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Biomechanical Behavior Evaluation of a Novel Hybrid Occlusal Splint-Mouthguard for Contact Sports: 3D-FEA.
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Effectiveness of hard inserts in sports mouthguards: a systematic review.
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Clinical Features of Patients With Second Primary Lung Cancer After Head and Neck Cancer.
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African American race as a risk factor associated with a second primary lung cancer after initial primary head and neck cancer.
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Use of a replica graft tooth for evaluation before autotransplantation of a tooth. A CAD/CAM model produced using dental-cone-beam computed tomography.
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3 次元印刷されたドナー歯のレプリカを用いた自家移植は、歯槽外時間と術中適合の試みを最小限に抑えた。100本の移植歯を対象とした多施設共同プロスペクティブスタディ
Autotransplantation With a 3-Dimensionally Printed Replica of the Donor Tooth Minimizes Extra-Alveolar Time and Intraoperative Fitting Attempts: A Multicenter Prospective Study of 100 Transplanted Teeth.
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冠動脈バイパス術(CABG)を受けた患者におけるAdvanced Glycation End Product(AGE)および Soluble Receptor of AGE(sRAGE)レベルと歯周炎の重症度との関係および3年間の予後予測因子として
Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) and Soluble Receptor of AGE (sRAGE) Levels in Relation to Periodontitis Severity and as Putative 3-Year Outcome Predictors in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG).
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XP-エンドフィニッシャーとXP-エンドフィニッシャーRの再治療時の補助ファイルとしての清掃効果とデブリの排出性。In Vitro Study
Cleaning Efficacy and Debris Extrusion using XP-Endo Finisher and XP-Endo Finisher R as Supplementary Files during Retreatment: An in Vitro Study.
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XP Endo Finisher-R and PUI as supplementary methods to remove root filling materials from curved canals.
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[Study on the influence of passive ultrasonic irrigation on debris cleaning ability and root canal shape].
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Association between the severity of possible sleep bruxism and possible awake bruxism and attrition tooth wear facets in children and adolescents.
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Endodontic treatment of a mandibular second premolar with three root canals.
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Global research trends on photodynamic therapy in endodontics: a bibliometric analysis.
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Diverse therapies for disc displacement of temporomandibular joint: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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Comparison of the effectiveness of soft and hard splints in the symptomatic management of temporomandibular joint disorders: A randomized control study.
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Traumatic facial nerve paralysis dilemma. Decision making and the novel role of endoscope.
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Review of Drug Therapy for Peripheral Facial Nerve Regeneration That Can Be Used in Actual Clinical Practice.
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Are people who have a better smell sense, more affected from satiation?
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Impact of ambient odors on food intake, saliva production and appetite ratings.
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嗅覚障害と人体測定および心代謝測定との関連性。2013~2014 年全国健康・栄養調査(NHANES)からの知見
Associations of olfactory dysfunction with anthropometric and cardiometabolic measures: Findings from the 2013-2014 national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES).
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Immediate Dentin Sealing: A Literature Review.
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Does immediate dentin sealing influence postoperative sensitivity in teeth restored with indirect restorations? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Immediate dentin sealing: effect of sandblasting on the layer thickness.
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Immediate Dentin Sealing for Adhesive Cementation of Indirect Restorations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Ultrasound-Guided Compared With Non-Ultrasound-Guided Placement of Immediate Postpartum Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices.
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Prognostic Factors for the Therapeutic Performance of Cisplatin in Head and Neck Malignancies.
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Antiemetic prophylaxis for chemoradiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a prospective phase II trial.
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Prognostic Value of Radiological Extranodal Extension Detected by Computed Tomography for Predicting Outcomes in Patients With Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer Treated With Radical Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy.
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Tumor Volume Reduction Rate to Induction Chemotherapy is a Prognostic Factor for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
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歯磨剤中の異なる粒子タイプのエナメル質の侵食および摩耗に対する効力に対するin vitro評価
In vitro evaluation of the effects of different particle types in toothpastes on the efficacy against enamel erosion and wear.
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Anti-PD-1 Treatment Disrupts the Painkilling Effects of Morphine.
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Impact of concomitant medication on clinical outcomes in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A retrospective study.
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Exacerbation of cancer pain after administering immune checkpoint inhibitor in a patient taking opioids: A case report.
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[Lung volume reduction surgery for chronic pulmonary emphysema in elderly patients].
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Empowering Patients to Start a Conversation: 5 Questions to Ask about Your Medications.
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Impact of pharmacist intervention on anticoagulation management and risk for potential COVID-19 exposure during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Does shelf preparation have efficacy on immediate loading of 4 implants supporting screw-retained full-arch dental prosthesis?
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Use of directed enzyme evolution to create novel biosynthetic pathways for production of rare or non-natural carotenoids.
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Nonmalignant nonendodontic lesions mimicking periapical lesions of endodontic origin: A systematic review.
