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The effect of sleep medications on prospective and retrospective memory: a population-based study.
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A prospective study of novel mathematical analysis of the contrast-enhanced computed tomography vs renal scintigraphy in renal function evaluation.
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Unclear Issues Regarding COVID-19.
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Differential Effects of Low- and High-Dose Dexamethasone on Electrically Induced Damage of the Cultured Organ of Corti.
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β-1,3-glucan effect on the photosynthetic apparatus and oxidative stress parameters of tomato leaves under fusarium wilt.
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ニルスとAMOを発現する遺伝子組換え細菌Rhodococcus erythropolisと膜ろ過プロセスの組み合わせによる埋立地浸出水処理
Landfill leachate treatment through the combination of genetically engineered bacteria Rhodococcus erythropolis expressing Nirs and AMO and membrane filtration processes.
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A radiologic parameter that could be applied in the development of sleep apnea in rheumatoid arthritis patients undergoing occipitocervical fusion.
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[Aberrant RNA splicing and development of hematological malignancies].
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Politically-focused intrusive thoughts and associated ritualistic behaviors in a community sample.
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酵母二種混合スクリーニングによるSchistosoma japonicum GSK3β相互作用パートナーの同定と寄生虫生存に果たす役割
Identification of Schistosoma japonicum GSK3β interacting partners by yeast two-hybrid screening and its role in parasite survival.
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Soil Bioassay for Detecting Infestation Using a Hyper Susceptible Maize Hybrid.
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Essential oil of : Chemical characterization, antioxidant activity, and allelopathic effect on the weed .
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Effect of raw material and starters on the metabolite constituents and microbial community diversity of fermented soy sauce.
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Antibacterial Effect of the Natural Polymer ε-Polylysine Against Oral Pathogens Associated with Periodontitis and Caries.
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A consensus statement on spinal muscular atrophy management in Saudi Arabia in the context of COVID-19.
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Preparation of polymyxin B-loaded gellan-polylysine polyion complex fibers with high affinity to endotoxin.
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Tunable UV spectrometer for Doppler broadening thermometry of mercury.
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Identification of a 2,4-diaminopyrimidine scaffold targeting Trypanosoma brucei pteridine reductase 1 from the LIBRA compound library screening campaign.
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Frequency of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment after Intravitreal Therapy in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
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分解されたPorphyra yezoensis多糖体は、HK-2細胞を保護し、ナノコム結晶の毒性、接着、エンドサイトーシスを減少させる
Degraded Porphyra yezoensis polysaccharide protects HK-2 cells and reduces nano-COM crystal toxicity, adhesion and endocytosis.
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Anti-Obesity Effect of LB818 Is Associated with Regulation of Gut Microbiota in High-Fat Diet-Fed Obese Mice.
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マラウイの小児における胸部伸展性肺炎のための 3 または 5 日間のアモキシシリン
Amoxicillin for 3 or 5 Days for Chest-Indrawing Pneumonia in Malawian Children.
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エタノールアミンイオン液体ゲルからのN-ドープカーボンドットの水熱合成によるHg, Cu, SOのラベルフリー多機能蛍光プローブの構築
Hydrothermal synthesis of N-doped carbon dots from an ethanolamine-ionic liquid gel to construct label-free multifunctional fluorescent probes for Hg, Cu and SO.
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スネークヘッド(Channa argus)における2種類のTNF-αとその受容体。抗菌性自然免疫における機能
Two types of TNF-α and their receptors in snakehead (Channa argus): Functions in antibacterial innate immunity.
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Use of a Neonatal-Mouse Model to Characterize Vaccines and Strategies for Overcoming the High Susceptibility and Severity of Pertussis in Early Life.
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Multiple splenic infarcts: unusual presentation of hereditary spherocytosis associated with acute Epstein-Barr virus infection.
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Surveillance of vaccination coverage in 5-6- and 13-14-years-old schoolchildren in Geneva.
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Nintedanib Reduces Neutrophil Chemotaxis via Activating GRK2 in Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis.
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Antifungal Phenols from Collected in Oman.
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Left atrial size and strain in elite athletes: A cross-sectional study at the NBA Draft Combine.
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Ethyl acetate extract of herpetospermum pedunculosum alleviates α-naphthylisothiocyanate-induced cholestasis by activating the farnesoid x receptor and suppressing oxidative stress and inflammation in rats.
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AC6 regulates the microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin KIF19A to control ciliary length in mammals.
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Conformational equilibrium of MinE regulates the allowable concentration ranges of a protein wave for cell division.
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Plasma Dissection Versus Tissue Dissection in Adenoid Surgery.
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the citrus red mite Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae): high genome rearrangement and extremely truncated tRNAs.
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Barriers to Clinical Trial Accrual: Perspectives of Community-Based Providers.
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Diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced ultrasound for detecting bland thrombus from inferior vena cava tumor thrombus in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
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Telethonin variants found in Brugada syndrome, J-wave pattern ECG, and ARVC reduce peak Na 1.5 currents in HEK-293 cells.
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Combining Crop Growth Modeling With Trait-Assisted Prediction Improved the Prediction of Genotype by Environment Interactions.
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Renal histology in diabetic nephropathy predicts progression to end-stage kidney disease but not the rate of renal function decline.
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Screen printed electrode-based biosensor functionalized with magnetic cobalt/single-chain antibody fragments for cocaine biosensing in different matrices.
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Non-invasive Detection of Bladder Cancer by UBC Rapid Test, Ultrasonography and Cytology.
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Beyond thrombosis: the impact of tissue factor signaling in cancer.
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Thermal injury initiates pervasive fibrogenesis in skeletal muscle.
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Symptom clusters in adolescent depression and differential response to treatment: a secondary analysis of the Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study randomised trial.
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In-Silico Analysis and Protective Efficacy of the PcrV Recombinant Vaccine against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in the Burned and PA-Infected BALB/c Mouse Model.
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Spatial arrangement of LD motif-interacting residues on focal adhesion targeting domain of Focal Adhesion Kinase determine domain-motif interaction affinity and specificity.
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Lack of Acute Toxicity and Mutagenicity from Recombinant Piscidin Expressed in .
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Lymecycline versus clindamycin plus rifampicin in hidradenitis suppurativa treatment: clinical and ultrasound evaluation.
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Herbal remedies as alternative to conventional therapies for the treatment of pediatric infectious diseases.
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Phase I dose-escalation trial of S-1 combined with carbon-ion radiotherapy for sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma.
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Non-targeted detection and differentiation of agonists versus antagonists, directly in bioprofiles of everyday products.
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チリの公衆衛生システムにおける AL アミロイドーシス:保留された負債。チリのモノクローナル・ガンモパチー協同組合グループの多施設研究
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Microcystis aeruginosaの3つの系統の成長、代謝活性および膜の完全性に及ぼすHOの影響
Effects of HO on growth, metabolic activity and membrane integrity in three strains of Microcystis aeruginosa.
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Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Small Tumour Antigen Activates the p38 MAPK Pathway to Enhance Cellular Motility.
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切除した胃癌において、腫瘍浸潤性CD8+ T細胞と腫瘍関連CD68+マクロファージの組み合わせは、術後の予後と術後補助化学療法の有益性を予測する
Tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells combined with tumor-associated CD68+ macrophages predict postoperative prognosis and adjuvant chemotherapy benefit in resected gastric cancer.
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A combined experimental and modelling approach for the Weimberg pathway optimisation.
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