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Development and characterization of spheroidal antidiabetic polyherbal formulation from fresh vegetable juice: A novel approach.
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Role of Zinc in Mucosal Health and Disease: A Review of Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Processes.
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Immunohistochemical profile of the anti-apoptosis, apoptosis and proliferation markers Bcl-2, caspase-3, p53, and Ki-67 in botryoid odontogenic cysts compared to lateral periodontal cysts and gingival cysts of the adult.
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Restoring light sensitivity using tunable near-infrared sensors.
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Effect of CuS reinforcement on the mechanical, water vapor barrier, UV-light barrier, and antibacterial properties of alginate-based composite films.
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[Kidney Cysts and Cystic Nephropathies in Children - A Consensus Guideline by 10 German Medical Societies].
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SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Human Lung Alveolar Type 2 Cells Elicits a Rapid Epithelial-Intrinsic Inflammatory Response.
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Visual Impairment Is More Common in Parkinson's Disease and Is a Risk Factor for Poor Health Outcomes.
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A C chronology for the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition at Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria.
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Simulation of blood flow into the popliteal artery to explain the effect of peripheral arterial disease: Investigation the conditions and effects of different foot states during the daily activity of the patient.
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Weekly platinum-based chemotherapy versus 3-weekly platinum-based chemotherapy for newly diagnosed ovarian cancer (ICON8): quality-of-life results of a phase 3, randomised, controlled trial.
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-Mutated Prostate Cancer: Clinical Outcomes With Standard Therapies and Immune Checkpoint Blockade.
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[Association between maternal age and adverse pregnancy outcome in twin pregnancy].
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Consideration of Nasal Contour in Endoscopic Forehead Rejuvenation.
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Reply: Medical Thoracoscopy for Pleural Infection: Are We There Yet?
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Gender and life-stage dependent reactions to the risk of radioactive contamination: A survey experiment in Sweden.
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様々なZn濃度にさらされたイネ( L.)の機能喪失植物の生理学的応答
Physiological responses of rice ( L.) loss-of-function plants exposed to varying Zn concentrations.
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Tolerance and safety of 45S5 bioactive glass used in obliteration procedures during middle ear surgery: Preliminary results.
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A custom-made functionalization method to control the biological identity of nanomaterials.
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[Antibody alternative formats: antibody fragments and new frameworks].
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High-throughput screening reveals higher synergistic effect of MEK inhibitor combinations in colon cancer spheroids.
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Endemic mycoses: epidemiology and diagnostic strategies.
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Malnutrition and overall survival in older patients with cancer.
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From monomer to fibril: Abeta-amyloid binding to Aducanumab antibody studied by Molecular Dynamics simulation.
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Imaging of the aortic root on high-pitch non-gated and ECG-gated CT: awareness is the key!
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オープンラベル無作為化多施設共同第 2 相試験:ゲムシタビン シスプラチン+アベルマブまたはゲムシタビン シスプラチンを局所進行性または転移性の尿路上皮性膀胱癌患者の第一選択治療薬として使用:GCisAve
Open-label randomized multi-center phase 2 study: gemcitabine cisplatin plus avelumab or gemcitabine cisplatin as first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial bladder carcinoma: GCisAve.
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COVID-19 パンデミックとエイジズム。人道的ケアのための呼びかけ
COVID-19 Pandemic and Ageism: A Call for Humanitarian Care.
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Clinical performance of uncoated and precoated polymer mesh base ceramic brackets.
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Dynamics of Child soldiers' Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Well-being: Perspectives from Bioecological Systems Theory in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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Effects of feeding mother liquor, by-product of monosodium glutamate, on digestibility, energy and nitrogen balances, and rumen condition in Thai native bulls.
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Outcomes of total hip arthroplasty using dual mobility components in patients with a femoral neck fracture.
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Obesity, bariatric surgery and periodontal disease: a literature update.
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Self-regulation and emotional reactivity in infants with prenatal exposure to opioids and alcohol.
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Cat Rearing: A Potential Risk of Fulminant Sepsis Caused by in a Hemodialysis Patient.
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Mitochondrial import of dengue virus NS3 protease and cleavage of GrpEL1, a co-chaperone of mtHsp70.
