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Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia symptoms are key components of deficit schizophrenia and are strongly associated with activated immune-inflammatory pathways.
  • Abbas F Almulla
  • Hussein Kadhem Al-Hakeim
  • Mokhlad Swadi Abed
  • Andre F Carvalho
  • Michael Maes
  • Schizophr. Res..2020 May;S0920-9964(20)30255-3. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2020.05.003.Epub 2020-05-26.


Clinical characteristics and natural history of wild-type transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy in Japan.
  • Toshihiro Yamada
  • Seiji Takashio
  • Yuichiro Arima
  • Masato Nishi
  • Mami Morioka
  • Kyoko Hirakawa
  • Shinsuke Hanatani
  • Koichiro Fujisue
  • Kenshi Yamanaga
  • Hisanori Kanazawa
  • Daisuke Sueta
  • Satoshi Araki
  • Hiroki Usuku
  • Taishi Nakamura
  • Satoru Suzuki
  • Eiichiro Yamamoto
  • Mitsuharu Ueda
  • Koichi Kaikita
  • Kenichi Tsujita
  • ESC Heart Fail.2020 Jul;doi: 10.1002/ehf2.12884.Epub 2020-07-16.


Porto-systemic shunt - a rare cause of hyperandrogenism in children. Two case reports and review of literature.
  • Mikołaj Danko
  • Anna Malinowska
  • Elżbieta Moszczyńska
  • Joanna Pawłowska
  • Maria Szarras-Czapnik
  • Małgorzata Walewska-Wolf
  • Urszula Wątrobińska
  • Mieczysław Szalecki
  • J. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Metab..2020 Jul;/j/jpem.ahead-of-print/jpem-2020-0123/jpem-2020-0123.xml. doi: 10.1515/jpem-2020-0123.Epub 2020-07-13.


GABA releases from parvalbumin-expressing and unspecific GABAergic neurons onto CA1 pyramidal cells are differentially modulated by presynaptic GABA receptors in mouse hippocampus.
  • Yingqian Liu
  • Xingwu Jordan Yang
  • Haiping Xia
  • Cha-Min Tang
  • Kun Yang
  • Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun..2019 12;520(2):449-452. S0006-291X(19)31933-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.10.044.Epub 2019-10-10.


Decoding the Role of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate in Asthma and Other Respiratory System Diseases Using Next Generation Knowledge Discovery Platforms Coupled With Luminex Multiple Analyte Profiling Technology.
  • Sami Bahlas
  • Laila A Damiati
  • Ayman S Al-Hazmi
  • Peter Natesan Pushparaj
  • Front Cell Dev Biol.2020;8:444. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00444.Epub 2020-06-19.


Comparative analysis of tooth discoloration induced by conventional and modified triple antibiotic pastes used in regenerative endodontics.
  • Meenakshi Venkataraman
  • Somya Singhal
  • Aseem P Tikku
  • Anil Chandra
  • Indian J Dent Res.2019 Nov-Dec;30(6):933-936. IndianJDentRes_2019_30_6_933_275883. doi: 10.4103/ijdr.IJDR_782_18.


Secretome-Mediated Interactions with Intestinal Epithelial Cells: A Role for Secretome Components from R0011 in the Attenuation of Serovar Typhimurium Secretome and TNF-α-Induced Proinflammatory Responses.
  • Michael P Jeffrey
  • Chad W MacPherson
  • Olivier Mathieu
  • Thomas A Tompkins
  • Julia M Green-Johnson
  • J. Immunol..2020 May;204(9):2523-2534. jimmunol.1901440. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1901440.Epub 2020-04-01.


Video clip assessment of a salivary gland ultrasound scoring system in Sjögren's syndrome using consensual definitions: an OMERACT ultrasound working group reliability exercise.
  • Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
  • Maria Antonietta D'Agostino
  • Celine Nicolas
  • Esperanza Naredo
  • Sarah Ohrndorf
  • Marina Backhaus
  • Giorgio Tamborrini
  • Isabelle Chary-Valckenaere
  • Lene Terslev
  • Annamaria Iagnocco
  • Paz Collado
  • Cristina Hernández-Díaz
  • Frederique Gandjbakhch
  • Wolfgang A Schmidt
  • Georgios Filippou
  • Christian Dejaco
  • Martin Helmut Stradner
  • Mohamed Atia Mortada
  • Alojzija Hočevar
  • Stavros Chrysidis
  • Ghada El Mardenly
  • Juan José de Agustín
  • Ralf Thiele
  • Daryl K MacCarter
  • Stephanie Finzel
  • Petra Hanova
  • Alen Zabotti
  • Cornelia Glaser
  • Zarrin Alavi
  • Daniel Sten Hammenfors
  • Florence Gatineau
  • George Aw Bruyn
  • Ann. Rheum. Dis..2019 07;78(7):967-973. annrheumdis-2019-215024. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-215024.Epub 2019-04-29.


