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The Himalaya should be a nature reserve.
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A comparison of methods for adapting [Formula: see text] dose-voxel-kernels to tissue inhomogeneities.
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Fasting in diabetes treatment (FIT) trial: study protocol for a randomised, controlled, assessor-blinded intervention trial on the effects of intermittent use of a fasting-mimicking diet in patients with type 2 diabetes.
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Th-Spallation-Produced Ac with Reduced Ac Content.
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Chemical Composition and Immunomodulatory Activity of Essential Oils.
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[The expression of PD-L1 in the non-small cell lung cancer and the correlation with the novel lung adenocarcinoma classification].
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Reduction in Mammography Screening for Breast Cancer Among Visually Impaired Women.
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[Expressions of matrix metalloproteinase-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 in skeletal muscles of aged rats with sarcopenia].
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Novel 2019 coronavirus: Genome structure, clinical trials, and outstanding questions.
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Power and Sample Size: An Opportunity to Optimize Randomized Controlled Trials in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Research.
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Tenerognathia visus Tanaka, 2005 (Crustaceaa; Isopoda; Gnathiidae)の雌成虫と幼虫の説明と交尾行動について
Description of female adult and praniza larva of Tenerognathia visus Tanaka, 2005 (Crustacea; Isopoda; Gnathiidae) with notes on mating behavior.
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Parvalbumin-, substance P- and calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunopositive axons in the human dental pulp differ in their distribution of varicosities.
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Successful Detection of Unrecognized in Pregnancy Using Cell-Free Next-Generation Sequencing.
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自己免疫疾患のためのタンパク質療法としての Fc マルチマーの工学
Engineering of Fc Multimers as a Protein Therapy for Autoimmune Disease.
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Occurrence of invasive cervical resorption after the completion of orthodontic treatment.
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A chromosome-level assembly of the cat flea genome uncovers rampant gene duplication and genome size plasticity.
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Colchicine in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Systematic Review.
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海藻Acanthophora spiciferaのバイオエンジニアリング金ナノ粒子の医薬用途への応用:抗酸化作用、抗菌作用、抗がん作用
Bioengineered gold nanoparticles from marine seaweed Acanthophora spicifera for pharmaceutical uses: antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticancer activities.
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Review on essential oils, chemical composition, extraction, and utilization of some conifers in Northwestern Himalayas.
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Ambient air pollution and male fecundity: A retrospective analysis of longitudinal data from a Chinese human sperm bank (2013-2018).
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Evidence for the existence of A2AR-TrkB heteroreceptor complexes in the dorsal hippocampus of the rat brain: Potential implications of A2AR and TrkB interplay upon ageing.
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Materials, Design, and Characteristics of Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator: A Review.
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Dermoscopic findings of fungal melanonychia.
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Artemisinin attenuates early renal damage on diabetic nephropathy rats through suppressing TGF-β1 regulator and activating the Nrf2 signaling pathway.
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Parenting as an inhibitor of gender disparities in alcohol use: the case of early adolescents in China.
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On Exploiting Millimeter-Wave Spectrum Trading in Countrywide Mobile Network Operators for High Spectral and Energy Efficiencies in 5G/6G Era.
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The receptor for advanced glycation end products is a critical mediator of type 2 cytokine signaling in the lungs.
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Association between physician adoption of a new oral anti-diabetic medication and Medicare and Medicaid drug spending.
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The Alterations of Vaginal Microbiome in HPV16 Infection as Identified by Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing.
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CRABP2 and FABP5 expression levels in diseased and normal pancreas.
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An Atypical Presentation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease With a Heidenhain Variant and Balint's Syndrome.
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I channel agonist zacopride suppresses ventricular arrhythmias in conscious rats with healing myocardial infarction.
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Prospective, comparative evaluation of a deep neural network and dermoscopy in the diagnosis of onychomycosis.
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Haploinsufficient tumor suppressor Tip60 negatively regulates oncogenic Aurora B kinase.
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Homogeneous Dual-Parametric-Coupled Assay for Simultaneous Nucleotide Exchange and KRAS/RAF-RBD Interaction Monitoring.
