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Exudative retinal detachment and scleritis in polyarteritis.
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Exudative retinal detachment and scleritis in polyarteritis.
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Resolution of anterior scleritis after periodontal therapy.
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Effect of interdental cleaning devices on proximal caries.
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Effects of vibratory feedback stimuli through an oral appliance on sleep bruxism: a 6-week intervention trial.
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Symmetrical activity of the chewing muscles and its relationship with skeletal class and body posture.
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Coping with stress in parents of children with developmental disabilities.
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Family Functioning and Dental Behaviours of Pre-school Children.
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The "business" of dentistry: Consumers' (patients') criteria in the selection and evaluation of dental services.
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Maxillary implant overdentures on two or four implants. A prospective randomized cross-over clinical trial of implant and denture success and survival.
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Short strategic-implants for mandibular removable partial dentures: One-year results from a pilot randomized cross-over abutment type study.
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Stability of masticatory movements after placement of implant-supported denture.
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Mortality in Edentulous Patients: A Registry-Based Cohort Study in Sweden Comparing 8463 Patients Treated with Removable Dentures or Implant-Supported Dental Prostheses.
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Butyrate induces reactive oxygen species production and affects cell cycle progression in human gingival fibroblasts.
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Butyrate stimulates the early process of the osteogenic differentiation but inhibits the biomineralization in dental follicle cells (DFCs).
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Relationship between periodontal disease and butyric acid produced by periodontopathic bacteria.
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Butyrate rather than LPS subverts gingival epithelial homeostasis by downregulation of intercellular junctions and triggering pyroptosis.
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Endocrine Effects of Repeated Hot Thermal Stress and Cold Water Immersion in Young Adult Men.
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Covid-19 and the next outbreak: decreasing frailty by using mild stress?
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Sauna use as a lifestyle practice to extend healthspan.
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Some dogmas related to prosthodontics, temporomandibular disorders and occlusion.
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The effect of adjunctive systemic antibiotics on microbial populations compared to scaling and root planing alone for the treatment of periodontitis: A pilot randomized clinical trial.
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Valacyclovir in pain management of acute apical abscesses: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind pilot study.
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Valacyclovir in pain management of acute apical abscesses: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind pilot study.
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Mobile teeth: An underestimated risk factor for lung infections in critical care settings.
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Does Treatment of Periodontal Disease Influence Systemic Disease?
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Myopathies featuring early or prominent dysphagia.
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Patient's perception of intraoral scanning: a comparison between traditional and digital dental impression.
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Molar cusp deformation evaluated by micro-CT and enamel crack formation to compare incremental and bulk-filling techniques.
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Molar cusp deformation evaluated by micro-CT and enamel crack formation to compare incremental and bulk-filling techniques.
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Molar cusp deformation evaluated by micro-CT and enamel crack formation to compare incremental and bulk-filling techniques.
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Molar cusp deformation evaluated by micro-CT and enamel crack formation to compare incremental and bulk-filling techniques.
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The electrical activity of the temporal and masseter muscles in patients with TMD and unilateral posterior crossbite.
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The challenge of applying digital image processing software on intraoral radiographs for osteoporosis risk assessment.
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Relationship between severity of periodontitis and masseter muscle activity during waking and sleeping hours.
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Parafunctional masseter muscle activity during waking is related to periodontitis progression: A pilot prospective cohort study.
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The relationship between retruded contact position and intercuspal position in patients with TMJ osteoarthritis.
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Update on Rare Adverse Events from Osteoporosis Therapy and Bisphosphonate Drug Holidays.
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Surgical strategy for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) on maxilla: A multicenter retrospective study.
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Bone turnover markers can predict healing time in medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
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Risk of Invasive Fungal Infections and Osteonecrosis of Jaw in Patients Exposed to Current Therapeutic Drugs for COVID-19.
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Piezosurgical Debridementと自家製Platelet Rich Fibrinによる難治性の薬剤性顎骨壊死の治療。実現可能性に関する研究
Treatment of Refractory Medicine Related Osteonecrosis of Jaw With Piezosurgical Debridement and Autologous Platelet Rich Fibrin: Feasibility Study.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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Long-term standard sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant treatment in breast cancer: a single institution ten-year follow-up.
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A double-edged sword: Role of butyrate in the oral cavity and the gut.
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The Effects of Aluminablasting on Bond Durability Between Universal Adhesives and Tooth Substrate.
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CAD/CAM-based chairside restorative technique with composite resin for full-mouth adhesive rehabilitation of excessively worn dentition.
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Periodontal Diseases and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Review of Two Decades of Clinical Research.
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Periodontal Diseases and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: Review of Two Decades of Clinical Research.
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Association of preterm low-birth-weight infants and maternal periodontitis during pregnancy: An interventional study.
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Treponema denticola chymotrypsin-like proteinase may contribute to orodigestive carcinogenesis through immunomodulation.
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Treponema denticola chymotrypsin-like proteinase may contribute to orodigestive carcinogenesis through immunomodulation.
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Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diode Light Therapy for .
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大腸がん細胞におけるPorphyromonas gingivalisによるPD-L1のアップレギュレーションについて
Porphyromonas gingivalis induced up-regulation of PD-L1 in colon carcinoma cells.