Evaluation of Cyclic Peptide Inhibitors of the Grb7 Breast Cancer Target: Small Change in Cargo Results in Large Change in Cellular Activity.
  • Jianrong Sang
  • Ketav Kulkarni
  • Gabrielle M Watson
  • Xiuquan Ma
  • David J Craik
  • Sónia T Henriques
  • Aaron G Poth
  • Aurélie H Benfield
  • Jacqueline A Wilce
  • Molecules.2019 Oct;24(20). E3739. doi: 10.3390/molecules24203739.Epub 2019-10-17.

"エクシフォイド下チューブ心膜切開術とコンピュータ断層撮影による心嚢液貯留の治療-あるいは心エコー-ガイド付き経皮カテーテルドレナージ法" へのコメント

Comments on "Treatment of Pericardial Effusion Through Subxiphoid Tube Pericardiostomy and Computerized Tomography - Or Echocardiography - Guided Percutaneous Catheter Drainage Methods".
  • Kyriakos Spiliopoulos
  • Dimitrios Magouliotis
  • John Skoularigis
  • Filippos Triposkiadis
  • Braz J Cardiovasc Surg.2019 12;34(5):642. doi: 10.21470/1678-9741-2019-0331.Epub 2019-12-01.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus D1 または Weissella paramesenteroides GIR16L4 またはその両方をスターター培養したチーズにおける黄色ブドウ球菌の生存性とその毒素(SEC および TSST-1)の発現について検討した

Viability of Staphylococcus aureus and expression of its toxins (SEC and TSST-1) in cheeses using Lactobacillus rhamnosus D1 or Weissella paramesenteroides GIR16L4 or both as starter cultures.
  • G O Silva
  • R D Castro
  • L G Oliveira
  • F M Sant'Anna
  • C D Barbosa
  • S H C Sandes
  • R S Silva
  • M F S Resende
  • A M Q Lana
  • A C Nunes
  • M M O P Cerqueira
  • M R Souza
  • J. Dairy Sci..2020 May;103(5):4100-4108. S0022-0302(20)30205-8. doi: 10.3168/jds.2018-16037.Epub 2020-03-18.


Potential risk to spread resistant genes within the extracellular DNA-dependent biofilm of in response to cell envelope stress induced by sub-MIC of bacitracin.
  • Ryo Nagasawa
  • Tsutomu Sato
  • Nobuhiko Nomura
  • Tomoyo Nakamura
  • Hidenobu Senpuku
  • Appl. Environ. Microbiol..2020 Jun;AEM.00770-20. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00770-20.Epub 2020-06-12.

末梢血中の() mRNAの発現レベルは、乳がんの再発を予測するための潜在的なバイオマーカーである

The Expression Level of () mRNA in Peripheral Blood Is a Potential Biomarker for Predicting Recurrence in Breast Cancer.
  • Takaaki Masuda
  • Miwa Noda
  • Akihiro Kitagawa
  • Qingjiang Hu
  • Atsushi Fujii
  • Shuhei Ito
  • Keisuke Kosai
  • Yuki Ando
  • Yoshihiro Matsumoto
  • Hajime Ohtsu
  • Hiroki Uchida
  • Shinji Ohno
  • Koshi Mimori
  • Anticancer Res..2020 Jul;40(7):3733-3742. 40/7/3733. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.14362.


Genetic analysis resolves differential diagnosis of a familial syndromic dilated cardiomyopathy: A new case of Alström syndrome.
  • Barbara Lombardo
  • Valeria D'Argenio
  • Emanuele Monda
  • Andrea Vitale
  • Martina Caiazza
  • Lucia Sacchetti
  • Lucio Pastore
  • Giuseppe Limongelli
  • Giulia Frisso
  • Cristina Mazzaccara
  • Mol Genet Genomic Med.2020 Jul;8(7):e1260. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.1260.Epub 2020-05-12.


Scrutinizing the vital role of various ultraviolet irradiations on the comparative photocatalytic ozonation of albendazole and metronidazole: Integration and synergistic reactions mechanism.
  • Mehrangiz Fathinia
  • Alireza Khataee
  • Behrouz Vahid
  • Sang Woo Joo
  • J. Environ. Manage..2020 Jul;272:111044. S0301-4797(20)30972-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111044.Epub 2020-07-14.

