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Probiotic Properties of Exopolysaccharide-Producing Bacteria from Natto.
- Int J Food Sci.2023;2023:3298723.
Removal of a Horizontally Displaced Dental Implant below the Mandibular Canal.
- Case Rep Dent.2023;2023:6663874.
Tongue Abscess: A Case Report.
- Int Med Case Rep J.2022;15:769-772.
Posterior Lingual Abscess; Report of Two Cases.
- Arch Acad Emerg Med.2023;11(1):e18.
慢性腎臓病(CKD)の自然史と進行性の危険因子:Renal Impairment in Secondary Care(RIISC)研究、根拠とプロトコール
The natural history of, and risk factors for, progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD): the Renal Impairment in Secondary care (RIISC) study; rationale and protocol.
- BMC Nephrol.2013 Apr;14:95.
The Effect of Reciprocating Instrument and Root Canal Filling Techniques on Post-operative Pain in Retreatment: A Prospective Clinical Study.
- Eur Endod J.2023 Mar;8(2):140-147.
Botulinum neurotoxin: A therapeutic powerhouse with broad clinical implications.
- JAAPA.2023 Apr;36(4):39-41.
Botulinum Toxin Injection for Masseteric Hypertrophy Using 6 Point Injection Technique - A Case Report. Proposal of a Clinical Technique to Quantify Prognosis.
- Clin Cosmet Investig Dent.2023;15:45-49.
Effects of Various Functional Monomers on Adhesion Between Immediate Dentin Sealing and Resin Cement.
- Oper Dent.2022 Sep;47(5):562-573.
Effect of different application strategies of universal adhesive used for immediate and delayed dentin sealing on the microtensile bond strength of self-adhesive resin cement to dentin with and without aging.
- J Clin Exp Dent.2023 Mar;15(3):e210-e216.
Effect of immediate dentin sealing on load-bearing capacity under accelerated fatigue of thin occlusal veneers made of CAD-CAM glass-ceramic and resin composite material.
- Dent Mater.2023 Apr;39(4):372-382.
Online Questionnaire-Based Study to Evaluate the Attitudes and Use of Rubber Dental Dams by Saudi Dental Practitioners.
- Med Sci Monit.2023 Feb;29:e938672.
Effect of temporary cements and their removal methods on the bond strength of indirect restoration: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Clin Oral Investig.2023 Jan;27(1):15-30.
Allergic contact dermatitis caused by topical timolol for the treatment of infantile hemangioma: an underestimated adverse event?
- J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.2023 Apr;
Treatment outcomes of oral propranolol in the treatment of periocular infantile capillary hemangioma and factors predictive of recurrence and incomplete resolution: A multi-centric study.
- Oman J Ophthalmol.2023;16(1):75-81.
Comparison of occlusal contact errors of 6 chairside CAD/CAM crowns: a self-controlled clinical study.
- Clin Oral Investig.2023 Mar;27(3):1301-1310.
Evaluation of the intaglio surface trueness and fit of zirconia crowns fabricated using different machining strategies with a chairside CAD/CAM system.
- Int J Comput Dent.2023 Jan;0(0):0.
The effect of preparation design on the fracture resistance and adaptation of the CEREC ceramic endocrowns.
- Clin Exp Dent Res.2023 Mar;
7台の口腔内スキャナーの歯肉溝内の読み取り深さ:In vitro study
Depth of reading within the gingival sulcus of seven intraoral scanners: An in vitro study.
- Int J Comput Dent.2023 Mar;0(0):0.
Dentoalveolar, skeletal, pharyngeal airway, cervical posture, hyoid bone position, and soft palate changes with Myobrace and Twin-block: a retrospective study.
- BMC Oral Health.2023 Jan;23(1):53.
Oropharyngeal Airway Three-dimensional Changes after Treatment with Myobrace in Class II Retrognathic Children.
- Iran J Public Health.2017 Feb;46(2):265-267.
Clinical applications of photon counting detector CT.
- Eur Radiol.2023 Apr;
Combining Sedation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to Overcome Dental Phobia: a Case Report.
- SAAD Dig.2017 Jan;33:29-33.
Dental treatment in patients with severe gag reflex using propofol-remifentanil intravenous sedation.
- J Dent Anesth Pain Med.2017 Mar;17(1):65-69.
