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Assessment of Tricuspid Valve Detachment Efficiency for Ventricular Septal Defect Closure: A Retrospective Comparative Study.
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Transcriptome Analysis of the Inhibitory Effect of Astaxanthin on -Induced Gastric Carcinoma Cell Motility.
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The overexpression of long intergenic ncRNA00162 induced by RelA/p65 promotes growth of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
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Nematicidal Efficacy of Milbemectin against Root-Knot Nematodes.
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Still- and Live Births in the Periviable Period.
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Transcriptomic analysis of flower opening response to relatively low temperatures in Osmanthus fragrans.
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新規5-フルオロウラシル誘導体の放射性標識およびin vitro評価と細胞培養試験
Radiolabeling and in vitro evaluation of a new 5-fluorouracil derivative with cell culture studies.
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Quality of life and the prevalence of urinary incontinence after surgical treatment for gynecologic cancer: a questionnaire survey.
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Subchronic exposure to ; its neurotoxic potentials in young adult female Wistar rats.
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MALDI質量分析イメージングを用いたSalvia miltiorrhizaの根、茎、葉の組織における特徴的な成分の差異分布
Differential distribution of characteristic constituents in root, stem and leaf tissues of Salvia miltiorrhiza using MALDI mass spectrometry imaging.
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Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) in neonatal sepsis.
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酵母種におけるin vivoトランスポゾン突然変異誘発法の有用性を比較する
Comparing the utility of in vivo transposon mutagenesis approaches in yeast species to infer gene essentiality.
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Betula platyphylla BpHOX2 transcription factor binds to different cis-acting elements and confers osmotic tolerance.
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Massage therapy treatment and outcomes in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: A case report.
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Staphylococcus lugdunensis: Review of Epidemiology, Complications, and Treatment.
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Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 4-{2,2-di-chloro-1-[()-(4-fluoro-phen-yl)diazen-yl]ethen-yl}-,-di-methyl-aniline.
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Coronaviruses in cattle.
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脊椎動物学的研究: 広範囲にわたる遺伝子ツリーの不一致とプラスチッド遺伝子の進化速度不均一性との関連
Plastome phylogenomic study of Gentianeae (Gentianaceae): widespread gene tree discordance and its association with evolutionary rate heterogeneity of plastid genes.
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Revisiting the role of Dcc in visual system development with a novel eye clearing method.
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Manganese Treatment Alleviates Zinc Deficiency Symptoms in Arabidopsis Seedlings.
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Creation of a High-Yield AAV Vector Production Platform in Suspension Cells Using a Design-of-Experiment Approach.
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Synthesis and evaluation of Tc-analogues of [I]mIBG prepared via [Tc][Tc(CO)(HO)] synthon for targeting norepinephrine transporter.
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Severe euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis of multifactorial etiology in a type 2 diabetic patient treated with empagliflozin: case report and literature review.
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Genome-wide piggyBac transposon-based mutagenesis and quantitative insertion-site analysis in haploid Candida species.
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Effect of Maternal Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation on Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia-Free Survival in Breastfed Preterm Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Diversity of xerotolerant and xerophilic fungi in honey.
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Weak Interactions and Conformational Changes in Core-Protonated A- and A-Type Porphyrin Dications.
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Clinical Management and Therapeutic Strategies for the Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy: Current and Future Perspectives.
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Sex differences in the association of abdominal adipose tissue and anthropometric data with untreated hypertension in a Chinese population.
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Disclosing the Interactome of Leukemogenic NUP98-HOXA9 and SET-NUP214 Fusion Proteins Using a Proteomic Approach.
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Effect of manual, preloaded, and automated preloaded injectors on corneal incision architecture after intraocular lens implantation.
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MicroRNAs Contribute to Breast Cancer Invasiveness.
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Viperin Reveals Its True Function.
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病的肥満患者におけるSASI(Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal)バイパス術の1年間の追跡調査。有効性と懸念事項
1-Year Follow-up of Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal (SASI) Bypass in Morbid Obese Patients: Efficacy and Concerns.
