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Degradation of contaminants of emerging concern by UV/HO for water reuse: Kinetics, mechanisms, and cytotoxicity analysis.
  • Ying Huang
  • Minghao Kong
  • Scott Coffin
  • Kristin H Cochran
  • Danielle C Westerman
  • Daniel Schlenk
  • Susan D Richardson
  • Lecheng Lei
  • Dionysios D Dionysiou
  • Water Res..2020 May;174:115587. S0043-1354(20)30123-8. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115587.Epub 2020-02-04.


[ANMCO Position paper: Guidance for the management of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients requiring urgent electrophysiological procedures].
  • Michele Massimo Gulizia
  • Massimo Zecchin
  • Furio Colivicchi
  • Giuseppina Maura Francese
  • Adriano Murrone
  • Pasquale Caldarola
  • Andrea Di Lenarda
  • Serafina Valente
  • Loris Roncon
  • Enzo Amodeo
  • Nadia Aspromonte
  • Manlio Gianni Cipriani
  • Stefano Domenicucci
  • Massimo Imazio
  • Fortunato Scotto Di Uccio
  • Stefano Urbinati
  • Domenico Gabrielli
  • G Ital Cardiol (Rome).2020 05;21(5):336-340. doi: 10.1714/3343.33130.


Linagliptin, the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 enzyme inhibitor, lessens CHOP and GRP78 biomarkers levels in cisplatin-induced neurobehavioral deficits: A possible restorative gateway.
  • Omnia S El-Deeb
  • Gehan M Soliman
  • Rasha O Elesawy
  • J. Biochem. Mol. Toxicol..2020 Jun;:e22541. doi: 10.1002/jbt.22541.Epub 2020-06-22.

固有の淡水性海綿体Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937)からのキチンの同定とその構造に関する初めての知見

Identification and first insights into the structure of chitin from the endemic freshwater demosponge Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937).
  • Trajce Talevski
  • Aleksandra Talevska Leshoska
  • Elena Pejoski
  • Boris Pejin
  • Tomasz Machałowski
  • Marcin Wysokowski
  • Mikhail V Tsurkan
  • Olga Petrova
  • Viktor Sivkov
  • Rajko Martinovic
  • Snezana Pantovic
  • Yuliya Khrunyk
  • Volodymyr Trylis
  • Andriy Fursov
  • Mirko Djurovic
  • Teofil Jesionowski
  • Hermann Ehrlich
  • Int. J. Biol. Macromol..2020 Jun;S0141-8130(20)33702-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.06.247.Epub 2020-06-29.


Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation with non-myeloablative conditioning for patients with hematologic malignancies: Improved outcomes over two decades.
  • Jason P Cooper
  • Barry E Storer
  • Noa Granot
  • Boglark Gyurkocza
  • Mohamed L Sorror
  • Thomas R Chauncey
  • Judith Shizuru
  • Georg-Nikolaus Franke
  • Michael B Maris
  • Michael Boyer
  • Benedetto Bruno
  • Firoozeh Sahebi
  • Amelia A Langston
  • Parameswaran Hari
  • Edward D Agura
  • Søren Lykke Petersen
  • Richard T Maziarz
  • Wolfgang Bethge
  • Julie Asch
  • Jonathan A Gutman
  • Gitte Olesen
  • Andrew M Yeager
  • Kai Hübel
  • William J Hogan
  • David G Maloney
  • Marco Mielcarek
  • Paul J Martin
  • Mary E D Flowers
  • George E Georges
  • Ann E Woolfrey
  • H Joachim Deeg
  • Bart L Scott
  • George B McDonald
  • Rainer Storb
  • Brenda M Sandmaier
  • Haematologica.2020 Jun;haematol.2020.248187. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2020.248187.Epub 2020-06-04.


A Phase II study of selinexor plus cytarabine and idarubicin in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukaemia.
  • Walter Fiedler
  • Joerg Chromik
  • Stefanie Amberg
  • Maxim Kebenko
  • Felicitas Thol
  • Vera Schlipfenbacher
  • Anne Christine Wilke
  • Franziska Modemann
  • Melanie Janning
  • Hubert Serve
  • Arnold Ganser
  • Carsten Bokemeyer
  • Susann Theile
  • Ute Deppermann
  • Anne L Kranich
  • Michael Heuser
  • Br. J. Haematol..2020 Jun;doi: 10.1111/bjh.16804.Epub 2020-06-09.


The role of immune and oxidative pathways in menstrual cycle associated depressive, physio-somatic, breast and anxiety symptoms: Modulation by sex hormones.
  • Chutima Roomruangwong
  • Andressa Keiko Matsumoto
  • Ana Paula Michelin
  • Laura de Oliveira Semeão
  • João Victor de Lima Pedrão
  • Estefania G Moreira
  • Sunee Sirivichayakul
  • Andre Carvalho
  • Decio S Barbosa
  • Michael Maes
  • J Psychosom Res.2020 Aug;135:110158. S0022-3999(20)30169-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110158.Epub 2020-05-23.


