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Learning from cubism to understand the reality of hemodynamics.
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Transmitted-light plethysmography detects changes in human pulpal blood flow elicited by innocuous tooth cooling and foot heating.
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A laboratory study to detect simulated pulpal blood flow in extracted human teeth using ultrasound Doppler flowmetry.
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Periodontal Inflammation Primes the Systemic Innate Immune Response.
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Pulp blood flow and sensibility in patients with a history of dental trauma undergoing maxillary expansion.
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薬物・授乳データベース (LactMed)
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
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薬物・授乳データベース (LactMed)
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
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Raspberry Piの自動整列装置。レーザービームの自動アライメントのための機械学習
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歯冠延長への現代的なアプローチ - ピエゾサージェリー
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