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RNA interference in glial cells for nerve injury treatment.
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Cera alba-assisted ultraclean graphene transfer for high-performance PbI UV photodetectors.
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A combination of AZD5363 and FH5363 induces lethal autophagy in transformed hepatocytes.
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Neurological Perspectives of Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema.
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Peripheral Dopamine 2-Receptor Antagonist Reverses Hypertension in a Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Rat Model.
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Authentication of "Adelita" Raspberry Cultivar Based on Physical Properties, Antioxidant Activity and Volatile Profile.
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Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy: A Latent Change in Obesity Requiring More Attention.
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A retrospective study of intramuscular clozapine prescription for treatment initiation and maintenance in treatment-resistant psychosis.
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Opioid Receptors in Immune and Glial Cells-Implications for Pain Control.
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Characterization of the Quality of Electroconvulsive Therapy Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries.
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A Multi-Faceted Approach to Weight Loss: A Case Report.
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Feasibility and safety of non-invasive ultrasound therapy (NIUT) on porcine aortic valve.
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過酸化水素およびポビドン-ヨード系経口防腐洗浄剤を用いたSARS CoV-2の体外不活化の比較
Comparison of In Vitro Inactivation of SARS CoV-2 with Hydrogen Peroxide and Povidone-Iodine Oral Antiseptic Rinses.
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L1CAM, CA9, KLK6, HPN, ALDH1A1の3つの血清バイオマーカーは、原発性および転移性大腸がんのスクリーニングにおける潜在的な血清マーカーであることが示された
L1CAM, CA9, KLK6, HPN, and ALDH1A1 as Potential Serum Markers in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Screening.
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Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Modulate miRNAs During Osteogenic Differentiation of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells: a Possible Role in the Osteogenic-angiogenic Coupling.
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Vaya Con Dios: The Influence of Religious Constructs on Stressors around the Migration Process and U.S. Lived Experiences among Latina/o Immigrants.
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Two approaches for the stabilization of recombinant protective antigen.
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X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets(Xリンク性低リン血症性くる病)を発症した少女の表現型的に正常な父親における「孤立した」生殖細胞モザイク症
'Isolated' germline mosaicism in the phenotypically normal father of a girl with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets.
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Tissue Sampling in Suspected Sarcoidosis- Can We Avoid Mediastinal Procedures?
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Myricetin improves endurance capacity by inducing muscle fiber type conversion via miR-499.
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Neurological manifestations of adult-onset Still's disease-case-based review.
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A Case of Brodie's Abscess With Tibial Erosion and Extravasation Into Surrounding Soft Tissue.
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Corpus Luteum Color Doppler Ultrasound and Pregnancy Outcome in Buffalo during the Transitional Period.
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Evaluation of Surgical Treatment of Oroantral Fistulae in Smokers Versus Non-Smokers.
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Light Cigarette Smoking Increases Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality: Findings from the NHIS Cohort Study.
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Greater high-mobility group box 1 in male compared with female spontaneously hypertensive rats worsens renal ischemia-reperfusion injury.
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Long-term Outcomes of Salvage Lymph Node Dissection for Nodal Recurrence of Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy: Not as Good as Previously Thought.
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Merkel cell polyomavirus and non-Merkel cell carcinomas: guilty or circumstantial evidence?
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Morin exhibits leukemic cellular apoptosis through caspase pathway.
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High-performance stationary solar tracking through multi-objective optimization of beam-steering lens arrays.
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Salvaging the infected breast implant: results of a retrospective series of 80 consecutive cases.
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Food-Grade Pickering Emulsions: Preparation, Stabilization and Applications.
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Non-surgical treatment of lower eyelid fat pads with an injectable solution acid deoxycholic based.
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中等度薬剤耐性Y株(DTU TcII)に対する2種類の5-ニトロインダゾール誘導体の活性プロファイル:および研究
Activity profile of two 5-nitroindazole derivatives over the moderately drug-resistant Y strain (DTU TcII): and studies.
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Microwave Ablation in the Liver: An Update.
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Efficacy and safety of oral tranexamic acid as an adjuvant in Indian patients with melasma: a prospective, interventional, single-centre, triple-blind, randomized, placebo-control, parallel group study.
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Two particle-picking procedures for filamentous proteins: SPHIRE-crYOLO filament mode and SPHIRE-STRIPER.
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Phage community involvement in fermented beverages: an open door to technological advances?
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Fast-Acting and Receptor-Mediated Regulation of Neuronal Signaling Pathways by Copaiba Essential Oil.
