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Mineral trioxide aggregate repair of lateral root perforations.
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Treatment of pulp floor and stripping perforation by mineral trioxide aggregate.
- J Formos Med Assoc.2006 Jun;105(6):522-6.
Treatment of adult Class II division 2 patient with metal hypersensitivity.
- Angle Orthod.2014 Sep;84(5):902-9.
Nonsurgical endodontic management using MTA for perforative defect of internal root resorption: report of a long term follow-up.
- Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.2010 Dec;110(6):784-8.
Nickel Allergy: Epidemiology, Pathomechanism, Clinical Patterns, Treatment and Prevention Programs.
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The use of bioceramics in endodontics - literature review.
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Comparative Evaluation of the Push-Out Bond Strength of Glass Ionomer Cement, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Biodentine, and Endosequence Root Repair Material in Repair of Furcation Perforations: An Study.
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エポキシ系根管シーラーとケイ酸カルシウム系根管シーラーの異なる臨床シナリオに対する比較:A Narrative Review
Epoxy vs. Calcium Silicate-Based Root Canal Sealers for Different Clinical Scenarios: A Narrative Review.
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Management of a Case of a Large Perforation Repair With Biodentine.
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Fracture Resistance of Molars With Simulated Strip Perforation Repaired With Different Calcium Silicate-Based Cements.
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Outcomes of partial pulpotomy in permanent molars of children with irreversible pulpitis: A prospective cohort study.
- Int J Paediatr Dent.2024 Sep;
A comparison of trueness and precision of 12 3D printers used in dentistry.
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Accuracy of impression methods through the comparison of 3D deviation between implant fixtures.
- Int J Comput Dent.2024 Mar;27(1):9-18.
The comparison of the accuracy of temporary crowns fabricated with several 3D printers and a milling machine.
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Current applications of 3D printing in dental implantology: A scoping review mapping the evidence.
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Dimensional stability of 3D-printed edentulous and fully dentate hollowed maxillary models over periods of time.
- BMC Oral Health.2024 Apr;24(1):495.
3Dプリンターで作製した上顎咬合器の精度と重量に及ぼす球根支持構造の設計の違いによる影響。in vitro研究
Influence of different designs of bulb support structures on the accuracy and weight of 3D printed maxillary obturators. An in vitro study.
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Effects of the Intraoral Scanner and Implant Library on the Trueness of Digital Impressions in the Full-arch Implant Scan: A Comparative in vitro Study.
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セラミックブラケットのエナメル質マイクロクラック形成、剥離および破損モードに及ぼす2つの異なる硬化技術を用いたサーモサイクルの影響:In Vitro Study
Effects of Thermocycling with Two Different Curing Techniques on Enamel Micro-Cracks Formation, Debonding, and Failure Modes of Ceramic Brackets: An In Vitro Study.
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Modified Hybrid Hydroxyapatite-Silver Nanoparticles Activated via a Blue Light Source in Various Concentrations in Two-Step Self-Etch Adhesive to Caries-Affected Primary Dentin.
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Assessment of cytotoxicity, odontoblast-like differentiation, shear bond strength, and microhardness of four orthodontic adhesive composites.
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歯科矯正用接着剤の染色は、接着性レジンの除去およびエナメル質粗さに有利に働くか?in vitro試験
Does staining orthodontic adhesive provide an advantage in adhesive resin removal and enamel roughness? An in vitro study.
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Effect of Different Intraoral Scanners on the Accuracy of Bite Registration in Edentulous Maxillary and Mandibular Arches.
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All-on-4 Hybrid with Extra-Long Transnasal Implants: Descriptions of the Technique and Short-Term Outcomes in Three Cases.
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Outcomes from intensive training in genetic cancer risk counseling for clinicians.
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Cracked Teeth: Distribution, Characteristics, and Survival after Root Canal Treatment.
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Characteristics, Treatment, and Prognosis of Cracked Teeth: A Comparison with Data from 10 Years Ago.
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Repair of teeth with cracks in crowns and roots: An observational clinical study.
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Development of a new dental panoramic radiographic system based on a tomosynthesis method.
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Review of Approaches to the Management of Vertical Dental Root Fractures and Tooth Preservation.
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Association between posterior occlusal support and tooth loss in a population-based cohort: The OHSAKA study.
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Update on chelating agents in endodontic treatment: A systematic review.
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Quality of Root Canal Fillings and Procedural Errors for In Vivo Studies Prepared in Different Clinical Settings and with Rotary Systems: A Systematic Review.
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MicroRNA-181b attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in pulpitis via the PLAU/AKT/NF-κB axis.
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Hydraulic (Single Cone) Versus Thermogenic (Warm Vertical Compaction) Obturation Techniques: A Systematic Review.
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The Effect of Lasers on the Healing of Periapical Lesion: A Systematic Review.
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インプラントの安定性を評価する2つの非侵襲的手法の比較研究:PeriotestとOsstell Mentorである
A comparative study of two noninvasive techniques to evaluate implant stability: Periotest and Osstell Mentor.
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Esthetic Crown Lengthening and Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneers to Resolve Altered Passive Eruption.
