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Term prelabor rupture of membranes: Foley catheter versus dinoprostone as ripening agent.
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ヒト-感染症の臨床的・免疫学的特徴、新しい洞察 ホンジュラス、中米
Clinical and Immunological Features of Human -Infection, Novel Insights Honduras, Central America.
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Bone Response and Soft Tissue Changes Around Implants With/Without Abutments Supporting Fixed Partial Dentures: Results From a 3-Year, Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study.
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Combination of Foley and prostaglandins versus Foley and oxytocin for cervical ripening: a network meta-analysis.
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A Comprehensive Review on Natural Bioactive Compounds and Probiotics as Potential Therapeutics in Food Allergy Treatment.
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Potential role of two novel agonists of thyroid hormone receptor-β on liver regeneration.
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Generation of Scalable Hepatic Micro-Tissues as a Platform for Toxicological Studies.
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COVID-19 Incidentally Detected on PET/CT During Work-up for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer.
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Bridging the Gap of Drug Delivery in Colon Cancer: The Role of Chitosan and Pectin Based Nanocarriers System.
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Microbiome-induced antigen presenting cell recruitment coordinates skin and lung allergic inflammation.
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Use of the KTP laser in totally endoscopic cholesteatoma surgery.
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Phytochemical properties of essential oil from Besser (Iranian accession) and its antioxidant and antifungal activities.
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The Effect of Gut Microbiome on Carcinogenic DNA Damage.
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Empyema。Atypical Presentation
Empyema: An Atypical Presentation.
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Renal pathological analysis using galactose-deficient IgA1-specific monoclonal antibody is a strong tool for differentiation of primary IgA nephropathy from secondary IgA nephropathy.
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Comparison of cross-sectional imaging techniques for the detection of prostate cancer lymph node metastasis: a critical review.
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Resonance frequency analysis, insertion torque, and bone to implant contact of 4 implant surfaces: comparison and correlation study in sheep.
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House dust mites activate nociceptor-mast cell clusters to drive type 2 skin inflammation.
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Effects of treatment with haloperidol and clozapine on the plasma concentrations of thyroid hormones in rats.
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Adding MASP1 to the lectin pathway-Leprosy association puzzle: Hints from gene polymorphisms and protein levels.
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Characterization of resistance to a recombinant hexameric Fas-ligand (APO010) in human cancer cell lines.
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A phase II single-arm study of pembrolizumab with enzalutamide in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer progressing on enzalutamide alone.
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Low level prenatal exposure to a mixture of Sr, Se and Mn and neurocognitive development of 2-year-old children.
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Applications of artificial intelligence in multimodality cardiovascular imaging: A state-of-the-art review.
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The effect of the local use of chlorhexidine in surgical treatment of experimental peri-implantitis in dogs.
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Sustained Attention and Individual Differences in Adolescents' Mood and Physiological Reactivity to Stress.
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Effect of low C/N crop residue input on NO, NO, and CH fluxes from Andosol and Fluvisol fields.
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Design of an Epitope-Based Vaccine Ensemble for Animal Trypanosomiasis by Computational Methods.
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Outpatient Parotidectomy: A Retrospective Series.
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中国・江科オアシスにおけるXylocopa valgaの営巣と採食行動
Nesting and foraging behavior of Xylocopa valga in the Ejina Oasis, China.
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Serological responses and biomarker evaluation in mice and pigs exposed to tsetse fly bites.
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Real GDP growth rates and healthcare spending - comparison between the G7 and the EM7 countries.
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Prenatal exposure to excess chromium attenuates transcription factors regulating expression of androgen and follicle stimulating hormone receptors in Sertoli cells of prepuberal rats.
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Pharmacokinetics and Tolerability of the Novel Non-immunosuppressive Fingolimod Derivative, OSU-2S, in Dogs and Comparisons with Data in Mice and Rats.
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Finely tuned Prussian blue-based nanoparticles and their application in disease treatment.
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Moral Distress, Burnout, and Strikes: What Is the Straw That Breaks the Camel's Back?
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The vertical radiation dose profile and decision-making in a simulated urban event.
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Nature-Inspired Bacterial Cellulose/Methylglyoxal (BC/MGO) Nanocomposite for Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Wound Dressing.
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Lethal and sublethal effects of the saline stressor sodium chloride on Chironomus xanthus and Girardia tigrina.
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キャンドルから排出されるNO, NO, HONO, HCHO, COおよび粒子の排出指標の決定
Determination of the Emission Indices for NO, NO , HONO, HCHO, CO and Particles emitted from Candles.