Inhibition of SIRT1/2 upregulates HSPA5 acetylation and induces pro-survival autophagy via ATF4-DDIT4-mTORC1 axis in human lung cancer cells.
  • Ning Mu
  • Yuanjiu Lei
  • Yu Wang
  • Yingying Wang
  • Qinghui Duan
  • Guilin Ma
  • Xiangguo Liu
  • Ling Su
  • Apoptosis.2019 10;24(9-10):798-811. 10.1007/s10495-019-01559-3. doi: 10.1007/s10495-019-01559-3.


Age-dependent changes in anti-Müllerian hormone levels in Lebanese females: correlation with basal FSH and LH levels and LH/FSH ratio: a cross-sectional study.
  • Eddie Racoubian
  • Gulzhanat Aimagambetova
  • Ramzi R Finan
  • Wassim Y Almawi
  • BMC Womens Health.2020 Jun;20(1):134. 10.1186/s12905-020-00998-4. doi: 10.1186/s12905-020-00998-4.Epub 2020-06-26.


Progress towards drug discovery for Friedreich's Ataxia: Identifying synthetic oligonucleotides that more potently activate expression of human frataxin protein.
  • Xiulong Shen
  • Johnathan Wong
  • Thahza P Prakash
  • Frank Rigo
  • Yanjie Li
  • Marek Napierala
  • David R Corey
  • Bioorg. Med. Chem..2020 Jun;28(11):115472. S0968-0896(20)30286-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115472.Epub 2020-04-05.


Construction of heterostructured NiFeO-C nanorods by transition metal recycling from simulated electroplating sludge leaching solution for high performance lithium ion batteries.
  • Xueqian Lei
  • Youpeng Li
  • Changzhou Weng
  • Yanzhen Liu
  • Weizhen Liu
  • Junhua Hu
  • Chenghao Yang
  • Zhang Lin
  • Meilin Liu
  • Nanoscale.2020 Jul;12(25):13398-13406. doi: 10.1039/d0nr02290j.

BCO1遺伝子のSNP rs6564851は、ガーナの農村部に住む青年たちのプロビタミンA血漿濃度の変動と関連しているが、レチノール濃度とは関連していない

SNP rs6564851 in the BCO1 Gene Is Associated with Varying Provitamin a Plasma Concentrations but Not with Retinol Concentrations among Adolescents from Rural Ghana.
  • Sophie Graßmann
  • Olga Pivovarova-Ramich
  • Andrea Henze
  • Jens Raila
  • Yaw Ampem Amoako
  • Richard King Nyamekye
  • George Bedu-Addo
  • Frank P Mockenhaupt
  • Matthias B Schulze
  • Ina Danquah
  • Nutrients.2020 Jun;12(6). E1786. doi: 10.3390/nu12061786.Epub 2020-06-16.


The pharmacokinetic parameters and the effect of a single and repeated doses of memantine on gastric myoelectric activity in experimental pigs.
  • Jan Bures
  • Jaroslav Kvetina
  • Vera Radochova
  • Ilja Tacheci
  • Eva Peterova
  • David Herman
  • Rafael Dolezal
  • Marcela Kopacova
  • Stanislav Rejchrt
  • Tomas Douda
  • Vit Sestak
  • Ladislav Douda
  • Jana Zdarova Karasova
  • PLoS ONE.2020;15(1):e0227781. PONE-D-19-23618. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0227781.Epub 2020-01-24.


A Case Series on Natural Conceptions Resulting in Ongoing Pregnancies in Menopausal and Prematurely Menopausal Women Following Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment.
  • Konstantinos Pantos
  • Mara Simopoulou
  • Agni Pantou
  • Anna Rapani
  • Petroula Tsioulou
  • Nikolaos Nitsos
  • Stephen Syrkos
  • Athanasios Pappas
  • Michael Koutsilieris
  • Konstantinos Sfakianoudis
  • Cell Transplant.2019 Sep-Oct;28(9-10):1333-1340. doi: 10.1177/0963689719859539.Epub 2019-07-04.


Extensive clinical, serologic and molecular studies lead to the first reported Rh phenotype in Argentina.
  • Nicolás Mufarrege
  • Noelia Franco
  • Carolina Trucco Boggione
  • Carine Arnoni
  • Tatiane de Paula Vendrame
  • Sonia Bartoli
  • Alejandra Ensinck
  • Cintia Principi
  • Melina Lujan Brajovich
  • Stella Mattaloni
  • Bibiana Riquelme
  • Claudia Biondi
  • Lilian Castilho
  • Carlos Cotorruelo
  • Transfusion.2020 Jul;60(7):1373-1377. doi: 10.1111/trf.15792.Epub 2020-05-06.

