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Editorial: Contributions to Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic Psychiatry by Richard C. Friedman (1941-2020).
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Novel mechanism of cholesterol transport by ABCA5 in macrophages and its role in dyslipidaemia.
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Mitochondrial Dysfunction Is an Early Consequence of Partial or Complete Dystrophin Loss in Mice.
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Constructing Intimate Space Through Narration: Ferenczi's Clinical Diary.
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Microsecretory adenocarcinoma of the hard palate: A case report of a recently described entity.
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Access to sexual and reproductive health commodities in East and Southern Africa: a cross-country comparison of availability, affordability and stock-outs in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
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Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Studies for the Inhibition of MAOs.
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Necessity of Direct Decompression for Thoracolumbar Junction Burst Fractures with Neurologic Compromise.
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Autochthonous Human and Canine Infection in Europe: Report of a Human Case in An Italian Teen and Systematic Review of the Literature.
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Recommendations for head and neck surgical oncology practice in a setting of acute severe resource constraint during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international consensus.
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Aphis glycines virus 1は、2つの機能的な内部リボソームエントリーサイトを持つ新しいビシストロン型ウイルスであるが、この種の未分類ウイルスのグループに関連している
Aphis glycines virus 1, a new bicistronic virus with two functional internal ribosome entry sites, is related to a group of unclassified viruses in the .
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Acute aerobic exercise impairs aspects of cognitive function at high altitude.
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Body sway predicts romantic interest in speed dating.
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Computer-aided diagnosis for dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI of mass-like lesions using a multiparametric model combining a selection of morphological, kinetic, and spatiotemporal features.
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Survival of oral mucosal melanoma according to treatment, tumour resection margin, and metastases.
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Steroid-sparing maintenance immunosuppression is safe and effective after simultaneous liver kidney transplantation.
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CCAAT/エンハンサー結合タンパク質ベータは、ヒト単球細胞におけるインターフェロン-ガンマ誘導性p48 (ISGF3-ガンマ)遺伝子転写を媒介する
CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta mediates interferon-gamma-induced p48 (ISGF3-gamma ) gene transcription in human monocytic cells.
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The Therapist's Transition.
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Adolescent Girls' Nutritional Status and Knowledge, Beliefs, Practices, and Access to Services: An Assessment to Guide Intervention Design in Nepal.
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H9N2 influenza virus infections in human cells require a balance between NA sialidase activity and HA receptor affinity.
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The Different Effects of Organic Amines on Synthetic Metal Phosphites/Phosphates.
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Mediated electrochemical oxidation of glucose via poly(methylene green) grafted on the carbon surface catalyzed by flavin adenine dinucleotide-dependent glucose dehydrogenase.
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Substrate selectivity by the exonuclease Rrp6p.
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Oxidative Stress and New Pathogenetic Mechanisms in Endothelial Dysfunction: Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets.
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Bromodomain and Extraterminal Inhibition by JQ1 Produces Divergent Transcriptional Regulation of Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling Genes in Adipocytes.
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Ancient genome-wide DNA from France highlights the complexity of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers.
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Mechanistic Studies of the TRIP Catalyzed Allylation with Organozinc Reagents.
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南アフリカの放し飼いのコモン・ドルフィン(Delphinus delphis)からの潜在的なシグネチャー・ホイッスルの同定
Identification of potential signature whistles from free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in South Africa.
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Postoperative Blepharoptosis After Modern Phacoemulsification Procedure.
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Increases in Health-Related Workplace Absenteeism Among Workers in Essential Critical Infrastructure Occupations During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, March-April 2020.
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Influence of epinephrine contained in local anesthetics on upper eyelid height in transconjunctival blepharoptosis surgery.
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The Neolithic Pitted Ware culture foragers were culturally but not genetically influenced by the Battle Axe culture herders.
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Rudolf Allers' conception of neurosis as a metaphysical conflict.
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Utility of Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange for Microlaryngeal Surgery.
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Chemical composition, toxicity and larvicidal and antifungal activities of Persea americana (avocado) seed extracts.
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Transgenic plant generated by RNAi-mediated knocking down of soybean Vma12 and soybean mosaic virus resistance evaluation.
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Clue to the cause of portal hypertension: Look at the raindrops.
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(ReBOOT) 心臓移植におけるリモートモビリティ外来モニタリング。試験的研究
(ReBOOT) REmote moBile Outpatient MOnitoring in heart Transplant: A pilot study.
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Mixed-Precision Deep Learning Based on Computational Memory.
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The Perinuclear ER Scales Nuclear Size Independently of Cell Size in Early Embryos.
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Historicizing the crisis of scientific misconduct in Indian science.
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Epithelium-derived IL-33 activates mast cells to initiate neutrophil recruitment following corneal injury.
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Morphine produces potent antinociception, sedation, and hypothermia in humanized mice expressing human mu-opioid receptor splice variants.
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Bio-inspired wideband antenna for wireless applications based on perturbation technique.
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MERIT, a cellular system coordinating lysosomal repair, removal and replacement.
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Pseudomonas aeruginosa糸状体ファージの2つの系統-統合嗜好性を超えた構造的均一性
Two lineages of Pseudomonas aeruginosa filamentous phages - structural uniformity over integration preferences.
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Effect of Underlying Comorbidities on the Infection and Severity of COVID-19 in Korea: a Nationwide Case-Control Study.
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Preservation of cellular nano-architecture by the process of chemical fixation for nanopathology.
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Biogenesis of the Spacious -Containing Vacuole Depends on Host Transcription Factors TFEB and TFE3.
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Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae由来のマイナーエフェクトウイルス性因子を用いたスクリーニングにより、イネMAGIC集団における抵抗性と感受性のQTLを同定した
Resistance and susceptibility QTL identified in a rice MAGIC population by screening with a minor-effect virulence factor from Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae.
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5つのフラクショナルレーザー装置を用いた治療後の急性損傷のin vivo組織病理学的比較
In vivo histopathologic comparison of the acute injury following treatment with five fractional ablative laser devices.
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Interleukin-9 regulates macrophage activation in the progressive multiple sclerosis brain.
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Collisional formation of top-shaped asteroids and implications for the origins of Ryugu and Bennu.
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COVID-19: A Matter of Planetary, not Only National Health.
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Comparative transcriptome analysis of MeJA-responsive AP2/ERF transcription factors involved in notoginsenosides biosynthesis.
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高悪性度大腿骨側腱板断裂に対するノットレス・in situ縫合ブリッジ術後の臨床的特徴と修復の完全性について検討した
Clinical features and repair integrity after knotless - In situ suture bridge technique in high-grade bursal side rotator cuff tears.
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Risk factors and biomarkers of severe dengue.
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Affordable Care Actの成立後、職場での母乳育児支援給付金に関する人事管理者の意思決定プロセスを探る
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Psychosocial aspects and life project disruption in young women diagnosed with metastatic hormone-sensitive HER2-negative breast cancer.
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Electrochemical CO reduction to high-concentration pure formic acid solutions in an all-solid-state reactor.
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経カテーテル大動脈弁植え込み術後の重度の大動脈弁狭窄症患者における B 型ナトリウム利尿ペプチドの制御
B-type Natriuretic Peptide Regulation in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis Following Transaortic Valvular Implantation.
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Reflective functioning, psychotherapeutic alliance, and outcome in two psychotherapies for bulimia nervosa.
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Kinetics aspects of Gamma-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase.
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Hepatic Encephalopathy Is Reversible in the Long Term After Liver Transplantation.
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