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Retrospective analysis of traumatic dental injuries in the western black sea region of Turkey.
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Splenectomy with proximal spleno-left portal shunt for extrahepatic portal vein obstruction in children.
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Effect of time on the post-irradiation curing of six resin-based composites.
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The Andaman day gecko paradox: an ancient endemic without pronounced phylogeographic structure.
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Clinical Learning, Didactic Education, and Research Experiences of Radiation Oncology Resident Physicians in Canada.
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Antibiotic prophylaxis for gynecologic cancer surgery.
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潜在的なフレーバー培養物。Lactobacillus harbinensis M1は、2,3-ブタンジオンとアセトインの高産生により、発酵豆乳のオルガノレプティックな品質を向上させる
A potential flavor culture: Lactobacillus harbinensis M1 improves the organoleptic quality of fermented soymilk by high production of 2,3-butanedione and acetoin.
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[Correlation Between Mutation and Idiopathic Premature Ovarian Failure in Chinese Han Women].
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Individual housing of male C57BL/6J mice after weaning impairs growth and predisposes for obesity.
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Polymer-Based Scaffolds for Soft-Tissue Engineering.
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Laser Targeted Oligo Ligation (LTOL) to Identify DNA Sequences in the Vicinity of a Single Subnuclear Structure in a Single Cell.
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The chemical structure and phosphorothioate content of hydrophobically modified siRNAs impact extrahepatic distribution and efficacy.
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Can personalized treatment prediction improve the outcomes, compared with the group average approach, in a randomized trial? Developing and validating a multivariable prediction model in a pragmatic megatrial of acute treatment for major depression.
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Analysis of User Satisfaction with Online Education Platforms in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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[Electroconvulsive therapy in pregnancy: case report and interdisciplinary treatment suggestions].
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Pituitary surgery during Covid-19: a first hand experience and evaluation.
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Plasmodium bergheiとPlasmodium chabaudiに感染したマウスの骨格筋は、脂質メディエーターと遺伝子発現の間のクロストークを明らかにした
The skeletal muscles of mice infected with Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium chabaudi reveal a crosstalk between lipid mediators and gene expression.
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Dexamethasone activates transient receptor potential canonical 4 (TRPC4) channels via Rasd1 small GTPase pathway.
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Identification of a suitable peptidic molecular platform for the development of NPY(Y1)R-specific imaging agents.
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Innovations in Practice: Using clinician-rated outcomes to support improved service decision making in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.
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石炭飛灰堆積地におけるL. Sownのヒ素誘発ストレスに対するファイトレメディエーションの可能性、光合成および抗酸化反応
Phytoremediation Potential, Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Response to Arsenic-Induced Stress of L. Sown on Fly Ash Deposits.
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Exosomal Facilitates Tumor Progression and Temozolomide Resistance by Regulating Axis in Glioma.
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Expanding the laticifer knowledge in Cannabaceae: distribution, morphology, origin, and latex composition.
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Residual Solvents in Nanomedicine and Lipid-Based Drug Delivery Systems: a Case Study to Better Understand Processes.
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Women in Academic Surgery: A Double-Edged Scalpel.
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The Outwardly Rectifying Current of Layer 5 Neocortical Neurons that was Originally Identified as "Non-Specific Cationic" Is Essentially a Potassium Current.
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イブプロフェンではなくメタミゾールはセルトラリンの血漿中濃度を低下させる - 疼痛とうつ病・不安障害の同時治療への示唆
Metamizole but not Ibuprofen reduces the plasma concentration of sertraline - Implications for the concurrent treatment of pain and depression/anxiety disorders.
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メトホルミンの同定と妥当性の検証 トール様受容体経路を標的とすることでPM誘発マクロファージの細胞毒性を防御する
Identification and validation of metformin protects against PM-induced macrophages cytotoxicity by targeting toll like receptor pathway.
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Dosimetry-based high-activity therapy with I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (I-mIBG) and topotecan for the treatment of high-risk refractory neuroblastoma.
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Work-life balance and self-reported health among working adults in Europe: a gender and welfare state regime comparative analysis.