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Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis for ICU Patients.
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Morphometric Alterations of the Sphenoid Ostium and other Landmarks in Acromegaly: Anatomical Considerations and Implications in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery.
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広範囲で毒性のある葉緑素prosopis(Prosopis juliflora)のバーミコンポストは、良性の有機肥料です
Vermicompost of the widespread and toxic xerophyte prosopis (Prosopis juliflora) is a benign organic fertilizer.
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Treatment with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Renovascular Hypertension and Preserves the Ability of the Contralateral Kidney to Excrete Sodium.
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The role of electrophysiologic study in high-risk patients with new-onset conduction disturbances following alcohol septal ablation for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.
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On real-valued SDE and nonnegative-valued SDE population models with demographic variability.
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Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade modulates both the peripheral and central component of neuropathic pain in rats: Role of Calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P and nitric oxide.
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A multi-omics approach reveals mechanisms of nanomaterial toxicity and structure-activity relationships in alveolar macrophages.
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Editorial Commentary: Third-Generation Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation-Are Cells Seeded Onto the Scaffold Itself in It for the Long Run?
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Impaired Facial Emotion Recognition in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis and Associations With Schizotypy and Paranoia Level.
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Influence of the Gut Microbiome, Diet, and Environment on Risk of Colorectal Cancer.
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A change in the zinc ion concentration reflects the maturation of insulin-producing cells generated from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
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Measurement properties of classifications for skin tears: A systematic review.
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Genome-wide analysis of Indian SARS-CoV-2 genomes for the identification of genetic mutation and SNP.
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Dysregulation of HULC promotes contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) via regulating signaling pathway of miRNA-512 and prostaglandin E1 (PGE).
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Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing Identified Novel Compound Heterozygous Variants in the Gene Causing Usher Syndrome Type ID in a Chinese Patient.
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Next-generation sequencing-based clinical diagnosis of choroideremia and comprehensive mutational and clinical analyses.
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Role of Biogenic Amines in Oviposition by the Diamondback Moth, L.
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11CUCB-J PETを用いた健常ラットと線条体損傷ラットのシナプスSV2Aタンパク質密度のin vivoイメージング
In vivo imaging of synaptic SV2A protein density in healthy and striatal-lesioned rats with [11C]UCB-J PET.
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First report of c.425-1G>A mutation in ornithine aminotransferase gene causing gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina with hyperornithinemia.
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Effects of improved sanitation on diarrheal reduction for children under five in Idiofa, DR Congo: a cluster randomized trial.
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Combined electrical stimulation and exercise for swallow rehabilitation post-stroke: a pilot randomized control trial.
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Spectroscopic analysis of irradiated radiochromic EBT-XD films in proton and photon beams.
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Adrenergic Blockade Promotes Maintenance of Dormancy in Prostate Cancer Through Upregulation of GAS6.
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Automatic multicommuted flow-batch setup for photometric determination of mercury in drinking water at ppb level.
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CXCR3陽性細胞浸潤のイメージングによる早期急性拒絶反応のモニタリング。¹²⁵ ヨウ素標識CXCL10の評価
Monitoring Early-Stage Acute Rejection by Imaging CXCR3-Positive Cell Infiltration: Evaluation of ¹²⁵Iodine-Labeled CXCL10.
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Novel transcription regulatory sequences and factors of the immune evasion protein ICP47 (US12) of herpes simplex viruses.
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Disease-associated mutations in human TUBB3 disturb netrin repulsive signaling.
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Environmental perspective of COVID-19.
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The impact of antimalarial resistance on the genetic structure of Plasmodium falciparum in the DRC.
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IL-6 Receptor Blockade by Tocilizumab Has Anti-absence and Anti-epileptogenic Effects in the WAG/Rij Rat Model of Absence Epilepsy.
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Reconciling Simulated Ensembles of Apomyoglobin with Experimental Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Data Using Bayesian Inference and Multiensemble Markov State Models.
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Improvement of the symptoms of lower urinary tract and sexual dysfunction with tadalafil and solifenacin after the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with dutasteride.