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肉眼および拡大ルーペを用いた乳歯根管開口部の評価-in vivo研究
Evaluation of primary teeth root canal orifices with naked eye and using magnifying loupes - An in vivo study.
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Accuracy of auto-identification of the posteroanterior cephalometric landmarks using cascade convolution neural network algorithm and cephalometric images of different quality from nationwide multiple centers.
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Comparative evaluation of apical debris extrusion during root canal preparation using three different rotary file systems.
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Skin Symptoms That Appeared after Fixation with a Titanium Plate in a Jaw Deformity Patient Suffering from Palmoplantar Pustulosis: A Case Report.
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A severe reaction to ni-containing orthodontic appliances.
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Economic interventions for the prevention of mental health problems: The role of cash transfers.
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The Association of Oral Processing Factors and Nutrient Intake in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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電動歯ブラシオーラルB iO™の洗浄効果と従来の振動回転技術の比較:無作為化比較試験
Cleansing efficacy of the electric toothbrush Oral-B iO™ compared to conventional oscillating-rotating technology: a randomized-controlled study.
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Proposed Mechanisms for the Relationship between Periodontal Diseases and the Severity of Covid-19: Common Pathogens, Inflammatory Mediators, and Risk Factors.
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Effect of an Oral Frailty Measures Program on Community-Dwelling Elderly People: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.
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Relationship between Food Crushing and Oral Function in Older Adults Requiring Nursing Home Care: A Pilot Study.
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Factors associated with age-related changes in oral diadochokinesis and masticatory function in healthy old adults.
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Dental needle foreign body in the neck: a case report.
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Effect of gene in human breast milk-derived on its folate biosynthesis.
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Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG(ATCC 53103)を投与した乳児疝痛患者における白血球、TNF-αおよびインターロイキン-6:無作為化前向き研究
White blood cells, TNF-α, and interleukin-6 in subjects with infantile colic treated with Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103): a randomised prospective study.
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Off-Label Use of Naltrexone in Pica and Other Compulsive Behaviors: A Report of Two Cases.
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Limosilactobacillus reuteri 6475 and Prevention of Early Postmenopausal Bone Loss: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
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Effect of soybean proteins and peptides on the growth and adhesive ability of Limosilactobacillus Reuteri DSM17938.
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Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938唾液pHを超えたPrevotella intermediaおよびFusobacterium nucleatumによるバイオフィルム形成の阻害:In Vitro試験
Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 Inhibition of Biofilm Formation by Prevotella intermedia and Fusobacterium nucleatum Across Salivary pH: An In Vitro Study.
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β-resorcylic acid released by Limosilactobacillus reuteri protects against cisplatin-induced ovarian toxicity and infertility.
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Highly accurate and sensitive absolute quantification of bacterial strains in human fecal samples.
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Non-Skewed X-inactivation Results in NF-κB Essential Modulator (NEMO) Δ-exon 5-autoinflammatory Syndrome (NEMO-NDAS) in a Female with Incontinentia Pigmenti.
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An comparative evaluation of cyclic fatigue resistance of two rotary and two reciprocating file systems.
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Evaluation of photopolymer resins for dental prosthetics fabricated via the stereolithography process at different polymerization temperatures. Part II: Dimensional accuracy and fracture load of fixed dental prostheses.
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Effect of printing technology, layer height, and orientation on assessment of 3D-printed models.
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Dimensional accuracy and surface characteristics of complete-arch cast manufactured by six 3D printers.
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Accuracy of 3D Printed Model Acquired from Different Types of Intra Oral Scanners and 3D Printers.
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Dimensional Accuracy of Different Three-Dimensional Printing Models as a Function of Varying the Printing Parameters.
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The Evaluation of the Trueness of Dental Mastercasts Obtained through Different 3D Printing Technologies.
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Effect of printing technology and orientation on the accuracy of three-dimensional printed retainers.
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Association between arch perimeter management and the occurrence of mandibular second molar eruption disturbances.
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Association of obesity with the eruption of first and second permanent molars in children: a systematic review.
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The management of mesially inclined/impacted mandibular permanent second molars.
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Rapid Palatal Expansion and Utilization of E-space in Mixed Dentition: Mechanics that Helps in the Corrective Orthodontic Treatment.
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Variations in maxillary second molar position of untreated subjects with normal occlusions: A long-term observational study.
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Evaluation of the eruption of permanent teeth and their association with malocclusion.
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Brass wire ligation for treatment of the ectopic eruption of the mandibular second molar: a case report.
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Periapical health related to the quality of coronal restorations and root fillings.
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Clinical behavior and survival of endodontically treated teeth with or without post placement: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Endodontic Inflammatory Disease and Future Cardiovascular Events and Mortality: A Report from the PAROKRANK Study.
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Association between gingivitis, tooth loss and cardiovascular risk: Insights from a 10-year nationwide cohort study of 3.7 million Koreans.
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Long-term inflammatory outcome after placement of a novel two-piece dental implant in a dog model experimental peri-implantitis.
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The accuracy of conventional versus digital (intraoral scanner or photogrammetry) impression techniques in full-arch implant-supported prostheses: a systematic review.
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Influence of scanning pattern on accuracy, time, and number of photograms of complete-arch implant scans: A clinical study.
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