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In-Office CAD/CAM Coronal Treatment With Lithium Disilicate Achieved in Efficient, Predicable Manner.
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Fracture resistance of CAD/CAM blocks cemented on dentin using different cementation strategies.
- J Prosthodont Res.2023 Oct;67(4):603-609.
Effect of Ceramic Conditioners on Surface Morphology, Roughness, Contact Angle, Adhesion, Microstructure, and Composition of CAD/CAM Ceramics.
- Oper Dent.2023 May;48(3):277-293.
低荷重下でのセメント充填後のコンポジット・オンレイの接着界面の顕微鏡観察:In Vitro Study
Microscopic Inspection of the Adhesive Interface of Composite Onlays after Cementation on Low Loading: An In Vitro Study.
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従来の義歯床用レジン材料、ミルド義歯床用レジン材料、および3Dプリント義歯床用レジン材料の接着およびバイオフィルム形成に及ぼす作製技術の影響:比較in vitro試験
Influence of Fabrication Technique on Adhesion and Biofilm Formation of to Conventional, Milled, and 3D-Printed Denture Base Resin Materials: A Comparative In Vitro Study.
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Effect of the type of resin cement on the fracture resistance of chairside CAD-CAM materials after aging.
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10-Year Clinical Comparative Study of Ceramic and Composite Veneered Metal Crowns.
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Comparison of conventional ceramic laminate veneers, partial laminate veneers and direct composite resin restorations in fracture strength after aging.
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Clinical and Histological Healing after Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation.
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Quantification of Bone Height and Bone Volume Around Dental Implants After Open Maxillary Sinus Elevation Surgery Using CBCT.
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Bonding stability of universal adhesives to feldspathic ceramic with or without prior silane application.
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Recycling CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic: effect of surface treatment and aging on the bond strength to resin cement.
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Effect of cold atmospheric plasma versus conventional surface treatments on the bond strength between CAD-CAM zirconia and resin cement.
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The effect of ceramic surface conditioning on bond strength of metallic brackets: An study.
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Effect of simulated gastric acid on aesthetical restorative CAD-CAM materials' microhardness and flexural strength.
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Clinical Outcome of Three Different Types of Posterior All-Ceramic Crowns. A 3-Year Follow-up of a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial.
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The loss of resin cement adhesion to ceramic influences the fatigue behavior of bonded lithium disilicate restorations.
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Evaluation of Glazing and Polishing Systems for Novel Chairside CAD/CAM Lithium Disilicate and Virgilite Crowns.
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Does the Modality of Dental Treatment Affect the Treatment Prognosis and the Necessity of Re-Treatments?
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Smile Restoration of a Dental Anxiety Patient Using Same-Day Chairside CAD/CAM and Esthetic Zirconia.
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Influence of the Crystallization Firing Process on Marginal and Internal Adaptation of Silicate-based Glass-ceramic Inlays Fabricated With a CAD/CAM Chairside System.
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Selective removal to soft dentine versus full pulpotomy for management of proximal deep carious lesions - A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial.
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Effect of different ceramic systems on antagonist dental structure by microtomographic analysis.
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Management and saving a traumatized poor prognosis maxillary central incisor for 18 years: A patient-centered treatment.
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Comparative Biocompatibility and Odonto-/Osteogenesis Effects of Hydraulic Calcium Silicate-Based Cements in Simulated Direct and Indirect Approaches for Regenerative Endodontic Treatments: A Systematic Review.
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Emerging Paradigms in Internal Root Resorption Management: Harnessing the Power of Bioceramics.
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Partial Pulpotomy in Mature Permanent Molars with Symptoms Indicated Irreversible Pulpitis Using MTA: A Study of Three Case Reports over Four-Year Follow-Up.
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Efficacy of ClinproTMXT Varnish surrounding brackets on the enamel surface of white spot lesion.
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Circulating IL-17 reduces the risk of cisplatin-induced hearing loss in children: a bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization study.
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Bilateral Incisiform Superlative Maxillary Permanent Lateral Incisors in a Nonsyndromic Young Girl: A Review and Report of a Case with Comprehensive Management.
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On the ferrule effect and the biomechanical stability of teeth restored with cores, posts, and crowns.
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エクストルージョン法およびクラウンレングスニング法後の歯冠根面比をin vitroで評価
Evaluating the prospective crown-root ratio after extrusion and crown lengthening procedures in vitro.
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Treatment of teeth with insufficient clinical crown. Long-term clinical outcomes of a minimally invasive crown lengthening approach: a retrospective analysis.
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Restoration of endodontically treated teeth: criteria and technique considerations.
