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Potential of Using Shear Wave Elastography in the Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring of Changes in Masseter Muscle Stiffness.
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Potential of Using Shear Wave Elastography in the Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring of Changes in Masseter Muscle Stiffness.
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Potential of Using Shear Wave Elastography in the Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring of Changes in Masseter Muscle Stiffness.
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Potential of Using Shear Wave Elastography in the Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring of Changes in Masseter Muscle Stiffness.
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Potential of Using Shear Wave Elastography in the Clinical Evaluation and Monitoring of Changes in Masseter Muscle Stiffness.
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Great potential of ultrasound elastography for the assessment of the masseter muscle in patients with temporomandibular disorders. A systematic review.
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Dentists can provide reliable shear wave elastography measurements of the stiffness of masseter muscles: A possible scenario for a faster diagnostic process.
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Computed Tomographyによる声帯の体積分析。年齢,身長,性別の影響
Volumetric Analysis of the Vocal Folds Using Computed Tomography: Effects of Age, Height, and Gender.
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Finite element analysis of stress caused by palatal orthodontic anchor screws.
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Comparative Evaluation of the Marginal Fit of Inlays Fabricated by Conventional and Digital Impression Techniques: A Stereomicroscopic Study.
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Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties of a New Calcium Silicate-based Sealer, Bio-C Sealer.
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Fracture resistance of maxillary premolars restored with different endocrown designs and materials after artificial ageing.
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Micro-CT Evaluation of the Marginal and Internal Fit of Crown and Inlay Restorations Fabricated Via Different Digital Scanners belonging to the Same CAD-CAM System.
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CAD/CAMオールセラミック製の歯を支える固定式歯科補綴物の臨床性能。A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Endo-restorative treatment of a severly discolored upper incisor: resolution of the "aesthetic" problem through Componeer veneering System.
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Does the Use of a "Walking Bleaching" Technique Increase Bone Resorption Markers?
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Color Regression and Maintenance Effect of Intracoronal Whitening on the Quality of Life: RCT-A One-year Follow-up Study.
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Combined in vivo muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown measurement: a 'Combined Oral Stable Isotope Assessment of Muscle (COSIAM)' approach.
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Malocclusion of Molar Teeth Is Associated with Activities of Daily Living Loss and Delirium in Elderly Critically Ill Older Patients.
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Oral Bacteria and Intestinal Dysbiosis in Colorectal Cancer.
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The Association between Periodontitis and Human Colorectal Cancer: Genetic and Pathogenic Linkage.
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Implants Placed in Adolescents Followed for Up to 15.5 Years: A Retrospective Case Series.
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歯科保険の拡大は韓国人成人の歯科治療ニーズを改善したか?Difference in Difference分析
Did Dental Insurance Expansion Improve Dental Care Needs among Korean Adults? Difference in Difference Analysis.
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in vivoでの骨の質を評価するための異なる方法の相関関係:観察研究
The correlation of different methods for the assessment of bone quality in vivo: an observational study.
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A systematic review on the implication of Candida in peri-implantitis.
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Accuracy of computer-assisted, template guided implant placement compared to conventional implant placement by hand - an in vitro study.
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審美的な唇の位置の変更。ガミースマイルの修正のための美容的アプローチ - ケースシリーズ
Esthetic lip repositioning: A cosmetic approach for correction of gummy smile - A case series.
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審美的な唇の位置の変更。ガミースマイルの修正のための美容的アプローチ - ケースシリーズ
Esthetic lip repositioning: A cosmetic approach for correction of gummy smile - A case series.
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Fusobacterium Nucleatumの口腔内および口腔外での病因における役割の決定
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Fusobacterium Nucleatumの口腔内および口腔外での病因における役割の決定
Determination of the Role of Fusobacterium Nucleatum in the Pathogenesis in and Out the Mouth.
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Fusobacterium Nucleatumの口腔内および口腔外での病因における役割の決定
Determination of the Role of Fusobacterium Nucleatum in the Pathogenesis in and Out the Mouth.
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