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Impact of age at diagnosis of head and neck cancer on incidence of metachronous cancer.
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インプラント周囲粘膜炎とインプラント周囲炎の予防と管理:過去 10 年間の臨床研究で使用されたアウトカム指標の系統的レビュー
Prevention and management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis: a systematic review of outcome measures used in clinical studies in the last 10 years.
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Effects of Topical Hangeshashinto (TJ-14) on Chemotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis.
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Risk Factors Associated With Unplanned Acute Care in Outpatient Chemotherapy With Oral Anticancer Drugs as Monotherapy or Combination Therapy With Injectable Anticancer Drugs.
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Nonrestorative treatment of initial caries lesion in primary teeth: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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A naturalistic study of brushing patterns using powered toothbrushes.
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Assessment of the professional dental cleaning knowledge, behavior and medical compliance among dentists, medical doctors and non-medical staffs: a cross sectional study in Chongqing, China.
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Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment: SRP and Innovative Therapeutic Approaches.
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Update on the Roles of Oral Hygiene and Plaque Control on Periodontal Disease.
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Treatment for Chronic Periodontitis with Class II Furcation Involvement: A Case Report with Four-year Follow-up.
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Evaluation of oral air space volume in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using clinical and postmortem CT imaging.
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Application of 3D Printing for Patient-Specific Silicone Stents: 1-Year Follow-Up on 2 Patients.
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Clinical guidelines for the application of panoramic radiographs in screening for osteoporosis.
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Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed)
Noninvasive Endodontic Periapical Biopsy of a Periapical Fibrous Scar: Case Report.
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Psychological resilience and diurnal salivary cortisol in young adulthood.
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Effect of Duration of Mobile Phone Use on the Salivary Flow and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Saliva and Salivary Immunoglobulin A Level: A Cross-sectional Study.
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日常生活ストレスと13ヶ月のストレス期間中のコルチゾール覚醒反応 - LawSTRESSプロジェクトからの知見
Daily life stress and the cortisol awakening response over a 13-months stress period - Findings from the LawSTRESS project.
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The Surgical Management of External Cervical Resorption: A Retrospective Observational Study of Treatment Outcomes and Classifications.
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A Volumetric Assessment of External Cervical Resorption Cases and Its Correlation to Classification, Treatment Planning, and Expected Prognosis.
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External cervical resorption-a review of pathogenesis and potential predisposing factors.
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External cervical resorption - Treatment outcomes and determinants: A retrospective cohort study with up to 10 years of follow-up.
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Agenesis of multiple primary and permanent teeth unilaterally and its possible management.
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Oral dysbiosis and its linkage with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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Effects of (R)-ketamine on reduced bone mineral density in ovariectomized mice: A role of gut microbiota.
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Oral health: The first step to sustainable development goal 3.
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Staging Orthodontic Aligners for Complex Orthodontic Tooth Movement.
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The effects of aligner overtreatment on torque control and intrusion of incisors for anterior retraction with clear aligners: A finite-element study.
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Sequential soft- and hard-tissue augmentation after clear aligner-mediated adjustment of traumatic occlusion: A case report.
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Mechanical analysis of factors affecting clear aligner removability.
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イタリアでヘーゼルナッツに感染した「Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae」の初報告
First report of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma fragariae' infecting hazelnut in Italy.
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Is the quality of occlusal contacts comparable after aligner and fixed orthodontic therapy? A non-randomized cohort comparison using computerized occlusal analysis during 6 months of retention.
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Combining a digital design-mediated surgery-first approach and clear aligners to treat a skeletal Class III defect for aesthetic purposes: a case report.
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高性能ポリマー3Dプリント - オープンソースの液冷式スケーラブルプリンター設計
High-performance polymer 3D printing - Open-source liquid cooled scalable printer design.
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Assessment of Oral Health and Healthy Habits in Adult Patients with Congenital Hemophilia.
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Examining the impact of haemophilia treatment on health-related quality of life.
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Gingival labial recessions in orthodontically treated and untreated individuals: a case - control study.
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Randomized control trial comparing calcium hydroxide and mineral trioxide aggregate for partial pulpotomies in cariously exposed pulps of permanent molars.
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Comparative evaluation of complete and partial pulpotomy in mature permanent teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: A randomized clinical trial.
