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Nutritional Content and Ingredients of Commercial Infant and Toddler Food Pouches Compared With Other Packages Available in the United States.
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Association of vitamin A deficiency with early childhood stunting in Uganda: A population-based cross-sectional study.
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Augmentation of the Atrophic Mandible with a Block Corticomedullary Graft.
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Detrimental effects of SO on gaseous mercury(II) adsorption and retention by CaO-based sorbent traps: Competition and heterogeneous reduction.
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To be or not to be tolerant? A Terror Management perspective exploring the ideological dilemma of tolerance and prejudice.
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Counteraction of ABA-Mediated Inhibition of Seed Germination and Seedling Establishment by ABA Signaling Terminator in Arabidopsis.
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Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Species on .
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ACSS2 promotes systemic fat storage and utilization through selective regulation of genes involved in lipid metabolism.
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Traumatic skull fractures in dogs and cats: A comparative analysis of neurological and computed tomographic features.
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Association between Serum Uric Acid Level and ESRD or Death in a Korean Population.
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Prediabetes and long-term outcomes in patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease:A large single-center cohort study.
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Knocking Out the Wall.遺伝子ターゲティングのための改訂版プロトコール
Knocking Out the Wall: Revised Protocols for Gene Targeting in Physcomitrella patens.
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ウミウシは、海藻類である Laurencia dendroidea とその近縁種において化学防御の誘導を促進する
The sea-hare Aplysia brasiliana promotes induction in chemical defense in the seaweed Laurencia dendroidea and in their congeneric neighbors.
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A Mobile Application for Smart Computer-Aided Self-Administered Testing of Cognition, Speech, and Motor Impairment.
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A New Approach of Mitigating CYP3A4 Induction Led to the Discovery of Potent Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Capsid Inhibitor with Optimal ADMET Profiles.
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Unproductive Effects of ALK Gene Amplification and Copy Number Gain in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. ALK Gene Amplification and Copy Gain in NSCLC.
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A machine vision system to detect and count laying hens in battery cages.
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Rousette Bat Dendritic Cells Overcome Marburg Virus-Mediated Antiviral Responses by Upregulation of Interferon-Related Genes While Downregulating Proinflammatory Disease Mediators.
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Postoperative recovery of accelerometer-based physical activity in older cancer patients.
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Enhanced sustainable green revolution yield via nitrogen-responsive chromatin modulation in rice.
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5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells.
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Colorectal basidiobolomycosis in a dog.
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Abnormal behaviors in the calibration curves of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry occurring in the quantitative analysis of surfactants near critical micelle concentrations.
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Therapeutic potential of a TrkB agonistic antibody for Alzheimer's disease.
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Management of symptomatic uterine fibroids with ulipristal acetate: A retrospective, multicentric and nationwide study.
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How humans discriminate acoustically among bottlenose dolphin signature whistles with and without masking by boat noise.
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Circulating Transforming Growth Factor-β and Aortic Dilation in Patients with Repaired Congenital Heart Disease.
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Higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) increases the risk of suboptimal platelet inhibition and major cardiovascular ischemic events among ACS patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor.
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Practice patterns in imaging guidance for ECMO cannulation: A survey of the American Pediatric Surgical Association.
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Specific Degradation of Endogenous Tau Protein and Inhibition of Tau Fibrillation by Tanshinone IIA through the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway.
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Regulation of Cas9 by viral proteins Tat and Rev for HIV-1 inactivation.
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Green Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Copper Oxide Nanomaterial Derived from .
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Risk assessment for the Rift Valley fever occurrence in China: Special concern in south-west border areas.
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COVID-19 experience of the major pandemic response center in the capital: Results of the pandemic's first month in Turkey.
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Translatable circRNAs and lncRNAs: Driving mechanisms and functions of their translation products.
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Predation patterns across states of landscape fragmentation can shift with seasonal transitions.
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Review and drug therapy implications of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
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Chitosan-Coated PLGA Nanoparticles for Enhanced Ocular Anti-Inflammatory Efficacy of Atorvastatin Calcium.
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Epigastric cutaneous discharge: think amoebiasis.
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Relapsing viral keratoconjunctivitis in COVID-19: a case report.
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High-protein diet more effectively reduces hepatic fat than low-protein diet despite lower autophagy and FGF21 levels.
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Phosphate rock solubilization and the potential for lead immobilization by a phosphate-solubilizing bacterium ( sp.).
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CD27 および CD70 欠損症における臨床および免疫学的表現型の拡大と移植転帰
Extended clinical and immunological phenotype and transplant outcome in CD27 and CD70 deficiency.
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Subcellular Localization of PI3P in Arabidopsis.
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新規血友病 A ラットモデルにおける重度の自然出血表現型は、血小板 FVIII 発現によって救済される
The severe spontaneous bleeding phenotype in a novel hemophilia A rat model is rescued by platelet FVIII expression.
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AP-Seq: アピュリンサイトと小塩基付加体をゲノムワイドに測定する方法
AP-Seq: A Method to Measure Apurinic Sites and Small Base Adducts Genome-Wide.
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The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type.
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RNA G-quadruplex二次構造はRNA結合タンパク質hnRNPFを介してオルタナティブスプライシングを促進する
RNA G-quadruplex secondary structure promotes alternative splicing via the RNA-binding protein hnRNPF.
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Odorant synergy effects as the cause of fishy malodors in algal marine oils.
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Cardiorespiratory fitness and survival following cancer diagnosis.
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Sigmoid perforation by broken nitinol memory frame after inguinal hernia repair.
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Bisphosphonate-functionalized micelles for targeted delivery of curcumin to metastatic bone cancer.