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Development of a Korean Culture-Friendly Olfactory Function Test and Optimization of a Diagnostic Cutoff Value.
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カリブ海に生息するクジャクヤモリ(Aristelliger: Sphaerodactylidae)におけるZZZ/ZW性染色体の保存状態
Conserved ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes in Caribbean croaking geckos (Aristelliger: Sphaerodactylidae).
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Drying Induced Impact on Composition and Oil Quality of Rosemary Herb, Linn.
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Severely destructive unilateral wrist arthritis as a rare variant of rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of clinical and imaging features.
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Food-induced Immediate Response of the Esophagus - a newly identified Syndrome in Patients with Eosinophilic Esophagitis.
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Immune Sensing Mechanisms that Discriminate Self from Altered Self and Foreign Nucleic Acids.
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内皮前駆細胞から分泌される microRNA-93-5p を含む細胞外小胞は、KDM6B/H3K27me3/TNF-α軸を介して敗血症誘発性急性腎障害に対する保護を与える
Endothelial progenitor cells-secreted extracellular vesicles containing microRNA-93-5p confer protection against sepsis-induced acute kidney injury via the KDM6B/H3K27me3/TNF-α axis.
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Improvements in irritability with sertraline versus placebo: Findings from the EMBARC study.
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Assessing Knowledge of HIV Vaccines and Biomedical Prevention Methods Among Transgender Women in the New York City Tri-State Area.
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Characterization of glutathione proteome in CHO cells and its relationship with productivity and cholesterol synthesis.
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Cancer Statistics, 2020: Report From National Cancer Registry Programme, India.
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[Current Status and Future Perspectives of Adult Glioblastoma Treatment-My Thinkings during the Establishment of Brain Tumor Guidelines in Japan].
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BENEFIT: 関節リウマチおよび軸性脊椎関節症に対する基準エタネルセプトからの移行後のSB4の実際の有効性
BENEFIT: real-world effectiveness of SB4 after transition from reference etanercept in rheumatoid arthritis and axial spondyloarthritis.
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Pattern of antibiotic prophylaxis practice for dental procedures in children with congenital heart disease.
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Lessons of the month 3: ST-elevation myocardial infarction and left ventricular thrombus formation: an arterial thrombotic complication of severe COVID-19 infection.
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A Statement of Solidarity on COVID-19 Pandemic 2020 by the South Asian Family Physicians.
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C9orf72-associated SMCR8 protein binds in the ubiquitin pathway and with proteins linked with neurological disease.
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Cytomegalovirus esophagitis with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in a kidney transplant recipient.
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and variations in outcomes of tobacco- and alcohol-related head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients.
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Layer-Selective Synthesis of MoS and WS Structures under Ambient Conditions for Customized Electronics.
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タンジェンシャルフロー吸収モデル(TFAM) - 水溶性の悪い活性物質の非晶質固体分散体の性能を評価するための新しい溶解法
The tangential flow absorption model (TFAM) - a novel dissolution method for evaluating the performance of amorphous solid dispersions of poorly water-soluble actives.
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Biomedical data and computational models for drug repositioning: a comprehensive review.
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Cognitive map-based navigation in wild bats revealed by a new high-throughput tracking system.
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Surgical management of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: Classical considerations and current controversies.
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Delayed Ocular Motility Restriction After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in a Patient With Chronic Rhinosinusitis and an Old Medial Orbital Wall Fracture.
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Contact dermatitis caused by glucose sensors, insulin pumps, and tapes: results from a 5-year period.
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Haptoglobin Is a Divergent MASP Family Member That Neofunctionalized To Recycle Hemoglobin via CD163 in Mammals.
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医学文献における多発性硬化症の最初の記録としての「脾胃論」() 臨床提示と漢方薬の分析に基づく仮説
The "Treatise on the spleen and stomach" () as the first record of multiple sclerosis in the medical literature A hypothesis based on the analysis of clinical presentation and herbal medicine.
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プロバイオティクス株であるLactobacillus brevisとLactobacillus plantarumを非外科的歯周治療の補助として使用した場合:無作為化比較臨床試験の3ヶ月間の結果
Probiotic strains of Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus plantarum as adjunct to non-surgical periodontal therapy: 3-month results of a randomized controlled clinical trial.