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Microbiologic Observations After Four Treatment Strategies Among Patients With Periodontitis Maintaining a High Standard of Oral Hygiene: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
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無作為化臨床試験で評価した異なる歯周治療戦略後 3 ヵ月および 12 ヵ月における P. gingivalis および T. forsythia の存在に対するメトロニダゾールの効果
The effect of metronidazole on the presence of P. gingivalis and T. forsythia at 3 and 12 months after different periodontal treatment strategies evaluated in a randomized, clinical trial.
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[Effectiveness of a single threaded anchor fixation under shoulder arthroscopy in treatment of fresh bony Bankart injury].
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Comparison of the efficacy of different techniques to seal the alveolus during alveolar ridge preservation: Meta-regression and network meta-analysis.
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Clinical evaluation of Er,Cr:YSGG laser therapy used as an adjunct to non-surgical treatment of periodontitis: Twelve-month results from a pilot study.
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Antioxidant Effects of Curcumin Gel in Experimental Induced Diabetes and Periodontitis in Rats.
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The incidence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw following tooth extraction in patients prescribed oral bisphosphonates.
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Root Caries Experience and its Association with Risk Indicators among Middle-Aged Adults.
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Periodontal conditions in vegetarians: a clinical study.
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Treatment of anterior open bites using non-extraction clear aligner therapy in adult patients.
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Visualization of orthodontic forces generated by aligner-type appliances.
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上顎骨横断性欠損に対するNuvola OPシステム関連アライナーの臨床的使用。100名の患者を対象としたレトロスペクティブスタディ
Clinical Use of Aligners Associated with Nuvola OP System for Transverse Maxillary Deficiency: A Retrospective Study on 100 Patients.
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Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Orthodontic Retainers.
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Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: knowledge and perceptions of medical professionals on the usage of bone modifying agents and dental referrals.
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The association between the severity of periodontitis and osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with different cancer locations: a nationwide population-based study.
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Osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients treated with denosumab: A multicenter case series.
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照射された下顎骨および前頭骨におけるレーザードップラーフローメトリーによる局所血流の評価、Göttingen minipigsにおける実験
Assessment of local blood flow with laser Doppler flowmetry in irradiated mandibular and frontal bone, an experiment in Göttingen minipigs.
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Chronic Osteochondral Fractures of the Patella Managed with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation Yields Excellent Knee Function.
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Evaluation of implant placement following ridge preservation in periodontally compromised molar extraction sockets: Three-year results of a prospective cohort study.
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Simplified versus conventional complete dentures: A randomized crossover clinical trial.
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Current educational concepts and techniques related to impression making of removable complete dentures.
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Effect of phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide on cleaning and bonding of saliva-contaminated feldspar porcelain.
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Limited Etching Time Increases Self-adhesive Resin Cement Adhesion to Enamel.
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COVID-19: Another Cause of Dental Anxiety?
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Management of fear and anxiety in dental treatments: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
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Dental anxiety treatment by a dentist in primary care: A 1-year follow-up study.
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Jet injection needle-free dental anaesthesia: Initial findings.
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Are All Hardware Removals Equal?
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Indications for and Risks Associated With Implant Removal After Pediatric Trauma.
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Safety assessment of robotic gastrectomy and analysis of surgical learning process: a multicenter cohort study.
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Relationship between erosive tooth wear and possible etiological factors among dental students.
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Effectiveness of education intervention to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juice in children and adolescents: a scoping review.
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Impact of Fluoride on Associations between Free Sugars Intake and Dental Caries in US Children.
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Amount and Frequency of Added Sugars Intake and Their Associations with Dental Caries in United States Adults.
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ラダックに住む小児におけるキシリトールガムの齲蝕病変予防効果を評価する無作為化臨床試験-Caries Prevention Xylitol in Children (CaPreXCh) trial-の研究計画書
Study protocol for a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effect of the use of Xylitol gum in the prevention of caries lesions in children living in Ladakh-the Caries Prevention Xylitol in Children (CaPreXCh) trial.
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5 歳未満の小児におけるう蝕予防のためのスクリーニングと介入。米国予防医療専門委員会のための更新されたエビデンスレポートと体系的レビュー
Screening and Interventions to Prevent Dental Caries in Children Younger Than 5 Years: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.
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Antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of medicated and non-medicated sugar-free chewing gum as adjuncts to toothbrushing: systematic review and network meta-analysis.
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Estimating the effectiveness of lollipops containing xylitol and erythritol on salivary pH in 3-6 years olds: A randomized controlled trial.
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Managements of sleep bruxism in adult: A systematic review.
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Oral appliances reduce masticatory muscle activity-sleep bruxism metrics independently of changes in heart rate variability.
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