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A Tgfbr1/Snai1-dependent developmental module at the core of vertebrate axial elongation.
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Treatment of severely decayed anterior primary teeth with short-post technique (Mushroom Restorations) under general anesthesia.
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選択的開腹動脈瘤修復術における末梢血管疾患とクランプ部位の重要性。Comment on Br J Anaesth 2020; 124: 544-552
Importance of peripheral vascular disease and clamp site in elective open abdominal aneurysm repair. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2020; 124: 544-552.
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Helicobacter pylori VacA への慢性in vivo暴露:自動化された長期胃内毒素注入の有効性を評価する
Chronic in vivo exposure to Helicobacter pylori VacA: Assessing the efficacy of automated and long-term intragastric toxin infusion.
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ヒト歯根膜線維芽細胞に対する矯正用仮固定装置のin vitroにおける細胞毒性
Cytotoxicity of orthodontic temporary anchorage devices on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts in vitro.
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Varus-valgus constraint in 416 revision total knee arthroplasties with cemented stems provides a reliable reconstruction with a low subsequent revision rate at early to mid-term review.
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Transport and Burial of Microplastics in Deep-Marine Sediments by Turbidity Currents.
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The Gintonin-Enriched Fraction of Ginseng Regulates Lipid Metabolism and Browning via the cAMP-Protein Kinase a Signaling Pathway in Mice White Adipocytes.
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Reconstruction of highly porous structures from FIB-SEM using a deep neural network trained on synthetic images.
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Brown adipose tissue activity is modulated in olanzapine-treated young rats by simvastatin.
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Fast processes of nanoparticle blood clearance: Comprehensive study.
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IL-18BP is a secreted immune checkpoint and barrier to IL-18 immunotherapy.
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Metabolic Traits of Bovine Shiga Toxin-Producing (STEC) Strains with Different Colonization Properties.
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Rationale for Aggressive Resection and General Surgical Principles for Intracranial Gliomas.
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Ni-catalyzed Iterative Alkyl Transfer from Nitrogen Enabled by the In Situ Methylation of Tertiary Amines.
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Serum Levels of Adipocyte Fatty Acid-Binding Protein Are Associated with Rapid Renal Function Decline in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Preserved Renal Function.
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Effect of B vitamins supplementation on cardio-metabolic factors in patients with stable coronary artery disease: A randomized double-blind trial.
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Cancer-protective effect of a synbiotic combination between 505 and a leaf extract on colitis-associated colorectal cancer.
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Mapping the human brainstem: Brain nuclei and fiber tracts at 3 T and 7 T.
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SARS-CoV-2 testing in infertile patients: different recommendations in Europe and America.
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Blebs in intracranial aneurysms: prevalence and general characteristics.
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Gastrointestinal Alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do We Know?
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Evaluations of the serological test in the diagnosis of 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infections during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Direct Activation of TRPC3 Channels by the Antimalarial Agent Artemisinin.
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Catching Common Cold Virus with a Net: Pyridostatin Forms Filaments in Tris Buffer That Trap Viruses-A Novel Antiviral Strategy?
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Complete radiological response to first-line regorafenib in a patient with abdominal relapse of mutated GIST.
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Commentary: EGFR mutations lung adenocarcinoma-Is the driver removed with the lobe?
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TRPC channels: Structure, function, regulation and recent advances in small molecular probes.
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小児における難治性ショックに対するメチレンブルー。A システマティックレビューと調査による実践分析
Methylene Blue for Refractory Shock in Children: A Systematic Review and Survey Practice Analysis.
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Atazanavir Crystal-Induced Chronic Granulomatous Interstitial Nephritis.
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SLC12A2 変異体は神経発達障害や蝸牛の障害を引き起こす
SLC12A2 variants cause a neurodevelopmental disorder or cochleovestibular defect.
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Evaluating Canadian Radiation Therapists and UK Therapeutic Radiographers' Experiences and Opinions of a Safety Strap to Secure Patients during Radiotherapy.
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Cross-Sectional Study on the Association between Dietary Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Capacity and Serum Liver Enzymes: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study.
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A ROS responsive nanomedicine with enhanced photodynamic therapy via dual mechanisms: GSH depletion and biosynthesis inhibition.
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Laser-induced fluorescence measurement of very slow neutral flows in a dusty plasma experiment.
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A ketogenic diet exerts beneficial effects on body composition of cancer patients during radiotherapy: An interim analysis of the KETOCOMP study.
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Cancer cells undergoing epigenetic transition show short-term resistance and are transformed into cells with medium-term resistance by drug treatment.
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Identification and characterization of the arginine deiminase system of Streptococcus canis.
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A pan-specific antiserum produced by a novel immunization strategy shows a high spectrum of neutralization against neurotoxic snake venoms.
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Efficacy of Tamsulosin plus Tadalafil versus Tamsulosin as Medical Expulsive Therapy for Lower Ureteric Stones: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
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TGF-β1 は、ヒト顆粒膜-ルテイン細胞における GDNF と Furin の発現を調節することで GDNF 産生を増加させる
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チアゾリジンジオン誘導体は RAW 264.7 マクロファージにおける LPS 誘導 COX-2 発現と NO 産生を抑制する
Thiazolidinedione Derivative Suppresses LPS-induced COX-2 Expression and NO Production in RAW 264.7 Macrophages.
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Photoreactions of the Histidine Kinase Rhodopsin Ot-HKR from the Marine Picoalga Ostreococcus tauri.
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Protozoal encephalitis associated with and during an epizootic involving Brandt's cormorants () in coastal Southern California, USA.
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