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Foramen Magnum Variant With Elongation of the Anterior Notch.
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Antivenin plants used for treatment of snakebites in Uganda: ethnobotanical reports and pharmacological evidences.
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Primary pneumonectomy, pneumonectomy after induction therapy, and salvage pneumonectomy: a comparison of surgical and prognostic outcomes.
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Spinning disk-remote focusing microscopy.
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Estimating energy expenditure of head-hauling water and grain grinding from heart rate monitor measurements in northern Mozambique.
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'Maybe It Is Only in Prison That I Could Change Like This' The Course of Severe Mental Illnesses During Imprisonment - A Qualitative 3-Year Follow-Up Study From Chile.
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Double Level Osteotomy Assisted by 3D Printing Technology in a Patient with Blount Disease: A Case Report.
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Analysis of Tick Surface Decontamination Methods.
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Modelling scenarios of the epidemic of COVID-19 in Canada.
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Evaluation of the arrhythmic risk in the 21st century: is multi-tracer nuclear imaging the answer?
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大動脈瘤切除後のHeartMate 3左室補助装置インプラント
HeartMate 3 left ventricular assist device implant after excision of a large apical aneurysm.
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Functional outcome in giant cell tumor of distal radius treated with excision and fibular arthroplasty: a case series.
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Biomolecular condensates undergo a generic shear-mediated liquid-to-solid transition.
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Modulation of Intrinsic Brain Connectivity by Implicit Electroencephalographic Neurofeedback.
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Growing up Strong: The Importance of Physical, Mental, and Emotional Strength during Childhood and Adolescence with Focus on Dietary Factors.
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Distribution of Fluvoxamine and Identification of the Main Metabolite in a Fatal Intoxication.
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Experimental Infection of Foot and Mouth Disease in Indian Sheep and Goats.
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COVID-19 パンデミックの軽減に伴う呼吸・睡眠サービスの回復。肺・クリティカルケア・睡眠部門長と米国胸部学会が調整したタスクフォースから
Restoring Pulmonary and Sleep Services as the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessens: From an Association of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Division Directors and American Thoracic Society-coordinated Task Force.
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PCV2の共感染はPRRSV MLV1の安全性には影響しないが、感染したSPF豚ではPRRSV MLV1様株の病原性が増強される
PCV2 co-infection does not impact PRRSV MLV1 safety but enhances virulence of a PRRSV MLV1-like strain in infected SPF pigs.
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Improving cancer immunotherapy using nanomedicines: progress, opportunities and challenges.
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Gas Sensing Performance and Mechanism of CuO()-WO() Composites to HS Gas.
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Increased CD95 (Fas) and PD-1 expression in peripheral blood T lymphocytes in COVID-19 patients.
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Never let a crisis go to waste: Repurposing independent research projects to enhance students' critical thinking skills.
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Gene therapy, a novel therapeutic tool for neurological disorders: Current progress, challenges and future prospective.
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Responsive four-coordinate Fe(II) nodes in FePd(CN)4.
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Construction of Whole-Cell Biosensors for Statin Efficacy and Production Test.
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DNA Vaccine Treatment in Dogs Experimentally Infected with .
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Vasodilatory Effect of Extract in Rat Mesenteric Arteries.
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Assessment of weight and height of patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders and group of children with recurrent respiratory tract infections.
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Provision of dietary advice for people with an ileostomy: A survey in the UK and Ireland.
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Safety and Effectiveness of Lenvatinib in 594 Patients with Unresectable Thyroid Cancer in an All-Case Post-Marketing Observational Study in Japan.
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Technical note: Improving the efficiency of generating bovine extraembryonic endoderm cells.
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Dental Implants for Patients with Periodontitis.
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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated whole genomic wide knockout screening identifies mitochondrial ribosomal proteins involving in oxygen-glucose deprivation/reperfusion resistance.
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Prevalence of International Medical Graduates From Muslim-Majority Nations in the US Physician Workforce From 2009 to 2019.
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Roxadustat (FG-4592) accelerates pulmonary growth, development, and function in a compensatory lung growth model.
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