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Influence of inhomogeneous dental posts on stress distribution in tooth root and interfaces: Three-dimensional finite element analysis.
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The Influence of Ferrule on the Marginal Gap and Fracture Resistance of Zirconia Endocrowns.
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Influence of presence or absence of posts on the failure rates of post endodontic restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Effect of partial ferrule on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth: A meta-analysis of in-vitro studies.
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Differential Responses of Human Dental Pulp Stromal Cells to Bioceramic Materials: A Comparative Study.
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One-year outcome of selective caries removal versus pulpotomy treatment of deep caries: A pilot randomized controlled trial.
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Retracted: The Understanding of Vital Pulp Therapy in Permanent Teeth: A New Perspective.
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A Completely Digital Workflow for Nanoceramic Endocrowns: A 5-Year Prospective Study.
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Effect of aging on color, gloss and surface roughness of CAD/CAM composite materials.
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Assessing Enamel Wear of Monolithic Ceramics With Micro-CT and Intra-oral Scanner.
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Comparative study on the impact-sliding wear behaviour of CAD/CAM resin-ceramic materials and tooth enamel.
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Mechanical Properties, Wear Resistance, and Reliability of Two CAD-CAM Resin Matrix Ceramics.
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Changes in lifestyle-related behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a questionnaire survey for examinees who underwent an annual health check-up.
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さまざまな接着戦略の接着効果のin vitro比較
In vitro comparison of bonding effectiveness of different adhesive strategies.
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Composite resin vs resin cement for luting of indirect restorations: comparison of solubility and shrinkage behavior.
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Shear Bond Strength of MDP-Containing Self-Adhesive Resin Cement and Y-TZP Ceramics: Effect of Phosphate Monomer-Containing Primers.
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Measuring the resistance of different substructure materials by sticking them to dentine with two different resin cements .
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二ケイ酸リチウムに接着した従来のレジンセメントと自己接着性レジンセメントのせん断接着強さの比較.in vitro試験.
Comparison of Shear Bond Strengths of Conventional Resin Cement and Self-adhesive Resin Cement bonded to Lithium Disilicate: An in vitro Study.
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Effect of Chlorhexidine Treatment Prior to Fiber Post Cementation on Long-Term Resin Cement Bond Strength.
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Efficacy of Three Irrigation Methods in Removing Calcium Hydroxide from Curved Root Canals: An Micro-CT Study.
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Recommendations for standard criteria for the positional and morphological evaluation of temporomandibular joint osseous structures using cone-beam CT: a systematic review.
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Impact of Perioperative Immunonutrition on Postoperative Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Head and Neck or Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgeries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
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Effectiveness of Sucralfate comparing to normal saline as an oral rinse in pain reduction and wound healing promotion in oral surgery.
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A Call for More Oral Health Research in Primary Care.
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Fluid assessment, fluid balance, and fluid overload in sick children: a report from the Pediatric Acute Disease Quality Initiative (ADQI) conference.
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Robin Sequence Facial Profile After Conservative Treatment: A Long-Term Follow-Up.
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Palliative Care in Lung Cancer: When to Start.
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Bisphosphonates and breast cancer - From cautious palliation to saving lives.
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Fabrication technique of obturator-type sports mouthguard for a patient who had undergone maxillectomy and its speech intelligibility assessment:A case report.
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Improving the Wearing Rate of Mouthguards in the Youth Rugby Category Affects the Total Future Mouthguard Wearing Rate.
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Use of the fiberglass reinforcement method in thermoplastic mouthguard materials to improve flexural properties for enhancement of functionality.
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Development of a Wearable Mouth Guard Device for Monitoring Teeth Clenching during Exercise.
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Evaluation of the optimal hardness and thickness of music splints for wind instrument players.
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Wear, Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of Different Monolithic CAD/CAM Onlays As Abutments for Acetal Resin or Cobalt-Chromium Removable Partial Denture Frameworks.
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Prescribing Pattern and Efficacy of Oral Antibiotics for Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections in Japan: A Descriptive Study Using a Nationwide Claims Database.
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Root caries: a periodontal perspective.
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A comprehensive approach to assigning periodontal prognosis.
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Oral health for achieving longevity.
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The influence of the interaction between staging, grading and extent on tooth loss due to periodontitis.
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Longevity of teeth in patients susceptible to periodontitis: Clinical outcomes and risk factors associated with tooth loss after active therapy and 30 years of supportive periodontal care.
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Diet, Nutrition, and Oral Health in Older Adults: A Review of the Literature.
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Evaluation of visual pedagogy teaching method for improving oral hygiene practice in children with Autism: An interventional study.
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