溶存ニッケルとニッケルに汚染された懸濁液が強アルカリ性のサンゴである Acropora muricata に及ぼす影響

Effects of dissolved nickel and nickel-contaminated suspended sediment on the scleractinian coral, Acropora muricata.
  • Megan L Gillmore
  • Francesca Gissi
  • Lisa A Golding
  • Jenny L Stauber
  • Amanda J Reichelt-Brushett
  • Andrea Severati
  • Craig A Humphrey
  • Dianne F Jolley
  • Mar. Pollut. Bull..2020 Mar;152:110886. S0025-326X(20)30004-7. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.110886.Epub 2020-02-17.


Synthesis, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Molecular Docking Studies on Novel 6-Methoxybenzothiazole-piperazine Derivatives with Propanamide Chain.
  • Nesrin Atiah Alhusadi
  • Bengisu Turgutalp
  • Inci Deniz
  • Ebru Turkoz Acar
  • Hande Sipahi
  • Mine Yarim
  • Enise Ece Gurdal
  • Curr Top Med Chem.2020 Jun;CTMC-EPUB-107442. doi: 10.2174/1568026620666200618122500.Epub 2020-06-18.

抗CD22 90Y-エプラツズマブテトラキセタンと抗CD20ベルツズマブの併用療法:再発・難治性の侵攻性非ホジキンリンパ腫患者を対象とした第I相試験

Anti-CD22 90Y-epratuzumab tetraxetan combined with anti-CD20 veltuzumab: a phase I study in patients with relapsed/refractory, aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • Thomas E Witzig
  • Michael B Tomblyn
  • Jamal G Misleh
  • Ebenezer A Kio
  • Robert M Sharkey
  • William A Wegener
  • David M Goldenberg
  • Haematologica.2014 Nov;99(11):1738-45. haematol.2014.112110. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2014.112110.Epub 2014-08-22.


Whole exome sequencing identifies rare biallelic ALMS1 missense and stop gain mutations in familial Alström syndrome patients.
  • Naglaa M Kamal
  • Ahmed N Sahly
  • Babajan Banaganapalli
  • Omran M Rashidi
  • Preetha J Shetty
  • Jumana Y Al-Aama
  • Noor A Shaik
  • Ramu Elango
  • Omar I Saadah
  • Saudi J Biol Sci.2020 Jan;27(1):271-278. S1319-562X(19)30168-8. doi: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2019.09.006.Epub 2019-09-11.


The role of sulpiride in attenuating the cardiac, renal, and immune disruptions in rats receiving clozapine: mRNA expression pattern of the genes encoding Kim-1, TIMP-1, and CYP isoforms.
  • Amany T Mohammed
  • Samah R Khalil
  • Fagr A Mahmoud
  • Gamal A Elmowalid
  • Haytham A Ali
  • Hamed A El-Serehy
  • Mohamed M Abdel-Daim
  • Environ Sci Pollut Res Int.2020 Jul;27(20):25404-25414. 10.1007/s11356-020-08914-x. doi: 10.1007/s11356-020-08914-x.Epub 2020-04-29.


Remote sensing, isotopic composition and metagenomics analyses revealed Doce River ore plume reached the southern Abrolhos Bank Reefs.
  • Ronaldo B Francini-Filho
  • Marcelle C Cordeiro
  • Claudia Y Omachi
  • André M Rocha
  • Laura Bahiense
  • Gizele D Garcia
  • Diogo Tschoeke
  • Marcelo G de Almeida
  • Thiago P Rangel
  • Braulio Cherene Vaz De Oliveira
  • Diogo Q R de Almeida
  • Rafael Menezes
  • Eric F Mazzei
  • Jean-Christophe Joyeux
  • Carlos E Rezende
  • Cristiane C Thompson
  • Fabiano L Thompson
  • Sci. Total Environ..2019 Dec;697:134038. S0048-9697(19)34015-X. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134038.Epub 2019-08-29.


Evaluation of immunological, inflammatory, and oxidative stress biomarkers in gasoline station attendants.
  • Angela Maria Moro
  • Elisa Sauer
  • Natália Brucker
  • Mariele Feiffer Charão
  • Bruna Gauer
  • Sabrina Nunes do Nascimento
  • Gabriela Goethel
  • Marta Maria Medeiros Frescura Duarte
  • Solange Cristina Garcia
  • BMC Pharmacol Toxicol.2019 12;20(Suppl 1):75. 10.1186/s40360-019-0355-1. doi: 10.1186/s40360-019-0355-1.Epub 2019-12-19.