ニンジン(Daucus carota)におけるブルームレイプの寄生。寄生雑草Phelipanche aegyptiacaとその宿主におけるカロテノイド遺伝子発現とカロテノイド蓄積量の変化

Broomrape infestation in carrot (Daucus carota): Changes in carotenoid gene expression and carotenoid accumulation in the parasitic weed Phelipanche aegyptiaca and its host.
  • Sewar Emran
  • Bhagwat Nawade
  • Mosaab Yahyaa
  • Jackline Abu Nassar
  • Dorothea Tholl
  • Hanan Eizenberg
  • Mwafaq Ibdah
  • Sci Rep.2020 01;10(1):324. 10.1038/s41598-019-57298-7. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-57298-7.Epub 2020-01-15.


High-loading Gα-binding EXE peptide nanoparticles prevent thrombosis and protect mice from cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury.
  • Aiming Pang
  • Ni Cheng
  • Yujie Cui
  • Yanyan Bai
  • Zhigang Hong
  • M Keegan Delaney
  • Yaping Zhang
  • Claire Chang
  • Can Wang
  • Chang Liu
  • Paola Leon Plata
  • Alexander Zakharov
  • Kasim Kabirov
  • Jalees Rehman
  • Randal A Skidgel
  • Asrar B Malik
  • Ying Liu
  • Aleksander Lyubimov
  • Minyi Gu
  • Xiaoping Du
  • Sci Transl Med.2020 Jul;12(552). eaaz7287. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaz7287.


Development and evaluation of porcine atelocollagen vitrigel membrane with a spherical curve and transplantable artificial corneal endothelial grafts.
  • Junko Yoshida
  • Ayumi Oshikata-Miyazaki
  • Seiichi Yokoo
  • Satoru Yamagami
  • Toshiaki Takezawa
  • Shiro Amano
  • Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci..2014 Jul;55(8):4975-81. iovs.14-14211. doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-14211.Epub 2014-07-15.


The effect of temperature on cause-specific mental disorders in three subtropical cities: A case-crossover study in China.
  • Shiyu Zhang
  • Yin Yang
  • XinHui Xie
  • Huan Li
  • Rong Han
  • Jiesheng Hou
  • Jia Sun
  • Zhengmin Min Qian
  • Shaowei Wu
  • Cunrui Huang
  • Steven W Howard
  • Fei Tian
  • WenFeng Deng
  • Hualiang Lin
  • Environ Int.2020 Jul;143:105938. S0160-4120(20)31893-6. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105938.Epub 2020-07-17.


Salivary gland-type mammary carcinoma arising in microglandular adenosis: A case report and clinicopathological review of the literature.
  • Victoria Rico
  • Yukiko Shibahara
  • Marjorie Monteiro
  • Elzbieta Slodkowska
  • Samantha Tam
  • Pearl Zaki
  • Carlo De Angelis
  • Edward Chow
  • Katarzyna Joanna Jerzak
  • Cancer Treat Res Commun.2020 May;24:100178. S2468-2942(20)30015-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ctarc.2020.100178.Epub 2020-05-12.

Platon: タンパク質配列ベースのレプリコン分布スコアを利用した短読ドラフトアセンブリにおける細菌プラスミドコンティグの同定と特性評価

Platon: identification and characterization of bacterial plasmid contigs in short-read draft assemblies exploiting protein sequence-based replicon distribution scores.
  • Oliver Schwengers
  • Patrick Barth
  • Linda Falgenhauer
  • Torsten Hain
  • Trinad Chakraborty
  • Alexander Goesmann
  • Microb Genom.2020 Jun;doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000398.Epub 2020-06-24.


A Lassa Fever Live-Attenuated Vaccine Based on Codon Deoptimization of the Viral Glycoprotein Gene.
  • Yingyun Cai
  • Chengjin Ye
  • Benson Cheng
  • Aitor Nogales
  • Masaharu Iwasaki
  • Shuiqing Yu
  • Kurt Cooper
  • David X Liu
  • Randy Hart
  • Ricky Adams
  • Tyler Brady
  • Elena N Postnikova
  • Jonathan Kurtz
  • Marisa St Claire
  • Jens H Kuhn
  • Juan Carlos de la Torre
  • Luis Martínez-Sobrido
  • mBio.2020 02;11(1). e00039-20. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00039-20.Epub 2020-02-25.


A physician-staffed ground emergency medical service does not significantly shorten door-to-balloon time in patients with STEMI: an observational study in a single emergency center in Japan.
  • Yuki Yoshioka
  • Ryota Teshima
  • Mina Gamo
  • Ryuhei Yoneda
  • Naoki Matsunaga
  • Tadaaki Takada
  • Yasushi Fukuta
  • Koichi Kishi
  • Acute Med Surg.2020 Jan-Dec;7(1):e542. AMS2542. doi: 10.1002/ams2.542.Epub 2020-07-15.