The Effect of Adding Midazolam to Propofol Intravenous Sedation to Suppress Gag Reflex During Dental Treatment.
- Anesth Prog.2018;65(2):76-81.
Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Regenerative Endodontic Procedures for Traumatized Permanent Necrotic Teeth with Apical Periodontitis and External Root Resorption.
- Int Endod J.2023 Apr;
Regenerative endodontic therapy for external inflammatory lateral resorption following traumatic dental injuries: Evidence assessment of best practices.
- Int Endod J.2022 Nov;55(11):1165-1176.
A comparative study of propofol alone and propofol combined with midazolam for dental treatments in special needs patients.
- Medicine (Baltimore).2021 Jun;100(22):e26199.
A Novel Pain Relief Approach for the Treatment of Multiple Dental Caries and Pulpitis.
- Cureus.2022 Jan;14(1):e21723.
Management strategies for adult patients with dental anxiety in the dental clinic: a systematic review.
- Aust Dent J.2022 Mar;67 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):S3-S13.
Dental treatment under intravenous sedation prolongs longevity of a fixed prosthesis in patients with intellectual disabilities.
- Spec Care Dentist.2022 May;42(3):209-215.
In Silico Finite Element Analysis of Implant-Supported CAD-CAM Resin Composite Crowns.
- J Prosthodont.2023 Mar;32(3):259-266.
Quality of dental treatments under intravenous sedation among patients with disability: A self-matching study.
- J Dent Sci.2023 Apr;18(2):761-766.
骨内欠損の治療における最小侵襲の非外科的手法-Narrative Review-
Minimally Invasive Non-Surgical Technique in the Treatment of Intrabony Defects-A Narrative Review.
- Dent J (Basel).2023 Jan;11(1).
Recent Clinical Treatment and Basic Research on the Alveolar Bone.
- Biomedicines.2023 Mar;11(3).
Efficacy of canakinumab in a patient with adult-onset glucocorticoid-resistant periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis syndrome.
- Mod Rheumatol Case Rep.2023 Jan;7(1):276-279.
Palladium-Induced Temporal Internalization of MHC Class I Contributes to T Cell-Mediated Antigenicity.
- Front Immunol.2021;12:736936.
Nanoenabled Tumor Energy Metabolism Disorder via Sonodynamic Therapy for Multidrug Resistance Reversal and Metastasis Inhibition.
- ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2023 Jan;15(1):309-326.
Discovery of Amphiphilic Xanthohumol Derivatives as Membrane-Targeting Antimicrobials against Methicillin-Resistant .
- J Med Chem.2023 Jan;66(1):962-975.
Purification of PaTx-II from the Venom of the Australian King Brown Snake and Characterization of Its Antimicrobial and Wound Healing Activities.
- Int J Mol Sci.2023 Feb;24(5).
Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Effect of Honey in the Prevention of Dental Caries: A Recent Perspective.
- Foods.2022 Sep;11(17).
Biochemical studies on the protective effect of honey against doxorubicin-induced toxicity in BALB/C mice.
- Int J Health Sci (Qassim).2020;14(6):31-37.
AKT 阻害剤による MMP-9/RhoC シグナル経路とオートファジーを介した 4NQO 誘発マウス舌癌の化学予防効果
Chemoprevention of 4NQO-Induced Mouse Tongue Carcinogenesis by AKT Inhibitor through the MMP-9/RhoC Signaling Pathway and Autophagy.
- Anal Cell Pathol (Amst).2022;2022:3770715.
Tea Polyphenols and Their Preventive Measures against Cancer: Current Trends and Directions.
- Foods.2022 Oct;11(21).
Crotalus durissus terrificusのヘビ毒から分離されたクロトキシンの口腔扁平上皮癌に対する抗腫瘍効果について
The antineoplastic potential of crotoxin isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom on oral squamous cell carcinoma.
- Toxicon.2023 Jan;221:106965.
Role of in Oral Carcinogenesis.
- Pathophysiology.2022 Dec;29(4):650-662.
[Photothermal effect of nano-copper sulfide against tongue squamous cell carcinoma].
- Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao.2021 Dec;41(12):1843-1849.
Combined Treatment with Cryptocaryone and Ultraviolet C Promotes Antiproliferation and Apoptosis of Oral Cancer Cells.
