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Elementary School-Aged Children's and Parents' Report of Health-Related Quality of Life and Relationships with Lifestyle Measures: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- Nutrients.2023 Mar;15(5).
Associations between sleep duration and positive mental health screens during adolescent preventive visits in primary care.
- Acad Pediatr.2023 Mar;
Oral and Periodontal Risk Factors of Prosthetic Success for 3-Unit Natural Tooth-Supported Bridges versus Implant-Supported Fixed Dental Prostheses.
- Diagnostics (Basel).2023 Feb;13(5).
Biological response of 3D-printed β-tricalcium phosphate bioceramic scaffolds with the hollow tube structure.
- Biomed Mater.2023 Mar;
クラスII修復物における2種類のメタクリレートベースコンポジット(GC KaloreおよびLuna SDI)のマイクロリーケージ評価.ラボラトリースタディ
Microleakage Evaluation of Two Methacrylate-Based Composites (GC Kalore and Luna SDI) in Class II Restorations: A Laboratory Study.
- Int J Biomater.2022;2022:3835694.
3種類のバイオセラミック含有根管シーラーのカルシウムおよび水酸基イオン放出能とin vivoアパタイト形成能の比較
Comparison of calcium and hydroxyl ion release ability and in vivo apatite-forming ability of three bioceramic-containing root canal sealers.
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Critical soft-tissue dimensions with dental implants and treatment concepts.
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Efficacy of soft tissue augmentation around dental implants and in partially edentulous areas: a systematic review.
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Prosthetic considerations in the restoration of orthodontically treated maxillary lateral incisors to replace missing central incisors: a clinical report.
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Comparative study of two root coverage procedures: a 24-month follow-up multicenter study.
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Fourteen-year outcomes of coronally advanced flap for root coverage: follow-up from a randomized trial.
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口腔内の審美部位に存在する複数のMiller class IおよびII後退欠損に対する治療後の長期的転帰について
Long-term outcome following treatment of multiple Miller class I and II recession defects in esthetic areas of the mouth.
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Locating centric relation with a leaf gauge.
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バイオセラミックシーラーHiFlowおよびEndoSequenceが歯内療法を施した歯の耐破折性を向上させる効果について.An Vitro Study
The Effect of Bioceramic HiFlow and EndoSequence Bioceramic Sealers on Increasing the Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Teeth: An In Vitro Study.
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[Clinical effect evaluation of immediate implant and immediate restoration with socket-shield technique in aesthetic area: a retrospective study with up to 5-year follow-up].
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Prognostic factor analysis in patients with temporomandibular disorders after reversible treatment: study protocol for a prospective cohort study in China.
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Comparison of the effect of preheating on the flexural strength of giomer and nanohybrid composite resin.
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Augmentation of soft tissue volume at pontic sites: a comparison between a cross-linked and a non-cross-linked collagen matrix.
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A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: hard tissue profile.
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A methodological approach to assessing alveolar ridge preservation procedures in humans: soft tissue profile.
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Ovate Pontic Site Developmentにおける軟組織移植を伴うRotational FlapとTunneling Techniqueの使用により、高い審美性を実現した。症例報告
Use of a Rotational Flap with Soft Tissue Graft and Tunneling Technique for Ovate Pontic Site Development for a Highly Esthetic Outcome: A Case Report.
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Soft tissue contour changes at implant sites with or without soft tissue grafting in the esthetic zone: A retrospective case-control study with a 12-year follow-up.
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[Surgical augmentation of alveolar clefts with connective tissue autografts].
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Aesthetic and patient preference using a bone substitute to preserve extraction sockets under pontics. A cross-sectional survey.
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Clinical applications and novel approaches in stem cell: an insight to dental pulp regeneration.
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Tunneled coronally advanced flap for the treatment of isolated gingival recessions with deficient papilla.
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Difficulty score for the treatment of isolated gingival recessions with the coronally advanced flap: a preliminary reliability study.
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Periodontitis and the incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A longitudinal study of an adult Japanese cohort.
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Nonsurgical periodontal treatment during pregnancy and rates of preterm birth.
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Illness perception amongst individuals with periodontal diseases.
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[Effect of keratinized gingival width on periodontal regenerative surgery for the treatment of intrabony defects: a retrospective study].
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3D-Printed Soft Membrane for Periodontal Guided Tissue Regeneration.
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Individual, familial and country-level factors associated with oral hygiene practices in children: an international survey.
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Oral hygiene, mouthwash usage and cardiovascular mortality during 18.8 years of follow-up.
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An esthetic approach to anterior segments: crown restorations following a subepithelial connective tissue graft procedure.
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Soft tissue stability and volumetric changes after 5 years in pontic sites with or without soft tissue grafting: a retrospective cohort study.
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Volumetric changes at pontic sites with or without soft tissue grafting: a controlled clinical study with a 10-year follow-up.
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The long-term stability of soft tissue augmentation in treatment of localized severe maxillary anterior ridge deformities.
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3D vertical alveolar crest augmentation in the posterior mandible using the tunnel technique: A 10-year clinical study.
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Clinical and histologic outcomes of socket grafting after flapless tooth extraction: a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical trials.
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Connective Tissue Graft Stabilization by Subperiosteal Sling Suture for Periodontal Plastic Surgery Using the VISTA Approach.
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[Vestibular incision subperiosteal tunnel access with connective tissue graft for the treatment of Miller classI and II gingival recession].
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A new digital evaluation protocol applied in a retrospective analysis of periodontal plastic surgery of gingival recessions.