Mannitol triggers mast cell-dependent contractions of human small bronchi and prostacyclin bronchoprotection.
  • Jesper Säfholm
  • Martijn L Manson
  • Johan Bood
  • Mamdoh Al-Ameri
  • Ann-Charlotte Orre
  • Johan Raud
  • Sven-Erik Dahlén
  • Mikael Adner
  • J. Allergy Clin. Immunol..2019 10;144(4):984-992. S0091-6749(19)30763-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.04.031.Epub 2019-06-14.

ロシア・シベリアのIxodes persulcatus/Ixodes trianguliceps同属地域における小型哺乳類およびマダニに循環するAnaplasmataceaeの遺伝的変動

Genetic variability of Anaplasmataceae circulating in small mammals and ticks in an Ixodes persulcatus/Ixodes trianguliceps sympatric area in Russian Siberia.
  • Vera Rar
  • Valeriy Yakimenko
  • Artem Tikunov
  • Marat Makenov
  • Tamara Epikhina
  • Aleksey Tancev
  • Nina Tikunova
  • Ticks Tick Borne Dis.2020 Jun;:101499. S1877-959X(20)30147-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2020.101499.Epub 2020-06-28.


Pinocembrin inhibits the proliferation and migration and promotes the apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells through down-regulating the mRNA levels of N-cadherin and GABAB receptor.
  • Jun Gao
  • Shixin Lin
  • Yao Gao
  • Xia Zou
  • Jun Zhu
  • Man Chen
  • Hong Wan
  • Hong Zhu
  • Biomed. Pharmacother..2019 Dec;120:109505. S0753-3322(19)31606-3. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109505.Epub 2019-10-18.


Control of Adipocyte Thermogenesis and Lipogenesis through β3-Adrenergic and Thyroid Hormone Signal Integration.
  • Adilson Guilherme
  • Batuhan Yenilmez
  • Alexander H Bedard
  • Felipe Henriques
  • Dianxin Liu
  • Alexandra Lee
  • Lauren Goldstein
  • Mark Kelly
  • Sarah M Nicoloro
  • Min Chen
  • Lee Weinstein
  • Sheila Collins
  • Michael P Czech
  • Cell Rep.2020 May;31(5):107598. S2211-1247(20)30547-7. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107598.


A Novel Classification of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Phenotypes Using Machine Learning Techniques: An International Multi-Institutional Analysis.
  • Diamantis I Tsilimigras
  • J Madison Hyer
  • Anghela Z Paredes
  • Adrian Diaz
  • Dimitrios Moris
  • Alfredo Guglielmi
  • Luca Aldrighetti
  • Matthew Weiss
  • Todd W Bauer
  • Sorin Alexandrescu
  • George A Poultsides
  • Shishir K Maithel
  • Hugo P Marques
  • Guillaume Martel
  • Carlo Pulitano
  • Feng Shen
  • Olivier Soubrane
  • Bas Groot Koerkamp
  • Itaru Endo
  • Timothy M Pawlik
  • Ann. Surg. Oncol..2020 Jun;10.1245/s10434-020-08696-z. doi: 10.1245/s10434-020-08696-z.Epub 2020-06-03.

Siewert 2型食道胃接合部腺癌に対する胃全摘術時の経口腔内挿入型アンビル法による食道結腸吻合術と円形ステープラーを用いた体外吻合術の安全性を検討した

The safety of esophagojejunostomy via a transorally inserted-anvil method vs extracorporeal anastomosis using a circular stapler during total gastrectomy for Siewert type 2 adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction.
  • Xin-Hua Chen
  • Yan-Feng Hu
  • Jun Luo
  • Yue-Hong Chen
  • Hao Liu
  • Tian Lin
  • Hao Chen
  • Guo-Xin Li
  • Jiang Yu
  • Gastroenterol Rep (Oxf).2020 Jun;8(3):242-251. goz046. doi: 10.1093/gastro/goz046.Epub 2019-10-11.


Antagonistic regulation of the gibberellic acid response during stem growth in rice.
  • Keisuke Nagai
  • Yoshinao Mori
  • Shin Ishikawa
  • Tomoyuki Furuta
  • Rico Gamuyao
  • Yoko Niimi
  • Tokunori Hobo
  • Moyuri Fukuda
  • Mikiko Kojima
  • Yumiko Takebayashi
  • Atsushi Fukushima
  • Yasuyo Himuro
  • Masatomo Kobayashi
  • Wataru Ackley
  • Hiroshi Hisano
  • Kazuhiro Sato
  • Aya Yoshida
  • Jianzhong Wu
  • Hitoshi Sakakibara
  • Yutaka Sato
  • Hiroyuki Tsuji
  • Takashi Akagi
  • Motoyuki Ashikari
  • Nature.2020 Jul;10.1038/s41586-020-2501-8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2501-8.Epub 2020-07-15.