- Int J Mol Sci.2022 Mar;23(6).
MF-094 nanodelivery inhibits oral squamous cell carcinoma by targeting USP30.
- Cell Mol Biol Lett.2022 Dec;27(1):107.
Porphyromonas gingivalisは、腫瘍微小環境における好中球の走化性を活性化することにより、口腔扁平上皮癌の進行を促進する
Porphyromonas gingivalis promotes the progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma by activating the neutrophil chemotaxis in the tumour microenvironment.
- Cancer Immunol Immunother.2022 Dec;
Association of PD-L1 and p16 expression with clinicopathological parameters in oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
- Pathol Res Pract.2023 Jan;241:154266.
Personalized mRNA cancer vaccines with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A promising therapeutic approach in oral cancer patients.
- Oral Oncol.2023 Feb;137:106282.
Resveratrol nanoparticle attenuates metastasis and angiogenesis by deregulating inflammatory cytokines through inhibition of CAFs in oral cancer by CXCL-12/IL-6-dependent pathway.
- J Nutr Biochem.2023 Mar;113:109257.
Narciclasine suppresses oral cancer metastasis by modulating cathepsin B and extracellular signal-related kinase pathways.
- Biomed Pharmacother.2023 Feb;158:114159.
CAL 27、HepG2、Caco-2細胞株に対するStrawberry Tree ( L.) Honey、その抽出物、Homogentisic acidの細胞毒性活性について
Cytotoxic activity of strawberry tree ( L.) honey, its extract, and homogentisic acid on CAL 27, HepG2, and Caco-2 cell lines.
- Arh Hig Rada Toksikol.2022 Jul;73(2):158-168.
Differential proteome and functional analysis of NSCLC cell lines in response to Tualang honey treatment.
- J Ethnopharmacol.2022 Jul;293:115264.
Oral Mucositis Induced by Chemoradiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer-A Short Review about the Therapeutic Management and the Benefits of Bee Honey.
- Medicina (Kaunas).2022 May;58(6).
Use of Honey in the Management of Chemotherapy-Associated Oral Mucositis in Paediatric Patients.
- Cancer Manag Res.2022;14:2773-2783.
Investigation of the effects of the royal jelly on genomic demethylation and tumor suppressor genes in human cancer cells.
- Med Oncol.2022 Dec;40(1):59.
Effects of Sangju Honey on Oral Squamous Carcinoma Cells.
- J Cancer Prev.2022 Dec;27(4):239-246.
Chemical Characterization of Honey and Its Effect (Alone as well as with Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles) on Microbial Pathogens' and Human Cancer Cell Lines' Growth.
- Nutrients.2023 Jan;15(3).
Cytotoxicity Study of Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis Using , Honey, and Leaf Extract.
- ACS Omega.2023 Feb;8(7):6325-6336.
Evaluation of the effect scan pattern has on the trueness and precision of six intraoral digital impression systems.
- J Esthet Restor Dent.2018 Mar;30(2):113-118.
Comparing the accuracy of six intraoral scanners on prepared teeth and effect of scanning sequence.
- J Adv Prosthodont.2020 Oct;12(5):299-306.
The material design of octacalcium phosphate bone substitute: increased dissolution and osteogenecity.
- Acta Biomater.2023 Mar;158:1-11.
Nitric Oxide-Releasing Bioinspired Scaffold for Exquisite Regeneration of Osteoporotic Bone via Regulation of Homeostasis.
- Adv Sci (Weinh).2023 Feb;10(6):e2205336.
Engineered M2a macrophages for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
- Front Immunol.2022;13:1054938.
The role of immune cells in modulating chronic inflammation and osteonecrosis.
- Front Immunol.2022;13:1064245.
MicroRNAs and long non-coding RNAs in cartilage homeostasis and osteoarthritis.
- Front Cell Dev Biol.2022;10:1092776.
Relationship between Diet Quality and Periodontal Disease in South Korean Adults Aged ≥40 Years.
- Int J Environ Res Public Health.2023 Mar;20(6).
フルアーチコンピューターガイドインプラント埋入事例におけるX線透視テンプレートの精度に及ぼす製作技術の違いによる影響:In Vitro Study
Influence of Different Fabrication Techniques on the Accuracy of Radiographic Scan Templates in Cases of Full-Arch Computer-Guided Implant Placement: An In Vitro Study.
- Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.2022;37(1):30-37.
異なるインプラント印象スプリントの手法と時間が寸法精度に及ぼす影響:in vitroでの研究
The effect of different implant impression splinting techniques and time on the dimensional accuracy: An in vitro study.
- J Dent.2022 Nov;126:104267.
Comparison of multiple 3D scanners to capture foot, ankle, and lower leg morphology.
- Prosthet Orthot Int.2023 Mar;
Trueness and Precision of Eight Intraoral Scanners with Different Finishing Line Designs: A Comparative In Vitro Study.
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SEM Evaluation of the Marginal Accuracy of Zirconia, Lithium Disilicate, and Composite Single Crowns Created by CAD/CAM Method: Comparative Analysis of Different Materials.
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Comparative study on the microbial adhesion to preveneered and stainless steel crowns.
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Outcomes of bio-esthetic single implant-supported restorations after peri-implant soft tissue conditioning with two prosthetic techniques: A 1-year randomized clinical trial.
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The relationship between labial soft tissue changes and jumping spaces after immediate implant placement and restoration in the anterior maxilla: A prospective study.
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Augmentation of the width and thickness of keratinised gingiva using a collagen biomaterial in apically positioned flap surgery: a technical note.
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Periodontal inflamed surface area: quantifying inflammatory burden.
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2種類のインプラントマクロデザインを用いた静的Computer-Assisted Implant Surgeryの精度に歯槽稜の形態とガイドホールデザインが与える影響:In vitro研究
Influence of alveolar ridge morphology and guide-hole design on the accuracy of static Computer-Assisted Implant Surgery with two implant macro-designs: An in vitro study.
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Dataset of process-structure-property feature relationship for laser powder bed fusion additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V material.
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Failure Behavior of Laser Metal Deposited Additive Manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V: Effects of Stress State and Initial Defects.
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Discoloration of a titanium alloy removable partial denture: a clinical report.
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The effect of build orientation on the microstructure and properties of selective laser melting Ti-6Al-4V for removable partial denture clasps.
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A three-dimensional finite element analysis of mechanical function for 4 removable partial denture designs with 3 framework materials: CoCr, Ti-6Al-4V alloy and PEEK.
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Digitally Fabricated Dentures for Full Mouth Rehabilitation with Zirconia, Polyetheretherketone and Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V Material.
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Bone morphogenetic protein receptor 1α promotes osteolytic lesion of oral squamous cell carcinoma by SHH-dependent osteoclastogenesis.
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Inhibition of L-type voltage-gated calcium channel-mediated Ca influx suppresses the collective migration and invasion of ameloblastoma.
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Increased Oral Dryness and Negative Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Older People with Overweight or Obesity.
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Distinct metabolic biomarkers to distinguish IgG4-related disease from Sjogren's syndrome and pancreatic cancer and predict disease prognosis.
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心的外傷後ストレス障害と顎関節症との関連性:A Systematic Review
The Association Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review.
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マウス顎関節由来線維芽細胞様滑膜細胞において、過酸化水素による酸化ストレスがMEK/ERK依存的にCXCL15/Lungkine mRNAの発現を促進することを明らかにした
Hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress promotes expression of CXCL15/Lungkine mRNA in a MEK/ERK-dependent manner in fibroblast-like synoviocytes derived from mouse temporomandibular joint.
- J Oral Biosci.2023 Mar;65(1):97-103.
Adipocytes-derived exosomal miR-122 promotes non-alcoholic fat liver disease progression via targeting Sirt1.
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Roles of oral microbiota and oral-gut microbial transmission in hypertension.
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Antimicrobial Activity of Honey against Oral Microorganisms: Current Reality, Methodological Challenges and Solutions.
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Genetic Diversity of spp. Isolates Colonizing Twins and Their Family Members.
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Opioid-induced microbial dysbiosis disrupts irinotecan (CPT-11) metabolism and increases gastrointestinal toxicity in a murine model.
- Br J Pharmacol.2022 Dec;
Efficacy of diode laser application versus silver diamine fluoride (SDF) as a modification of Hall technique in primary teeth.
- Saudi Dent J.2022 Dec;34(8):723-729.
Diurnal changes of the oral microbiome in patients with alcohol dependence.
- Front Cell Infect Microbiol.2022;12:1068908.