウムの比較評価:In Vitro SEMスタディ
Comparative Evaluation of Fluoridated Mouthwash and Sodium Bicarbonate in Management of Dentin Hypersensitivity: An In Vitro SEM Study.
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Sodium bicarbonate: A review and its uses in dentistry.
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Mouthwashes: Alternatives and Future Directions.
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A Comparison of the Effects of Chlorhexidine and Sodium Bicarbonate Mouthwashes on COVID-19-Related Symptoms.
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Is high-concentration Nitrous oxide the safest option for short periods of procedural sedation in Paediatric Emergency Medicine.
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It's time to stop using nitrous oxide for pediatric mask induction.
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Trends of conscious sedation in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the Dankook University Dental Hospital for 11 Years.
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Effectiveness of Nitrous Oxide Sedation on Child's Anxiety and Parent Perception During Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Pain in pediatric oncology-A Swedish nationwide follow-up study among nurses and physicians.
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Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices toward the Novel Coronavirus Infection in Dental Laboratories in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Cross-Sectional Study.
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Efficacy and Safety of Botulinum Toxin in the Management of Temporomandibular Symptoms Associated with Sleep Bruxism: A Systematic Review.
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Evaluation of Allergic Reactions and Tolerance with Fruit and Vegetable Allergy in Children.
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Factors Associated With Severe Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome.
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A comparative study to measure the condylar guidance by the radiographic and clinical methods.
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Biphasic Calcium Phosphate in the Extraction Socket Preservation: A Systematic Review.
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Interdisciplinary esthetic approach in clinical dental rehabilitation.
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The threshold of acceptability of excessive gingival display by laypersons: a systematic review.
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Periodontal Management of Gummy Smile Due to Altered Passive Eruption: A Case Report.
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Is There a Correlation between Gingival Display and Incisal Inclination in a Gummy Smile? Study on Cephalometric Parameters.
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