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Velopharyngeal insufficiency and articulation impairment in velo-cardio-facial syndrome: the influence of adenoids on phonemic development.
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A Further Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine.
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A unique presentation of epignathus.
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Audio-based snore detection using deep neural networks.
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Stability of dental implants with sandblasted and acid-etched (SLA) and modified (SLActive) surfaces during the osseointegration period.
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22q11.2欠失症候群の診断補助因子としてのvelopharyngeal, speech and dental characteristics
Velopharyngeal, speech and dental characteristics as diagnostic aids in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
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Accuracy of Tooth Movement with In-House Clear Aligners.
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Diagnostic imaging features of congenital nose and nasal cavity lesions.
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Maternal Folic Acid Deficiency Is Associated to Developing Nasal and Palate Malformations in Mice.
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Percutaneous Enteral Feeding in Patients With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.
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Effect of calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers on tooth color: A 3-year experimental study.
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Three dimensional evaluation of the skeletal and temporomandibular joint changes following stabilization splint therapy in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders and mandibular deviation: a retrospective study.
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異なるCAD/CAMセラミック組成および厚みがセラミック修復物の機械的性質に及ぼす影響.In Vitro Study
Influences of Different CAD/CAM Ceramic Compositions and Thicknesses on the Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Restorations: An In Vitro Study.
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部分的な間接修復において、Immediate Dentin Sealingは付加価値があるのか?
[Is Immediate Dentin Sealing of added value in partial indirect restoration?].
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クラスII修復技法におけるレジンコンポジットと従来型グラスアイオノマーセメントのせん断接着強さの評価-In Vitro試験.
Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength between Resin Composites and Conventional Glass Ionomer Cement in Class II Restorative Technique-An In Vitro Study.
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The outcomes of auto-transplanted premolars into the anterior maxilla following traumatic dental injuries.
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Behavioural sleep problems in children.
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A Study of the Facial Soft Tissue Morphology in Nasal- and Mouth-Breathing Patients.
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The effect of mouth breathing on dentofacial morphology of growing child.
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口蓋裂患者の III 級上顎補綴物欠損に対する前方分節牽引法
Anterior segmental distraction for a Class III maxillary prosthetic defect in a cleft palate patient.
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Aesthetic analysis of an implant-supported denture at the cleft area.
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Oral health related quality of life in cleft lip and palate patients rehabilitated with conventional prostheses or dental implants.
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Dental implant placement in alveolar cleft patients: a retrospective comparative study on clinical and aesthetic outcomes.
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Stereophotogrammetry to evaluate young adults with and without cleft lip and palate after orthodontic and restorative treatment.
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Costs and health-related quality of life in relation to caries.
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Increasing the usefulness of acupuncture guideline recommendations.
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Thickness change and deformation of custom-made mouthguards after two years of use by Bangladeshi field hockey players.
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Full mouth oral rehabilitation of a severely worn dentition based on a fully digital workflow.
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Enhanced Recovery After Surgery-Based Perioperative Protocol for Head and Neck Free Flap Reconstruction.
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Accuracy of 3-dimensional stereophotogrammetry: Comparison of the 3dMD and Bellus3D facial scanning systems with one another and with direct anthropometry.
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Quantitative analysis of facial symmetry by using three-dimensional technology.
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下顎Ⅱ型牙突欠損の再生外科手術。24ヶ月後の3D CBCT計測を伴う無作為化臨床試験における2つの術式の比較
Regenerative Surgery of Mandibular Class II Furcation Defects: A Comparison of Two Techniques in a Randomized Clinical Trial with 3D CBCT Measurements at 24 Months.
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エナメルマトリックスデリバティブを用いた歯周再生治療後の臨床的転帰の予測因子としてのX線写真の角度幅。平均追跡期間 10 年以上のレトロスペクティブコホート研究
Radiographic angle width as predictor of clinical outcomes following regenerative periodontal therapy with enamel matrix derivative. A retrospective cohort study with a mean follow-up of at least 10 years.
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Oral and para-oral lymphomas: a 10-year multi-center retrospective study in Egypt with time series analysis and forecasting to 2030.
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Comparisons of different treatment methods and their outcomes for impacted maxillary and mandibular canines: A retrospective study.
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