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ミラークラスIII/RT2多発性陥没の治療におけるmodified VISTA法(m-VISTA)とcoronally advanced flap(CAF)の比較検討:無作為臨床試験
Comparative study of the modified VISTA technique (m-VISTA) versus the coronally advanced flap (CAF) in the treatment of multiple Miller class III/RT2 recessions: a randomized clinical trial.
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Interceptive orthodontics: awareness and prevention is the first cure.
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Breastfeeding and respiratory, ear and gastro-intestinal infections, in children, under the age of one year, admitted through the paediatric emergency departments of five hospitals.
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Healthy Aging Interventions Reduce Repetitive Element Transcripts.
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The Use of Ivermectin in the Treatment of COVID-19.
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Development of a Scoring System to Predict Prolonged Post-Stroke Dysphagia Remaining at Discharge from a Subacute Care Hospital to the Home.
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Relationships Between Survival and Oral Status, Swallowing Function, and Oral Intake Level in Older Patients with Aspiration Pneumonia.
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総義歯装着者の咬合上下寸法測定における機能的嚥下法とKnebelman Craniometric法の精度。準実験的研究
Accuracy between Functional Swallowing and Knebelman Craniometric Method to Measure Occlusal Vertical Dimension in Total Denture Wearers: A Quasi-experimental Study.
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Effects of Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy on Saliva and Gingival Crevicular Fluid Levels of Chemerin in Periodontitis Subjects With and Without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
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Association between Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Diseases.
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歯周病と糖尿病の双方向の関係-A Review
The Bidirectional Relationship between Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus-A Review.
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Periodontal treatment associated with decreased diabetes mellitus-related treatment costs: An analysis of dental and medical claims data.
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A Positive or Negative Connection of Diabetes Mellitus to the Oral Microbiota.
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The effect of non-surgical periodontal therapy on salivary IL-6 levels in patients with moderate to severe generalized chronic periodontitis.
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Associations Between Wearing Masks and Respiratory Viral Infections: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review.
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Assessment of Cardio-Respiratory Function in Overweight and Obese Children Wearing Face Masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Support for mask use as a COVID-19 public health measure among a large sample of Canadian secondary school students.
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A COVID-19 University-Based Dental Clinic Experience and Infection Control Protocol Modification for Safe Clinical Education.
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COVID-19 and Airborne Transmission: Science Rejected, Lives Lost. Can Society Do Better?
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Commonly diagnosed disorders in domestic cats in the UK and their associations with sex and age.
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Influence of Gallic Acid-Containing Mouth Spray on Dental Health and Oral Microbiota of Healthy Cats-A Pilot Study.
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Clinical and microbiological effects of oral zinc ascorbate gel in cats.
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Replacement of the incisal angle in aged dentition.
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In vivo correlation of noncarious cervical lesions and occlusal wear.
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Comparison between Pre and Posttreatment Inclination of Maxillary Incisors in Adults: Association with Facial and Growth Axes.
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Does Head and Neck Posture Affect Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of the Upper Airway?
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The effects of tongue elevation using a weighted plastic bottle on the tongue pressure and activity of suprahyoid muscles.
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Food Bolus Properties in Relation to Dentate and Prosthetic Status.
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Tongue training technique for guiding the mandible in establishing horizontal jaw relation in edentulous patients.
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Informed or misinformed consent and use of modified texture diets in dysphagia.
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The use and effects of whole-body exercises on swallowing function: A scoping review.
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A Pilot Study on Pharmacists' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards Medication Dysphagia via Asynchronous Online Focus Group Discussion.
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Effect of Dysphagia on the Older Adults' Nutritional Status and Meal Pattern.
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Food intake and oral health status of inpatients with dysphagia in acute care settings.
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上顎側切歯欠損の治療のジレンマ-Part I:犬歯代用とレジンボンド固定式歯科補綴物
The treatment dilemma of missing maxillary lateral incisors-Part I: Canine substitution and resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses.
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Trends in orthodontic management strategies for patients with congenitally missing lateral incisors and premolars.
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The antibiofilm activity of selected substances used in oral health prophylaxis.
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Development of Autopolymerizing Resin Material with Antimicrobial Properties Using Montmorillonite and Nanoporous Silica.
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Systemic allergic contact dermatitis associated with allergy to intraoral metals.
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Five hundred patients reporting on adverse effects from dental materials: Frequencies, complaints, symptoms, allergies.
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Potential Co-Factors of an Intraoral Contact Allergy-A Cross-Sectional Study.
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Influence of coronal restoration and root canal filling quality on periapical status: clinical and radiographic evaluation.
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Correlation between dysfunctional occlusion and periodontal bacterial profile.
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Minimization of Adverse Effects Associated with Dental Alloys.
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Evaluation of the Levels of Evidence in Three Clinical Chapters in Five Editions of the Textbook Pathways of the Pulp.
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SARS-CoV-2 evolution among patients with immunosuppression in a nosocomial cluster of a Japanese medical center during the Delta (AY.29 sublineage) surge.
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Partial Extraction Therapy for Implant Placement: A Newer Approach in Implantology Practice.
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慢性歯周炎に対するLaser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure(LANAP)外科的治療の臨床的評価:連続22症例の1年成績のレトロスペクティブケースシリーズ
Clinical evaluation of Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) surgical treatment of chronic periodontitis: a retrospective case series of 1-year results in 22 consecutive patients.
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Effectiveness of lasers and aPDT in elimination of intraoral halitosis: a systematic review based on clinical trials.
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歯内療法治療歯におけるEnterococcus faecalisのマイクロリーク防止に対する歯頸部バリアの有効性
The efficacy of a cervical barrier in preventing microleakage of Enterococcus faecalis in endodontically treated teeth.
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A survey report on effect of root canal fillings and coronal restorations on the periapical status of endodontically treated teeth in a selected group of population.
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