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Patient satisfaction in one-stage immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy: A multi-center comparative patient evaluation of prosthesis, LDMF, and TRAM techniques.
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特発性下部尿路機能障害における心理学的病的病因の評価を日常的に行うべきか。ICI-RS 2019年版?
Should we routinely assess psychological morbidities in idiopathic lower urinary tract dysfunction: ICI-RS 2019?
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南極細菌Sphingomonas sp. UV9由来の天然由来の二機能性CPD/(6-4)-ホトリアーゼ
A natural occurring bifunctional CPD/(6-4)-photolyase from the Antarctic bacterium Sphingomonas sp. UV9.
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Can phytoplankton blooming be harmful to benthic organisms? The toxic influence of Anabaena sp. and Chlorella sp. on Chironomus riparius larvae.
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Endovascular treatment for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis - a single center study.
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A modified feeding plate for a newborn with cleft palate.
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Octreotide-related exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) in congenital hyperinsulinism.
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Physical aggression toward teachers: Antecedents, behaviors, and consequences.
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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers have no effect on the outcomes of endovascular revascularization in tibial arterial occlusive disease.
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Brucella abortus-infected platelets modulate activation of neutrophils.
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Reproductive health challenges of male and female street beggars and use of reproductive health services by female street beggars in Ife-Ijesa, Nigeria.
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Pharmacokinetics and safety of erlotinib and its metabolite OSI-420 in infants and children with primary brain tumors.
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Ameliorative Effect of Camel's Milk and Oil against Thioacetamide-induced Hepatorenal Damage in Rats.
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Activated Protein C Attenuates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Progression by Enhancing Vascular Integrity and Suppressing Microglial Activation.
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Common CYP2D6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 Gene Variants, Health Anxiety, and Neuroticism Are Not Associated With Self-Reported Antidepressant Side Effects.
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The Immune System in Cushing's Syndrome.
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メキシコ湾とベリーズに生息する Montastraea cavernosa の自然個体群と移植個体群におけるメソフォティックコーラルのトランスクリプトーム可塑性
Transcriptomic plasticity of mesophotic corals among natural populations and transplants of Montastraea cavernosa in the Gulf of Mexico and Belize.
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Body composition after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation/total body irradiation in children and young people: a restricted systematic review.
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Efficacy of an Adjuvanted Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Spike Protein Vaccine in Dromedary Camels and Alpacas.
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Effect of low energy availability during three consecutive days of endurance training on iron metabolism in male long distance runners.
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HNRNPU の新規フレームシフト変異を有する患者で観察された,二相性発作と後期拡散低下を伴う急性脳症と片麻痺および難治性てんかんのエピソード.
An episode of acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion followed by hemiplegia and intractable epilepsy observed in a patient with a novel frameshift mutation in HNRNPU.
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3 種類の異なるミルクバイオマーカーを用いたホルスタイン乳牛の生理的不均衡の予測
Predicting physiological imbalance in Holstein dairy cows by three different sets of milk biomarkers.
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Two highly related odorant receptors specifically detect α-bile acid pheromones in sea lamprey ().
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Dynamic pH measurements of intracellular pathways using nano-plasmonic assemblies.
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Transposon age and non-CG methylation.
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Atomic Structure of the E2 Inner Core of Human Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex.
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Bitter Melon ( L.) Rootstock Improves the Heat Tolerance of Cucumber by Regulating Photosynthetic and Antioxidant Defense Pathways.
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3Dプリントによるカスタムメイドのグレノイドコンポーネント : 大規模なグレノイド破壊と同時にカフ関節症の患者さんのためのアレスキュー補綴オプション
[Custom-made glenoid component via 3D print : A rescue prosthetic option for patients with massive glenoid destruction and simultaneous cuff-arthropathy].
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Dysregulation in IGF-1R, FGFR4 and βKlotho signaling in patients with medullary thyroid cancer.
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Isoform-specific regulation of HCN4 channels by a family of endoplasmic reticulum proteins.
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The effect of antiseptic solution in central venous catheter care.
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チトクロムP450 3A4と自殺基質との相互作用の構造的洞察。ミベフラジル、アザムリン、6',7'-ジヒドロキシベルガモット
Structural Insights into the Interaction of Cytochrome P450 3A4 with Suicide Substrates: Mibefradil, Azamulin and 6',7'-Dihydroxybergamottin.
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N末端で切断されたチトクロムP450 3A4の溶液中でのリガンド結合に対するコンフォーメーション応答(英文
Conformational Response of N-Terminally Truncated Cytochrome P450 3A4 to Ligand Binding in Solution.
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Association Between Music Therapy Techniques and Patient-Reported Moderate to Severe Fatigue in Hospitalized Adults With Cancer.
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Specific and Non-Invasive Fluorescent Labelling of Extracellular Vesicles for Evaluation of Intracellular Processing by Intestinal Epithelial Cells.
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Characterization of the in Vitro Osteogenic Response to Submicron TiO Particles of Varying Structure and Crystallinity.
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下骨欠損部再生治療における補助的血小板リッチ血漿(PRP)。A システマティックレビューとRCTのメタアナリシス
Adjunctive Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Infrabony Regenerative Treatment: A Systematic Review and RCT's Meta-Analysis.
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T follicular helper cell-mediated IL-21 production suppresses FOXP3 expression of T follicular regulatory-like cells in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients.