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大腸がん細胞におけるPorphyromonas gingivalisによるPD-L1のアップレギュレーションについて
Porphyromonas gingivalis induced up-regulation of PD-L1 in colon carcinoma cells.
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Periodontitis is associated with an increased risk for proximal colorectal neoplasms.
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The Bacterial Connection between the Oral Cavity and the Gut Diseases.
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Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Analysis of Associations Between Periodontal Disease and Risk of Cancer.
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A randomized controlled study comparing guided bone regeneration with connective tissue graft to reestablish buccal convexity at implant sites: A 1-year volumetric analysis.
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Influence of Cavity Designs on Fracture Behavior of a Mandibular First Premolar with a Severely Curved h-shaped Canal.
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The Workflow of a New Dynamic Navigation System for the Insertion of Dental Implants in the Rehabilitation of Edentulous Jaws: Report of Two Cases.
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Fibroblasts Control Macrophage Differentiation during Pulp Inflammation.
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マクロゴールを配合した3種の抗生物質投薬(3Mix-MP)、従来の3種の抗生物質ペースト、水酸化カルシウム、プロポリスのエタノール抽出物の抗菌効果:管内歯牙のex vivo共焦点レーザー走査顕微鏡試験
Antibacterial efficacy of triple antibiotic medication with macrogol (3Mix-MP), traditional triple antibiotic paste, calcium hydroxide and ethanol extract of propolis: an intratubular dentine ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy study.
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Adverse childhood experiences and interaction with methamphetamine use frequency in the risk of methamphetamine-associated psychosis.
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Pharmacological Treatment of Methamphetamine/Amphetamine Dependence: A Systematic Review.
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Pharmacological Treatment of Methamphetamine/Amphetamine Dependence: A Systematic Review.
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Effects of Psychopathy on Neurocognitive Domains of Impulsivity in Abstinent Opiate and Stimulant Users.
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Contemporary Microbial and Antimicrobial Considerations in Regenerative Endodontic Therapy.
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再生歯内療法における抗菌治療法。A Scoping Review
Antimicrobial Therapeutics in Regenerative Endodontics: A Scoping Review.
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歯髄の再生。Current Approaches, Challenges, and Novel Rejuvenating Strategies for an Aging Population(高齢化社会における歯髄再生の現状と課題)」
Pulp Regeneration: Current Approaches, Challenges, and Novel Rejuvenating Strategies for an Aging Population.
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Prospects of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products-Based Therapies in Regenerative Dentistry: Current Status, Comparison with Global Trends in Medicine, and Future Perspectives.
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Natural Antimicrobials in the Dental Pulp.
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Dynamic Navigation Systemを用いた上顎大臼歯へのガイド付き歯内治療
Guided Endodontic Access in a Maxillary Molar Using a Dynamic Navigation System.
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Regeneration of Pulp-Dentin Complex in a Tooth with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis and Open Apex Using Regenerative Endodontic Procedures.
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上顎第一大臼歯(永久歯)の中頬側運河の形状,オリフィス間距離,および対応する歯根長の関連性.Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Study(コーンビームコンピュータ断層撮影法による研究)
Association between the Mesiobuccal Canal Configuration, Interorifice Distance, and the Corresponding Root Length of Permanent Maxillary First Molar Tooth: A Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Study.
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Cone-beam Computed Tomographyを用いた非外科的根管治療の4年後の結果。前向きなコホート研究です
Four-year Outcome of Nonsurgical Root Canal Retreatment Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography: A Prospective Cohort Study.
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ターゲット・エンドドンティック・マイクロサージェリー(Targeted Endodontic Microsurgery)。Retrospective Outcomes Assessment of 24 Cases
Targeted Endodontic Microsurgery: A Retrospective Outcomes Assessment of 24 Cases.
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Geometric Analysis of the Distolingual Root and Canal in Mandibular First Molars: A Micro-computed Tomographic Study.
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Evaluation of 10 Cone-beam Computed Tomographic Devices for Endodontic Assessment of Fine Anatomic Structures.
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アピカル歯周炎を伴う壊死した成熟歯の治療のための再生歯内療法。A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Regenerative Endodontic Procedures for the Treatment of Necrotic Mature Teeth with Apical Periodontitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
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軍人を対象としたCone-beam Computed Tomographyと歯内療法に対する認識の評価
Assessment of Perceptions of Cone-beam Computed Tomography and Endodontic Treatment in a Military Population.
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Root-end Surgery or Nonsurgical Retreatment: Are There Differences in Long-term Outcome?
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Cone-beam Computed Tomographyによる根充歯の垂直的歯根破折の診断と直接目視による確認。A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fractures by Cone-beam Computed Tomography in Root-filled Teeth with Confirmation by Direct Visualization: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Influence of Bacterial Profiles in Cytokine and Clinical Features of Endodontic Disease.
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Antibacterial Effect and Bioactivity of Innovative and Currently Used Intracanal Medicaments in Regenerative Endodontics.
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Current Concepts of Dentinal Hypersensitivity.
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Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Regenerative Endodontic Procedures in Traumatized Immature Permanent Teeth: Inter-appointment dressing or Single-Visit?
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