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Mastoid cavity obliteration leads to a clinically significant improvement in health-related quality of life.
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Investigation of Pre- and Post-Weaning Mortalities in Rabbits Bred in Egypt, with Reference to Parasitic and Bacterial Causes.
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Immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Immune Cells and Mediators, Prognostic Factors, and Immune-Therapeutic Implications.
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Posttraumatic Growth After Birth Trauma: "I Was Broken, Now I Am Unbreakable".
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A novel bamboo sheet chair and its influence on sitting comfort.
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Antibody-drug conjugates in breast cancer: the chemotherapy of the future?
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ゲノムサイズは真核生物の藻類Dunaliella tertiolectaのフィットネスに影響を与えます
Genome Size Affects Fitness in the Eukaryotic Alga Dunaliella tertiolecta.
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ラテンアメリカにおけるSARS-CoV-2の研究におけるOne Healthアプローチの重要性
Importance of the One Health approach to study the SARS-CoV-2 in Latin America.
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Calcium Dialkylamine Diazeniumdiolates: Synthesis, Stability, and Nitric Oxide Generation.
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Safety of antimalarial drugs exposure during early pregnancy.
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Senior interventional cardiologists are exposed to higher effective doses than other staff members.
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Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer
Chronic Comorbidities Among Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer.
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Pet Ownership Patterns and Successful Aging Outcomes in Community Dwelling Older Adults.
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University students' knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and barriers related to reducing sedentary behavior: a qualitative study.
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Prenatal di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate maternal exposure impairs the spatial memory of adult mouse offspring in a phase- and gender-dependent manner.
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Pembrolizumab Monotherapy for Recurrent or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Single-Arm Phase II Trial (KEYNOTE-629).
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鎖骨股関節骨折患者に対する中長大腿骨近位釘の臨床成績。70 歳以上の日本人患者コホートにおける予備調査
Clinical Outcome of Mid-Length Proximal Femoral Nail for Patients With Trochanteric Hip Fractures: Preliminary Investigation in a Japanese Cohort of Patients More Than 70 Years Old.
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Development of an artificial intelligence diagnostic model based on dynamic uncertain causality graph for the differential diagnosis of dyspnea.
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A trauma medical home, evaluating collaborative care for the older injured patient: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
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Screening for depression in movement disorders clinic.
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アキレア・フィリペンデュリナ・ラム(Achillea filipendulina Lam...茎・葉・花の精油の化学成分と抗菌活性
Achillea filipendulina Lam.: Chemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oil of Stem, Leaf, and Flower.
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Murine leukemia virus P50 protein counteracts APOBEC3 by blocking its packaging.
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Genotype is Associated With Consumption of Untreated Drinking Water in North-Eastern Brazil.
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Effect of Simulated Matches on Post-Exercise Biochemical Parameters in Women's Indoor and Beach Handball.
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The hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 affects male reproductive ability by regulating autophagy.
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ルーク(Corvus frugilegus)における紛争管理。紛争後の被害者は、紛争後の所属を示さないが、元攻撃者を回避する
Conflict management in rooks (Corvus frugilegus): Victims do not display post-conflict affiliation but avoid their former aggressor.
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Spontaneous Mutations in the Nitrate Reductase Gene napC Drive the Emergence of Eco-friendly Low-NO-Emitting Alfalfa Rhizobia in Regions with Different Climates.
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Acute Flaccid Myelitis: Current Status and Diagnostic Challenges.
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Testing for BAP1 loss and CDKN2A/p16 homozygous deletion improves the accurate diagnosis of mesothelial proliferations in effusion cytology.
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小麦のオーキシン受容体TIR1がFusarium graminearumに対する防御をネガティブに制御していることが、メタボローム-トランスクリプトームと機能的特性の統合的解析により明らかになった
Integrated metabolo-transcriptomics and functional characterization reveals that the wheat auxin receptor TIR1 negatively regulates defense against Fusarium graminearum.
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第一世代と最新世代のバイオセラミックシーラーのエンテロコッカス・フェカリスの除去に対する抗菌活性.腸球菌フェカリスの除去に対する第一世代と最新世代のバイオセラミックシーラーの抗菌活性: An
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Red patches on the tongue with white borders • history of geographic tongue • incompletely treated celiac disease • Dx?
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ホンジュラス産の頭シラミ(Phthiraptera: Pediculidae)におけるピレスロイド抵抗性に関連する変異の最初の証拠
First evidence of the mutations associated with pyrethroid resistance in head lice (Phthiraptera: Pediculidae) from Honduras.
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