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Retinoblastoma binding protein 4 represses HIV-1 long terminal repeat-mediated transcription by recruiting NR2F1 and histone deacetylase.
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肝細胞の活性化と肝線維化を促進するmicroRNA-503は、母体のDecapentaplegic Homolog 7を標的としている
MicroRNA-503 Targets Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 7 Enhancing Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation and Hepatic Fibrosis.
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Is there a role for menopausal hormone therapy in the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis?
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Clinical Use of a New Nano-Hydroxyapatite/Polyamide66 Composite Artificial Lamina in Spinal Decompression Surgery: More Than 4 Years' Follow-Up.
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Alveolar size effects on nanoparticle deposition in rhythmically expanding-contracting terminal alveolar models.
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Plastid biogenesis in malaria parasites requires the interactions and catalytic activity of the Clp proteolytic system.
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Reactive oxygen species-mediated bombyxin signaling in Bombyx mori.
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Evaluation of Nutritional and Mineral-Heavy Metal Contents of Horse Mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the Middle Black Sea in terms of Human Health.
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Z-nucleic-acid sensing triggers ZBP1-dependent necroptosis and inflammation.
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サーマルバイオプリンティングは乳がん細胞におけるLUCAT1, IL6, CCL26, NRN1L遺伝子の発現を大幅に変化させ、重要な抗がん剤耐性経路の大規模なリン酸化を引き起こす
Thermal Bioprinting Causes Ample Alterations of Expression of LUCAT1, IL6, CCL26, and NRN1L Genes and Massive Phosphorylation of Critical Oncogenic Drug Resistance Pathways in Breast Cancer Cells.
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Patients with chronic migraine without history of medication overuse are characterized by a peculiar white matter fiber bundle profile.
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Distributed adaptive fault-tolerant close formation flight control of multiple trailing fixed-wing UAVs.
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Macro-reentrant Biatrial Tachycardia Relevant to Interatrial Septal Incisions after Mitral Valve Surgery: Electrophysiological Characteristics and Ablation Strategy.
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グァバ(Psidium guajava L)とノニ(Morinda citrifolia L)の摂取は、ベテルキドを噛むパプアニューギニア人を糖尿病から守る可能性がある
Consumption of guava (Psidium guajava L) and noni (Morinda citrifolia L) may protect betel quid-chewing Papua New Guineans against diabetes.
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CTNNB1 p.S45P変異を有するデスモイド型線維腫症を頸部-胸郭アプローチで切除した。症例報告と文献レビュー
Resection of a desmoid-type fibromatosis with a CTNNB1 p.S45P mutation using a cervico-thoracic approach: A case report and literature review.
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Pregnancy and neonatal outcomes 42 months after application of hyaluronic acid gel following dilation and curettage for miscarriage in women who have experienced at least one previous curettage: follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.
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Multimerization strategies for efficient production and purification of highly active synthetic cytokine receptor ligands.
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Role of cytoglobin, a novel radical scavenger, in stellate cell activation and hepatic fibrosis.
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Locus-Specific Differential DNA Methylation and Urinary Arsenic: An Epigenome-Wide Association Study in Blood among Adults with Low-to-Moderate Arsenic Exposure.
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Applying surface-based morphometry to study ventricular abnormalities of cognitively unimpaired subjects prior to clinically significant memory decline.
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Nanoparticles Mimicking Viral Cell Recognition Strategies Are Superior Transporters into Mesangial Cells.
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機能的研究のためのEx Vivo加圧海馬毛細血管-副腎動脈の準備
Ex Vivo Pressurized Hippocampal Capillary-Parenchymal Arteriole Preparation for Functional Study.
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Oocyte Maturation in Starfish.
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A dosimetry study of post-mastectomy radiation therapy with AeroForm tissue expander.
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Natural history of severe tricuspid regurgitation: Outcomes after transcatheter tricuspid valve intervention compared to medical therapy.
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Primary Merkel Cell Carcinoma: A Retrospective Analysis of 31 Cases in Poland.
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Esophagitis Dissecans Superficialis: Malign Appearance of a Benign Pathology.
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