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The lumbar multifidus is characterised by larger type I muscle fibres compared to the erector spinae.
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Oncogenic Viral Protein Interactions with p53 Family Proteins.
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Clinical implication in the use of the AAA algorithm versus the AXB in nasopharyngeal carcinomas by comparison of TCP and NTCP values.
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Sustained acoustic medicine; sonophoresis for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug delivery in arthritis.
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The Expression of Carbonic Anhydrases II, IX and XII in Brain Tumors.
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A New Homemade Stapled Vascular Tube Graft.
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Meet this super-spotter of duplicated images in science papers.
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Nutritional Composition and Microbial Communities of Two Non-alcoholic Traditional Fermented Beverages from Zambia: A Study of and .
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Solid index impression protocol: a hybrid workflow for high accuracy and passive fit of full-arch implant-supported restorations.
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Monolayer Cubic Boron Nitride Terminated Diamond (111) Surfaces for Quantum Sensing and Electron Emission Applications.
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Evidence for improved survival with treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
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Estimated Population Prevalence of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction in Spain, According to DAPA-HF Study Criteria.
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Microbial Transformations of Organically Fermented Foods.
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Improved dual AAV vectors with reduced expression of truncated proteins are safe and effective in the retina of a mouse model of Stargardt disease.
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Ultra-Small Lysozyme-Protected Gold Nanoclusters as Nanomedicines Inducing Osteogenic Differentiation.
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IL-17 aggravates renal injury by promoting podocyte injury in children with primary nephrotic syndrome.
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Music therapy and retinopathy of prematurity screening: using recorded maternal singing and heartbeat for post exam recovery.
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Phytochemical Analysis and Trypanocidal Activity of Desr.
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Glycosphingolipid expression at breast cancer stem cells after novel thieno[2,3-b]pyridine anticancer compound treatment.
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Optic Radiation Tractography in Pediatric Brain Surgery Applications: A Reliability and Agreement Assessment of the Tractography Method.
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Characterization Study of Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) Fibers Reinforcement in Poly(Butylene) Succinate (PBS)/Starch/Glycerol Composite Sheet.
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Clinical and bacteriological profile of diabetic foot infections in a tertiary care.
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Aging aggravated liver ischemia and reperfusion injury by promoting STING-mediated NLRP3 activation in macrophages.
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ヌクレオラ RNA ポリメラーゼ II はリボソームの生合成を駆動している
Nucleolar RNA polymerase II drives ribosome biogenesis.
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Proteomics of growth in deoxycholate reveals Cj0025c as a cystine transport protein required for wild-type human infection phenotypes.
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Caring in the distance through your hands: A reflection on professional and personal networks in times of COVID-19.
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Recombinant Expression and Purification of Extracellular Domain of the Programmed Cell Death Protein Receptor.
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真空マイクロ波脱水はエンドウ豆(Pisum sativum, L.)のタンパク質の揮発性濃度と可溶性タンパク質含量を低下させる
Vacuum microwave dehydration decreases volatile concentration and soluble protein content of pea (Pisum sativum, L.) protein.
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Surgical Treatment of a Child With Acute Cortical Blindness Caused by Depressed Skull Fracture.
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Perspective of placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells in acute liver failure.
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イタリア,ロンバルディア州の集中治療室における COVID-19 患者の死亡率に関連する危険因子
Risk Factors Associated With Mortality Among Patients With COVID-19 in Intensive Care Units in Lombardy, Italy.
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粘液捕食を行うRuminococcus gnavusのシアル酸代謝経路の解明により、細菌の腸内適応機構が解明された
Elucidation of a sialic acid metabolism pathway in mucus-foraging Ruminococcus gnavus unravels mechanisms of bacterial adaptation to the gut.
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Early Disseminated Lyme Carditis Inducing High-Degree Atrioventricular Block.
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Chronic exposure to dietary antibiotics affects intestinal health and antibiotic resistance gene abundance in oriental river prawn (Macrobrachium nipponense), and provokes human health risk.
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Chemotherapy improves distant control in localized high-grade soft tissue sarcoma of the extremity/trunk.
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隠れた多様性の発見:形態学的検討とミトコンドリア遺伝子解析で明らかにした新種のブラジル新熱帯地域産淡水エビ(Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae)
Uncovering a hidden diversity: a new species of freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) from Neotropical region (Brazil) revealed by morphological review and mitochondrial genes analyses.
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Suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid attenuates epidural fibrosis via inhibiting myofibroblast differentiation and increasing fibroblast apoptosis.
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