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Simvastatin-loaded polymeric micelles are more effective and less toxic than conventional statins in a pre-clinical model of advanced chronic liver disease.
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Preeclampsia in pregnancy affecting the stemness and differentiation potency of haematopoietic stem cell of the umbilical cord blood.
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Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on regional STEMI care in Germany.
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The polycomb proteins EZH1 and EZH2 co-regulate chromatin accessibility and nephron progenitor cell lifespan in mice.
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The Diagnostic Dilemma of GATA3 Immunohistochemistry in Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma.
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Use of the ice water test as an early predictor of recovery of erectile function in patients with spinal cord injury.
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The effects of cognitive behavioural therapy on depression and quality of life in patients with maintenance haemodialysis: a systematic review.
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Influence of Various Model Compounds on the Rheological Properties of Zein-Based Gels.
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Efficacy of modified FOLFOX6 chemotherapy for patients with unresectable pseudomyxoma peritonei.
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標準化されたサフラン( L. )抽出物であるアフランの抗不安・抗うつ効果
Antianhedonic and Antidepressant Effects of Affron, a Standardized Saffron ( L.) Extract.
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Vitamin D Prevents Pancreatic Cancer-Induced Apoptosis Signaling of Inflammatory Cells.
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Subjective smell and taste changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Short term recovery.
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Polysaccharide-rich hydrogel formulation combined with photobiomodulation repairs UV-induced photodamage in mice skin.
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Deep learning for differentiation of benign and malignant solid liver lesions on ultrasonography.
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Survival of Replanted Permanent Teeth after Traumatic Avulsion.
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BRAF and KRAS mutations in papillary thyroid carcinoma in the United Arab Emirates.
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RNA-seqを用いた2つのLonicera japonica Thunb.品種の花の発生過程における花トリソームの発生を明らかにした比較トランスクリプトーム解析
Comparative transcriptomics analysis revealing flower trichome development during flower development in two Lonicera japonica Thunb. cultivars using RNA-seq.
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Genome-wide identification of long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs reveal their ceRNA networks in response to cucumber green mottle mosaic virus infection in watermelon.
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Visual Emphysema at Chest CT in GOLD Stage 0 Cigarette Smokers Predicts Disease Progression: Results from the COPDGene Study.
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Global change of surgical and oncological clinical practice in urology during early COVID-19 pandemic.
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Synergistic effect of the inhibitors of RAF/MEK and AXL on KRAS-mutated ovarian cancer cells with high AXL expression.
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Monitoring inorganic pyrophosphatase activity with the fluorescent dizinc(ii) complex of a macrocycle bearing one dansylamidoethyl antenna.
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Comparative genomics and antimicrobial resistance profiling of isolates reveals nosocomial transmission and susceptibility to fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
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SGLT2 inhibitors: mechanisms of cardiovascular benefit beyond glycaemic control.
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Isotretinoin and iPledge Program Patient Information Video: A new modality that improves patient comprehension.
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Analysisof RNA-DNA Triplex Structures In Vitro and In Vivo
Analysis of RNA-DNA Triplex Structures In Vitro and In Vivo.
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Publisher Correction: Developmental stage-specific distribution and phosphorylation of Mblk-1, a transcription factor involved in ecdysteroid-signaling in the honey bee brain.
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137 ancient human genomes from across the Eurasian steppes.
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Assessing the genetic relationships between osteoarthritis and human plasma proteins: a large scale genetic correlation scan.
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An unusual diagnosis of paravertebral lesions: mediastinal myelolipoma.
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Use of MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for Identification of Leptospira.
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Perfusion Decellularization of Porcine Esophagus: Study of Two Processing Factors Affecting the Folded Mucosal Structure of the Esophageal Scaffold.
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Cell proliferation and migration explain pore bridging dynamics in 3D printed scaffolds of different pore size.
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Elbow motion patterns during daily activity.
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複製適合性小胞性口内炎ウイルスワクチンベクターは SARS-CoV-2 が媒介する病原体から保護します
Replication-competent vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine vector protects against SARS-CoV-2-mediated pathogenesis.
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