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Layered double hydroxide/poly(vinylpyrrolidone) coated solid phase microextraction Arrow for the determination of volatile organic compounds in water.
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中央ヨーロッパのStrigeidae Railliet, 1919 (Trematoda: Strigeidida)。分子および比較形態学的解析により、Parastrigea robusta Szidat, 1928をStrigea Abildgaard, 1790に再分類したことが示唆された
Central European Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 (Trematoda: Strigeidida): Molecular and comparative morphological analysis suggests the reclassification of Parastrigea robusta Szidat, 1928 into Strigea Abildgaard, 1790.
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Association of vitamin D levels and risk of latent tuberculosis in the hemodialysis population.
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c.9253-6T>c REV3L:骨髄異形成症候群における予後不良の新規マーカー
c.9253-6T>c REV3L: A novel marker of poor prognosis in Myelodysplastic syndrome.
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Evaluation of tissue ingrowth and reaction of a porous polyethylene block as an onlay bone graft in rabbit posterior mandible.
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Efficacy comparison of double-level and single-level bone transport with Orthofix fixator for treatment of tibia fracture with massive bone defects.
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Isoliquiritigenin Inhibits Atherosclerosis by Blocking TRPC5 Channel Expression.
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Maximizing the Mini-Cog: Cognitive Decline Caused by Carotid Artery Stenosis.
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LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Mesenchymal stem cells activate Notch signaling to induce regulatory dendritic cells in LPS-induced acute lung injury.
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Reproducibility and discriminant validity of two clinically feasible measurement methods to obtain coronal plane gait kinematics in participants with a lower extremity amputation.
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Potential sources of infection with selected zoonotic agents in the veterinary work environment - pilot studies.
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Active HPV infection and its influence on survival in head and neck squamous-cell cancer.
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Development of a sensitive immunochromatographic method using lanthanide fluorescent microsphere for rapid serodiagnosis of COVID-19.
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Novel ECHS1 mutations in Leigh syndrome identified by whole-exome sequencing in five Chinese families: case report.
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長時間スカーインアジャー:細胞外マトリックス合成のバイオマーカーを用いた抗線維化療法のin vitroスクリーニングツール
Prolonged Scar-in-a-Jar: an in vitro screening tool for anti-fibrotic therapies using biomarkers of extracellular matrix synthesis.
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Contamination of N-poor wastewater with emerging pollutants does not affect the performance of purple phototrophic bacteria and the subsequent resource recovery potential.
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Feel4Diabetes healthy diet score:開発と臨床的妥当性の評価
Feel4Diabetes healthy diet score: development and evaluation of clinical validity.
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Synaptic Plasticity Dynamics for Deep Continuous Local Learning (DECOLLE).
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TruSight One「クリニカルエクソーム」遺伝子パネルを用いた網膜芽細胞腫の新規候補遺伝子の探索
Investigation of new candidate genes in retinoblastoma using the TruSight One "clinical exome" gene panel.
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ロングノンコーディングRNA MALAT1/microRNA-143/VEGFAシグナル軸は、血管内皮インジュリー誘導頭蓋内動脈瘤をモジュレートします
Long Non-coding RNA MALAT1/microRNA-143/VEGFA Signal Axis Modulates Vascular Endothelial Injury-Induced Intracranial Aneurysm.
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Best-Worst Scaling Study to Identify Complications Patients Want to Be Informed About Prior to Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery.
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Information Scrambling in Quantum Neural Networks.
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高分子ミセルを介した rAAV の治療的デリバリーは、ヒト関節軟骨細胞における変形性関節症関連炎症性サイトカインの影響を打ち消す
Therapeutic Delivery of rAAV via Polymeric Micelles Counteracts the Effects of Osteoarthritis-Associated Inflammatory Cytokines in Human Articular Chondrocytes.
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Impairment of wound healing by reactive skin decontamination lotion (RSDL) in a Göttingen minipig model.
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Pulp stem cells with hepatocyte growth factor overexpression exhibit dual effects in rheumatoid arthritis.
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Exclusive: US National Science Foundation reveals first details on foreign-influence investigations.
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Exploring the dynamics and interplay of human papillomavirus and cervical tumorigenesis by integrating biological data into a mathematical model.
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LncRNA DLX6-AS1 は、Mir-199b-5p/Paxillin 軸の調節を介して、三重陰性乳癌における上皮間葉転移とシスプラチン抵抗性に寄与している
LncRNA DLX6-AS1 Contributes to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Cisplatin Resistance in Triple-negative Breast Cancer via Modulating Mir-199b-5p/Paxillin Axis.
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How district health decision-making is shaped within decentralised contexts: A qualitative research in Malawi, Uganda and Ghana.
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NiSOの流出により、フィンランド西部の河川では4種の淡水ムール貝(保護種のUnio crassus Philipsson, 1788を含む)の間でさまざまな死亡率が発生している
NiSO spill inflicts varying mortality between four freshwater mussel species (including protected Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788) in a western Finnish river.
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Highly uniform self-assembled microspheres from single macromolecule self-recognition for enhanced cancer immunotherapy.
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Longitudinal Multimodal fMRI to Investigate Neurovascular Changes in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
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オランダにおけるパーキンソン病における大規模な GBA1 遺伝子フルスクリーニング
A Large-Scale Full GBA1 Gene Screening in Parkinson's Disease in the Netherlands.
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Molecular Dynamics Simulation Framework to Probe the Binding Hypothesis of CYP3A4 Inhibitors.
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