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Ca-Dependent NOX5 (NADPH Oxidase 5) Exaggerates Cardiac Hypertrophy Through Reactive Oxygen Species Production.
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NOX2 shRNAの標的的発現による酸化的損傷の減衰は、イヌ心房における電気的リモデリングの発症と維持を抑制する。心房細動に対する新規遺伝子治療アプローチ
Attenuation of Oxidative Injury with Targeted Expression of NOX2 shRNA Prevents Onset and Maintenance of Electrical Remodeling in the Canine Atrium: A Novel Gene Therapy Approach to Atrial Fibrillation.
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Aortic stenosis in patients with kidney failure: Is there an advantage for a ?
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Early Neuromuscular Blockade in Children with Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
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The effect of MD1 on potassium and L-type calcium current of cardiomyocytes from high-fat diet mice.
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Translacrimal Approachによる上顎洞反転乳頭腫の手術-長期成績と文献レビュー
Surgery of Inverted Papilloma of the Maxillary Sinus via Translacrimal Approach-Long-Term Outcome and Literature Review.
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Novel Trends in Analytical Methods for β-Blockers: An Overview of Applications in the Last Decade.
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Type E2 glenoid bone loss orientation and management with augmented implants.
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New non-invasive biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening.
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Clinical and therapeutic particularities of congenital cataracts in pediatric patients with Down syndrome.
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Clinical conditions and complications associated with parenteral nutrition use in critically ill patients admitted to an intensive care unit of a general hospital.
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Intravaginal instillation of prostaglandin F was as effective as intramuscular injection for induction of luteal regression in lactating dairy cows.
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Protection against UVB-Induced Photoaging by via Inhibition of MAPK/AP-1/MMP-1 Signaling.
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Battlefield Endocrinology.
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Alternative causes of ankle pain in a patient with enthesopathy and X-linked hypophosphataemia.
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Do preoperative radiographs help predict intraoperative challenges in revision surgery after previous shoulder hemiarthroplasty?
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Should doctors have a legal duty to warn relatives of their genetic risks?
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Tetraploid/near-tetraploid acute promyelocytic leukaemia with double (15;17) translocation.
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Q fever seroprevalence in parturient women: the EQRUN cross-sectional study on Reunion Island.
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Better Epitope Discovery, Precision Immune Engineering, and Accelerated Vaccine Design Using Immunoinformatics Tools.
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USP4 function and multifaceted roles in cancer: a possible and potential therapeutic target.
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Is Kragujevac city still a "hot spot" area, twenty years after the bombing?
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CalliSpheres® microspheres (CSM) 薬剤溶出ビーズによる動脈間化学塞栓療法と従来の動脈間化学塞栓療法が肝細胞癌患者の治療効果と生存率に及ぼす包括的な予測因子
Comprehensive predictive factors for CalliSpheres® microspheres (CSM) drug-eluting bead-transarterial chemoembolization and conventional transarterial chemoembolization on treatment response and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.
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Revision of a Failed Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for aMassive Rotator Cuff Tear With Arthroscopic Anatomic Bridging Reconstruction Using an Acellular Human Dermal Matrix Allograft
Revision of a Failed Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for a Massive Rotator Cuff Tear With Arthroscopic Anatomic Bridging Reconstruction Using an Acellular Human Dermal Matrix Allograft.
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Comparing Chinese children and adults with RT-PCR positive COVID-19: A systematic review.
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Mechanisms underlying vascular hypocontractility induced by ethanol withdrawal: Role of cyclooxygenase 2-derived prostacyclin.
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Leukocytosis and Tobacco Use: An Observational Study of Asymptomatic Leukocytosis.
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筋富化ロングノンコーディングRNA H19を標的とすると、病的な心肥大が逆転する
Targeting muscle-enriched long non-coding RNA H19 reverses pathological cardiac hypertrophy.
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Circulating exosomal long non-coding RNAs in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
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Imported Infections in Rural Mid-West United States - A Report from a Tertiary Care Center.
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Postural change for supine position does not disturb toddlers' nap.
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SARS-CoV-2 の検出のための自動分析を備えたワンステップ、ワンチューブのリアルタイム RT-PCR ベースのアッセイ
A one-step, one-tube real-time RT-PCR based assay with an automated analysis for detection of SARS-CoV-2.
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The specific PKC-α inhibitor chelerythrine blunts costunolide-induced eryptosis.
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Capybara and Brush Cutter Involvement in Q Fever Outbreak in Remote Area of Amazon Rain Forest, French Guiana, 2014.
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Vertebral Osteomyelitis or Infected Abdominal Aortic Endograft? A Rare Case of Q Fever.
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In-situ hydrogel extraction with dual-enzyme digestion of proteinaceous binders: the key for reliable mass spectrometry investigations of artworks.
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低分化型胃腺癌におけるcircular RNA発現プロファイルとm6A修飾解析
Circular RNA expression profile and m6A modification analysis in poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach.
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Development and Validation of a Deep Learning Model for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival.
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Sequential multiple retinal vein occlusions and transient ischemic attack in MTHFR polymorphism and protein S deficiency.
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Protein folding and assembly in confined environments: Implications for protein aggregation in hydrogels and tissues.
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Improved Outcomes of All-trans-retinoic Acid and Arsenic Trioxide Plus Idarubicin as a Frontline Treatment in Adult Patients With Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia.
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Morphological characters can strongly influence early animal relationships inferred from phylogenomic datasets.
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Prostacyclin Analog Promotes Human Dental Pulp Cell Migration via a Matrix Metalloproteinase 9-related Pathway.
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