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The evaluation of the effect of performing guided lid surgery with enucleation of a cystic lesion; a case report.
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Cystic pancreatic neoplasms in a tertiary gastroenterologic referral center: Evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound, progression rate and malignancy rate in a large unicentric cohort.
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Approach to FNA of Myxoid Soft Tissue Tumors.
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A Clinical Case Report of a Potential Acute Allergic Reaction with Titanium Dental Implant.
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Temperature rise of the post and on the root surface during ultrasonic post removal.
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10 年間の使用を想定したフッ化物配合歯磨剤およびフッ化物無配合歯磨剤によるブラッシング後のチタン表面性状.
Titanium surface topography after brushing with fluoride and fluoride-free toothpaste simulating 10 years of use.
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[Prevention of white spot lesion formation during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances].
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Caries lesion remineralization with fluoride toothpastes and chlorhexidine - effects of application timing and toothpaste surfactant.
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Streptococcus mutans に対する trans-cinnamaldehyde とフッ化物およびクロルヘキシジンの相乗効果
Combinatorial effects of trans-cinnamaldehyde with fluoride and chlorhexidine on Streptococcus mutans.
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Efficacy of Probiotic, Chlorhexidine, and Sodium Fluoride Mouthrinses on Mutans Streptococci in 8- to 12-Year-Old Children: A Crossover Randomized Trial.
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Effect of a mouth rinse and a high-fluoride toothpaste on caries incidence in orthodontic patients: A randomized controlled trial.
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The COVID-19 Pandemic and Pregnancy: Impact on Mothers and Newborns.
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Emotion Spectrum Analysis Method(ESAM)を用いた補綴治療による心理的効果の評価
Evaluation of psychological effect of prosthetic treatment using Emotion Spectrum Analysis Method (ESAM).
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Gingival tissue reaction to direct adhesive restoration: A preliminary study.
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Early marginal bone loss around dental implants to define success in implant dentistry: A retrospective study.
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Influence of Electronic Cigarettes on Selected Antibacterial Properties of Saliva.
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Electronic cigarette use enriches periodontal pathogens.
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Mandibular osteonecrosis following herpes zoster infection: Report of a rare case with a literature review.
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Reevaluating the Microbial Infection Link to Alzheimer's Disease.
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Linking mechanisms of periodontitis to Alzheimer's disease.
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Porphyromonas gingivalisが発現するタンパク質分解性ギンジパインの光音響・蛍光イメージングプローブ
A Photoacoustic-Fluorescent Imaging Probe for Proteolytic Gingipains Expressed by Porphyromonas gingivalis.
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Update on the Bidirectional Link Between Diabetes and Periodontitis.
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歯周炎と糖尿病 - 共通・関連する2つの病気
[Periodontitis and Diabetes - two common and associated diseases].
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Recovery from chronic periodontal disease is associated with lower risk for incident diabetes.
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2 型糖尿病性腎症と慢性歯周炎患者における歯周病状態と脂質異常症の関係。横断的研究
Relationship between periodontal status and dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy and chronic periodontitis: A cross-sectional study.
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糖尿病が歯根の微小硬度に及ぼす影響.In-vitro Study(生体内試験)
Diabetes Mellitus Affects the Microhardness of Root Dentine: An in-vitro Study.
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Efficacy of adjunctive photodynamic therapy and lasers in the non-surgical periodontal treatment: A Bayesian network meta-analysis.
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Comparative evaluation of the effect of Ozone therapy and Photodynamic therapy in non-surgical management of Chronic periodontitis: A split mouth longitudinal study.
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Dental Aesthetic Indexによる前後的基底骨の不一致の評価
Assessing anteroposterior basal bone discrepancy with the Dental Aesthetic Index.
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Invisalign treatment achieved and predicted results.
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Invisalign SmartTrackアライナーのさまざまなアタッチメントプロトコルおよび1週間と2週間の装着プロトコルを使用したプログラムされた下顎犬歯回転の臨床的表現。レトロスペクティブ・コホート研究
Clinical expression of programmed mandibular canine rotation using various attachment protocols and 1- vs 2-week wear protocols with Invisalign SmartTrack aligners: A retrospective cohort study.
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Health promotion through structured oral hygiene and good tooth alignment.
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Class II extraction treatment with aligners: a reliable approach
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New instrumentation system for cementless mobile-bearing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty improves surgical performance particularly for trainees.
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バングラデシュのエビ(Penaeus monodon)養殖における白点病(WSD)流行に関する白点病症候群ウイルス(WSSV)の分子的同定と関連リスク要因の解明
Molecular identification of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and associated risk factors for white spot disease (WSD) prevalence in shrimp (Penaeus monodon) aquaculture in Bangladesh.
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Influence of supplement administration of omega-3 on the subcutaneous tissue response of endodontic sealers in Wistar rats.
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Natural Antioxidants from Endemic Leaves in the Elaboration of Processed Meat Products: Current Status.
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